适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标 - 6
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
专家顾问进入市场的可能性很高的趋势开始。 当布林带的边界被打破时,就会进入. 还使用振荡器和ATR功率储备计算。 https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2270603?source=Site 信号和监控真实交易。
没有有毒的方法导致矿床的排水-没有网格和鞅。 每个头寸设置一个按存款百分比计算的止损损失(建议-2%),止损的止盈为5-10。 每个位置都伴随着一个追踪止损。 自2010年以来的测试,每笔交易的固定风险为$20(相当于$1,000的2%)。 使用固定风险进行测试可以让您看到顾问的正确操作。 由于建议和测试货币对的预期同时操作风险为$20,平均收益率假设每月$310(31%,风险为2%)。 建议将一个货币对的开仓限制在同一时间最多两个货币对的开仓。 有一个过滤器的开始和结束时间。 这通常是欧洲会议和美国会议的开始。 有一个过滤器只用于购买或出售。 还有一个按天和按月的过滤器。 在砌体讨论中,我上传。置文件。
Introducing GoldWise : Your Ultimate Gold And All Currency Pairs Trading Expert Advisor (EA) Are you looking for a reliable Expert Advisor (EA) for gold and currency pairs trading? GoldWise is exactly what you need! This unique EA utilizes a trend-following strategy and a real scalping strategy, which distinguishes it from other EAs.
Only 10 copies left at 197$ -> Next price: 399$ -> Final price: 1299$ Live Signal (Bio) Trend Strategy The "GoldWise Trend" strategy is designed for
MT4的 Binary HMA Levels 指标专为二元期权设计,但同样适用于外汇交易。它基于关键水平运作,在当前蜡烛收盘前发出箭头形式的信号,确认价格从关键水平反弹。为了确保指标正确运行,您需要下载并将 "MQL5" 文件夹安装到您的终端目录中。您可以通过此链接下载文件夹: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/DPyo0ntaevi_2A 该指标通用,适用于任何时间框架和货币对,但为了获得更准确的信号,重要的是选择最佳的到期时间和时间框架。它还会直接在图表上显示信号的成功率,帮助评估其有效性。默认到期时间为1分钟,适合短期交易,但您可以在指标设置中进行调整,以正确显示统计信息........
该算法已经证明了25年的盈利能力。专家顾问进入市场的可能性很大,趋势逆转. 当价格突破Bolinger波段的边界时,价格返回通道的计算就会出现进入。 此外,使用振荡器,平均值和趋势指标。 一个止损设置为每个位置与损失的计算情况下触发作为存款的百分比(保守-5%,在设置风险10%)和止盈0.5的止损,它是浮动收紧的价格,即止损/止盈比最初设为2/1(二比一)。 此外,根据止损和风险计算每个位置的批量。 原则上,没有导致存款合并的有毒方法-平均和鞅。自2000年以来,测试以每$100交易的固定风险进行(这样所有交易都更清晰可见)。 每对都有自己的设置(请参阅屏幕截图,否则我会发送设置的文件)。 按开始和结束时间过滤。通过终端从Alpari经纪商的报价。 这通常是一个美国晚间会议。 可以分割购买或出售。 还有一个按星期几和月份的过滤器。 盈利率在2以上。 同时打开的交易数量(在测试2中)和点差也有限制。
我很自豪能够提供 Callous EA 的免费版本,其固定手数为 0.01,以便小投资者可以免费使用它。
实时信号(低风险): https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/2271940
实时信号(正常风险): https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/2271941
实时信号(高风险): https :// www.mql5.com/zh/signals/2270197 平价: 美元日元 大体时间: M15(默认设置)
输入及其含义 止损点: (推荐设置125) 指定为未平仓头寸确定的止损水平(以点为单位)。
获利点 : (推荐设置760)
每笔交易的余额百分比: 它指定每笔交易要承担风险的账户余额的百分比。例如,当设置为 1 时,表示每笔交易将承担账户余额 1% 的风险。
EA 开始时间: 指定 EA 开始交易的时间。输入您希望其在 24 小时内开始的时间。
EA 关闭时间: 指
