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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标 - 96

icon EA交易自动执行市场交易,而指标可使您更准确地分析报价并预测价格行为。 通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
KT Trend Exhaustion MT4
KT Trend Exhaustion is our personal implementation of the famous Trend Exhaustion Index developed by Clifford L. Creel, Ph.D., in 1991. The change in price direction often comes with uncertainty. TEI helps to tackle the uncertainty by showing a crisp direction using the smoothed color-changing index. Features Easy to use and interpret. It comes with a multi-timeframe scanner that scans the upcoming signals across all the time-frames. It can be used as an entry signal or trend confirmation
ATR Trend Seeker
Kenneth Berry Cunningham
This is the first EA created by the ZenKen Trading Group. ATR Trend Seeker is exactly what it sounds like, an EA that uses ATR to detect price action that leads to trends. This EA was built to be extremely customizable. This allows users to find settings that other traders may not be using. Going through back testing there are a lot of back test results that bring profit over a year. While creating this EA the goal wasn’t profit In general but to create an EA that made 120% yearly while losing o
Forex Fraus Oris
Dmitriy Zaytsev
Принцип работы Покупает и продаёт на основании показаний внутреннего индикатора; После появления сигнала , выставляет сетку. Встроен регулируемый блок риск-менеджмента. В зависимости от баланса следит за величиной исполняемого ордера, распределяя риски; Не использует стандартные индикаторы. Присутствует блок отправки PUSH-уведомлений на смартфон.(после каждой сделки отправляет сообщение на смартфон с данными о текущем балансе и профите).   Тестирование Скачайте бесплатную копию Forex Fraus Ori
Ever took a trade and when you come back to the termainal to check on the status of the position, you realized the market has gone so far in the opposite direction or it has hit your stoploss. Well this system is here to help manage those moments price doesn't go in your desired direction. Consider this to be the insurance your account needs for your trading business. This tool manages manual trades and e.a. triggered trades. However be aware that some e.a.s are programmed to override other e.a.
NOTE: PRICE WILL RISE VERY SOON. DON'T SKIP THIS OFFER! Dear traders I am glad to introduce the " Market Swing Scanner Board" indicator to you. This indicator was made mainly to be used in combination with the Market Swing Index Indicator. You use the  "Market Swing Scanner Board"  indicator to scan for trading opportunities on the  Market Swing Index Indicator . This tool is designed for serious traders who have decided to make a difference through trading. Be the next person to witness this st
Le Thi Loan Anh Le
Hana EA   is the result of more than hundred hours of intensive work to build an expert advisor that has balanced risk-reward ratio.  L ive monitoring  with real money:   live signal with minimal capital  Live trading account with not-too-small capital: live signal with medium capital - none ECN account - more than 1 year   - live signal 2 with ECN account  (UDJPY is trading using Hana USDJPY EA) Hana EA uses the strategy based on the breakdown of the most important support and resistance levels
One Click market orders with different lot sizes, partial closing and break even line. Also it shows current setups profit or loss, with partial exits included in total setups PnL.  Great tool for manual trading, when different lot sizes needed as per grid or martingale strategies.  Major future is different symbol category detection. Due different instruments categories there is a need to use different pre determined lot sizes for different risk profiles. So EA  has auto detection of different
