Crisis: Don't we care? - page 84

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Fighting the manifestations of the crisis instead of its causes will only postpone the end for a while, the pills will either stop working or they will run out.

There's also a third option - run out of pain.

Taking into consideration the fact that in recent years the flights of "space tourists" - billionaires into space , and that the Global Parasite (GP) has plans for 50 and 100 years ahead, and does not retreat from their implementation, it can be assumed: the "world behind the scenes" is seriously thinking about the development of the Red Planet. The GP needs it in order to move there and wait out the global catastrophe which will be arranged by them on the planet Earth. Humanity as a result of the global catastrophe will be partially destroyed and brought to "monkey zero", i.e. it will degrade completely. Some time later the GP will return to the Earth as "white gods", "messengers of the higher intelligence", and start building a new global slave civilization anew. Today, billionaire flights into space are already perceived by ordinary people as "the norm". According to media reports "the number of flights by super-rich tourists into space, to earth orbit, will increase in the coming years...".

Roscosmos and NASA's plans for lunar exploration with Mars have encountered an unexpected obstacle. Some citizens of the USA, who consider themselves "legal owners" of the lunar surface, after announcement of national concepts of space exploration, are threatening to go to court claiming compensation for moral and material damage, if a lunar or Mars station is built on their property. There are over 2 million such owners in all across the world, 6,000 of whom live in Russia.

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However, NASA has prepared more skilfully than its Russian counterparts. They fight delusional ideas with delusional methods. According to an ancient law, born during the colonial expansion of America, if a person doesn't work his land and doesn't even appear on it for more than 12 years, the land is liable to confiscation. Therefore, Moon or Mars owners may simply be asked to walk on their land for at least an hour. If they do not do so, their claim may be deemed unfounded.


A bit of humour on the theme of the branch - Windows of Crisis

"Question from a Spanish sailor: What have you bastards done to your country?

This material was already cut off from the internet the next day:, thanks a comrade saved it immediately, and this letter is nowhere to be found again:

"At the beginning of 1992 I accidentally met in Spain a man who has seen much in the world and who at the same time has lived almost all his life away from the press and television. From his early teens to his white hair he was a sailor on all kinds of vessels and flying all kinds of flags. Then, in 1992, he was captain of the Spanish fishing fleet. He sailed for half a year, came to Zaragoza on holiday (he himself is Basque) and came to visit a friend at university. So we met, got to talking and became fast friends (to this day he is still a close friend of mine). The next day I left for a lecture in a small town a hundred kilometres outside of Huesca. He took me for a ride in his car, stayed for the lecture, and then part of the audience moved to a restaurant, where we talked until almost morning. And this man's simple judgments were like a breath of fresh water in the heat, even though he said some unpleasant things to me. I want to share this breath, I will retell it briefly, but almost verbatim.
What happened to the USSR, said Eduardo García osés, is a great sorrow for a great many people all over the world, even those who seem to rejoice in the collapse of communism. And it is not about politics. Those who considered themselves anti-communists also found themselves without a foothold. And it was not out of class consciousness that people hoped for the USSR, not because "Proletarians of all countries, unite". This has long been wrong, and in the West the worker is the same as the bourgeois, only without the money. We hoped because you said: "Man is brother to man. And everyone yearns for that, no matter what they say in public. Because everyone here feels like a fly stuck to a piece of sticky paper. This paper is sweet, and you seem to be reaching for it yourself, but you stick to it and it makes you sad. One does not have the strength to resist all this propaganda of the "New World Order", which pushes into your soul through the press, advertisements and shop windows. He gives up, but he has always been confident that there is a Soviet Union and a very cultured Soviet people, who will not take the bait and will not stick to the paper trap, and then, you see, they will help us.

And what do we see? These people are the ones who have sunk the deepest and believe the most incredible lies. If this is so, everything is changing in the world. Look," says Eduardo, "how a man is turned into a puppet. Here we are, standing in a port in Nigeria. There is a Cuban ship next to us. The Cuban authorities don't let anyone on the beach: they say Cuba isn't a democracy. Who is so sensitive about human rights? The Nigerian military regime, the outright fascists, who have wiped out entire tribes, millions of people, no one knows exactly how many. But they are insiders for Bush and are happy to serve him, just as all dictators, Batista or Somoza, were insiders before. And it is the same in Angola today. Bush, and probably all of you, demanded free elections in Angola. When I was in Angola, I was told: if there are elections and the current regime wins, we will have a meat grinder.

And so it is. Savimbi has made a bloodbath in Angola, and no UN agency is going to restore order. But it's not about dictators and it's not about Savimbi. Here's a Nigerian dockworker. All he has is a piece of burlap to cover his nakedness. He gets a pittance - and a bowl of rice and cornmeal. Lives in a hut made of leaves, we dropped in on him. He's abandoned his children, can't feed them, and can't bear to see them die one by one. He loads cocoa and peanuts every day - the best land in Nigeria "works" for Europe and America. And he understands it, and understands why he himself has never tasted the chocolate made of Nigerian cocoa. And at the same time he points the finger at the Cuban flag: "Ah, I'm afraid of Castro!" Why should you be afraid? "They don't have democracy." What is democracy, what is it to you? "They don't have freedom!" What the hell is freedom, first you have to feed your children, they're starving to death! He is silent, shrinking, feeling that all this nonsense about democracy has been drummed into his head, and it has become dearer to him than his children. That's what the dockworker is suffering from, that the Soviet Union has collapsed. So that's it. Now it has been established all over the world that children are nonsense and multiparty system is the most important thing in life. And he secretly hoped that someone would put the world back on its feet.

