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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标

icon EA交易自动执行市场交易,而指标可使您更准确地分析报价并预测价格行为。 通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Goldbot One MT4
Profalgo Limited
推出促銷活動: 目前價格只剩幾本! 最終價格:990$ JOIN PUBLIC GROUP:   Click here Ultimate Combo Deal   ->   click here 隆重介紹   Goldbot One ,這是一款專為黃金市場設計的高度複雜的交易機器人。 Goldbot One 專注於突破交易,利用支撐位和阻力位來識別主要交易機會。 該專家顧問專為在波動的貴金屬市場中尋求效率、可靠性和策略優勢的交易者而設計。   值得注意的事實:     EA 在樣本外資料中的表現與用於最佳化的樣本內資料完美一致。   樣本內時期為2016年至2023年。 用於確認策略的樣本外資料為 2004-2016 年和 2024 年。       2024年,業績躋身近20年來最好之列!   現在,這是未來表現的一個非常好的指標。   主要特點: 多策略方法: 獲勝策略的 8 種變體: Goldbot One 運行八種不同的突破策略變體,每種變體都針對不同的市場條件進行了最佳化。這種多元化確保了良好的風險分散並創造了更平穩的成長預期   突破交易: Goldbot One
简介 AITrendBooster   是我们最新推出的智能交易系统,采用顺势加仓策略,有效提升盈利能力,同时显著降低不利行情中的回撤幅度。该系统结合深度学习的尖端技术,大幅提升了趋势识别的准确性。 系统设计的核心目标是:在震荡行情中保持盈亏平衡,而在趋势行情中通过加仓策略实现更高的收益。此外, AITrendBooster   可与   AI TradingVision GPX   搭配使用,形成更强大的交易组合。 早鸟优惠 :目前为特价阶段,下一阶段目标价格为   $999 。有需求的朋友请抓紧购买,早期购买还可额外获赠   AI TradingVision GPX   的使用权限。 系统运行推荐 推荐货币对 :GBPUSD 时间周期 :任意 运行资金 :建议 500 美元以上 账户类型 :无特殊要求,低点差账户效果更佳 杠杆要求 :无特殊要求 系统特色 深度学习模型接入 :趋势判断更加精准,减少误判几率。 完善的风险管理 :内置止损、追踪止损以及主动离场功能,保障资金安全。 趋势加仓策略 :在盈利订单基础上进行加仓操作,有效减少回撤并提升利润。 简单易用 :EA 内置优化参数,加
AI Scale Shield
Antonis Michos
Join the Out of the Box Telegram Group search for "Out of the Box" on Telegram or contact me . MT5 Version About: AI Scale Shield  is an AI-driven trading system,having  safety with stop-loss protection , and a smart scaling of positions makes it unique for the user. The EA uses this unique system: First position is X lot.Next Position is X+0.01.Next position is Previous position multiplied by Xinput.And it goes on like that. Example: Starting lot is 0.01 and ''Scale Increase Lot''
比特币大师EA介绍:灵感来自传奇的海龟系统的长期交易解决方案 启动促销: 当前价格仅剩3份! 最终价格:999.33美元 EA实时信号(即将推出) MT5版本 1. 关于比特币大师EA 比特币大师EA采用类似于传奇的海龟系统的策略,旨在提供卓越的长期结果。在2020到2024年的回测中,EA实现了1:3的风险/回报比率,证明了其稳定性和有效性。 持有利润:当市场朝预测方向移动时,允许利润继续增长,最大化收益。 快速止损:立即退出亏损交易,以最小化风险。 高风险/回报比率:通过较低的胜率(30-50%)平衡来自获胜交易的显著利润。 长期专注:旨在随着时间的推移保持稳定的表现,利用比特币的历史增长。 支持ETH及未来扩展到其他加密货币:有效交易以太坊(ETH),并计划未来支持XRP、ADA、BNB和SOL。 兼容多家经纪商:与FP Markets、IC Markets等主要经纪商表现良好。 与比特币剥头皮EA完美搭配:补充剥头皮策略,平衡高胜率交易与长期持有利润的策略。 无风险策略:不使用像马丁格尔或网格系统这样的高风险策略。 固定止损:每笔交易都有一个基于您设置的风险配置的固定止损
Dengeki Scal
Izumiru Teramoto
ドル円の値動きをさらに研究していき作成したEAです。以下は本EAのバックテストです。TDSのリアルティックを用いた過酷な条件ですが、2010年からのテストで、PF=1.43期待利得は2.46pipsと高い期待値があることが特徴で、テクニカル、相場のボラティリティを監視し、1分足でエントリーチャンスを逃さずエントリーします。(始値終値動作です。) TDSでできる限り長い期間、フルでバックテストするとプラス収支は21年中、20年となり長期にわたって利益を上げ続けている自身のあるロジックとなっております。 トレーニングストップも実装していますが、初期値はOFFとしています。お好みにあわせてご使用ください。
Lamda robot
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Introducing the latest generation of EA Lamda Robot for forex and Gold markets. Expert tracks tickdata and tickspeed movements and searches for high probability trading opportunities. Combined with the "momentum trap" method when entering to select the best signals. EA executes transactions with the scalper method. Trading orders always have Stop Loss available to protect the account. The EA is very simple to use.  If you have no experience then you just need to set the default. The default sett
Chung Hsin Shih
主要功能 自動倉位大小計算 : 根據停損距離和以點數為單位的風險金額自動確定手數。 自動斐波那契回調進場 : 追蹤市場波動,並在指定的回調位階進行交易進場。 多時間框架收盤價停損執行 : 基於您選擇的時間框架的柱線收盤價執行停損。 時間框架代碼和斐波那契回調代碼 : 使用 TF Code和 FB Code精準控制您的交易,它們分別對應於 最後一位小數 的停損價和獲利價(用於收盤價執行)以及斐波那契回調位階進場。 簡介 CosyTrader EA 是一款功能強大的工具,專為 行動交易者 設計。它自動執行 手數計算、斐波那契回調進場和收盤價停損執行 ,並跨越多個時間框架。透過簡化這些關鍵的交易任務,EA 使交易者能夠在最大限度地減少螢幕時間的同時做出明智的決策。 背景資訊 此交易工具非常適合希望在遠離螢幕享受生活之餘,仍能積極參與市場的行動交易者。無論您是在工作間隙進行交易,還是在環遊世界,CosyTrader EA 都能滿足您的需求。您只需使用行動電話,即可在閒暇時間設定進場目標策略,並配置停損和獲利位階。 EA 作為一個「 幕後操盤手 」,自動執行重複且耗時的任務,例如計算基於點數的
RoyalFractals II EA
Irina Cherkashina
This universal Expert Advisor is based on its own Algorithm, which is an incredibly effective tool due to the simultaneous operation of a trading strategy based on our   RoyalFractals Indicator,  which you will find on the market for free download. The advisor's algorithm is based on a deep understanding of technical analysis and personal experience in exchange trading, has passed the test of time, therefore it guarantees accurate signals and well-thought-out decisions. Traders are also given th
Golden Eagle 2 EA
Irina Cherkashina
