适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标 - 8
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Merry Christmas Deals: ALL PRODUCTS priced at $35 ! Liquidity Pools 指标是一款高级工具,通过分析高低点区域的多次触及情况、重新测试次数以及每个区域的交易量来识别并标记潜在的流动性区域。该工具帮助交易者全面了解市场动态,预测潜在的转折点,并识别重要的支撑和阻力水平。 查看MT5版本: Liquidity Pools MT5 查看更多产品: 所有产品 主要功能和优势 1. 精确的流动性区域识别 突出显示高影响区域: Liquidity Pools指标识别小型交易者可能会放置止损限价单的区域,从而形成吸引流动性的区域。大型机构通常利用这些区域来执行他们的更大订单,可能会影响市场走势。通过监控这些区域,交易者可以预见重要的市场反应并及时做出交易决策。 加强支撑和阻力水平: 这些流动性区域通常作为自然的支撑和阻力区域,价格行为反复与之交互。交易者可以依赖这些区域来确认支撑和阻力水平,从而优化进场和离场点。 2. 自适应流动性区域跟踪 区域识别参数: Liquidity Pools指标使用三个主要可自定义参数
Dark Kakashi PRO EA is an improved Dark Kakashi FREE EA advisor (unfortunately, they deliberately knock down the ratings, so they had to release a paid version). All the functions that were requested are implemented. The code has been rewritten and many errors have been fixed, including those related to closing positions. This advisor will be further improved.
One of the Yarukami Mnukakashi advisor family for gold (XAUUSD) . You can also trade Forex currency pairs. Work with a spread of up to
Long and Short PRO EA is an improved advisor Long and Short FREE EA (unfortunately, users down conduct assessments on purpose, so we had to release a paid version). All the functions that were requested are implemented. The code has been rewritten and many errors have been fixed, including those related to closing positions. This advice will be improved in the future. One of the Yarukami Mnukakashi family of advisors for gold (XAUUSD). You can also trade Forex currency pairs. Work with a spread
Flora 欢迎来到一个新的交易时代。Flora不仅仅是另一个EA—它是一个复杂的解决方案,旨在为您在不断发展的市场中提供优势。基于先进的框架,专业顾问结合了尖端策略和创新风险管理系统,让您能够自信而精准地进行交易。 "交易成功在于管理风险,同时让利润增长—Flora正是如此,专注于安全性和一致性。" 策略的核心 Flora专注于跟随趋势的系统,追踪强劲、成熟的市场趋势。该EA探测这些趋势,并尽可能长时间地顺势而为,使您能够捕捉到大量一致的收益。通过跟随市场动力,Flora确保您始终处于趋势的正确一侧,而基于MACD的过滤器提供额外的安全层,防止在市场状况疲软或不确定时入场。 此外,先进的跟随止损系统在趋势进展时动态锁定您的利润。这个跟随止损根据市场状况进行调整,确保最小的回撤,同时最大化潜在回报。总之,Flora既是一位趋势追随者,也是一位风险管理者,为您优化每一次交易。 方面 细节 符号 USDCHF 时间框架 H1 跟随趋势系统 是的,设计用于捕捉强劲的市场趋势并追随它们直到趋势消退。 MACD过滤器 是的,集成了额外的安全性,确保只执行高概率交易。 高级跟随止损 是的,旨在锁
M1 EASY SCALPER is a scalping indicator specifically designed for the 1-minute (M1) timeframe, compatible with any currency pair or instrument available on your MT4 terminal. Of course, it can also be used on any other timeframe, but it works exceptionally well on M1 (which is challenging!) for scalping. Note: if you're going to scalp, make sure you have an account suitable for it. Do not use Cent or Standard accounts as they have too much spread! (use ECN, RAW, or Zero Spread accounts)
MT4的 "Binary Pin-Bar" 指标设计用于M1和M5时间框架上的二元期权交易,适用于任何货币对。它在形成新的高点(上升趋势)或低点(下降趋势)时生成进入信号。 功能: 信号以缓冲箭头的形式显示在图表上:蓝色箭头表示买入信号,红色箭头表示卖出信号。 每个货币对的信号表现统计显示在图表上,以便评估信号的可靠性并在需要时优化参数。 默认的到期时间设置为1根蜡烛,但可以从1到3根蜡烛调整以提高信号的可靠性。 缓冲箭头使及时进入交易变得更容易,并允许该指标与其他专家顾问一起使用以自动执行交易。 使用建议: 建议在M5上使用该指标,并在信号出现时设置1分钟到期时间。 设置和要求: 为确保正常运行,请将 "MQL5" 文件夹移动到MT4终端文件夹中。可从 此处 下载文件夹。安装说明可在此 视频 中找到。
Universal expert GOLDEN DRAGONS carries out deep market analysis using our proprietary indicator, which increases the accuracy of entering and exiting positions, and several existing profitable strategies based on the Locking and Martingale methods, optimized within one strategy, including for fully automatic conservative trading, both with one and several trading instruments at the same time. Golden Dragons's ability to work simultaneously on several trading instruments within one trading acco
This universal expert advisor is based on our own Algorithm, which is based on our effective and time-tested own trading strategy, based on the use of several of our own indicators, developed for each expert advisor individually, taking into account the features of their application. The advisor's algorithm is based on a deep understanding of technical analysis and personal experience in exchange trading, has passed the test of time, therefore it guarantees accurate signals and thoughtful decis
WeWinEasely is a unique Expert Advisor created by a professional prop trader and financial asset manager with many years of experience.