Inferno Signals EA 旨在利用市场的重大波动,运行在稳健的 M30 时间框架上。 它非常适合那些希望以较少的初始资金开始的用户,最低只需每对 100 美元,具有自动资金管理功能,包括动态手数调整和安全措施,如止损(SL)。 凭借低回撤和专注于捕捉最佳机会的策略,Inferno Signals EA 旨在在确保投资安全的前提下最大化收益。该 EA 避免过度交易,仅在特定区域开仓,能够检测到强劲趋势的延续和可能的反转点。当价格处于最佳区域时,Inferno Signals EA 将采取行动并持续进行交易,而当没有明确的机会时,它将暂停操作。 EA 操作: EA 使用挂单方式,如 Buy Stop 和 Sell Stop,这些挂单将相应地变成买单或卖单,并始终通过止损 (SL) 进行保护。 默认设置适用于大多数环境。然而,根据账户类型(推荐使用 ECN 或 Zero Spread 账户),可能需要调整“Distance”参数(默认设置为 21)。根据经纪商和滑点情况,可能需要将其增加到 51。例如,这一调整需要每位交易者根据他们的账户特性和交易的货币对进行测试。 EA 包含最
机器学习显著提高了交易结果, 您可以在监控中看到这些结果 。 在监控中,系统设置为低风险/低回撤。
如果您是新手,请使用默认设置,并将机器人安装在EURGBP货币对的H1时间框架上。无需做任何其他操作。 如果您是专业人士,则可以优化设置并选择最佳参数。
建议: 货币对:EURGBP 时间框架:M15, M30, H1 最低存款:$100 账户类型:对冲
特点: 进阶手数系数:进阶手数倍增器。随权益增加而增加手数,回撤时减少手数 固定手数:如果为0,则使用进阶手数 最大头寸数量:允许多个头寸,限制其最大数量 头寸之间的延迟时间:EA在下一个信号前应等待的小时数 最大点差:EA将只在当前点差低于此参数时交易
Purple Wave AI Trader 是处理两种货币对的顾问: 澳元美元和欧元英镑。其开发过程中运用了人工智能领域的最新成果。 Purple Wave AI Trader 经过一年多的测试,考虑到了交易的所有微妙之处。 交易的有效性和安全性是开发人员在创建顾问时所寻求的。
顾问不使用危险的策略 - 鞅、网格和套利。
澳元/美元 M30 欧元兑英镑 M30 使用的指标、信号模型: 相对强弱指数 平滑异同移动平均线 价格行为模式
购买 Purple Wave AI Trader 顾问来欣赏它的工作!
安装: 在 M30 时间范围上打开所有上述货币对,然后简单地拖动顾问程序 对于每一个,顾问都会设置最佳止盈和止损。您不需要配置任何其他内容,但您可以尝试调整您的设置。
该顾问专为按 5 位数报价进行交易而设计。
Anubis EA: Precision Trading Crafted for Today’s Markets Unlock unparalleled potential with Anubis EA , a high-performance Expert Advisor (EA) designed specifically for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. This EA integrates advanced candlestick analysis, dynamic risk management, and robust entry strategies, providing a powerful edge in your trading journey. From beginners to seasoned traders, Anubis EA’s adaptable, user-friendly design empowers users at every level to navigate complex market condit
This indicator is a classic implementation of the Market Profile (Volume Profile Visible Range), allowing for the display of price density over time while highlighting the most significant price levels, the value area, and the control price within a specific trading session. MT5-version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/125308 The indicator can be applied across timeframes from M1 to D1, enabling the analysis of market profiles for daily, weekly, monthly, or intraday trading. Utilizing l
趋势反转指标 (带有警报和推送通知功能)旨在通过使用移动平均线(MA)、随机指标(Stochastic Oscillator)和平均真实范围(ATR)等指标的组合,检测价格图表上的反转点。该指标在图表上绘制箭头,指示潜在的买入或卖出时机,并可以在当前柱形出现信号时,实时发送警报、推送通知和电子邮件。 主要特点: 使用移动平均线 (MA): 该指标根据用户定义的周期 ( MA_Period ) 计算移动平均线(MA)。支持选择移动平均线的计算方法,包括简单移动平均线 (SMA) 和指数移动平均线 (EMA)。 当收盘价低于移动平均线时,出现买入信号,表明可能的下行趋势即将反转为上行趋势。 当收盘价高于移动平均线时,生成卖出信号,表明可能的下行趋势即将开始。 随机指标 (Stochastic Oscillator): 该指标使用随机指标的两个参数:%K 和 %D。如果 %K 低于 30 且高于 %D,则生成买入信号。如果 %K 高于 70 且低于 %D,则生成卖出信号。这有助于过滤出资产处于超卖或超买状态时的时刻。 ATR(平均真实范围)过滤: 包含使用 ATR 过滤信号的选项。启用 AT