ImEngg EA
Mohammad Noman
"ImEngg EA" is the advance system developed after years long research and proven in best market conditions, even this EA survived the worst market crashes. This is a simple Grid system, takes trades very logically without fail and you can sleep easily without worrying if using the suggested settings and minimum balance. Currency Pairs:  AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD Time Frame: M15 Very much cheaper when compared to simmilar EAs. OneChartSetup: Trades three pairs AUDCAD, AUDNZD, NZDCAD. Just set up EA
TakePropips TradePad Pro
Eric John Pajarillaga Aldana
5 (4)
TakePropips TradePad Pro 包括一个强大的交易管理器、货币强度计、账户报告工具、风险管理工具等等! 它是您将遇到的最先进的外汇交易经理和交易助手之一!对于想要更有效地管理贸易交易的交易者来说,它是完美的解决方案。 您可以在我们的博文中下载用户手册: User Manual 您可以在 Strategy Tester 上测试此交易系统(启用可视模式)。如果您喜欢在实时图表上进行测试,也可以给我发消息以获取 7 天试用版。 视频教程也可在说明下方获得更多详细信息。 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请随时与我联系,我很乐意提供帮助。 TradePad Pro 适用于所有外汇对、金属、商品、指数和加密货币。 主要特点 订单管理 - 公开市场或挂单,轻松调整止盈、止损和手数大小。 获利计算 - 手动点数、ATR 乘数和风险回报率。 止损计算- 手动点,   ATR 乘数和供应/需求。 批量计算 - 手动点,   每笔交易的风险百分比和风险金额。 账户保护 - 回撤保护允许您设置账户回撤的最大限额以避免进一步损失。利润保护为您的账户设置最大利润限额以避免过度交易。 编辑订
Market Structure
Reza Aghajanpour
4.85 (27)
** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me  to send you instruction and add you in "Market Structure group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Market structure is important for both new and professional traders since it can influence the liquidity and price action of a market (Breakout and Retest). It’s also one of the most commonly used techniques to understand trends, identify potential reversal points, and get a feel f
MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/90091 MT5版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93707 “多对货币强度计”EA 是一款先进的交易工具,专为希望通过全面的市场分析和强大的风险管理技术优化交易策略的外汇交易者而设计。 该 EA 利用货币强弱方法,根据当前未平仓头寸提供不同货币对的相对强弱指示。 以下是详细描述: 概述 “多对货币强弱计”EA 是一种自动交易系统,可动态分析多个货币对中各种货币的强弱。 通过评估未平仓头寸,它可以识别货币优势和劣势带来盈利交易潜力的交易机会。 该 EA 配备了复杂的风险管理功能,包括平均挂单,以确保平衡和受控的市场波动风险。 主要特征 货币强弱分析 实时数据:持续实时监控和更新各币种的强弱,确保及时准确的交易决策。 多货币对评估:同时分析多个货币对,提供外汇市场格局的全面视图。 强弱指标:利用先进的算法计算并显示每种货币的强弱指标,轻松识别潜在的交易机会。 持仓监控 实时头寸分析:与当前未平仓头寸相结合,评估其对货币强度的影响,
Maedina Gold Scalper
Mohd Baba Mok
4.65 (20)
Maedina Gold Scalper   是专门针对   XAUUSD / 黄金 的专家顾问。 该EA是   剥头皮式马丁格尔机器人。 该EA在市场波动条件下表现出色。 根据您的需求调整设置。在使用真实账户进行交易之前,请记得进行回测和前测。 请根据您的资金调整手数。 点差要求 2位数经纪人的点差不超过20,3位数经纪人的点差不超过200。 点差越低越好。 经纪人强制平仓水平 点差为20时,强制平仓水平≤30%。 点差为10时,强制平仓水平≤50%。 这意味着,如果您的黄金点差为20,并且您的经纪人强制平仓水平为50%,则不适合。您必须确保如果点差为20,则经纪人的强制平仓水平为30%或以下。如果您的点差为10,则经纪人的强制平仓水平最高可为50%。不得超过50%。 强制平仓水平越低越好。 资本和手数 最低资本为   3,000美元   或   3,000 USC (30美元) 。 推荐资本为 7,000美元 或 7,000 USC (70美元) 。 每7,000美元的余额0.01手。 每日更新:t.me/mgsdgs
在一个窗口中分析货币对的多个时间范围可能会让您感到困惑。 要分析多个时间范围,您需要可靠的指标。 其中之一是使用 9TF STOCH RSI。 我夜以继日地工作,以创建简单但可靠的代码,并在一个指标中涵盖所有九个时间范围。 让我们看一下该指标的一些优点: 彩色直方图。 每个时间范围内的曲线颜色各不相同。 指示 STOCHASTIC 主线和信号线交叉的箭头。 (注意:忽略出现的最后一个箭头!) OBOS水平线。 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器。 9TF 仪表板监视器计算非常准确,即使您从一个时间范围更改为另一个时间范围也是如此。 监控哪条曲线高于超买水平,哪条曲线低于超卖水平。 监测主 STOCH 是否高于信号 STOCH 的曲线,反之亦然。 监控主 STOCH 和信号 STOCH 之间是否有交叉的曲线。 监视当前信号与先前信号的移动。 在上升或下降的过程中。 (注意:这是剥头皮非常重要的功能!) 监测 RSI 线的运动。 一个非常重要的趋势栏功能,用于发现长期趋势。 改变颜色的能力。 能够选择要显示的曲线。 能够选择要显示的直方图。 能够选择显示哪个箭头。 能够将 9
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The indicator shows 7 patterns of the Price Action trading system, as well as the maximum and minimum price lines for the day. Timeframe: H1, H4, D1. Pin bar Outside Vertical Bar (OVB) Pivot Point Reversal (PPR) Closing Price Reversal (CPR) Double Extremums ( DMax/DMin ) Wide Range Bar (WRB) Inside Bar (IB) Settings PRICE ACTION PATTERNS Show Pin Bar   Color Pin Bar - pointer arrow color.                                        Show Outside Vertical Bar (OVB)  Color Outside Vertical Bar   - poin