This is a solution for those who strive for stable profits without constant control over each transaction or monitoring the work of a trading advisor. ATTENTION! CAREFULLY STUDY THE OPERATING PRINCIPLE AND AVAILABLE SETTINGS OF THE EXPERT ADVISOR BEFORE YOU START USING IT! This EA uses the Martingale method, so it is important to follow Money Management, for
This universal expert advisor is based on our own Algorithm, which is based on effective and time-tested Elliot Wave Theory. This expert advisor is ideal for working both on a flat and during sharp or protracted trend movements (thanks to the Martingale method, according to which averaging positions are opened in accordance with the multiplier and distance set in the settings for accepting a new signal). ATTENTION! CAREFULLY STUDY THE OPERATING PRINCIPLE AND AVAILABLE SETTINGS OF THE EXPER
Merry Christmas Deals: ALL PRODUCTS priced at $35 ! 利用先进的机器学习技术,体验 Machine Learning Adaptive SuperTrend 的强大功能,这是一款创新的指标,能够无缝适应市场变化。通过将k-means聚类与SuperTrend方法结合,该指标能够精准识别趋势并评估波动性,为交易者在动态市场中提供宝贵的优势。 查看更多MT5版本: Machine Learning Adaptive SuperTrend MT5 查看更多产品: 所有产品 精准的机器学习与自适应SuperTrend 此指标基于实时市场数据进行调整,将波动性分为高、中、低三个等级。利用k-means聚类,它将ATR(平均真实范围)值分组,使SuperTrend的计算更具响应性和适应性,符合当前的市场情绪。 主要功能 自定义视觉效果 :调整牛市和熊市趋势的颜色,提升图表的可读性。 灵活的参数设置: 控制ATR长度、SuperTrend系数和初始波动性评估,以适应特定的交易策略。 自适应波动聚类: 动态分类波动性,以优化实时的Su
Merry Christmas Deals: ALL PRODUCTS priced at $35 ! 趋势水平 (Trend Levels) 指标精心设计,帮助在市场波动中确定关键的趋势水平——高、中、低。在自定义回溯期内基于最高、最低和中位值的实时计算,该工具为交易者提供了关于趋势动态和强度的结构化视图,帮助他们做出精确的交易决策。 查看更多 MT5 版本: Trend Levels MT5 查看更多产品: 所有产品 趋势水平指标的主要特点及使用方法 趋势变化信号 该指标通过追踪选定输入周期内的最高和最低值来识别趋势变化。当当前的最高值达到最大值时,指标显示上升趋势;相反,当当前的最低值达到最低水平时,显示下降趋势。这些趋势变化会在图表上以视觉方式呈现,帮助交易者快速识别潜在的趋势反转并调整策略。 趋势水平计算 一旦趋势确立,指标会在设定的回溯期内计算最高、最低和中位水平,并在图表上以彩色线条表示,便于交易者可视化关键支撑和阻力水平。 中位线回测 中位线通常是趋势中的一个关键交互点,价格可能会回调或被拒绝。交易者可以将这些中位线回测用作进入或验证交易的机会。 趋势
SignalAlert 指标的设置 SignalAlert 指标用于跟踪来自其他指标的买卖信号,并在信号出现时发送声音提醒。SignalAlert 适用于需要快速反应的指标,如 Binary Sixty Scalping 。 指标设置 IndicatorName – SignalAlert 从中读取信号的指标名称。请指定确切的名称,例如“Binary Sixty Scalping”,以确保 SignalAlert 追踪其信号。 BuyBuffer – 买入信号的缓冲区编号。对于 Binary Sixty Scalping,如果买入信号位于第一个缓冲区,请设置 BuyBuffer = 0 。如果在其他缓冲区,请进行调整。 SellBuffer – 卖出信号的缓冲区编号。例如,如果 Binary Sixty Scalping 的卖出信号位于第二个缓冲区,请设置 SellBuffer = 1 。 SoundFile – 当信号出现时播放的声音文件的名称。默认值为“alert.wav”。您可以通过指定文件名,将其更改为 MetaTrader 4 中的任何可用声音文件。 如何将 SignalAl
In the fifth update , the indicator now aims to predict the direction of the next candle, issuing a buy or sell arrow precisely when the conditions are met.