外汇指标“相对回撤显示”适用于 MT4,交易支持工具。
对于使用网格交易系统的交易者来说,这是必备指标!!! 相对回撤显示指标显示您账户中当前的相对 DD 或浮动利润(以百分比表示)。 内置 PC 和移动警报,触发级别可调 指标还显示账户余额和权益 可以在图表的任何角落找到指标值: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角。也可以设置颜色和字体大小。 如果使用相对回撤显示,交易者不再需要任何计算器 .................................................................................................................... // 更多优秀的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
外汇指标 ENGULFING 条形图模式适用于 MT4
指标“ENGULFING 条形图”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; 指标检测图表上的 ENGULFING 条形图模式: 看涨 ENGULFING 条形图 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片) 看跌 ENGULFING 条形图 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片) 包括 PC、移动和电子邮件警报 指标“ENGULFING 条形图”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用 ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 外汇指标“枢轴支撑阻力水平日周月”
指标“枢轴 SR 水平 D_W_M”是价格行为交易非常强大的辅助指标 此特定指标在计算中使用斐波那契数。 枢轴水平是根据前一交易期市场表现计算得出的重要价格的平均值 枢轴水平本身代表最高阻力或支撑水平,具体取决于整体市场状况 指标“枢轴 SR 水平 D_W_M”向您显示最有可能的反转水平,价格可以达到该水平。 R - 水平(红色)- 阻力 S - 水平(绿色)- 支撑 每日、每周和每月前一交易期可在设置中进行计算 指标“枢轴水平 D_W_M”非常适合通过价格行为模式规划您的获利目标或价格反转。 如何使用指标: 1) 将指标附加到相应的图表 2) 选择您需要的设置并按 OK 按钮 3) 单击 MT4 中的不同时间范围 (H1、H4、D1、W1) 以对指标进行初始正确计算。
// 更多优秀的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
SwapFree Single Sniper EA 是适用于 MT4 平台的强大剥头皮交易系统。
高赢率约为 85-90%!系统实施复利风险管理! 它是原创产品,仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供。
使用“评论”部分的设置文件来使用/测试 EA 不涉及掉期 不进行周末交易 无展期影响 系统不使用任何危险方法,如网格或马丁格尔。每个订单都有自己的 SL 来保护帐户。 订单开仓传感器用于设置入场灵敏度 EA 根据市场波动自动设置动态 SL。 机器人具有可调追踪止损功能 精确的操作时间过滤器,精度为 1 分钟 账户杠杆:1:30 至 1:500 主要使用的货币对是 GBPCAD、GBPAUD;辅助货币对是 GBPCHF、EURCHF、EURCAD、EURAUD、AUDCAD、USDCHF。 EA 开箱即可使用 - 相应的 Set_files 可在“评论”部分找到 内置 SPREAD 显示 操作时间:EA 根据设置中的时间过滤器在亚洲时段开始时寻找入场信号。如果系统在运行时间内没有打开订单 - 这意味着图表上没有可用的入场信号 - 不要忘记这个 EA 是狙击交易系统 时间范围:仅 M15
MT4 外汇指标 HTF ADX
使用专业的 MT4 HTF ADX 指标升级您的交易方法。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架 ADX(红线)用于测量趋势强度 - 如果 ADX 值高于 30 且呈上行形状 - 趋势强劲 如果 +DMI(蓝线)高于 -DMI(绿线):价格上涨,ADX 测量上升趋势的强度 如果 -DMI(绿线)高于 +DMI(蓝线):价格下跌,ADX 测量下降趋势的强度 此指标非常适合多时间框架趋势交易 - 您可以将更高时间框架的 ADX 附加到您当前的图表 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 的 TREND MACD 指标 - 是一款出色且高效的交易工具!