Hm(水平标记)专为水平水平的手动标记而设计。 标记包含级别及其价格值。 线的厚度和颜色以及价格值在设置中设置。 水平可以放置在本地的时间框架,或公开设置所有的时间框架。 他的工作很简单: 1)–按你在设置中设置的键来标记级别; 2)-我们将线路带到所需的位置; 3)–点击鼠标右键和水平链接。 在未来,这些水平可以移动和调整。 从图表中移除后,指标不会自行清理水平。 他们将不得不手动删除。 最有效的应用是一次在所选交易工具上使用具有不同设置的多个HMS。 输入: 线条样式-线条样式 线宽-线厚 标记样式-价格标签的大小 标记偏移(像素)-相对于屏幕左边缘的标记偏移 线条颜色-线条和标签的颜色 单独的时间帧-显示在单独的时间帧上,或显示在所有时间帧上 标记热键-设置级别的键
Mikhail Malashenkov
這個名為“DIAPAZON”的 EA 交易使用給定期間內的最低價和最高價以及在設置中指定的隨機信號來處理市場反轉和價格變動修正。 它既可以作為助手用於手動交易,也可以用於自動交易,具體取決於設置。 還有重疊虧損交易的功能,它是根據投資於一筆交易或一系列交易的資金來計算的 Zhège míng wèi “DIAPAZON” de EA jiāoyì shǐyòng gěi dìng qíjiān nèi de zuìdī jià hé zuìgāo jià yǐjí zài shèzhì zhōng zhǐdìng de suíjī xìnhào lái chǔlǐ shìchǎng fǎn zhuǎn hé jiàgé biàndòng xiūzhèng. Tā jì kěyǐ zuòwéi zhùshǒu yòng yú shǒudòng jiāoyì, yě kěyǐ yòng yú zìdòng jiāoyì, jùtǐ qǔjué yú shèzhì. Hái yǒu chóngdié kuīsǔn jiāoyì de gōngnéng, tā shì gēnjù tóuzī
Martin smart
Mikhail Malashenkov
這個名為“MARTIN SMART”的 Expert Advisor 以 mar 原理工作,根據設置,它使用隨機信號進行入場。它的獨特之處在於,有 3 種選擇可以將交易轉移到收支平衡,並通過從市場的小幅調整中獲利來關閉負交易。 它既可以作為助手用於手動交易,也可以用於自動交易,具體取決於設置。 Zhège míng wèi “MARTIN SMART” de Expert Advisor yǐ mar yuánlǐ gōngzuò, gēnjù shèzhì, tā shǐyòng suíjī xìnhào jìnxíng rùchǎng. Tā de dútè zhī chù zàiyú, yǒu 3 zhǒng xuǎnzé kěyǐ jiāng jiāoyì zhuǎnyí dào shōu zhī pínghéng, bìng tōngguò cóng shìchǎng de xiǎofú tiáozhěng zhōng huò lì lái guānbì fù jiāoyì. Tā jì kěyǐ zuòwéi zhùshǒu yòng yú shǒudòng jiāoyì
Jason Edward Todt
適用於任何時間範圍 適用於任何貨幣對 不需要配置 可用作指標,或用作全自動 EA     可自定義的設置 ADX 指標。 一、主要參數 1.1 多頭 / 空頭訂單的兩個訂單註釋 1.2 兩個獨特的幻數。對於多頭 / 空頭 1.3 最大允許點差 1.4 最大允許滑點 1.5 此 EA 中使用的所有指標都是完全可定製的 1.6 定義經紀商數位 1.7 用作全自動 EA ,或用作指標,向您展示在哪裡進行交易 1.8 發送訂單執行電子郵件 1.9 執行命令 / 執行時播放聲音 1.10 發生錯誤時的重試次數 1.11 定義顏色以識別買入 / 賣出訂單 1.12 打開 / 關閉彈出消息框警報(無論如何,所有筆記仍將列印在 “ 日記 ” 選項卡上) 1.13 定義是否用於對沖( EA 將開倉交易,但您負責平倉這些交易。 2. 資金管理 2.1 固定手數或手數優化。包括微型或標準 2.2 定義訂單的最大限額 2.3 開啟 / 關閉風險管理 2.4 開啟 / 關閉風險比 2.5 設定風險比 2.6 打開 / 關閉止損自動調整 2.7 打開 / 關閉止盈 2.8 根據凈值百分比定義訂單 2.9 追蹤止損
Break Out Signal Osw
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
中断信号 OSW (元交易者 4) 您想打破高潮和低谷吗? 这是从这些类型的条目中获取信号的完美指标。 一旦指标启动,它不会向您显示任何信号,但随着价格上涨,它会读取市场,直到找到完美的突破形态。 读取高点和低点的指标具有 Zig Zag 的特殊配置,允许只采用最合适的。 与任何指标一样,它不会给出完美的条目,但它给出的许多结果都是赢家,并且伴随着良好的技术分析,它们给出了非常好的结果。 看涨条目为蓝色,看跌条目为红色,每个条目都有一个建议的止损和止盈,缓冲区完美设置为可读取,并且能够打开和关闭信号警报。 中断信号 OSW (元交易者 4) 您想打破高潮和低谷吗? 这是从这些类型的条目中获取信号的完美指标。 一旦指标启动,它不会向您显示任何信号,但随着价格上涨,它会读取市场,直到找到完美的突破形态。 读取高点和低点的指标具有 Zig Zag 的特殊配置,允许只采用最合适的。 与任何指标一样,它不会给出完美的条目,但它给出的许多结果都是赢家,并且伴随着良好的技术分析,它们给出了非常好的结果。 看涨条目为蓝色,看跌条目为红色,每个条目都有一
Andrey Kozak
Nepsetms45 是一種外匯剝頭皮指標,向交易者顯示價格反轉點和當前趨勢方向。指標信號的準確度平均為 87%。這表明,如果指標在圖表上繪製一個箭頭,那麼價格在不久的將來將以 87% 的概率朝箭頭的方向移動至少 20 點或更多。該指標還使用圖表上的線條顯示趨勢方向和運動強度。 Nepsetms45 是一個現成的交易系統,用於 M5、M15 甚至 H1 時間幀的日內剝頭皮交易。與他交易非常容易。當指標畫出藍色箭頭時,我們打開一個買單。獲利+20 點。止損設置在藍色箭頭下方一點。當紅色箭頭出現時,我們做同樣的事情。僅在這種情況下,我們打開一個賣單,將獲利設置為 -20 點,並將止損設置在紅色箭頭正上方。交易系統非常簡單且經過驗證。您自己選擇手數,但我們建議使用不超過存款的 10% 來開立每筆交易。 使用 Nepsetms45 進行交易的建議: 貨幣對:GBPUSD、EURUSD、XAUUSD、USDJPY、EURJPY。 時間範圍:M5、M15、H1 經紀商的最低點差。 Nepsetms45 指標的優勢: 沒有重新繪製 顯示價格反轉點 顯示當前趨勢方向 專為日內剝頭皮而設計
Easy Reversal Signal Indicator spots tops and bottom for catching new trends before they happen It shows entry signals with arrows Blue arrow = Buy entry Red Arrow = Sell entry Recommended timeframes are M1 and M5 but you can also use higher timeframes as well Best time to trade is London and New York session. I do not recommend trading the Asian session because due to the low volatility there can be more false signals. ENTRY RULES: The signals are   non lagging   and   non repainting   but you
Thomas Cain
4.68 (28)