This universal Expert Advisor is based on its own Algorithm, which is an incredibly effective tool due to the simultaneous operation of a trading strategy. The advisor's algorithm is based on a deep understanding of technical analysis and personal experience in exchange trading, has passed the test of time, therefore it guarantees accurate signals and well-thought-out decisions. Traders are also given the opportunity to use their own risk management system with two filters from the set to contro
Supply Demand Analyzer
Suvashish Halder
5 (1)
Supply Demand Analyzer is an advanced trading indicator meticulously designed for the precise identification, analysis, and management of supply and demand zones. By integrating real-time data and advanced algorithms, this tool enables traders to recognize market phases, price movements, and structural patterns with unparalleled accuracy. It simplifies complex market dynamics into actionable insights, empowering traders to anticipate market behavior, identify trading opportunities, and make info
Introducing the Delta Volume Profile Indicator - Unleash the Power of Institutional Precision! Technical Indicator: Are you ready to trade like the pros? The Delta Volume Profile Indicator is no ordinary tool. It’s a high-precision, cutting-edge indicator that puts the power of institutional-grade trading in your hands. This unique indicator analyses delta volume distribution in real-time, revealing the market's hidden buy/sell imbalances that the biggest financial institutions rely on to antici
RSI Divergence MT4 Scanner
Duc Hoan Nguyen
5 (2)
在动态的金融市场中,识别趋势反转信号对于有效交易至关重要。RSI Divergence Scanner 旨在帮助您准确高效地检测各种货币对和时间框架下的 RSI 背离信号。 查看更多 MT5 版本请访问:    RSI Divergence MT5 Scanner 查看更多产品请访问:   所有 产品 1. 理解 RSI 背离 RSI(相对强弱指数) 是一种衡量价格动量的技术指标,广泛被交易者使用。RSI 背离发生在价格走势和 RSI 方向相反时,表明潜在的趋势反转。 背离类型: 看涨背离: 价格形成更低的低点,但 RSI 形成更高的低点。 表明下跌趋势可能在减弱,可能会反转为上升趋势。 看跌背离: 价格形成更高的高点,但 RSI 形成更低的高点。 表明上升趋势可能在减弱,可能会反转为下跌趋势。 隐藏背离: 隐藏背离有助于确认现有趋势的延续: 隐藏看涨背离: 价格形成更高的低点,但 RSI 形成更低的低点 → 确认上升趋势的延续。 隐藏看跌背离: 价格形成更低的高点,但 RSI 形成更高的高点 → 确认下跌趋势的延续。 2. RSI Divergence Scanner 的特点 2.1
CyberOwl MG
Angel Perez Sanchez
CyberOwl MG专家顾问 是一个基于马丁格尔策略的交易系统,旨在在不同的市场条件下提供灵活性和有效性。高度可定制,它允许交易者根据个人需求调整他们的交易方式,无论是寻求保守的交易风格还是更具攻击性的风格。 该专家顾问包括一系列可配置的 风险管理 参数,使其成为适用于不同风险概况的交易者的强大工具。主要特点包括: 同时买卖选项 :配置是否允许机器人同时开设买入和卖出仓位,或限制机器人仅在一个方向上操作,直到现有仓位关闭。 可配置的利润关闭 :设置在何种盈利水平时关闭交易。 损失管理 :定义机器人在何时根据您的策略开设新仓位来恢复损失。 同时交易限制 :设置机器人可以同时打开的最大交易数量。 止损选项 :启用或禁用此功能,如果达到预设的损失限制,则停止所有机器人的活动。 附加的截图展示了 三个不同账户 的 交易记录 ,这些账户在数月内使用了该专家顾问,并在不同资产上展示了出色的表现。这些账户的存款从 4000美元 到 1000美元 不等,展示了该机器人能够适应不同资本水平的灵活性。 免责声明 :虽然 CyberOwl MG 在展示的账户上展示了良好的表现,但需要强调的是, 没有任何交
Breakout Trigger
Jannie Barwise
Breakout Trigger The Breakout Trigger Indicator is designed to help you focus on only the most promising breakout opportunities while filtering out the noise of unreliable signals. PLEASE WATCH THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO AND WATCH ME TRADE ONE WHOLE DAY USING THE INDICATOR (12min video):  VIDEO In the video, I am trying to be as transparent as possible when it comes to what you can expect when using this indicator. You can see the mix of winners and losers. This is what you can realistically expec
Crypto_Forex 指标“DeMarker 和 2 条移动平均线”适用于 MT4,无需重绘。 - DeMarker 振荡器曲线表示指标计算期间当前价格相对于先前高点和低点的位置。 - “DeMarker 和 2 条移动平均线”指标允许您查看 DeMarker 振荡器的快速和慢速移动平均线。 - 从超买区域(高于 0.7)获取卖出入场点,从超卖区域(低于 0.3)获取买入入场点,效果非常好。 - 指标通过参数设置非常简单,可在任何时间范围内使用。 - 您可以在图片上看到买入和卖出入场条件。 - 买入信号条件: (1) - 快速 MA 在超卖区域向上穿过慢速 MA:开启买入交易。 (2) - DeMarker 值在超买区域向下穿过快速 MA:退出买入交易。 (3) - 卖出信号反之亦然。 // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Inverted Hammer mq
Crypto_Forex 指标“倒锤形态”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“倒锤形态”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; - 指标检测图表上的看涨倒锤形态:图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件警报。 - 指标“倒锤形态”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Stochastic Speed mp
