Crisis: Don't we care? - page 35

blend >> :

That's exactly what they sent (without dosimeters), and then sent again with the social

you can't send the nato that easily.

The radioactive uranium the Americans stuff their bombs and shells with has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. If you inhale as little as 1 gram of this dust, you will get radioactivity as if you had an X-ray of your lungs every hour for the rest of your life. There are 103 plants in the US that produce radioactive uranium. 77,000 tons of uranium are already in storage. That's enough to supply 40.5 more companies equal to Iraq's.

(about half of the soldiers who fought in Desert Storm returned from the war with strange illnesses)

You that about uranium))))) ..... well in general we have more uranium.
and about half the soldiers))))) too ))
And anyway, Napoleon B. gave this account of his army's death in Russia: "It wasn't the French".
blend >> :

That's exactly what they sent (without dosimeters), and then sent again with the social

you can't just send the nato.

it is true, they are the ones who send, they never think about people...

but those who "extend" their hand of friendship in the form of "missiles" "air defense" "bases" do not care about the good of the territory...


- the guy in the striped shirt - it is beneficial when controlled countries do not live well with each other...

you can come in for example and make peace a little - but keep them on a leash with distance

one a slap on the wrist, the other a sugar cube - sometimes even alternating

It's easier to control.

any association - any alliance - any treaty - will be perceived negatively


it's not a quick process, but it's already underway


sabluk писал(а) >>

(about half of the soldiers who fought in Desert Storm came back from the war with strange illnesses)

Napoleon's soldiers also came home with "strange" diseases after the Egyptian campaign.

You must have seen "zeitgeist"? I love "tomorrow" too, it's probably a quote after all.

there is an information war going on, the words are put together in different order

i bought a sonny in the past, 20 years of warranty, happiness, and now after six months you do not know how to get rid of the phone, it's a different time, and some little man with the loud name of expert starts talking about global simulacra, emoting in the very first sentence

I honestly do not have time to stop and try to build my own political picture of the world, I just do not see sources or do not come across them

i envy people who are confident in their views, i could not do that

YuraZ >> :

but those who "offer" a hand of friendship in the form of "missiles" "air defense" "bases" do not care about the good of the territory ...

actually, they are concerned about iran as the last sovereign in eurasia, and russia is just standing in the way, and as you know "do not stand in the way of high feelings".

YuraZ >> :

- the guy in the striped shirt benefits when the countries under his control don't live well with each other...

is that the guy you mean? )))))))

sabluk >> :

Is this the guy you mean? )))))))

>> all skeletons look alike, just like beautiful women.

blend >> :

>> you must have seen "zeitgeist".



sabluk >> :

We are all for globalisation and for the ruble to become a reserve currency.)

sabluk >> :

I did not vote for Medvedev or Putin either.

>> I've got my own brains on my shoulders armed with historical facts.

i am a poor judge of politics and do not have a well-founded view on the bloodthirstiness of america and russia, but i am worried that soon there may appear a closed Runet, bonds instead of the stock exchange, a twelve-year president and there will be nothing to write about, except for ruble trading in the back alley, by the way in 100 years how many money reforms have happened? Let them not change the ruble for at least 100 years and then we can talk about a reserve currency. I digress, but when reasonable people who are for globalization and do not vote with their brains, they preach sovereignty in Russia and when people like that lend their voice to anti-Americanism or anti-Europe, I am afraid we will soon be sitting in Runet.