Since its first version, which showed support and resistance levels on the chart, up to the current version 5, many improvements have been made. One of the key changes is the removal of visual support and resistance levels to prevent memory overload. This is no longer necessary, as arrows are now issued when the price is near or touches t
Merry Christmas Deals: ALL PRODUCTS priced at $35 ! AI Channels 指标利用 滚动K均值聚类 ——一种在聚类分析中强大的机器学习技术——实时提供基础价格趋势的见解。该指标根据聚类价格数据创建自适应通道,使交易者能够做出有关趋势方向和市场状况的明智决策。 该指标还包括一个 跟踪止损选项 ,提供了更灵活的风险管理方法。 查看更多MT5版本: AI Channels MT5 查看更多产品: 所有产品 如何使用AI Channels指标 每个通道的极端值为确定趋势方向提供了宝贵的见解: 上通道极端值: 价格突破此水平可能表明上升趋势。 下通道极端值: 价格跌破此水平可能表明下降趋势。 调整 窗口大小 (用于聚类的最近价格范围)可以提供高值的长期视角或低值的短期视角。 通过“群集”设置调整聚类 群集 设置允许用户控制价格突破通道极端值的难易程度。较高的群集值将极端值放置得远离价格,反映出更强的趋势屏障。 去噪通道 功能默认启用,平滑噪音以提供更清晰的趋势线。禁用此选项会在每个点返回更精确的质心,但可能会导致通道极端
MT4 外汇指标“突破条形图”
指标“突破条形图”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; 指标检测图表上的突破条形图: 看涨突破条形图 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片) 看跌突破条形图 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片) 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件警报 指标“突破条形图”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
适用于 MT4 的外汇指标“DeMarker for 8 Symbols”,无需重绘
DeMarker 振荡器曲线指示指标计算期间当前价格相对于先前高点和低点的位置 DeMarker 提供其他振荡器中最有效的常规背离信号 非常适合在超买区域(高于 0.7)以常规背离进行卖出入场,在超卖区域(低于 0.3)以常规背离进行买入入场 “DeMarker for 8 Symbols”让您有机会在 1 张图表上控制多达 8 个不同符号的 DeMarker 值 该指标非常适合与超卖/买入区域的价格行动入场相结合。
// 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
外汇指标 HTF 移动平均线 MT4
使用专业的 HTF MA 指标 MT4 升级您的交易方法。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架 此指标非常适合具有价格行动条目的趋势交易者。 HTF MA 指标允许您将更高时间框架的移动平均线附加到当前图表。 指标显示更高时间框架的趋势 --> 这始终是一种有利可图的方法。 HTF MA 指标提供了以低风险获得巨额利润的机会。 如何使用: 将 MA 从 D1 附加到 H4 或 H1 图表 将 MA 从 H4 附加到 H1、M30 或 M15 图表 等(见图片) ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品
适用于 MT4 的外汇指标“具有动态超卖/超买区域的 MFI”。
资金流量指数 (MFI) 是一种技术震荡指标,它使用价格和交易量数据来识别超卖和超买区域 非常适合从动态超买区域获取卖出条目,从动态超卖区域获取买入条目 MFI 对于背离检测非常有用,并且非常适合与价格行为结合使用 动态超买区域 - 黄线上方 动态超卖区域 - 绿线下方 MFI 震荡指标提供有关看涨和看跌价格动量的信息 带有 PC 和移动警报 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品
在每天的市场开始时, Flashpoints Breakout 将使用前一天的数据(最高价、最低价和收盘价)来审查枢轴、支撑和阻力位,以计算两个突破水平(看涨和看跌)。 这样一来,您可以在早上第一时间获得新的入场水平以及止盈 (TP) 和止损 (SL) 值,从而在无需额外计算的情况下下达买入止损或卖出止损挂单。 通过 Flashpoints Breakout ,您每天可以根据预期的突破水平下达 1 或 2 笔买入止损单和 1 或 2 笔卖出止损单,以确保不遗漏任何机会。 查看顶部的数据面板并下达订单 —— 1 或 2 笔买单和 1 或 2 笔卖单。在面板中,您会找到精确的入场值、SL 和 TP,以及图表上对应这些值的线条(参见图像)。
1. 买入操作 (BUY): 入场 1 "BUY" ==> 在买入区域: 订单 1: 买入止损在买入区域。 止损 (SL): 卖出区域。 止盈 (TP): 突破高点。 入场 2 "BUY" ==> 在突破高点: 订单 2: 买入止损在突破高点。 SL: 买入区域。 TP: 目标。
2. 卖出操作 (SELL): 入场 1 "SELL" ==>
外汇指标“INFO 价差掉期显示”适用于 MT4,交易支持工具。
INFO 价差掉期显示指标显示其所附外汇对的当前价差和掉期。 它还显示账户余额、净值和保证金 可以在图表的任何角落找到指标值: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角 也可以设置颜色和字体大小 ................................................................................................................... // 更多优秀的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 外汇指标“Inside Bar & PinBar Patterns”