Machine X3 EA is designed to trade at multiple price action levels simultaneously. Instead of avoiding draw down, this EA embraces it and takes advantage of it. This system uses 3 independent baskets of positions to employ more opportunities that may arise. The more draw down that occurs, the more the 2nd and 3rd baskets of this EA operate. Machine EA is designed to open all 3 baskets when long trends occur, utilizing retracements. Entry levels are based on tight Bollinger Bands and distances. D
Boris Sklyaruk
5 (1)
Fully automatic professional MT4 trading system! The adviser includes 3 strategies that work simultaneously, trading is based on 4 author's indicators. The EA has been optimized and tested since 2012 on real ticks and with 99.9% probability. Long-term trading, which takes into account the spread and commissions paid. Almost all transactions are displayed in profit. The EA does not open a large number of trades, the first trade will open in about a week after installation. The Expert Advisor is
Good old snake with various options. You can play directly on the chart. And you can play in a separate window. You can not play at all, but set her speed of movement and run it on the machine, the snake itself will chase and devour apples. You can turn on different sounds of eating apples, or you can completely turn off all sounds. You can set the maximum length of the snake, and you can also set the number of dice on the game board. In short - a lot of things are possible. Enjoy.. )
Vlastimil Straka
Expert for portfolio of basic set long term strategies.    You can choose for your AOS trading two ways – first way is pucrhased for EA with grid, martingale and other similar dangerous strategies.     This EAs work great and have very profitables results – days, weeks, maybe months, years?.. Until they didnt blow up your account. The second way is to use EAs based on real trading strategies and logical patterns. On MQL Market are very few of these strategies. The risk of trading with these EAs
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . The "VWAP Indicator Strategy" is a cutting-edge technical analysis tool designed to provide traders with a competitive advantage in the financial markets. By incorporating the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) indicator, this tool offers valuable insights into market trends, price levels, and potential turning points. Understanding the VWAP Ind
The indicator represents the session boxes for the Asian, European and American sessions. It is possible to change the time of each session, such as color. It is also possible to disable the display of each session. You will find in input parameters variables to modify time sessions  in format hh:mm and  the color of boxes of each sessions. If you need some implementations please contact me.
The indicator is based on the Stochastic indicator. I also recommend to see my EA   Night Zen Strategy: It contains a strategy for crossing the K and D lines in the overbought (for sales) and oversold (for purchases) zones. The indicator gives a signal at the second intersection. The signals are not rewritten, they appear after confirming the intersection of the K and D lines. Settings: Stochastic Indicator Settings Indicator period Notification and Alert Settings
Scalping Swing
Oleg Borisov
5 (3)
Indicator designed for both beginners and professionals. RECOMMEHDATION    Trade with this indicator for 2-3 weeks and you will feel significant progress in your trading. This indicator is developed based on the use of HMA, Laguerre, CCI . The indicator is clear and does not require any setting. Does not redraw and works by opening bar. It works on timeframes M1-D1. I use   timeframe M5 to enter  the market.