And Eduardo asks me hopefully: "Do people in Russia really think like that dockworker? After all, he didn't go to school at all, and you have an engineer as an engineer". And I cannot console him. Yes, I say, they think about the same, and it is engineers in the first place. Though their children are not starving to death so far, but even if it comes to that they will not give up this democracy. After all, now we have a lot of parties - such happiness. Yes, multipartyism is important for some people, Eduardo agrees. Someone who's a political fan. One cheers for one team and the other for the other - which one will win? But you'll see that soon there won't be many such fans either. Football is more interesting and honest than politics. It has nothing to do with democracy. I have been to all the ports, in Africa, Latin America and Asia.

They have established this kind of democracy everywhere, parliaments and multi-party systems. Does it prevent robbing the country or shooting the peasants? Look what they did to Latin America. I sailed on passenger ships after the war. We used to take steamships full of people there - thousands of people every month. Both Argentina and Uruguay. The land was very rich, the population was the same as the Europeans, you could not say that they were negroes, that they could not work. All of them would swim across the ocean back to Europe if they could. Their production increases every year, and everything goes to pay the debt, and the debt is increasing. And now we hear that the USSR, too, is in the hole with the International Monetary Fund. Everybody knows exactly how it is organised - it is impossible to get out. You say the USSR was corrupt. You have no idea what corruption is in an impoverished country. Everybody is corrupted there, it cannot be otherwise. When you enter a port, it is normal to have 4 people - from the port, the police, the customs and the sanitary service - to check the ship. Now go into any port in Africa or Latin America. There are about thirty people sailing towards you. They have a drink, a snack, and then they all have to be punched. You cannot be angry with them because they are unable to feed their families, and we have known almost all of them for many years.

Talking about democracy, here's a simple indicator - a doctor on a ship. If society values a fisherman or a sailor as a person and not as a labour force, it spends on a doctor, this is what democracy is all about. That's why our Spanish captains, when they come to the fishing area, first of all they find out where the nearest Cuban or Soviet vessels are, and try to keep them within reach. Because Cubans and you have doctor on every vessel, and during fishing they get injuries almost every day - they tear off one finger or get hooked by hooks. And people feel more calm, when they know that if something is serious - a boat with Cuban doctor will come with his suitcase and he will even make a surgery if it's necessary. And he won't take money - he'll laugh. Today you do not care about it, but we will see what Russian fishermen will say tomorrow, when they will have no doctors, and operations will be done by bosun with consultations by radio. This is the pinnacle of progress for us.

Or here's another - you'll say petty. The Soviets used to have a biologist on almost every ship. We always wondered how they got so many scientists. And for us it was very important, that someone was studying the sea and asked us. Every now and then the Soviet captains would ask us by radio: hello, Eduardo, there's a Merlusa coming, open its heel, count what it has in its stomach - our biologist needs. Do you think it's not important for a fisherman to feel like a member of the crew, not just chasing cod, but also doing scientific work? It matters, but you don't give a damn about it. And tomorrow your fishermen will be without doctors and biologists. Will there be only Russian fishermen tomorrow? They are almost invisible. And when they are seen, it is sickening to watch. Soviet vessels used to be the cleanest and most beautiful. But today they look like pirates. They're not repaired, not painted, not even cleaned up. On our last voyage we called at Salerno in Italy. There's a Russian ship standing nearby, already flying a foreign flag. And I've known the captain for a long time. The port crowd was crowding the ship - the Russians were selling contraband, they had brought crates of American cigarettes. Then I look and can't believe my eyes - they are selling ropes from the ship, and one of them is carrying cans of paint. The ship was all rusty, and they were selling paint. I ask the captain what is going on? And he laughs. Do you want me to sell you a ship, he says? Buy it, Eduardo, the ship is almost new. What have you bastards done to your country?

To this question of the Spanish sailor I found no answer. We do not yet understand ourselves, what have we bastards done to our country?"

The answer is simple - they didn't do anything... that's the trouble...

It makes me want to cry...

Volcker Says Fed's Authority Probably to Be Reviewed:


interesting article by Golubovsky

Пока ничего хорошего анализ не предвещает.

Apparently, we have already been given the name of a new "terrorist hero", who will be the embodiment of evil. This is Mehsud, allegedly a Taliban field commander, who allegedly carried out terrorist attacks in Mumbai, and attacked the Sri Lankan national cricket team in early March (5 dead policemen, one bystander and seven wounded athletes). His men seized a police school in Lahore in late March 20s and killed over 20 policemen. Mehsud has been credited with a number of other suicide bombings in Pakistan and Afghanistan, including bombings of mosques and even the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

A few days ago, Mehsud had gone on record publicly saying that he was preparing a terrorist attack of such magnitude in Washington that it would make "the whole world shudder".
