Crisis: Don't we care? - page 34

blend >> :

...this thread was created specifically by the local intelligence services as a scam...

>> let's all sit down.


A line is drawn with a pencil on a map of the country (it doesn't really matter how it happened historically).

one entity starts saying what bastards live in the other entity.

and the other substance does the same thing.

even though the people are basically the same... half relatives


if you go to the girls in the next village, sooner or later you'll get beaten up.


divide and conquer is a very workable function!


first there's enmity - and hatred.


first you get a loan - then you get another loan - tomorrow they say, "screw it, we bought you" ---


friendship with the guy from the "galaxy far away" - and enmity with the guy next door.

The guy from "far away galaxy" won't have time to come to help in case of trouble - he already has experience

and he will not want to - and his interests are different - he may give a cheap loan - and then raise the interest rate and demand repayment.

Well, he may also place missiles on the territory - not to protect his 'friend' but for his own security ...


If you look at it soberly - then no one benefits from what is going on - except the guy from a distant galaxy...


This is how manipulation is carried out completely unnoticed. If even on such a highly intellectual forum such polemics are taking place, it shows that the level of o-consciousness lags far behind the level of intelligence. There seem to be no ideologues, but the idea of conflict has already settled in the mind. Will you let yourself be put on a puppet hook? As long as we divide into good and bad, into right and wrong, into Russians and Ukrainians, we will be easy-to-use material.

Divide-distinction-opposition-fighting-war. Is that what we all strive for?

All are one, all are one.


The Chernobyl accident elimination team was sent from all over the union, not only from the ukrainian republic.

I personally talked to a helicopter pilot from my town who was hovering over the reactor... i never heard a national remark from him.

The nato's will not come to the rescue in a similar situation.

They'll invite them to fight for them in Iraq, in Afghanistan.

French Special Forces have had their snot on their fist not so long ago.

sabluk >> :

>> not a word from him.

to All: take an example from the man

alexx_v >> :

to All: So take it from the man


YuraZ писал(а) >>

friendship with the guy from the "far away galaxy" - while feuding with the guy next door

"beautiful far away don't be cruel to me."


"I'll live with you: I'm your neighbour - please love me" ---


while writing this key phrases have already been written here

Xadviser >>:

the idea of conflict has already settled in the mind

YuraZ >>:

if you soberly look at everything - all that's going on is for no one's benefit - except the guy from far away galaxy

>> the guys have a long term strategy, and the "talking heads" tell us about "the special way", but we have to go into space, and we cannot agree on a unified government

sabluk >> :

The Chernobyl accident elimination team was sent from the whole Union, not only from the inhabitants of the Ukrainian republic.

The NATO members will not come to help in a similar situation

They did send us (without dosimeters), and then they sent us again with social assistance.

Nato is not so easy to send.

Prival >> :

I pity you Ukrainians, I truly do. You do not understand what you are doing.

timbo >> :

Likewise, I pity you Russians, I really pity you. You don't understand what you are doing.

Money can buy will, democracy, zombie media, ... even the president! And voting is just a mere formality. Don't blame the people. People will never vote for morons of their own free will. And what is there to say, if the majority is not even familiar with such concepts as will. You must begin to put order in the country with yourself (look at the fairytale "To Kill a Dragon"). If only everyone understood that. The sense of self-importance ruins all moral values in people, driving them down to the level of monkeys (there was a picture somewhere here), delaying the evolution of consciousness and the transition to the energy form of active human activity with the development of the infinite expanses of our Universe by tens of centuries in advance. It is funny, but even the physiological body is treated by man as a private property, forgetting that it is only a temporary cradle of his consciousness. Will the man rob people around him, 100% knowing that in a minute he will die and will not need it anymore? It's more likely that the minute before death a person thinks of something else. And in the present situation in order to avoid becoming a herd stallion and a minced meat, I would advise to trust nobody, fear nothing and do not ask anybody for anything. Folk wisdom.

blend >> :

First it would be good to have fair competition within the country and then think about the world market, so there is a dress code.

International rating agencies have acted and continue to act in the interests of international investors and consider developing countries only as an object of rating. At the same time, these same international rating agencies consider European and American markets as markets whose interests they protect and, therefore, they do not downgrade them. Based on all of this, one can conclude that they operate with a double standard. As for the Russian national rating agencies, and RusRating in particular, they, in my opinion, have assessed the situation in the Russian banking market quite adequately