Crypto_Forex 指标“随机速度”适用于 MT4 - 出色的预测工具,无需重绘。 - 该指标的计算基于物理方程。 - 随机速度是随机本身的一阶导数。 - 建议将随机速度指标用于剥头皮动量交易策略(见图片): - 如果随机速度高于 0 - 这是正速度:价格动量上升。 - 如果随机速度低于 0 - 这是负速度:价格动量下降。 - 随机速度指标显示随机本身改变方向的速度 - 它非常敏感。 - 指标内置移动和 PC 警报。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标 HTF RSI 振荡器适用于 MT4。 - RSI 本身是最好和最受欢迎的振荡器之一。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架。 - 当 RSI 高于 70 时为超买区域,低于 30 时为超卖区域。 - RSI 提供有关看涨和看跌价格动量的信息。 - 此指标非常适合具有价格行动条目或与其他指标结合使用的多时间框架交易系统。 - HTF RSI 指标允许您将更高时间框架的 RSI 附加到当前图表。 - 指标具有内置的移动和 PC 警报。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“锤子线和上吊线形态”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“锤子线和上吊线”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; - 指标可检测图表上的看涨锤子线形态和看跌上吊线形态: - 看涨锤子线形态 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 看跌上吊线形态 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件提醒。 - 指标“锤子线和上吊线”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“主要趋势修正直方图”适用于 MT4,无需重绘。 - 主要趋势修正直方图指标旨在检测大趋势。 - 指标可以采用 2 种颜色:红色表示看跌趋势,蓝色表示看涨趋势(可以更改颜色)。 - 至少 10 个连续的相同颜色的直方图列表示新趋势的开始。 - 指标具有内置的移动和 PC 警报。 - 参数“周期”负责指标的灵敏度。 如何使用指标: 1) 检查至少 10 个连续的相同颜色的直方图列,这意味着新趋势的开始(蓝色 - 表示看涨,红色 - 表示看跌)。 2) 然后,如果出现 1 或 2 个相反颜色的列,然后将其变回主要趋势的颜色 - 那就是趋势修正。 3) 然后,在修正之后,可以考虑:在主要上涨趋势的情况下开立买入交易,在主要下跌趋势的情况下开立卖出交易。 // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Zig Zag Plus Arrows 是一种用于全球市场交易和技术分析的工具。 它还包含一组指标,可提供市场状况分析以做出交易决策。 包括提供趋势方向内交易的趋势标识符。 基于趋势箭头,使用 Zig Zag 算法构建方向段和转折点,直观地显示未来趋势和上/下分形峰值。 用于作为趋势方向内的支撑位和阻力位的附加条目的箭头。 指标能力 指标不会重绘,也不会滞后。 当趋势变化和附加信号时发出多种类型的警报。 可用于任何金融工具(外汇、加密货币、金属、股票、指数。) 该指标可以在任何时间范围内工作,包括 M1 和 M5 上的倒卖。 该指标使用不加载处理器的轻量级算法,允许在多个窗口中使用。 趋势箭头出现在蜡烛收盘时,其他信号箭头出现在当前蜡烛上。 输入参数 Trend  arrow generation speed mode (5-15) - 使用 Zig Zag 部分更改趋势方向的持续时间。 Arrow generation speed mode (1-3) - 更改附加信号箭头的数量。 Thickness of trend arrows / Th
Crypto_Forex 指标“3 白兵模式”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“3 白兵模式”对于价格行为交易非常强大:无需重绘,无延迟。 - 指标检测图表上的看涨“3 白兵”模式:图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件警报。 - 还有它的兄弟 - 看跌“3 黑乌鸦模式”指标可用(点击以下链接)。 - 指标“3 白兵模式”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“带动态超卖/超买区域的 RVI”适用于 MT4,无需重绘。 - Relative_Vigor_Index (RVI) 本身是一个技术动量指标,在趋势市场上非常有用。 - 它非常适合从动态超买区域卖出和从动态超卖区域买入。 - 指标可以在任何时间范围内使用,但它在大时间范围内尤其适用:D1、H4、H1、M30。 - 动态超买区域 - 红线上方。 - 动态超卖区域 - 绿线下方。 - 带有 PC 和移动警报。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多优秀的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
SmartDataExportEa – 面向 MetaTrader 4 的数据导出工具 EA 说明 SmartDataExportEaMT4 是一款专门为 MetaTrader 4 设计的数据导出工具。该 EA 不执行任何交易,而是专注于以 CSV 格式导出市场数据和主要指标。对于想要简化数据分析和策略开发的交易者和开发人员来说,这是一个理想的解决方案。 与实时分析的结合 如果在实时环境中导出数据,CSV 文件可能会被锁定,从而难以在运行 EA 的同时进行分析。为了解决这个问题, 此工具特意采用了 “近似实时方式获取历史数据” 的机制,因此不会锁定 CSV 文件。这样就能够进行类似实时的分析。 主要特性 项目 详情 功能 可将历史数据及主要指标值导出到 CSV。 支持的品种 适用于 MetaTrader 4 上所有可用的货币对和交易品种。 支持的周期 可选择任意时间周期(例如 M1、H1 等)。 导出内容 OHLC 价格、RSI、MA、MACD、ATR、ADX、Stochastic、布林带等。 账户类型 可在 MetaTrader 4 各类账户类型上使用。 数据更新频
BTC Master Pro MT4
Farzad Saadatinia
BTC Master Pro   您的比特币交易信赖伙伴。 BTC Master Pro   是应对不可预测的加密市场的终极解决方案,提供信心和保障。这个先进的专家顾问建立在安全和可靠的策略基础上,确保每一笔交易都精确而小心地执行。 如果您在购买前后有任何问题或需要指导,请随时向我发送私人消息。我和我的团队将在每一步为您提供帮助。 我们努力提供特别折扣和公平的定价,以确保每个有兴趣的人都能访问这个EA。 仅剩10个副本,价格为   277$   -> 下一个价格:   377$   -> 最终价格:   577$ 实时信号(Bio) BTC Master Pro 策略专为比特币交易而设计,结合了8种先进的交易策略,能够准确应对比特币的波动,确保在最优点执行交易。 特点 :  全面保护: 每个仓位都受到止盈、止损和追踪止损的保护,以最大化安全性和盈利性。 快速EA交易: EA进入的交易通常只持续几分钟,最多几个小时,确保快速结果,而不会有长时间的持仓。 专家开发: 由经验丰富的程序员和数学家设计和测试,这个EA采用了经过验证的可靠策略,确保稳定的表现。 专注于BT
Ultimate Arrow Indicator for MT4 – 您的多品种高精度交易工具 想提升您的MT4交易表现吗? Ultimate Arrow Indicator 是您的首选工具。该指标基于MQL4设计,提供清晰、精准且可靠的信号,帮助您识别多个品种和时间框架中的市场机会。 主要功能: 高信号准确率 胜率超过 90% ,表现出色。例如在 BTCUSD、XAUUSD和US30 等品种上,BTCUSD达到了 91%胜率 ,平均信号为 3759点 。 多品种与多时间框架支持 同时监控多种金融工具(外汇、指数、大宗商品)并支持多个时间框架。 易于使用 简单直观的界面,适合新手和专业交易者。可自定义颜色、大小和通知。 强大的回测 在为期1年的测试中,指标表现出 90%胜率 和平均信号 29点 。 可定制的通知 通过推送提醒、声音等保持实时更新。 清晰的视觉设计 蓝色箭头代表看涨信号 , 红色箭头代表看跌信号 ,直观高效。 为什么选择 Ultimate Arrow Indicator? 可靠性 : 为精准信号优化。 多功能性 : 适用于不同的金融工具和交易策略。 支持与更新 : 提供支
Ultimate Follow Line v3 精准追踪趋势的终极指标! 发现 Ultimate Follow Line v3,这是一款专为 MetaTrader 4 设计的指标,帮助您清晰地识别市场方向。基于 MQL4 开发,它结合了简洁高效的设计与先进技术,为交易者提供强大且直观的工具。 主要特点: 直观可视化: 动态线条随价格变动而调整,突出显示关键的反转和趋势持续区域。 可定制双颜色: 快速指示方向变化,使图表易于阅读和理解。 为趋势交易者优化: 帮助您专注于主要趋势,过滤掉横盘市场的“噪音”。 兼容所有时间框架: 无论是日内交易还是长期交易,Ultimate Follow Line v3 适用于任何时间框架,为您的交易风格提供灵活性。 简单设置: 快速安装和可调参数,以满足您的特定需求。 适用人群: 无论您是新手还是经验丰富的交易者,Ultimate Follow Line v3 都非常适合需要可靠视觉辅助工具的人,以便在金融市场中做出更明智的决策。 为什么选择 Ultimate Follow Line v3? 一目了然识别趋势强度。 获得视觉确认,帮助您保持交易纪律
This indicator works by plotting fractals on the chart as arrows that can be used as buy or sell signals. It is a great tool for both new and experienced traders as it provides a clear visual representation of the market and helps traders identify fractals. Although it repaints, it can be used quite effectively in conjunction with other tools to filter trading strategies. We use this indicator in this way in our RoyalFractals II Expert Advisor, which you can purchase on the MQL5 Market and fo