此指标非常适合专注于捕捉大幅价格波动的趋势交易者 TREND MACD 由 3 条线组成:绿线 - 显示主要趋势方向,蓝线和洋红色线用于进入和退出。 指标允许最大化利润 - 不要过早退出盈利交易 指标内置移动和 PC 警报
如何使用指标(见图片): 1) 检查蓝线和洋红色线是否都在绿线上方。 2) 然后,一旦蓝线高于洋红色线 - 买入。 3) 一旦蓝线低于洋红色线,退出交易。 4) 短线交易反之亦然。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 外汇指标“RSI SPEED”——出色的预测工具!
该指标的计算基于物理方程。RSI SPEED 是 RSI 本身的一阶导数 RSI SPEED 适合在主要趋势方向上进行剥头皮交易 将其与合适的趋势指标结合使用,例如 HTF MA(如图所示) RSI SPEED 指标显示 RSI 本身改变方向的速度 - 它非常敏感 建议将 RSI SPEED 指标用于动量交易策略,如果 RSI SPEED 指标的值 < 0:价格动量下降;如果 RSI SPEED 指标的值 > 0:价格动量上升 指标具有内置的移动和 PC 警报
// 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Introducing DominuTron, the ultimate Forex Expert Advisor (EA) designed to navigate the dynamic and ever-changing currency markets with unparalleled precision and adaptability. With its innovative approach, DominuTron combines trend-following strategies with intelligent grid recovery techniques to maximize profit potential in any market condition HALLOWEEN CRAZY OFFER - FREE FOR A WHOLE MONTH! EA is FREE for the whole month of November. Please download and backtest ASAP. YOU WILL NOT SEE THIS P
The "Power of Three" (PO3) is a concept developed by the Inner Circle Trader (ICT) to illustrate a three-stage approach used by smart money in the markets: Accumulation, Manipulation, and Distribution . ICT traders view this as a foundational pattern that can explain the formation of any candle on a price chart. In simple terms, this concept is effective for any time frame, as long as there's a defined start, highest point, lowest point, and end. MT5 - https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/124
The MarketPrice Indicator is designed to provide a quick, one-glance visualization of the trend direction for a currency pair across all time frames (Time Frames), streamlining decision-making. MarketPrice Indicator is based on daily levels and trading signals derived from moving average crossovers and market strength according to various technical indicators. It comes fully configured, though you can, of course, modify any parameters as desired. Indicator Logic The indicator uses a combination
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of forex trading, automation has become an essential tool for maximizing efficiency and precision. We are pleased to introduce a trading robot specifically designed to operate on the USD/CAD currency pair within the 15-minute (M15) timeframe , utilizing the MetaTrader platform. Key Features of the Trading Robot Trading Algorithm : This robot employs an advanced algorithm that combines technical analysis and market behavior patterns to identify
GoldenWave Scalper Overview: GoldenWave Scalper is a fully automated Expert Advisor (EA) designed for short-term trading on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. It combines technical indicators such as the Exponential Moving Average (EMA), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Average True Range (ATR) to identify potential trading opportunities in the market. The EA is optimized for scalping, making it ideal for traders looking for quick entries and exits on lower timeframes like M5. Key Features: Tech
Inion is a modern multi-currency Forex trading bot designed for maximum automation and efficiency. This expert advisor uses the latest algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades, delivering stable profits with minimal risk.
Inion provides users with flexible settings, allowing it to adapt its work to different trading strategies. The user can configure strategy parameters, stop loss and take profit levels, lot sizes and other parameters. This makes the bot a universal tool,
Andro Faza: Your Trusted Guide to the World of Trading Andro Faza is an innovative trend indicator designed to accurately identify market directions and reversal points. This powerful tool provides traders with the ability to optimally manage their investments, minimizing risks and increasing profits.
Key Features and Benefits of Andro Faza Intuitive Trend Determination: Andro Faza shows the direction of the trend, allowing traders to make timely decisions about entering and exiting the marke
Mr Martin is trend trading. The expert system goes through the entire history for most currency pairs with simple settings. The bot has a very developed internal architecture. Works with pending orders. Able to work with trailing stop for pending orders. With trailing stop for real orders. For deferred and real ones, you can set stop loss and take profit separately. The bot can also work with virtual top loss and take profit.
