Crisis: Don't we care? - page 31

The most frustrating thing is that I made this markup when the Euro was near the blue level of 61.8. I said to myself: if the blue level breaks through 100.0 a second time, I will open on a sell. But I forgot to do it =(
Mathemat >> :

It's not that straightforward. It is more like a religion.

Among Russian traders there are several acknowledged coryphaei of EWP who firmly insist that the Elliott Waves are primary, and everything else is secondary. Quite probably so, but with the obligatory spice in the form of additional methods of analysis (Fibs, cycle analysis, even some standard indices). It is very likely that this seasoning is actually more than the base itself, i.e. classic EWP.

Nevertheless, purely for religious reasons, one can continue to argue that EWP is the basis of everything, as it is a beautiful and flashy shell. But that does not invalidate the success of these coryphaei, which in my opinion is based more on extensive experience with the market than on the accuracy of EWP. I think that if you take something beautiful and catchy as a basis, you can always spice it up beyond recognition - but the result is a working system.

On the other hand, software implementations of EWP are dismal (I'm talking about well-known robots like ewa). In fact, it's more of an art than anything precise. Personally, I'm not happy with it: I want a robot.

P.S. Still, there is something rational about EWP. For example, the idea of the fractality of markets (of course with correction for TF, because the waves on small TF are nevertheless different than on large ones).

I think that there is only an impulse, a correction and strong psychological levels with a round rate especially for EUR/USD divisible by 50 or 100, the so-called bifurcation zone.Moreover, the impulses and corrections of different degree, hence the fractality. I.e. the correction within the bar, then it is an impulse, and then another correction, etc. Therefore the average increment of the H1 bar will never be 12 times more than the M5 bar.The problem is in distinguishing the degree that is floating and not quite rigidly tied to the TF. Hence the mythical fibs that you want to pull down. The price correction was 0,58 but of course it can't be rounded up to 0,618, to 0,54 and 0,5.

FOXXXi писал(а) >>

I came to the conclusion that in the market there is only impulse, correction and strong psychological levels with the round rate, especially for Euro/dollar, multiple of 50 or 100, the so-called bifurcation zone.Moreover, the impulses and corrections of different degree, hence the fractality. I.e. the correction within the bar, then it is an impulse, and then another correction, etc. Therefore the average increment of the H1 bar will never be 12 times bigger than the M5 bar.The problem is in distinguishing the degree that is floating and not quite rigidly tied to the TF, hence the mythical fibs that you want to pull down.

the scale has changed.

>> of course fixed tp's and sl's down the drain.

Fduch >> :
The most frustrating thing is that I made this markup when the Euro was near the blue level of 61.8. I said to myself: If the blue level breaks through 100.0 a second time, I will open on a sell. But I forgot to do it =(

I also made a blue markup like yours and I wasn't surprised when the price touched 1.618 and pulled back, but then the price crawled further down, but I want to round it and believe in fibs.

johngull >> :

My gut tells me they are about to start talking about "Ukraine is not a country but a Russian territory". It is for such talks we Ukrainians do not like a part of population of Russia.

Come to your senses and do some trading :)

You (Ukrainians) have been brainwashed by the orange devils

You do not feel it in your gut but you want such conversations to go on, BUT no one intends to say so.

I have always lived in Russia but I am Russian-Polish-Ukrainian and I curse the cunts who set people against each other.

The common trouble came to Russia and Ukraine when the Anglo-Saxons financed the Revolution of 17

some Ukrainians were greedy to lend to the White Army, but then the Red Army bastards came and took everything for free

sabluk >> :

You (Ukrainians) have been brainwashed by the orange devils

You do not feel it in your gut but you want such conversations to go on, BUT no one intends to say so.

I have always lived in Russia but I am Russian-Polish-Ukrainian and I curse the cunts who set people against each other.

The common trouble came to Russia and Ukraine when the Anglo-Saxons financed the revolution of 17!

some Ukrainians were greedy to lend to the White Army, then the Red Army bastards came and took everything for free


I wanted to write the same thing, but more accurately. I even did. But... I didn't post it.

johngull >> :

Guys, don't scare the rest of us.

Why are you making chauvinistic arguments on a programmer's forum?

My gut tells me now it will be a "Ukraine is not a country, it is the Russian territory". It is for such talks we Ukrainians do not like a part of Russian population.

Wake up and do some trading :)

Perhaps, you still need to read something about the history of the Russian state to understand that Ukrainians are originally "Russian or Russians (whichever is more convenient)". Otherwise, you boast of "independence" ... and blaspheme everything that came before you.

A bit of history: "In the fifth century the territory of Ukraine was taken over by the Slavic tribes - Russians. Among the Russians who lived in II-XIII centuries in Ukraine there were distinguished tribes of Drevlyans, Polians and some others. The year 882 is marked by the beginning of the reign of the Viking Prince Oleg of the Rurikids Dynasty in Kiev. This year is traditionally considered to be the date of the foundation of the state of Rus-Kievskaya Rus. Capital, political, religious and cultural centre of Russia during existence of this state were: Novgorod (till 882), Kiev (882-1169), Vladimir (since 1169). Note, the capital of Russia was not always Kiev :)).

"As a result of Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774) the Crimean Khanate was declared independent of any outside authority, and in 1783 its lands were incorporated into Russia(not Ukraine). On the annexed to the Russian Empire steppe lands of Novorossiya (Odessa) and Taurida (Crimea), in place of Tatar settlements Russian settlements were based, including now large cities such as Zaporozhye (1770), Dnepropetrovsk (1776), Kherson and Mariupol (1778), Sevastopol (1783), Simferopol and Melitopol (1784), Nikolaev (1789), Odessa (1794), Lugansk (1795).

And now answer yourself the question, who are you and where is your Motherland?

P.S. For our Slav brothers, they should not think that they are strong apart, because our strength is in the unity!

Zhunko >> :


I was going to write the same thing, but more accurately. I even did. But... I didn't begin to publish.

I forgot to say that for the Anglo-Saxons Ukrainians are aborigines, whose territory they dream to use for their own purposes.

And for Russians Ukrainians are relatives in the literal and figurative sense whose territory we do not need.

Instead of Sevastopol we will put the base somewhere else.

>>) There are convenient places to launch Stilts and Iskanders on their territory.)

sabluk >> :

There will be convenient locations on their territory from where to launch Stilts and Iskanders)).

In order to launch something, it has to be built first. A pilot batch of Iskander was produced on a crumbling basis and that's it. They are not in production. And there won't be, because there is no production. Medvedev promised to drive them up to Kaliningrad, but there is nothing to drive them up to, his words will remain like hot air. Besides there is nobody to produce - all have gone to trading.

timbo писал(а) >>

In order to launch something, it has to be built first. A pilot batch of Iskander was produced on a crumbling basis and that's it. They are not in production. And there won't be, because there is no production. Medvedev promised to drive them up to Kaliningrad, but there is nothing to drive them up to, his words will remain like hot air. Besides there is no one to manufacture - all have gone to trading.

Do not worry, Russia has both weapons and production. Just what was done in the Soviet Union is enough to destroy the entire globe, not to mention flatten any country. The American bastards need to think about what they are doing, and the countries where the Americans are deploying weapons also need to think with their heads and not in some other place, they are being set up. Russia is not going to just watch what is being done around it.