指标名称:Scalping Channel System 描述: Scalping Channel System 指标是一个强大的工具,用于分析市场趋势并识别潜在的入场点。它旨在方便交易者,减少对市场的持续监控需求。该指标在出现交易信号时发送 PUSH 和 EMAIL 通知,使交易者无需长时间盯盘。 指标优势: 直观清晰的箭头信号,便于分析。 结合经典趋势跟踪方法和短线交易信号。 不重绘,确保蜡烛关闭后无虚假信号。 灵活的设置,适用于不同的交易风格。 可通过 PUSH 和 EMAIL 接收信号通知。 箭头旁边的线指示了设置追踪止损的位置。 使用 Scalping Channel System 的剥头皮策略: 时间框架: 使用 M5 或 M15 进行最佳剥头皮交易。 入场点: 买入信号:出现蓝色箭头且蜡烛收盘价高于支撑位。 卖出信号:出现红色箭头且蜡烛收盘价低于阻力位。 止损: 箭头旁边的线会自动设置一个追踪止损。 止盈: 使用 1:2 的风险/收益比,或在价格朝有利方向波动 10-15 点后锁定利润。 信号过滤: 在震荡行情中避免交易,除非有明确的突破信号。 指标设置: Scalpin
Tsz Fung Wong
全新推出SwissDualForce:专为瑞士法郎短线交易设计的终极工具! 揭示SwissDualForce的无限潜力,这是一款专注于USDCHF(瑞士法郎)的专家顾问,为追求短期内快速盈利的交易者量身定制。凭借7年的全面数据分析支持,这款EA以惊人的99.9%准确率在瑞士法郎市场中为您提供决定性的优势。 SwissDualForce的卓越之处在于其对一小时时间框架内的瑞士法郎短线交易进行了深入优化,旨在最大化短期盈利潜力。它以其高效的策略捕捉市场的短期波动,让您在短时间内实现惊人的回报。 风险管理是SwissDualForce的核心之一,尽管其策略包含较大的止损距离,但这是经过精心设计以适应市场波动的特点,确保在复杂的市场条件下能够保持稳定的盈利能力。EA内建强大的风险控制机制,结合宽松但合理的止损范围,有效保护您的资金安全。与此同时,SwissDualForce不使用马丁格尔等高风险策略,始终以稳健的方式运行,为交易者提供灵活调整风险与回报比例的三种推荐资金管理策略,让您充分掌控交易过程。 SwissDualForce的独特之处在于其专注于用户需求,提供灵活的资金管理选项,让您根据
Reversal Strategy Portfolio MT4
Norman Andres Martinez Bravo
Low-Risk Portfolio – Expert Advisor Reversal Strategy This fully automated strategy is specifically designed to identify buying opportunities in AUDJPY , AUDUSD , and AUDCAD pairs. It focuses on capturing significant price movements away from the moving average, optimizing entries through advanced technical analysis and strict risk management. Key Features Mean Reversion Approach: Detects significant price deviations from the moving average, using Bollinger Bands to pinpoint extreme movements an
False Break Portfolio MT4
Norman Andres Martinez Bravo
Low-Risk Portfolio - Expert Advisor False Break Strategy Designed to identify buying opportunities in USDJPY and GBPJPY, this fully automated strategy combines advanced technical analysis with risk control, focusing on achieving consistent long-term profitability. Key Features: False Breakout Trading Logic: The strategy detects ranges formed in sessions prior to New York and London. During these key sessions, it monitors downward breakouts and, upon identifying a false breakout through the for
TP & SL Calculator Indicator for MT4 - Free Download Take Profit & Stop Loss Calculator Indicator for MT4 Download - Free -     The Take Profit & Stop Loss Calculator Indicator is a valuable tool designed for the MetaTrader 4 platform . It enables traders to calculate and display the profit and loss for each trade. This indicator features a dedicated management box that provides several essential tools for efficient trade handling, including: Creating Take Profit and Stop Loss levels for buy and
Ariadne N
Teofil Creanga
The Ariadne N indicator Ariadne N indicator is a powerful and amazing scalping indicator. Watch the video. It is an improved variant of the Ariadne Q indicator, which largely eliminates false signals. It is recommended to use it on M5-M15 timeframes as signals are frequent on these timeframes and safe. Works with all currency pairs. The indicator is already set up, just add it to your chart and trade…. A yellow arrow pointing down indicates a potential selling opportunity, while a w
Unlimited Pip Gainer MT4
Geethika Rasnayake Mudiyanselage
The special price of $299 is available for the first 10 buyers only. After the first 10 sales, the price will increase by $100.  The final price for Unlimited Pip Gainer EA will be $3000 Please send me a private message after purchasing the Robot. NEXT PRICE : $399 Ready to start profiting in dollars completely automatically? Increased Efficiency and Accuracy Unlimited Pip Gainer EA  can analyze market conditions and execute trades faster and with greater accuracy than humans. Features and
Invisible Ghost
Dmitriy Kashevich
Invisible Ghost is a great arrow indicator for trading in financial markets. Designed to work with popular technical analysis tools. The indicator is based on the use of moving averages and Bollinger bands. These tools help filter out market noise and focus on key moments. This indicator also analyzes historical market data to improve the accuracy of signals. Key features: - Simple signals: the indicator displays red arrows for sell signals and blue arrows for buy signals, making the
Level Delta
Yerzhan Satov