The advisor can be run on any hourly period, any currency pair an
I present you the settings and parameters of the Nagara bot, an ultramodern tool for working in the Forex market. This bot uses advanced capital management technologies and market analysis to determine the trends and make reasonable trading decisions. In addition, it is equipped with a flexible control and protection system for each position.
Nirio : Your reliable conductor in the Forex market
Nirio is a high-tech trading bot, designed specifically for forex traders. This innovative tool is equipped with many functions that allow traders to effectively manage their transactions and strategies.
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Navigator FX: Your reliable guide to the Forex market
Navigator FX is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies.
The price for the first user will be low, and it will increase in the future.
Advantages of Navigator FX:
Reliability and Stability: Navigator FX is designed to the highest standards of reliability and stability. Intelligent Risk Management: Built-i
Case Automated : Your reliable guide in the Forex World Case Automated is an advanced trade bot for the Forex market, specially designed for traders, striving for effective and automated trade. This innovative tool offers a wide range of functions and capabilities, allowing traders to effectively manage their deals and strategies. A special offer for the first users: the price is reduced, but in the future it will be increased. Work tools: EURUSD, AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDSGD, AUDUS
ForexFortune-Navigator: Your reliable guide to the Forex market
ForexFortune-Navigator is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features and capabilities that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies.
The price for the first users is reduced; in the future the price will be increased.
Advantages of ForexFortune-Navigator: Reliability and Stability : ForexFortune-Navigator is designed to meet high standards of re
Doctor Winsto n Bot Description
General Features: Name: Doctor Winston Type: State-of-the-art Forex trading bot Tools: Supports most currency pairs and trading instruments Timeframe: Can work on any timeframe Bot Settings:
Money Management: MMOn: Enable/disable money management (true/false) DefaultVolume: Default trade volume (0.01) MMCalc: Basic amount for money management (1000) Indicators: ALength, BLength, CLength, DLength, ELength: Parameters for different indicators by length ADimen
The Rubicon robot is a professional Forex expert that uses Elliott Wave Theory to analyze the market and make trading decisions. Elliott wave theory allows you to interpret processes in financial markets through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts. The basis of the Rubicon bot is a complex transaction control algorithm. The program is fully automated, which allows traders to free themselves from the need to constantly monitor the market. The user has the ability to configure t
Trinitron Bot : A Multifunctional and Multi-Currency Trading Advisor
Trinitron Bot is a sophisticated and versatile trading advisor designed to operate seamlessly across various timeframes and market conditions.
Key Features: Averaging System with Non-Geometric Progression: Trinitron Bot utilizes an advanced averaging system that constructs a trading grid based on non-geometric progression, enhancing its adaptability and efficiency. Built-in Protection Systems: The advisor includes speciali
Your friend is a multi-currency and multi-functional advisor that works on any time frame and in any market conditions.
Key Features:
Based on an averaging system with a non-geometric progression for constructing a trading grid. Built-in protection systems include special filters, spread control and trading time limits. The trading network is built taking into account important internal levels. Ability to customize trading aggressiveness. The advisor comes with proven templates for variou
Trader AT is a multi-currency advisor that can effectively operate on different time frames and in a variety of market scenarios thanks to its advanced non-geometric progression averaging system. This feature allows him to build trading grids and determine the moments of entry into the market with high accuracy.