Indicator for fast navigation through financial instruments. When you click on the button, you go to the chart of the financial instrument, the name of which was written on the button. In other words, the indicator opens or unfolds an existing chart window. For each chart, you can customize the name of the financial instrument, text color and background color; in total, you can customize symbols buttons that you trade often. The indicator can be installed on any charts for which you need to swit
Forex MasterMind Algo AI Multiple Trading Are 3 Type Of Trading Strategy   Velocity Trading Breakout Trading Reversal Trading   Velocity Trading Strategy:-                Velocity Trading Strategy Are Longer Then Candle Buy Or Sell Its Same Side More Than Trade. For Example, in Market Are Buy Side Long Candle, The EA Is Buy, Only Fixed Lot Is Working On Strategy  Breakout Trading Strategy:-                   Breakout Trading Strategy Instantly Place Order BuyStop And SellStop, Once Breako
Beat The Trend
Oleg Pavlenko
EA Beat the Trend Advisor was developed for trading metals, and in particular gold ( XAUUSD, Gold ), but it can also trade on any other pairs. Working timeframe M15 Leverage: from 1:500 Minimum deposit: $200 (for cent accounts from $20) Currency pairs: XAUUSD, GBPUSD (set files in comments ) Recommended brokers: Tickmill , RoboForex INPUT SETTINGS: There is no need to describe the input settings, because there are few of them and they are already configured for trading with the XA
EA Walker
EA Walker is based on a simple strategy, the indicator used is Stochastic to trigger a trade and the MA will filter the trades so the trades will be accurate. Parameters :  Variable  Value Autolots 1 SL 0 TP 0 Close_All_Pips 10 MA 200 MA_Timeframe PERIOD_CURRENT Stoch_Cross_Above_Buy 20 Stoch_Cross_Below_Sell 80 Set_Alpha_True false  Set_Beta_False  true Recommended Pairs : EURUSD,AUDCAD,EURAUD,USDCHF,NZDUSD,EURCAD,USDJPY,GBPUSD,AUDUSD Recommended Balance : 100$ Each Pair. Leve
PRICE WILL BE RAISED EVERY MONTH... Scalp Assistant is a support EA that simplifies trading process. - Place multiple order at desired position  - Auto pending order chasing to price current - Auto Trailing Stop - Auto TP on profit - Set TP and SL at one click - Simplified Information - Get started easily I will post more assistant series EA in the future, drop me a message if you have any question or suggestion at pipsstalker1507@gmail.com
Gartley Hunter Multi MT4
Siarhei Vashchylka
4.67 (3)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all classic timeframes: (m1, m5, m15, m30, H1, H4, D1, Wk, Mn). Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT5 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all classic timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. Fr
轴心点指标(Poivt) 经典模式指标计算公式(ClassicMode):         pp=(High+Low+Close)/3.0         s1=2*pp-High         s2=pp-(High-Low)         s3=Low-2*(High-pp)         r1=2*pp-Low         r2=pp+(High-Low)         r3=High+2*(pp-Low) 伍迪模式指标计算公式(WoodieMode):         pp=(High+Low+2*Close)/4.0         s1=2*pp-High         s2=pp-(High-Low)         s3=Low-2*(High-pp)         r1=2*pp-Low                 r2=pp+(High-Low)         r3=High+2*(pp-Low) 斐波那契模式指标计算公式(FibonacciMode):         pp=(High+
Traditional Moving Average (SMA, EMA, SMMA, LWMA...) is very useful for identifying trends, but what will you do when you want to trade on lower timeframe, and you need to identify the bigger trend by a higher timeframe; Of course, you can make it by dividing your chart in separated windows, but your analytics will not be clear and intuitive ... That's why we build the Multi Timeframe Moving Average indicator. With Multi Timeframe Moving Average ( MTF_Moving Average ), you can determine the M
Kangaroo Tailz
Brenden Caleb Luebeck