The Level DELTA indicator for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) – a powerful volume analysis tool that stands out with its capabilities and accuracy. Indicator Description The Level DELTA indicator is designed for volume analysis in a separate MT4 window. Its main task is to identify and display divergences, allowing traders to make more informed and timely decisions. Indicator Features Volume Analysis : The indicator analyzes volumes in financial markets, allowing you to see how volumes are distributed over d
Simple and Easy MT4 Trade Panel by Winidecorw I created this EA to make your life easier by making it easier and faster to open your trades. The price will increase progressively, take advantage now! Market and Pending Orders Fixed Lot Martingale Risk Based on Balance Percentage Auto SL Auto TP Auto Risk Reward Ratio Trail SL MaxTrades Filter MaxSpread Filter Future updates that I will add to the panel: Slipage Filter News Filter Let me know in the comments your opinion and what functions yo
Megalodon PRO EA
Jan Isaac Rodriguez Castro
Main Features Trades at Every Bar Open This EA identifies precise opportunities in the market with every new bar, ensuring you're always one step ahead of price movements. Trend Anticipation Thanks to advanced pattern analysis, this EA strategically positions itself to capture early directional moves, allowing you to benefit from trends right from the start. Integrated Daily Target Set a daily profit target and let the EA do the heavy lifting. Once the target is reached, trading s
Quantum Market Strength Indicator
The Market Strength Indicator (MSI) is yet another in our stable of volume-based indicators, and as such, is a must-have tool for trading virtually any type of market and across a myriad of applications from trend trading to swing trading, scalping, and much more. While its sister indicator, the Currency Strength Indicator (CSI), helps you analyze which currencies are oversold, overbought, correlating, and trending, the MSI or Market Strength Indicator does this also, but in this case, for all m
Quantum VRSI
The VRSI indicator is another in the suite of volume indicators we have developed and one that complements our volume price analysis methodology perfectly. and was developed out of a desire to build further on our cornerstone of VPA by peeling back the layers of volume and considering the relative aspect of volume. Hence, the acronym of Volume Relative Strength Index indicator encapsulates what the indicator is all about. By analyzing relative volume, we are able to see a visual representation o
Quantum VWAP Pro
The VWAP indicator is another of our suite of volume indicators and one which was first referred to in 1988 when it appeared in an article entitled “The Total Cost Of Transactions On The NYSE” in the March edition of the Journal Of Finance from that year, which went on to explain its importance, particularly from an institutional perspective, which underpins its significance in appreciating the power and importance of this indicator. In many ways, it is akin to the volume price analysis methodol
在瞬息万变的金融市场中,找到可靠的交易信号是成功的关键!! 在交易中,入场时机决定了一切! 无论您是短线交易者还是长线投资者,本指标都能为您提供最精准的入场信号,帮助您抢占市场先机!成为您最强大的交易助手! MT5:  https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/129934 特点: 精准入场信号:基于先进的算法和实时市场数据,提供高准确率的入场提示,让您不再错过最佳开仓时机。 多市场覆盖:适用于股票、外汇、加密货币、期货等多种市场,满足您的多样化交易需求。 简单直观:清晰的图表显示和明确的信号提示,无需复杂分析,轻松找到入场点。 实时提醒:24/7 实时监控市场动态,第一时间推送入场信号,确保您随时掌握机会。  适合所有交易者:无论您是新手还是资深交易者,都能快速上手并从中受益。
Detailed blog post explaining everything with screenshots and has free scanner link: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/760476/ Scanner only works with the purchased Trendlines indicator. And it needs to be in same directory. Features Triangle Types: Detects ascending, descending, and symmetrical triangles. Channel Types: Horizontal, rising, and falling channels. Scanner: Shows symbols for above trendline patterns Threshold: Adjustable sensitivity for slopes Breakouts: Alerts when price bre
The relative strength index (RSI) refers to a momentum indicator that analyses the pace and variation of price movements. The value of RSI ranges from 0 to 100. Its purpose is to track price momentum changes. When the RSI of a security is above 70, it is considered overbought; it is deemed over sold when it is less than 30. The Relative Strength Index is a   technical indicator   primarily used in the financial markets. For example, the relative strength Index in the stock market gives buying or