指标“Inside Bar & PinBar Patterns”对于价格行为交易非常强大 指标检测图表上的 Inside Bar 和 PinBar 模式: 看涨模式 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片) 看跌模式 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片) 无需重绘;无延迟;Inside Bar 本身具有高 R/R 比率(回报/风险) 带有 PC、移动和电子邮件警报 指标“Inside Bar & PinBar Patterns”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用
// 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 外汇指标“DeMarker Speed”
该指标的计算基于物理方程。DeMarker Speed 是 DeMarker 本身的一阶导数 DeMarker 振荡器曲线表示指标计算期间当前价格相对于先前高点和低点的位置 DeMarker Speed 指标适合快速剥头皮入场(如您在图片上所见) DeMarker Speed 显示 DeMarker 本身改变方向的速度 - 它非常敏感 如果 DeMarker Speed 指标的值 < 0:速度为负;如果 DeMarker Speed 指标的值 > 0:速度为正 指标具有内置移动和 PC 警报
// 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品
外汇指标 HTF 力量振荡器适用于 MT4
HTF 力量是多时间框架交易的强大指标。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架 力量指数是将价格和成交量数据合并为单个值的顶级指标之一 高时间框架的值可以显示趋势方向(下降趋势 - 低于 0;上升趋势 - 高于 0) 快速力量 - 蓝线,慢速力量 - 红线 买入信号 - 快速线向上穿过慢线并且两者均高于 0(见图) 卖出信号 - 快速线向下穿过慢线并且两者均低于 0(见图) 指标具有内置移动和 PC 警报 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
AI Trading Consultant 是一款先进的指标,专为需要通过技术支持来分析和理解市场的交易者设计。利用长短期记忆递归神经网络( RNN LSTM ),AI Trading Consultant 提供明确的买入和卖出信号,帮助识别市场潜在动向,并支持交易决策。 主要特征: 先进的人工智能(RNN LSTM)
此指标使用具有长期记忆的递归神经网络,可分析市场历史数据中的复杂模式。RNN LSTM 技术被设计为“记住”过去的数据序列,使指标能够基于深入的模式分析生成信号,在各种市场背景中均能发挥作用。 适用于不同市场和时间框架
AI Trading Consultant 适用于股票、外汇、加密货币和商品等多种市场,在不同的时间框架下均有效。 15分钟时间框架 尤其推荐,以实现更好的响应速度和信号精度。 清晰的买卖信号
此指标提供直观明了的买卖信号,便于解读,减少操作不确定性。这些信号直接显示在图表上,提高操作流畅度和精确性。 仅在蜡烛线收盘时确认信号
AI Trading Consultant 的重要特点是买卖信号仅在蜡烛线 收盘时确认 。这有助于降低假信号或过
BTC Follow Line - 您的比特币交易指南 BTC Follow Line 是一款专为加密货币市场设计的高级指标,特别针对比特币市场。适合寻找中长期可靠 买入 和 卖出 信号的交易者。此工具适用于任何时间框架,能够灵活满足您的交易需求。 为什么选择 BTC Follow Line? 简单直观 :干净易读的界面,让您轻松做出明智的决策。 多功能性 :适用于所有时间框架,从快速分析到长期评估,在任何情况下都能提供全面支持。 针对比特币优化 :专门为捕捉 BTC 市场的独特动态而设计,确保信号更具一致性。 BTC Follow Line 如何工作? 该指标分析比特币趋势,并根据市场趋势的关键变化生成可视信号。清晰的绿色和红色线条代表潜在的买入或卖出点,为您提供清晰且准确的指导。 主要优势: 减少不确定性 :更有信心地识别重要趋势和可能的反转。 优化您的策略 :适合自主交易者和使用混合策略的交易者。 适应您的目标 :无论您是长期投资者还是活跃交易者,BTC Follow Line 都能适应您的风格。 重要提示: BTC Follow Line 是一种帮助您分析市场的技术分析工具,但
這是一款易於設定且易於使用的 EA 交易,可幫助您始終掌握有關您交易帳戶的必要信息,並透過 Telegram 從 MetaTrader 4 發送給您: • 帳戶提款 • 未平倉部位數量 • 未平倉部位數量 • 每天、每週、每月的利潤
如何取得聊天ID: - 與 BotFather 聊天建立 Bot 並取得 Bot 的 API 令牌。如果您有 Bot,請跳過此步驟。 - 與機器人@userinfobot聊天,然後機器人會回覆您的ID。
如何設定: - 在 MT4 中進行以下設定:服務 > 設定 > 專家 > 選取以下 URL 的「允許 WebReguest」 > 新增 https://api.telegram.org/
更多資訊請造訪我們的網站 ProfRoboTrading。 This is an easy-to-set-up and easy-to-use Expert Advisor that will help you always have the necessary information about your trading account at hand
SYMBOL MANAGER 交易品種變化指標是一種有效的工具,旨在增強交易便利性並顯著簡化交易者的體驗。
更多資訊請造訪我們的網站 ProfRoboTrading。
The SYMBOL MANAGER symbol change indicator is an effective tool designed to enhance trading convenience and significantly simplify the trader's experience.
