Crisis: Don't we care? - page 64

Mischek >> :

In Russia, law enforcement officials are caught covering up drug dealers, and what is seized in raids ends up back on the market.

Here's a story for "ONAKO".

Leontyev will tell us how Bush and his associates, fearful of Russia rising from its knees, are bribing the weak-spirited police with the help of the CIA, forcing them to protect our drug market.

He says that this plan was developed in the 1940s with the help of MI6 and MIAD. We learn that the money to bribe the police is transferred through Western charities and the Red Cross.

Now put Berezovsky mayonnaise on top and go on air.


What does this have to do with our cops and politics?

There is no need to bribe anyone, the process takes care of itself through human weaknesses and social heritage.

Afghanistan is a drug factory

The CIA is enriching themselves and undermining our nation's health.

cabluk >> :


What do our cops and politics have to do with it?

There is no need to bribe anyone, the process works automatically by itself due to human weaknesses and social legacies.

Afghanistan is a drug factory

The CIA is enriching themselves and undermining our nation's health.

Of course it is nonsense, I wrote to understand where does the belief that Bush is a major drug dealer come from?

And what chef concocted information inspires such high confidence.

timbo писал(а) >>


Predictions? I have them. The Russian government is doing exactly the opposite of what it should be doing in a crisis. All over the world interest rates are going down, access to money is getting easier, goods are getting cheaper. The opposite is true in Russia. The rouble will continue to fall and in April it will not be 27p to the dollar but much more. Let's say around 40. I am thinking even more expensive but I am afraid to say it out loud.

I understand those actions as the government is sitting on the pipe and does not make more profit because of the falling prices on the foreign market. It shifts the shortfall to the domestic market to maintain profit margins, because it pays for production in rubles. Absolutely stupid decision, I agree. My forecast is 41-42 roubles to the dollar by March.

What do you keep your money in? The proportions. or there are no proportions?

Mischek >> :

Of course it is nonsense, that's why I wrote, I want to understand where does the belief that Bush is a major drug dealer come from?

And what a chef cooked up information inspires such high confidence.

I have no idea how much or not much Bush is in charge, what his position or rank is in the drug mafia.

All I know is that the Bush family is a family of businessmen - oil guns drugs

Business is business.

The U.S. administration has declassified archival documents which allege that the birth grandfather of current U.S. President George W. Bush, Prescott Bush, indirectly supported Adolf Hitler. It has been documented that the firm of which he was one of the directors financed the Nazi party and helped Hitler come to power.

>> now Obama's come in and told the lobbyists to blow their horns off, and we'll see.

Mischek >> :

Of course it is nonsense, that's why I wrote, I want to understand where does such a strong belief that Bush is a major drug dealer come from, what credible primary sources do you use

and by what chef does the information inspire such high confidence?

do not know - whether the statements in the Spirit of Time are true - before 1980 in Afghanistan heroin was not grown (well this is suspicious) - after the arrival of the CIA 1980-1990 grew 80% of the world - after the arrival of students (Taliban) - fell to 20% (1998) - after the invasion of Afghanistan 98% . If this is true - then Sabluk is right.

cabluk писал(а) >>

I have no idea how in charge or not, what his position or rank is in the drug mafia

All I know is that the Bush family is a family of businessmen - oil guns drugs

business is business.

Now Obama came in and said the lobbyists would get their horns blown off, we'll see...

>> yeah, he's already started to screw it up

Prival >> :

>> yeah already started screwing up

There you go - it's getting interesting - is it really that obvious?


Samuel PrescottBush (4 October 1863 - 8 February 1948) was an American industrialist and businessman. Founder of a dynasty of American politicians, father of US Senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of the 41st US President George Bush, great-grandfather of the 43rd US President George Walker Bush. Business interests ranged from steel and oil to railroads. After World War I and the adoption of the US military modernisation programme, he was in charge of artillery and small arms. Served at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Bush, Prescott - (English, Prescott Sheldon Bush) - (15 May, 1895 - 8 October, 1972) was a banker, US Senator from Connecticut, father of 41st US President George H.W. Bush, grandfather of 43rd US President George Walker Bush.

George Herbert Walker Bush (born June 12, 1924, Milton, Massachusetts, USA) - the 41st President of the United States (1989-1993), father of the 43rd President of the United States George Bush (Jr.).

From 1976 to 1977 - Director of the CIA

cabluk >> :

Samuel Prescott Bush (4 October 1863 - 8 February 1948) was an American industrialist and businessman. Founder of a dynasty of American politicians, father of US Senator Prescott Bush, grandfather of the 41st US President George Bush, great-grandfather of the 43rd US President George Walker Bush. Business interests ranged from steel and oil to railroads. After World War I and the adoption of the US military modernisation programme, he was in charge of artillery and small arms. He served at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland.

Bush, Prescott Sheldon Bush - (May 15, 1895 - October 8, 1972) was a banker, US Senator from Connecticut, father of the 41st US President George H.W. Bush, grandfather of the 43rd US President George Walker Bush.

George Herbert Walker Bush (born on June 12, 1924 in Milton, Massachusetts, USA) - the 41st President of the USA (1989 - 1993), father of the 43rd President of the USA George Bush (junior).

In 1976-1977, he was director of the CIA.

Am I correct in assuming that this is proof that the CIA is the largest drug trafficker

Mischek >> :

Am I correct in assuming that this is proof that the CIA is a major drug trafficker

it is proof that the Bush family is a family of businessmen and that politics and power make their business profitable

as for the cia,there's enough information in that link to draw deductive conclusions.

Mischek I know how you feel. I too thought it was crazy at first.