Looking for an indicator that identifies high-probability price action patterns? Love counter-trend trading? The Kangaroo Tailz indicator might be just for you. This indicator is meant to be used as a reversal detector. I personally would rather enter a position at the beginning of a trend rather than catch the last couple of moves. This indicator does a good job of alerting when price may reverse by identifying price action patterns that occur frequently in markets. Even though this indicator i
Extra Martingale
Vladimir Pokora
5 (1)
Is your trade at a loss? Does not matter ! You can use this Extra martingale tool.  In the set loss of your trade or your EA's trade , this tool will open another trade at a better price. It can also open multiple trades at different distances and with different lot sizes. Each trade will be assigned a TakeProfit. This tool has a lot of settings. You can set variable lot sizes, variable trade distances, variable TakeProfit sizes, maximum total profit or loss in money. You can also close trades
To download MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "B-Xtrender" By "QuantTherapy". - It is an oscillator based on RSI and multiple layers of moving averages. -   It is a two in one indicator to calculate overbought and oversold zones for different RSI settings. -  This indicator lets you read the buffers for all data on the window. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
MP Pivot Levels
Pierre Ksachikian
This indicator contains Pivot Levels of: Traditional Fibonacci Woodie Classic Demark Camarilla Calculation periods can be set to auto / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly. Number of Levels are editable. Options to hide level labels and price labels. Pivots Points are price levels chartists can use to determine intraday support and resistance levels. Pivot Points use the previous days Open, High, and Low to calculate a Pivot Point for the current day. Using this Pivot Point as the base, three resi
Mathew Asirvatham
Mission EA is Fully automated “pullback” trading system. Which is especially effective in trading on popular “pullback” currency pairs. Runs on price correleation stratergy which will balance equity and increases Balance simultaneously. Mission EA has a Vision to Provide safest way of trading on the Difficult involves in following stratergies like Pullback,Martingale,Grid,ATR,Etc. Users will strictly use our set files which are provided here for safe trading. If equity drops on certain pair EA
RS No Loss
Sergei Reshetnikov
The auxiliary adviser is designed to transfer profitable positions without loss. The adviser does not trade itself, it opens two oppositely directed positions in the tester to demonstrate the work. Settings: Start no loss (>size) -  after how many points does it start without a loss. Size no loss (<start) -  size without loss. (size without loss must be less than start)
Mohammad Bagher Mayali
This expert has a simple and efficient panel for transactions. It also has capital and risk management tools. in part of Run(2-6) Built-in automated trading robots. All of them can be used with updates. And there is no need to spend more. Many indicators are used in this expert for low-risk automatic trading. Refer to the guide for details. See the performance of each episode. Pay attention to the guide in the photos. Help panel: Lot=Volume TP=Take Profit SL=Stop Loss C.A.B=Close All Buy C.A.S=
This indicator calculates gann support and resistance prices with use gann pyramid formulation and draw them on the chart. And If you want, Indicator can alert you when the current price arrive these pivot levels. Alert Options: Send Mobil Message, Send E-mail, Show Message and Sound Alert Levels: S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 Inputs:  GannInputPrice: Input price for gann pyramid formulation. GannInputDigit: How many digit do you want to use for calculation formula. (The number and the