This indicator allows users to switch seamlessly between currency pairs and timeframes within a single open window of the trading terminal. Importantly, when switching, the
The Support and Resistance Level PRT indicator automatically determines support and resistance levels using the proprietary algorithm based on historical and current data, so the levels are dynamic, which allows you to adjust trading targets based on the current price movement. For this reason, we use this indicator in our advisors, for example, Golden Dragons.
https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/126477?source=Site +Market+MT4+Search+Rating006%3agolden+dragons
The panel also displays the
晨星 PRT 指標採用早盤持平突破原理。此指標顯示早晨持平水平並顯示可能的目標。 指標中增加了額外的斐波那契水平,以及有關設定中指定的目標水平與夜間持平水平相交的聲音警報。
晨星 PRT 指標在夜間結束時建造了一個夜間平坦通道,以及兩個向上和向下的斐波那契價格水準。這些水平可以被視為目標水平和逆轉水平。
晨星 PRT 指標適用於所有時間範圍,但在 M15 間隔上使用它最有效。
The Morning Star PRT indicator uses the morning flat breakout principle. The indicator displays morning flat levels and shows possible targets.
An additional Fibonacci level has been added to the indicator, as well as sound alerts about the intersection of both target levels specified in the settings
指標供給和需求區域 PRT – 是一種自訂工具,用於執行圖表的供給和需求區域標記。此指標在圖表上繪製線條和矩形,突出顯示阻力/支撐位和供需區域。為了方便起見,線條和圖形都塗上了不同的顏色,以便輕鬆區分彼此的訊號。它非常適合初學者和經驗豐富的交易者。 此指標用於倒賣、趨勢、反趨勢和其他交易系統。這是一種通用演算法,可以輕鬆成為任何策略的一部分。它在所有時間框架和工具上都表現良好,並且與振盪器完美結合。
Indicator Supply & Demand zones PRT– is a custom tool that is used to perform supply and demand zones marking of the chart. The indicator draws lines and rectangles on the chart that highlight resistance/support levels and supply/demand zones. For convenience, both lines and figures are painted
- 新星(SS);
- 晚星(E_Star);
- 黃昏十字星 (E_Doji);
- 烏雲蓋頂(DCC);
- 看跌吞沒(S_E);
- 看漲錘子(HMR);
- 晨星(M_Star);
- 早晨十字星(M_Doji);
- 交叉線(P_L);
- 看漲交叉 (L_E);
This is the automatic price spike signal indicator for MT4. Plots advance alerts on potential breakouts/pullbacks. Suits forex, stocks & crypto trading strategies.
This is a perfect indicator for reversal traders. A spike often indicates a turn-around moment. The best way to use that gauge is to apply it to your favourite trading system as a filter. You can purchase this expert advisor through our affiliate program with a 50% discount. More information is available on our website ProfRobo
Smart Volume Box is designed to give MetaTrader users a powerful, analytical tool for uncovering the hidden dynamics in the market. This precision-built tool, complete with user-friendly settings, integrates essential volume insights and advanced features like Volume Profile, VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price), and Point of Control (POC) levels. Unlike typical indicators, Smart Volume Box doesn’t provide specific trade signals but instead offers a clearer perspective on market trends, making
Powerful non-repainting tool for intraday or swing tading, part of the Power Lines Trading System, used in real trading on a daily basis with proven solid trading signals. The Power Lines indicator is pretty straightforward and easy to set up and can be used perfectly on every timeframe and with every currency pair or other financial instrument. For intraday trading the using of M5, M15 or M30 timeframes and for swing trading H1, H4 or D are recommended. Avoid M1 and be careful with M5 timeframe
The EA Homing Pigeon is an Expert Advisor designed for long-term, stable profits. It references the H1 and longer timeframes to capture trends. The system avoids risky strategies such as grid trading, martingale, and night scalping. The EA has been running on a real money account for six months. The price will increase as updates are made, eventually reaching the final price of $300. Past performance does not guarantee future profits. Recommended Currency Pairs:
Arbitrage Indicators 是一个专业且易于使用的外汇交易指标,它使用最新AI的套利模型的最佳交易原则。 该指标提供准确的买入和卖出信号。只适用于货币对。 它共有六个不同的指标选项, MACD、KDJ、RSI、CCI、RVI、DEMARK。 可供用户自由切换。 它直观展示了货币对的走向及反转信号,当两线交叉颜色时货币即有很大概率发生反转。 推荐时间框架: 任何时间框架都有效,但我们喜欢使用 M5、 M15、M30 和 H1 也是不错的选择!
