Crisis: Don't we care? - page 40

Zhunko >> :

sol wrote >>

judging by the pictures you are twin-brothers from the same planet))))
There's something wrong with this Iskander missile defense
you should have said, like .... now and then, joining your missile defence, we will be on duty with heptyl-fueled missiles.
well - shoot them down)))
Korey >> :
there with that missile defence Iskander wrong
should have said, like .... now and then, joining your ABM we will be on duty with heptyl-fueled missiles.
well - shoot them down)))

We also don't have super-precision weapons! >> hee-hee.

Who is on us?

Zhunko писал(а) >>

And we don't have super-precision weapons! Hee hee...

>> who's on us?

blend >> :

then it's just business, and who launches business into the wind, and with separation in earth orbit and risking the lives of their household and pets, a businessman's family is sacred

it's not just a business

it's a business+ideology

unfortunately there's a lot of inadequacy going on in the animal world

and animals want yum yum yum yum yum yum, and tomorrow the grass won't grow

Why did they have to contaminate Iraqi territory with depleted uranium as if Iraq were on another planet and the radionuclides were localized and not spread over the surrounding countryside?

why did they have to burn down two japanese cities (at least they hit a small town for demonstration purposes)

I have read the last few pages. Nope, the crisis isn't in the stock markets or the economy, it's THERE.) In our heads.)
blend >> :

I understand as best I can, in my own way,

First of all, this is the first swallow, it is possible that the entire perimeter of the EU will be covered by missile defense, including in Turkey, because in reality any state can acquire nuclear weapons in theory, previously the border was made of barbed wire, in places under electricity, now it will be a border with possible threats. in 90 cases the fence is for sure and if he manages to take over the neighboring plot, this fence will expand, if ukraine joins nato and georgia, elements of bMD may appear there as well, and if we join nato, as exotic as it may sound, these elements may move to siberia and the far east

Secondly: we cannot keep up in the arms race, it should be obvious, the only thing we can do is to build up or modernize our nuclear arsenal and be independent, so apart from nightmare scenarios we are not threatened by helicopter gunships, and it seems they understand it and reform the army, while the rhetoric of the offended is for internal users, there should always be an "external threat" in our country, such is the mentality

Thirdly: these games around ABM have been going on for a long time; now it will be installed, now it will not be installed; now the Europeans are against it, now the Europeans are for it; now in the Czech Republic, now in Poland the consciousness gradually gets used to the fact that the ABM will be installed; the prepared consciousness is a done deal; the only thing left is to deliver and install it.

fourthly: all the bills have to be paid, and the historical humiliation experienced by poland and czechoslovakia will now materialize into excessive defence of their borders

one may ask through the peephole how much gas you sell for? it should be cheaper... :-)


a little excursion through the timeline: it is very useful for a trader to know what it was like X bars ago


Ukraine has had as much historical humiliation as Poland - if not more - including from Poland itself! From Turkey and in a full scheme of things

and many years ago it came to ask for protection from its northern neighbour... which it got

Similarly, Georgia came and joined the country itself... and lived in peace too

If it had not come at that time, historians would have remembered that there was a people like that, a neighbouring southern empire was actively dealing with the problem...

Armenia is well aware of this problem...

Empires are created, they go up, they fall apart and it is only natural... territories go through redistribution...

It is important for small and medium-sized nations to make the right decisions at historic moments! With whom to be and how to be ...

so as not to suffer humiliation in the future...

at any given moment, at that time the leaders of Georgia, Ukraine and Armenia made the right decision ... the nations survived ... the peoples survived ...


and this is already X bars ahead:

we who live today will never know if their current leaders made the right decisions ...

in historical terms the time quantum by which one can adequately assess the correctness of such positions is more than 100-200 years

though today's world is dynamic... and a position can go to the stop or the take early...

Figar0 >> :
Read the last few pages. Nah, the crisis isn't in the stock markets or the economy, it's there.) In our heads.)

>> Yeah, yeah... Time to put in the spare.

Figar0 >> :
Read the last few pages. Nah, the crisis isn't in the stock markets or the economy, it's there.) In our heads.)

>> flute is boring.

YuraZ писал(а) >>

flute is a bore.

I'd say fletcher ))))