Crisis: Don't we care? - page 86

kombat >> :

What a comparison... the sick and the morally ill !

To be handicapped or simply sick, including mentally ill, is not so condemned by society.

More accurately, it's condemned by that part of it that's ugly. Moral ones. For life.

Haven't you ever heard of people who have visited America saying that they have too many disabled people there because they are found on every corner, while in the USSR (Russia) there is nothing like that? Whereas Russian invalids just sit in prison cells in their flats.

So the apparently obvious fact that there are more disabled people (homosexuals) in the US, for example, does not mean that there are actually more disabled people there than, for example, in Russia. It is just that in Russia they are hidden for different reasons. That is, the visually observed increase in the number of disabled (homosexuals) on the streets only indicates a more open society, more democratic (compared to Russia, for example) - respect for equal rights for blacks, whites, gays, but says nothing about their higher number, again, compared to Russia.

I was comparing approaches to evaluating phenomena, not specific individuals with different life circumstances. The approach is knowingly false.

timbo >> :

Have you never heard from anyone who has visited America that they have a lot more disabled people there because they are found on every corner, but there is nothing like that in the USSR (Russia)? Whereas Russian invalids just sit in prison cells in their flats.

So the apparently obvious fact that there are more disabled people (homosexuals) in the US, for example, does not mean that there are actually more disabled people there than, for example, in Russia. It is just that in Russia they are hidden for different reasons. That is, the visually observed increase in the number of disabled (homosexuals) on the streets only indicates a more open society, more democratic (compared to Russia, for example) - respect for equal rights for blacks, whites, gays, but says nothing about their higher number, again, compared to Russia.

I was comparing approaches to evaluating phenomena, not specific individuals with different life circumstances. The approach is deliberately false.

Again... comparing the warm and the soft...

Well the same number, even if there are more of them in RF and they are not seen due to the lack of infrastructure,

not "closed society" + a significant difference in pensions.

This is about the disabled, but what does it have to do with homosexuals and the rest of the perverted classes?

Or is wandering around the streets the more the better an indicator of living standards and freedom?


Professor Preobrazhensky is right again. The ruin is in heads, not toilets.

The toilets can be repaired, painted and freshened up with deodorant, but what should we do with the heads?

This does not only apply to faggots and the like, but also to religious sects, or rather "religious" sects,

as they have nothing to do with faith, with neo-partisans, read: neo-fascists... etc...

They also cry when they are smoked like cockroaches with bug spray, saying that we just worship our idols!

And when they get sued for murder, they say, well, it happens, but we're not all like that etc. developing demagogy on the grounds of democracy ...


I wouldn't compare equal rights for nations, genders, races and traditional religions

with the demands of faggots to "love them" and give equal rights to different "not so" and even more so to the adherents of the condemned in the society.

Speaking of rights. Here are "these", e.g. the two lisas, demanding that the authorities give them the right to adopt a boy, pushing for their rights.

What about the rights of that child and what about him when he grows up and goes to school, college...


kombat >> :

Nor would I compare equal rights for nations, genders, races and traditional religions

with the demands of faggots to "love them" and give equal rights to all kinds of "not like that" and even more so to the adherents of the condemned in society.

Speaking of rights. Here are "these", like the two lisas, demanding the authorities give them the right to adopt a boy, pushing for their rights.

Have they taken into account the rights of that child and what will happen to him in society when he grows up and goes to school, college...

Equal rights for everyone doesn't mean you have to like them. But you can't kick them just because they don't fuck the way you do.

Two "licks" can demand, but that doesn't mean their demand should be granted, precisely because the rights of the child must be taken into account - that's what democracy and the rule of law is all about.

In Russia, the defence minister's son crushes an old lady on a pedestrian crossing and then sues her relatives. And the proletarians are kicking faggots to the curb. These are all phenomena of the same order. In countries where queer people have equal rights with others, the ministers have equal rights with pedestrians, for some reason. That's the paradox.



YuraZ писал(а) >>

What do you mean? )))

LeoV >> :

What do you mean? )))

>> laziness is a movie!

>> I'll get it right away.

YuraZ писал(а) >>

Laziness is a film!

I'll fix that later.

Very long - hard to read.....)))) Lots of pussy....)))

LeoV >> :

Very long - hard to read.....)))) A lot of Bukafs....)))

don't read - just watch :-)))

YuraZ писал(а) >>

don't read, just look :-)))

Then give me the link, I'm too lazy to copy the link.... my arm gets tired....))))