推荐交易品种: 我们喜欢使用的最佳交易品种是 M15 时间框架上的 EURUSD 、GBPUSD 、USDJPY、 USDCAD、 AUDUSD 、USDCHF 有问题可联系:QQ:2813871972 微信: FX-AIEA 邮箱:2813871972@qq.com
There are many linear regression indicators out there, most of them draw lines or channels, but this one actually draws a chart. This indicator also alow user show MA line on chart. So buy signal is when red candle and crossdown with MA line and vice versal. Following MA type is supported: SMA EMA RMA WMA This simple mineset but powerfull KISS - Keep it simple, stupid :D
AI Fibonacci Indicators (非重绘) 是一个专业且易于使用的AI全自动斐波那契生成器外汇交易指标,它使用最新AI的技术自动识别图表准确的斐波那契位置并自动在图表描绘出来。 该指标提供准确的斐波那契重要价格位置和其他高低价位置。适用于任何货币对和其他产品。 它共有七个功能切换,其中五个不同的斐波那契类型("斐波那契回调线", "斐波那契弧线", "斐波那契扇形线", "斐波那契时间区间", "斐波那契扩展线")和一个基于zigzag的填充功能以及一个生成显示(昨日高低价、上周高低价、上个月高低价)功能可供选择或组合。 推荐时间框架: 任何时间框架都有效,但我们喜欢使用 M5、 M15、M30 和 H1 也是不错的选择! 推荐交易品种: 任何品种 我们喜欢使用的最佳交易品种是 M15 时间框架上的XAUUSD、 EURUSD 、GBPUSD 、USDJPY、 USDCAD、 AUDUSD 、USDCHF 有问题可联系:QQ:2813871972 微信: FX-AIEA 邮箱:2813871972@qq.com
Golden Field is an expert advisor who uses a combination of trading strategies. Golden Field uses a unique method to determine the levels of Take Profit and Stop Loss. Each time after opening an order, they appear at different levels and eventually begin to approach the current price. It doesn't require any settings. The robot starts working immediately after installing it on the chart. Based on the current price and spread, current lows/highs are formed, as well as current support/resistanc
This Expert Advisor is designed to help traders manage their positions automatically. It can hedge manual trades when a specified (loss or win) threshold is reached, reducing risk. The EA also allows traders to close buy or sell trades individually based on profit or loss, and it can close all trades when a certain total profit or loss is achieved. With customizable settings for trade management, this EA helps traders automate their strategies and improve efficiency. The EA opens trades using th
Coppy Master MT4 is a powerful and versatile copier for the MetaTrader 4 platforms, designed to support trade copying across different types of accounts: from MT4 to MT5, MT5 to MT4, as well as between MT4 and MT5 accounts. It ensures high-speed trade transfers, minimizing delay to 0.5 seconds, making it an ideal solution for synchronizing multiple trading accounts. [ DEMO ] [ Instruction ] For the copier to work correctly, all terminals (MT4 / MT5) must be running on the same computer or VPS.
US30专用的set已经上传评论区,请加载此set。 请注意该产品为 通过允许使用高频交易技术的Prop Firm(自营交易公司)挑战评估的 EA 。 内置 默认 参数, 适用于通过 Prop Firm 模拟账户评估挑战。 Prop US30 EA , Challenge Performance Monitor (not for live account): Broker: ICMarkets Login: 31243573 Password: abc123 Server: ICMarketsSC-Demo03 EA使用特殊的人工智能高频交易策略来检测大幅波动并采用极其小的止损来保护您的净值,小的回撤。不过请注意,通常它不会快速的创造账面利润。它被设计出来的目的就是要看起来真实。 为了真实,这款EA不会让你盈利太快。你知道的,因为太快盈利,已经有部分道具公司禁止这类EA参与考核。还有部分道具公司要求你在实盘考核期像模拟考核期一样快速盈利。这对于使用快速盈利EA通过道具公司模拟考核的人来说,简直就是噩梦。好吧,Really HFT会让你通过考核,但是它不会让你很尴尬。 该机
Position Accelerator is an innovative solution for traders that helps maximize profits by capitalizing on trending market movements. The utility automatically increases the size of your trading positions once they reach a predefined profit level, significantly enhancing your profitability. This product is also available for MetaTrader 5 => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/126702 How does Position Accelerator work? 1. Acceleration through additional positions: When your open position reac
The Alien Mattrix, is carefully programmed and optimized with exclusive and advanced algorithms. The strategy combines Price Action with Tick patterns, along with intelligent noise filtering algorithms to identify trading opportunities with high probability and low risk. Alien Mattrix, will open both buy and sell positions at different times according to the triggered signal, the most positions and in accordance with the market direction that will win and profit.
Advanced programming and a co
M1 BRICS Indicator
Welcome back!
- M1 BRICS Indicator is specially created for the M1 timeframe.
- The indicator indicates good and safe but relatively rare signals.
- This can be compensated by trading multiple currency pairs, so there will be plenty of signals.