InnerPulse MT4
Pradana Novan Rianto
InnerPulse EA: A Blend of Precision and Scalability Overview: InnerPulse EA is a sophisticated Expert Advisor tailored for traders seeking precision and adaptability. Built around the Harami candlestick pattern (both Bullish and Bearish), this EA integrates additional filters such as Moving Average (MA), Stochastic, and RSI to validate market trends and enhance trade accuracy. Key Features: Pattern Recognition: Detects Bullish and Bearish Harami patterns, ensuring high-probability entries by
This program is an auto-trading EA robot for MT4. Parameters are fitted for USDJPY (USD/JPY). Standard deviation and proprietary indicators enable long-term monetization. The results for years of back-testing have shown good performance. The basic concept is trend-following, but it can also be used in range-bound markets by adjusting the parameters. Only one trade at a time. No more than one position at a time. You can change parameters from “Inputs when attaching to the chart. You can set
MT Supply Demand S
Issara Seeboonrueang
Great strategy, easy to trade MT Supply Demand Signals  :  It is an indicator created to find signals follow trade according to the trend and looking at supply demand Included in trading. Supply and demand, which will be important support and resistance levels for the price.  Supply Zone is a zone where the price has reached, it is often resisted. In other words, when the price reaches this zone, there will be more selling power to push the price back down. Demand Zone is a zone where
Forex trading is conduct 24 hours a day, but trading volume is not the same at all hours. Identifying the best times to trade can significantly improve your trading strategy. With Forex Time Zones, you can easily identify and benefit from the optimal trading hours and the overlaps between the different sessions, which we explain below How can " Forex Time Zones " help you? The Forex market operates in different time zones and is divide into three main sessions: Asian Session European Session (Lo
Introducing the Swing Point Model Indicator – A Professional Trading Tool The   Swing Point Model Indicator   is an innovative tool designed for traders who want to capture market structure and identify potential trading opportunities. With a logical and transparent approach, the Swing Point Model helps you gain deeper market insights and make precise trading decisions. This is multiple Timeframe indicator so you can choose Higher timeframe for detect Swing point model What Is the Swing Point Mo
Trend Reverting PRO V50
Nedyalka Zhelyazkova
The indicator defines the buy and sell arrows with high performance and consistent results. Suitable for trend trading or following the trend. Automatic analysis of market opportunities ; Help traders   earn more from their investments; Never repaints, recalculates or backpaints signals; This is FREE   demo   version of the indicator and works only on  "EUR USD  M15" .   The demo version does not work on SUFFIX OR PREFIX brokers ! Trend Reversing PRO   All other details about the indicator her
US30 Morning Break Scalper MT4 This Expert Advisor (EA) is tailored for US30 index traders who want to capitalize on pre-market breakouts. The EA identifies high and low price ranges before the market opens, placing Buy Stop and Sell Stop orders just before the session begins. Once one side is triggered, the other order is automatically removed. The EA is designed to execute trades only once per day , ensuring focused and disciplined trading during the high-probability pre-market breakout perio
The   Fibonacci Confluence Toolkit   is a technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify potential price reversal zones by combining key market signals and patterns. It highlights areas of interest where significant price action or reactions are anticipated, automatically applies Fibonacci retracement levels to outline potential pullback zones, and detects engulfing candle patterns. Its unique strength lies in its reliance solely on price patterns, eliminating the need for user-define
ProTrading Arrow v16
Nedyalka Zhelyazkova