Main characteristics of Trader AT: Security systems: The advisor is equipped with special filters, spread control and trading time limits to ensure safety and reliability. Accountin
Discover a new dimension in technical analysis with StakSeta, an indispensable tool for traders seeking clarity and precision in their buy and sell decisions. This indicator has been developed with meticulous attention to detail, offering a unique perspective on market movements. It captures subtle trend shifts that often go unnoticed, allowing you to identify opportunities with confidence and agility. By integrating StakSeta into your strategy, you’ll have a tool that not only keeps pace with
Professional expert Portfolio Status analyzes the market using a special algorithm. The basic principle is that the bot takes the specified prices for a certain period of time and calculates the strength and amplitude of the price by comparing it with its own indication system based on actual data. The moment when the trend loses strength and reverses is recorded, and then the previous series is closed and a new one is prepared. The bot also analyzes its own overbought/oversold signals in i
Professional expert Bird Onix analyzes the market using a special algorithm. The basic principle is that the bot takes the specified prices for a certain period of time and calculates the strength and amplitude of the price by comparing it with its own indication system based on actual data. The moment when the trend loses strength and reverses is recorded, and then the previous series is closed and a new one is prepared. The bot also analyzes its own overbought/oversold signals in its algo
Professional expert Wally analyzes the market using a special algorithm. The basic principle is that the bot takes the specified prices for a certain period of time and calculates the strength and amplitude of the price by comparing it with its own indication system based on actual data. The moment when the trend loses strength and reverses is recorded, and then the previous series is closed and a new one is prepared. The bot also analyzes its own overbought/oversold signals in its algo
Piranha Smart Hand – Focused on Partial Closing and Strategy Testing
One of the standout and rare features of "Piranha Smart Hand" is the "partial position closing" capability. This unique function allows you to gradually close percentages of your position while keeping the remaining part active, optimizing profit and reducing risk. This flexibility provides a significant advantage in any trading strategy, whether you're scalping or trading long-term.
Why is partial closing so important? Pa
Some believe that the more complex an advisor works, the more profit it will bring. However, this is not always the case. Often, the simplest advisors remain at the top. ForexBot Elite is a bot based on basic indicators. It does not follow the path of least resistance but invites you to join its work using simple algorithms. ForexBot Elite operates based on multiple moving averages and their interaction. Using a unique Fibonacci-based moving average interaction algorithm, the bot executes t
It is recommended to run the Secure Set bot on highly volatile pairs or during periods of high volatility. Secure Set is trend trading. The bot has a very developed internal architecture. Works with pending orders. The mechanics of the Secure Set forex bot are determined by the basic Trailing Stop orders that it uses to enter and exit its positions. Once you understand how they work, Secure Set will be an open book for you. Able to work with trailing stop for pending orders. With trailing s
The Cyberosaurus bot is an innovative next-generation bot that serves as a powerful tool for trading in the classic Forex market and with cryptocurrencies (for corresponding brokers). It operates with the majority of pairs, so it is advisable to test it before using it on a specific pair. It is specifically designed to work with these markets, without the ability to trade other assets such as stocks or indices.
The main control parameters of the bot are presented in a convenient and conc
Professional Forex Expert Advisor Alive Time Alive Time is a professional forex expert advisor designed to analyze the EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF, EURGBP, EURJPY, NZDUSD, USDCAD, EURCHF and AUDJPY currency pairs using the Elliott Wave Theory. This theory interprets market processes through a system of visual models (waves) on price charts.
The main principles of the Elliott Theory: Eight waves: The Elliott Theory identifies eight alternating waves: five with the trend and three
Turbo Next is an advanced and powerful Forex trading bot designed for modern traders. This tool uses complex algorithms to automate and optimize trading strategies, providing unique opportunities on various currency pairs.
Features: Multiple currency pair support: Turbo Next works with a wide range of currency pairs, allowing you to diversify your portfolio and minimize risks. Pattern and price level analysis: The bot analyzes market patterns and price lag levels to determine optimal e
Professional robot Star Boticum, which implements a trading strategy with different indicators and at different time intervals. It goes through the whole history and many currency pairs with a single setting. Unique trading system! You can work on any hourly period, any currency pair and on the server of any broker. It is recommended to work on liquid forex pairs, with a low spread. The smaller the commission and spread, the greater the profit. You can start using it with 10000$ and 0.01 lot. T
Sinus wave indicator is a oscillator. it works all pairs and all timeframes. suitable for experienced and beginner traders.. indicator works opposite side of the prices.. while sinus wave go up side that means prices will down. and while sinus wave go down that means prices is going up. it is default cnt number has set to 1000..this can be rise acording to chart has bar numbers minimum cnt numbers must not be lower 500.
Advisor Ex is a reliable automated assistant for traders, specializing in trend trading in the Forex market.
Trading the Forex market is a complex process that requires significant time, effort and experience. With the advent of trading bots, traders can automate their strategies and take advantage of market trends without having to spend a lot of time analyzing data. Advisor Ex is recommended for use on highly volatile currency pairs or during periods of increased volatility.