- M1 BRICS Indicator works on all currency pairs.
- Indicator does not repaint.
- The white arrow represents the signal to buy. - The yellow arrow indicates the signal to sell.
Thank you. Good luck!
EA Quantum Scalper GBPUSD is an automated trading system designed for the GBPUSD currency pair. Employing a scalping strategy and sophisticated position management, it aims to deliver high returns while minimizing risk. The EA analyzes tick patterns, price movements, and momentum, using unique entry points to identify potential trading opportunities. To safeguard profits and enhance efficiency, each trade is equipped with maximum Stop Loss levels and a Trailing Stop feature. Enjoy an exciting
LogEverything EA
The LogEverything EA is a comprehensive tool designed for logging and recording various trading metrics, account information, and market data. It is a robust solution for traders who want to track the performance of their trades, analyze historical data, and ensure accurate record-keeping.
Key Features: Logs trade executions, including details such as entry price, lot size, stop loss, take profit, and comments.
Tracks closed trades with detailed information on profit or l
The free version of the Hi Low Last Day MT4 indicator . The Hi Low Levels Last Day MT4 indicator shows the high and low of the last trading day . The ability to change the color of the lines is available . Try the full version of the Hi Low Last Day MT4 indicator , in which additional indicator features are available : Displaying the minimum and maximum of the second last day Displaying the minimum and maximum of the previous week Sound alert when crossing max . and min . levels Selecting an arb
Liquidity is one of the most crucial aspects of the forex market. We can say that liquidity exists at every level of price, but there are certain areas where liquidity tends to be higher. The session high/low is one such area, which is why we developed this indicator. Why Session Range? Helps traders identify session liquidity : The session high/low represents a key liquidity pool, especially during the Asian session. Provides insight into your session position : This indicator allows you to pi
This Expert is using free indicator, please download BBMA MT4 here . This indicator use for exit strategy. Expert is using Nick Shawn Dollar Cost Averaging and Random Buy or Sell at new High or new Low of the trend. Very simple and effective, please remember to use lot size as small as possible. Example AutoLotDivide = 2000, you will have lot 0.01 each 1k of your balance. Or Just set manually at fixlot.
Backtest only for EU pair for now, please use default setting for all except gold/xauusd,
Wild Phoenix is a highly specialized scalper that makes high-frequency trading its strength. Thanks to the use of advanced and sophisticated technology, it can monitor markets in real-time, identifying moments of maximum volatility with extreme precision. Its strategy is based on the ability to exploit every market fluctuation, even the most sudden ones, transforming them into concrete profit opportunities.
Operating with speed and pinpoint accuracy, Wild Phoenix positions itself as a protago
RR Visualizer - Enhance Your MT4 Risk Management RR Visualizer is an essential MT4 utility for traders looking to optimize their risk management effortlessly. This tool calculates the ideal lot size based on your preferred risk percentage and the custom stop-loss distance you set, giving you full control over your money management. Designed with a user-friendly and attractive interface, RR Visualizer keeps the focus on your trading, not on complex calculations. Key Features Customizable Ri
Using the Overall Trend Channel in Manual Trading The Overall Trend Channel (OTC) indicator significantly enhances manual trading strategies by: Identifying Strong Trends: The OTC indicator consolidates data from various timeframes, providing a comprehensive view of the prevailing trend. This helps traders identify strong, sustained trends, improving the accuracy of their trades. Filtering Noise: By considering multiple timeframes, the OTC indicator filters out short-term market noise, allowing
Introduction to the Consecutive 3-Candle EA The " AI Candle " EA (Expert Advisor) is an automated trading tool for MetaTrader 4, specifically optimized for EURUSD and GBPUSD currency pairs on the H4 timeframe. This EA uses a strategy based on identifying three consecutive bullish or bearish candles to capture potential trend directions. When three candles appear in the same direction (bullish or bearish), the EA will automatically open a trade in the matching direction, allowing traders to capit
BUYSELLMAGIC is a non-repainting signal-type trading indicator designed to precisely detect entry points in the market.
Features Reliable and permanent signals : BUYSELLMAGIC signals are final once the candle closes, ensuring they will not be modified or removed from the chart. This gives you the confidence of working with an indicator that keeps its signals stable and trustworthy. Comprehensive alerts : In addition to signals on the chart, you’ll receive notifications via email, pop-up alert
Automatic Fibonacci Pivots automatically calculates pivot levels and support/resistance based on Fibonacci, clearly showing key reference points that indicate potential reversal or trend continuation zones, as well as buy and sell areas . Designed for traders seeking clarity on charts without having to recalculate and manually place Fibonacci levels each time. Once set up on your computer, it will send an alert to your phone when a potential buy/sell signal is issued, allowing you to trade direc
Trade Insights Display is the ideal companion for traders who want to operate with clarity and precision. This indicator provides real-time access to critical account data, such as: Balance Equity Margin Spread Swap Remaining time for the current candle . These data points are essential, regardless of the strategy or other indicators you use. Having this indicator always visible allows you to quickly assess your account status, the swap for each pair (helping you avoid high-cost trades), and the
News Filter EA is an advanced algo trading assistant.