The indicator defines the buy and sell arrows with high performance and consistent results. Automatic analysis of market opportunities ; Help traders   earn more from their investments; Never repaints, recalculates or backpaints signals; This is FREE   demo   version of the indicator and works only on  "EUR USD  M5" .   The demo version does not work on SUFFIX OR PREFIX brokers ! ProTrading Arrow -   All details about the indicator here : Works in all symbols and TF + free EA and Multi Currenc
Скрипт для быстрого закрытия рыночных и отложенных ордеров. Этот зацикленный скрипт гарантированно закроет все выбранные ордера. Он будет работать, пока не закроет все выбранные позиции и удалится когда сделает свою работу. Если у Вас много открытых позиций этот скрипт поможет вам. Интуитивно понятный интерфейс 1) Просто бросьте его на график. 2) Выберите ордера, которые надо закрыть. По умолчанию выбраны все! 3) нажмите кнопку "Close". Версия для MT5  https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/1297
Trend Entry Levels Indicator The Entry Levels Indicator is a trend-following tool designed to assist traders by highlighting key levels for trade entries and profit-taking. It is built to support trading strategies by providing information on market trends and levels for Take Profit (TP) and Stop Loss (SL). This indicator can be used by traders of varying experience levels to enhance their market analysis. Features Non-Repainting Signals: Provides signals that remain consistent over time. M
Divergen Pro
Taman Talappetsakun
Enhance Your Trading Potential with an Intelligent Combination of Divergence and Grid Strategies. (This EA was developed using fxDreema software by eaforexcenter.com ) Key Features of This EA Professional-Grade Divergence Trading The EA utilizes Bollinger Bands (BB) and RSI to identify highly accurate Divergence signals : Buy Signal : RSI forms a Higher Low while the price makes a Lower Low. Sell Signal : RSI forms a Lower High while the price makes a Higher High. Divergence lines are drawn dire
Dzintars Ansons
DayTradeMaster: A Professional Tool for Daily Trading DayTradeMaster is a powerful Expert Advisor (EA) based on proven trading strategies and indicators to deliver precise buy and sell signals. This EA is the perfect tool for a day trading approach, enabling efficient utilization of market movements and maximizing profits. Key Features: Indicator Synergy: Combines RSI and MA indicators for trend analysis and signal generation. Multiple Candle Patterns: Supports Pin Bar, Morning Star, Engulfing,
Visual Dragon State Indicator MT4
Dragon State Indicator   is a powerful trading tool designed to empower traders by giving them the foundation to optimize it further. This indicator is   not optimized , making it a perfect choice for traders who love to tweak and customize trading tools to suit their unique strategies.   The Logic Behind the Indicator The   Dragon State Indicator   identifies pivotal market movements using these components: Buy and Sell Signals :   Buy Signal : Clearly displayed with lime-green arrow
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
Great For Binary options. Works on all timeframes. Recommended for M5 timeframe. one candle expiry. Experienced traders can explore. Strategy is based on price action and multi timeframe analysis. Recommended During high volatility sessions, like the London and new York sessions. For the M1(One minute) timeframe, Traders can use four or five candle expiry, this means it can be applied for 4, 5 or more  minutes expiry. For forex traders, I tested the indicator with the JesVersal universal EA: 
Dzintars Ansons
SwingTrade Master: A Professional Tool for Swing Trading SwingTrade Master is an Expert Advisor (EA) designed to harness precise price patterns and indicators to capitalize on market swings and generate profits. This EA combines classic trading strategies with modern technical tools for superior performance. Key Features: Technical Indicators: Utilizes RSI, MA, and ATR indicators to analyze market trends and identify optimal entry/exit points. Candle Patterns: Recognizes popular candlestick patt
Gold Guru XAUUSD h1
Raphael Schwietering
Revolutionize Your Trading with Gold Guru Unleash the ultimate trading power with Gold Guru , the expert advisor (EA) designed to dominate the markets with precision, intelligence, and unmatched reliability. Built with advanced algorithms and AI-driven strategies, Gold Guru is your key to trading success. Whether you're aiming for prop firm dominance or personal financial growth, Gold Guru is ready to deliver. Why Choose Gold Guru ? Gold Guru is more than just an EA – it’s a powerhouse of innova
