Crisis: Don't we care? - page 51

timbo писал(а) >>

How so? Dollars for external use? One dollar for domestic use, another for export? Ban the importation of dollars into the country, ban foreigners from buying anything in America?

I've heard that version too. Why not? The costs of the world's reserve currency. You do not need to ban anything, you can undermine trust, import, spend, both cash and non-cash, and we will withdraw them from circulation inside the country and again "with another tranche" to your guests.

Figar0 >> :

Yeah, not a lot, but what a lot. The UAE, for example, being born there is like being "born with a golden spoon up your arse". There is an example to aspire to. With the right approach on the part of the state, resources are a blessing after all. But we are a long way from that... But there are very simple solutions.

The Emirates is a very bad example. It would be better not to be born there at all... Norway is a good example, it used petrodollars wisely. One can think of America that caulked up many of its rigs "for a rainy day". However, the rare exceptions only confirm the rule - oil is a curse for the people.

Figar0 wrote (a) >>

In real life he does not look small, confidently of medium height. I thought he was a bit taller than 170, so I went to check. Antropometry of our and only chiefs But no it is like that.

And how many times have you encountered it in real life? Modern propaganda allows for more than just a boost to the chief's stature. I have already mentioned the distortion of meaning in the translation of foreign sources.

timbo >> :

How so? Dollars for external use? One dollar for domestic use, another for export? Ban the importation of dollars into the country, ban foreigners from buying anything in America? - you can read it - it's well written - of course no one is forcing you to change your point of view

timbo писал(а) >>

The Emirates is a very bad example. Better not to have been born there at all... A good example is Norway, which has managed the petrodollars wisely. One can also think of America, which has caulked up many of its drilling rigs "for a rainy day". However, rare exceptions confirm the rule - oil is a curse for the people.

Why bad? For the natives all is well there, and what else does a man need from the state? And I liked the country, of course the colour for a European is unusual, the laws in some of the emirates, again, for a European is disgusting, but it is very nice.

timbo wrote >>

Have you met him many times in real life? Modern propaganda not only allows you to increase the height of the leader, but a lot more. I have already mentioned the distortion of meaning in the translation of foreign sources.

A few) Unfamiliar of course, unfortunately...

timbo писал(а) >>

Actually, my question was addressed to the proponents of the dollar-printing puppeteers theory. Why did America get to the stage of big debts? There is no logic to their theory.

Seriously, there is one point that is difficult for those born in the USSR to understand simply because the USSR did not have the institution of credit. Debts do not need to be repaid. You have to be able to service your debts. Any bank will be happy if you don't repay the loan you took out as long as you pay the interest on it and you look like a credible customer. A lot of loans have a penalty if you pay back the loan too fast.

America is a respected country, everyone is willing to lend to them. Everyone is so confident that America can service its debts that they are willing to lend them money at a ridiculous interest rate. "Everybody" includes Russia, which is pouring money into American securities. That is the real money printing press - to borrow at low interest, and then invest that money at higher interest (it could be industry or a loan to Belarus).

That's why there will be no "print it and give it away" option, because it would mean a loss of respect in the business world, and respect is much more valuable than money. It is also a difficult thesis to grasp, but nevertheless respect is profitable, much more profitable than deceit.

What will happen? Nothing much will happen. No apocalyptic scenarios. America will come out of the recession, as it has more than once. Inflation will come, but it will not only affect the dollar, but all currencies at the same time, i.e. money itself will become cheaper. This process is going on all the time, maybe now there will be a little bit of a bump in the road.

Yes, it is perfectly clear to an educated person. It is not about where you were born. It's about the fact that America owes so much, that if it goes down. Everyone will go down there. And whoever tries to be as safe as possible, will probably come out.

One thing that worries me a lot is the mentality. Americans love guns and try to solve every problem with them. From its history to the present day... ...if it doesn't work, they grab it on any pretext.

Prival >> :

It is perfectly understandable to an educated person. It's not about where you were born. It's that America owes so much already, that if it goes down. Everyone will go down there. And whoever tries to be as safe as possible, will probably come out.

One thing that worries me a lot is the mentality. Americans love guns and try to solve every problem with them. From its history to the present day... ...if something doesn't work, they grab it on any pretext.

Our missiles are fast and accurate.

Figar0 >> :

I've heard that version too. Why not? The costs of the world's reserve currency. There is no need to ban anything, you can undermine trust, import, spend, both cash and non-cash, and we will withdraw them from circulation inside, and again "with another tranche" to you.

That's right - "heard that version. And now think yourself about the technical side of the matter: what real obstacles are there to the mixing of foreign and domestic dollars, if we allow the existence of such. Particularly interesting is the procedure of withdrawal from domestic circulation and the next tranche to guests.

Prival >> :

It is perfectly understandable to an educated person. It's not about where you were born. It's that America owes so much already, that if it goes down. Everyone will go down there. And whoever tries to get safe as fast as possible, might get out.

If America goes under, everyone will be hurt, no matter what the debt. Debts can be written off and forgotten. What do you care if Russia has 400 billion or not?

On the count of one: Who will buy oil? And all the oil-happy countries will starve to death because you won't eat oil and they can't do anything else.

On the count of two: Who will buy Chinese goods? And hundreds of millions of Chinese start eating grass, and many of them are sick of it.

On count three: Technological stuff starts to happen - the internet goes to ground and GPS goes out. And modern sailors don't know how to use a sextan, communication goes back to the 19th century.

You can think of a lot of things, if you think about it...

Prival wrote >>

One thing that bothers me a lot, the mentality. Americans love guns and try to solve all problems with them. From the history of origins to the present day... ...if it doesn't work, they grab it for any reason.

Whose mentality is that? Have you spent much time with Americans to make such generalizations? Which country's army is in the habit of invading other countries' territories, not only ignoring international laws and regulations, but their own as well?

sol >> :

Our missiles are fast and accurate.

You think?

timbo >> :

Where were you born?