What is Adv
Coba Beta : Reliable Automated Assistant for Trend Trading on the Forex Market
Forex trading is a complex process that demands significant time, effort, and expertise. With the advent of automated trading systems, traders can now rely on trading bots to implement their strategies, leveraging market trends without the need for constant monitoring and analysis.
What is Coba Beta? Coba Beta is an advanced trading bot designed for analyzing market trends and executing trades automatically. It i
Carilas Alpha is a highly effective automated trading assistant focused on trend trading in the Forex market.
Trading Forex requires a significant investment of time, effort and experience. With trading bots, traders can automate their strategies and take advantage of market trends without having to spend a lot of time on analysis. Carilas Alpha is especially useful for trading highly volatile currency pairs or during periods of high market activity.
What is Carilas Alpha? This is a tradi
An ADVISOR trading on the RSI strategy.
Input parameters: Lot. You can choose both a fixed lot and a percentage of the deposit. Take Profit, Stop Loss. Everything is clear here) The RSI period, as well as the high and low levels. The default is period 14, levels 70 and 30. Magic number and Max. spread.
Recommendations: It is better to trade on timeframes H1, H4, D1 and higher. On the minute with extreme caution. It is better to check on a tester.
Looking for a good broker? Then I have a g
Automatic Advisor for the Bitcoin instrument. Timeframe H1 I created this Advisor specifically for a prop company. All the efforts of five years went into creating a safe product. The Advisor consists of 8 small Advisors and is a ready-made Portfolio.
I also use this Advisor in my portfolio trading: Live trading of my portfolio
Attention: The Advisor uses two large trading strategies (!): Trend Trading; Trading by Seasonal Patterns (time cycles) The Advisor DOES NOT use toxic strategies: St
The MT4 Baby Gold Advisor is a unique tool for traders seeking to maximize profits from trading gold assets. Developed using advanced algorithms, this advisor is capable of performing accurate market analysis and quickly adapting to its changes. Thanks to the use of complex indicators and advanced strategies, Baby Gold allows you to not only minimize risks, but also increase the likelihood of successful transactions.
One of the key features of this advisor is its ability to conduct automated
Cryo Zone : Smart Solution for Automated Forex Trading Cryo Zoneis a tool designed for automating Forex trading, using modern methods of time-series data analysis to work with multiple currency pairs across different timeframes. Key Features and Benefits Multi-currency support : Cryo Zone enables trading across multiple currency pairs, helping traders adapt their strategies to various market conditions. New currency pairs can be easily added. Time-series data analysis : Utilizing advanced algori
Event Horizon: Advanced Multi-Currency Forex Trading Bot Event Horizon is an advanced multi-currency trading bot designed for the Forex market, aiming to maximize automation and efficiency. This expert advisor (bot) leverages the latest algorithms to analyze market conditions and execute trades, ensuring stable profits with minimal risks. Key Features of Event Horizon Flexible Settings: Event Horizon offers extensive customization options, allowing users to tailor its operation to any tradin
The "BioStar" indicator is an innovative tool for trend analysis on the Forex market. It has unique capabilities and a wide range of settings that will help traders make informed decisions when trading.
This indicator is based on the analysis of the market trend and helps to identify the direction of price movement. It uses various mathematical algorithms and statistical methods to determine the strength and stability of the trend in the market.
One of the key features of the "BioStar" indi
Gold Dragon MetaTrader 4 Advisor is a powerful automated trading tool that allows traders to optimize their strategies and increase the efficiency of trading gold and major currency pairs. One of the key features of the advisor is the ability to analyze large amounts of data in real time, which helps make informed trading decisions based on the signal
Gold Dragon for MetaTrader 4 is an automated trading program designed for trading gold (XAU/USD) and major currency pairs (e.g. EUR/USD, GBP/US
This indicator is collection of important dynamic support and resistance giving a trader crystal clear idea , where to sell and where to buy. it completely complements trend lines, support, resistance, and sideways market and allow a trader to make sustainable profits. The thickness of lines suggests its strengths, the thicker the dynamic line, the stronger is rejection or pullback allowing a trader to make multi-fold profit, as they can clearly see them.