Visual Phoenix Turn Indicator MT4
Introducing the Phoenix Turn Indicator   The   Phoenix Turn   indicator is designed for traders who seek to harness the power of precise market-turn detection. This tool provides clear visual cues to identify potential buy and sell opportunities based on dynamic price-action and indicator-based logic. ️   Why Choose Phoenix Turn? Unoptimized for Flexibility : This indicator is provided as a raw tool for you to optimize and customize, fitting perfectly with your unique trading strategy
Visual Crystal Cross RSI Indicator MT4
Crystal Cross RSI   Introducing the Crystal Cross RSI indicator —crafted for traders who seek control over their strategy! This tool is   not pre-optimized , leaving room for you to fine-tune and adapt it to your trading style.   Key Features : Clear Buy and Sell Signals : Lime arrows highlight buy opportunities, while red arrows signal sell entries—keeping your decisions sharp and informed. Dynamic RSI Analysis : The blue RSI line tracks market momentum, complemented by a signal line for
Visual Desert Mirage Indicator MT4
Desert Mirage Indicator   Take your trading to the next level with the   Desert Mirage Indicator ! Designed with flexibility in mind, this tool is your ultimate companion for identifying lucrative opportunities in the forex market. Please note: this indicator is not optimized—it’s built for you to customize and tailor to your unique trading style! Key Features:   RSI-Based Signals: Harness the power of the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to spot overbought and oversold market conditions
Visual Dragons Pulse Indicator MT4
Introducing "Dragons Pulse" Are you ready to take your trading strategies to the next level? The   Dragons Pulse Indicator   is a powerful tool designed with flexibility in mind, empowering you to optimize it according to your unique trading style. While not pre-optimized, this indicator provides you with a foundation to unleash your creativity and craft strategies that truly work for you! Key Features: RSI-Based Insights : Uses the trusted Relative Strength Index (RSI) to analyze market mo
Crazy Dancing moving RES/SUP Levels Automatic redrawing of moving Supports and resistances levels  to indicate price breaking supports (signal SELL)  or breaking resistance levels (signal BUY) Very simple appearing indicator but very clever and smart too !!!! Main Inputs: # of bars for the support and resistances levels + the initial shift from start + moving average for filter signaling Smaller values for bars /shift inputs when using Higher Time frames (D1-H4) and the reverse higher values for
Visual Phoenix RSI Indicator MT4
Introducing the   Phoenix RSI Indicator   – your gateway to mastering market momentum and identifying profitable trading opportunities! Designed for traders who value control, this indicator comes pre-equipped with powerful features but is intentionally left unoptimized to empower YOU to tailor it to your unique trading strategy. What Makes the Phoenix RSI Indicator Special?   Customizable RSI Analysis : Visualize market momentum with a sleek RSI line directly on your chart. Adjust the RSI
Visual Thunder Wave Indicator MT4
Introducing the Thunder Wave Indicator The Thunder Wave Indicator is a powerful tool designed for traders who love to optimize and tailor their strategies. This indicator is not pre-optimized, giving you full control to adjust it according to your trading style and market conditions. Why Choose Thunder Wave? The Thunder Wave Indicator leverages the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to deliver actionable insights, while incorporating delay and visualization features to ensure precision and clarity.
Visual LevelGuard SmartSMA Indicator
LevelGuard SmartSMA Indicator Master Support & Resistance Analysis with Precision LevelGuard SmartSMA is a powerful tool designed to simplify your trading decisions by identifying dynamic support and resistance levels. This indicator leverages moving averages to provide precise insights into market movements, helping traders master their strategy with confidence. How It Works 1️⃣ Core Strategy: Uses a central SMA (e.g., 50 or 200-period) as a dynamic support or resistance line. Addition