By using the News Filter EA , you can equip your expert with a forex economic news filter, even if you do not have access to the source code of your expert. In addition to the news filter, you can add specific trading days and trading hours to your expert. The News Filter EA also has a risk management option. MT5 Version OTHER FEATURES News Filter EA will stop your expert for a certain time , before and after the news, and
The SniperPro(XAU-USD) trading indicator has performed well for 15 days on XAU USD.....When trading on this indicator, the order sometimes goes into a drawdown.....The indicator does not redraw!!!!!! The indicator works on time intervals M1-D1....He performed well during the release of economic news… We attach the indicator to the XAU – USD M5 chart with standard settings without changing anything.....
The Fibonacci Volatility Bands indicator is a refined tool designed to enhance your market analysis by integrating Fibonacci retracements with the Bollinger Bands concept. This indicator visually highlights potential areas of support and resistance, providing traders with a clearer understanding of price fluctuations and volatility. MT5 Version - https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/126422/ The core of the Fibonacci Volatility Bands is built around a Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA) that
Indicator Description: This multi-timeframe indicator for MetaTrader 4 combines Simple Moving Averages (SMA), Relative Strength Index (RSI), and Average Directional Index (ADX) to provide robust trading signals. It analyzes the 5-minute (M5), 15-minute (M15), 30-minute (M30), 1-hour (H1), and 4-hour (H4) timeframes, generating buy, sell, or hold signals. An integrated dashboard clearly displays the signals for each timeframe, making it easier to make informed trading decisions. Currency Pair: Th
The Linear Regression Oscillator (LRO) is a technical indicator based on linear regression analysis, commonly used in financial markets to assess the momentum and direction of price trends. It measures the distance between the current price and the value predicted by a linear regression line, which is essentially the best-fit line over a specified period. Here’s a breakdown of how it works and its components: Key Components of the Linear Regression Oscillator Linear Regression Line (Best-Fit
AlphaTrend is a brand new indicator which inspired by Trend Magic. In Magic Trend we had some problems, Alpha Trend tries to solve those problems such as:
1-To minimize stop losses and overcome sideways market conditions.
2-To have more accurate BUY/SELL signals during trending market conditions.
3- To have significant support and resistance levels.
4- To bring together indicators from different categories that are compatible with each other and make a meaningful combination regarding
The Linear Regression Channel Indicator is a versatile tool designed for Metatrader to help traders visualize price trends and potential reversal points. By calculating and plotting linear regression channels, bands, and future projections, this indicator provides comprehensive insights into market dynamics. It can highlight overbought and oversold conditions, identify trend direction, and offer visual cues for future price movements.
Key Features:
Linear Regression Bands: (
How it Works
When the EA is active, it analyzes the chart based on the Execution Mode parameter. No existing positions on the chart: If the trend is bullish, the EA enters a buy trade. If bearish, it enters a sell trade. Existing positions with the last one in loss: The EA checks if the distance between the current market price and the order meets the minimum distance set by the user. It enters a trade based on the candle , calculates the lot size using the martingale method. ️ EA Pa
How it Works
When the EA is active, it analyzes the chart based on the Execution Mode parameter. No existing positions on the chart: If the trend is bullish, the EA enters a buy trade. If bearish, it enters a sell trade. Sets a Stop Loss at a certain distance if the stop loss variable is > 0. (0 means no Stop Loss). Existing positions with the last one in loss: The EA checks if the distance between the current market price and the order meets the minimum distance set by the user.
Entry indicator for: - Strong moves - Tops Bottoms
Try it as yourself and it proves its value with its results. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Info: BarRange = how many bars are detected; AlertConfirmation = Alerts on and off; CalculatedBars = Indicator Calculated Bars; Buffer0[] = Arrow Up; Buffer1[] = Arrow Down; Buffer4[] = 1 or 0 Buy Signal Buffer5[] = 1 or 0 Sell Signal
This EA have made from manual trade more than 1 year. It is the best EA from my side. Reversal Entry by CCI and RSI Indicator. Money management (Risk Per Trade), Suggestion (should not over 5% per trade). One by one order per trading. Presets for EURUSD,GBPUSD,USDJPY, and XAUUSD. (Please direct contact us) Use Time frame H1 or M30 is the best performance of EA. Default EA, setting for EU / tf H1.
Are you looking to leverage the high price movements during major economic news releases to achieve consistent profits? Trading News EA Multi-Timeframe is here to help you automate your trading with smart, fast, and precise execution during volatile market conditions! Key Features: Multi-Timeframe Trading : You can schedule up to 10 different trading times within a single chart. The EA automatically places pending orders at the specified times, ensuring you never miss out on the opportuniti
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