Introducing Your Ultimate Trading Edge
Scalping Worm is an essential tool for every trader aiming to improve the accuracy of their market entries and exits. With its advanced weighted moving average formula and adaptive smoothing logic, this indicator not only captures the current trend direction but also helps determine its strength and stability. The blue line signals an uptrend, while the red line indicates a downtrend, making analysis highly intuitive and visually straightforward. The main advantage of this indicator is its abili
This indicator is the mql version of the Linear Regression Candles indicator. There are many linear regression indicators out there, most of them draw lines or channels, but this one actually draws a chart.This script includes features such as linear regression for open, high, low, and close prices, signal smoothing with simple or exponential moving averages. I welcome your suggestion for improving the indicator.
To increase the loading speed of any indicator:
Reduce the max bars in
**Multi-Strategy EA with Advanced Statistical Analysis (ANOVA & R-squared)**
**Core Statistical Framework:** 1. **ANOVA Analysis:** - One-way ANOVA: For trend direction significance - Two-way ANOVA: For market variable interactions - P-value thresholds < 0.15 for trade validation
2. **R-squared Analysis:** - ATR R² (Strong correlation ≥ 0.75) - Standard Deviation R² (Moderate: 0.50-0.74) - EMA R² (Weak: 0.25-0.49) - Combined R² for overall market state - Determines s
Signal Indicator
when price is crossing Trend Lines Horizontal Lines Rectangles Works on all timeframes and with all instruments. Multiple notification types Arrows on Chart Alert box Journal Log File Log Specific Sound Email Notification (must be configured in Terminal - please review MT4 docs) Push Notification (must be configured in Terminal - please review MT4 docs) Draw your trend lines, horizontal lines or rectangles onto your chart. Select an object and bring up its properties and typ
GoldWave Bot is an advanced expert advisor built to leverage strategic moves in the XAU/USD (gold) market (Time Frame H1). With configurable parameters and robust risk management, GoldWave Bot adapts to varying market conditions, applying a dynamic approach to maximize opportunities. Its structure enables precise control over daily trades, take profit levels, and trailing stops, focusing on consistent and safe trading. Key features: Adjustable risk parameters and volume control. Configurable tra
EXPERT ADVISOR PRO ON A MOVING AVERAGE! A grid Expert Advisor equipped with a Martingale system, trading on the strategy of crossing one MA.
The ADVISER trades both on a fixed lot and on a percentage of the deposit. To understand how it works, I recommend testing it on a tester or demo account.
A little bit about the input parameters: Step - The step of the grid (after how many pips the catch-up will open). Mult is the lot multiplier for subsequent catch-ups.
Recommendations: I recommend
https://youtu.be/Z80jgxFsCdM Product Name: GoLongHedge EA
Tagline: "Automated Trading Mastery: Harnessing Mean Reversion, Range, and Trend for Consistent Profits"
Introducing GoLongHedge EA, a cutting-edge Expert Advisor that revolutionizes automated trading. This sophisticated algorithm combines the strengths of mean reversion, range markets, and trend following to deliver consistent profits with minimal manual intervention.
Key Features:
1. Advanced Algorithm: Proprieta
Breakeven levels: move SL in just 1 click. Avoid losing profit Using this utility , you can quickly protect your profit in just 1 click. Especially important for a short -term trading. Offset option is also available. My #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool | Contact me if you have any questions | MT5 version How to move SL levels: 1. Specify a specific [Symbol] , or select [ALL] Symbols. 2. Select the trade type for which you want to apply a br
Quick actions: close or modify all the trades in just 1 click Using this utility , you can quickly apply the necessary action to all the trades of the selected category. Especially useful for a short -term traders, when it is necessary to act quickly. My #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool | Contact me if you have any questions | MT5 version 1. Either select [ALL] Symbols , or specify a specific [Symbol] for management . Yo
Trailing Stop: automatic SL movement as the market moves. G et the maximum profit from the trade The process of SL movement can be automated according to your strategy , The variety makes this utility useful for any strategy . Especially important for a short -term traders. My #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool | Contact me if you have any questions | MT5 version To activate the SL Trailing, you need to set the main 4
Automatic Breakeven levels Using this utility , y ou can activate the automatic SL movement, when the trade reaches a desired profit. Especially important for a short -term traders. Offset option is also available: some profit may be protected. My #1 Utility : 65+ features, including this tool | Contact me if you have any questions | MT5 version The process of activating the automatic breakeven function: 1. Select the Symbol or Trade for which the Auto BE function w
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