MP Demark Pivot Levels
Pierre Ksachikian
4.5 (2)
This indicator is stand alone version from  MP Pivot Levels  (All in one) containing Demark's Pivots. Calculations:     PP = X / 4     R1 = X / 2 - LOWprev     S1 = X / 2 - HIGHprev Uses: When the pair currency price may change the direction of movement. Possible constraints of support and resistance that creates plateaus for the currency pair prices. Tendency identification by comparing the present prices according to current day's pivot point and also the prior day's pivot points. ___________
To download MT5 version please click here . - This is vortex indicator. - It is used to detect trend strength and direction. - It consists of two line(buffers). ==> VIM and VIP - There are three types of signals related to this indicator: 1. crossing VIM and VIP 2. threshold on distance between VIP and VIM 3. VIP above VIM vice versa. - This is a non-repaint indicator with light processing.
Alien Bitcoin Ai Robot
Nirundorn Promphao
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Alien Bitcoin Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD), any currency pairs and any broker. Try now! The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certain unique conditions. The Ai Robot is based on a robust, profitable strategy and using percent level step of 1st lot size for M
Alien Golden Ai Robot
Nirundorn Promphao
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Alien Golden Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD), any currency pairs and any broker. Try now! The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certain unique conditions. The Ai Robot is based on a robust, profitable strategy and using percent level step of 1st lot size for MA
Alien Forex Ai Robot
Nirundorn Promphao
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Alien Forex Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD), any currency pairs and any broker. Try now! The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certain unique conditions. The Ai Robot is based on a robust, profitable strategy and using percent level step of 1st lot size for MAR
This indicator is stand alone version from  MP Pivot Levels  (All in one) containing Woodie Pivots. Woodie’s pivot points are made up of multiple key levels, calculated from past price points, in order to frame trades in a simplistic manner. The key levels include the ‘pivot’ itself, and multiple support and resistance levels (usually up to three each). Traders use these levels as a guide for future price movements when setting up trades. The pivot : (Previous high + previous low + 2 x previou
TRADING PANEL - CHART OVERLAY with:   PARTIAL TAKE PROFIT  ("virtual TP")   % RISK LOT SIZE  TRAILING STOP LOSS  Fast and simple control of your trades this is DEM0 VERISON (for DEM0 acc.)   of    TRADING OVERLAY with PARTIAL take profit    ("virtual TP")   and % risk lot size   --- full version available   on my 'seller page' as well as version for MT5 Easy lot size calculation with easy SL/TP setting. Your trading will be much more comfortable with this tool ! Works like any EA, ad
- This is the exact conversion from TradingView: " 200-EMA Moving Average Ribbon" By "Dale_Ansel". - This indicator plots a series of moving averages to create a "ribbon" that offers a great visual structure to price action. - This indicator lets you read buffers. For information on buffers please contact via message. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator
XRX Master
Mati Maello
This indicator XRX Master indicator.Indicator displays trend movement. Indicator helps to buy and sell. Features FiltPer- displays indicator period. deviation - displaus indicator deviation. deviation2 - displaus indicator deviation 2. HL_period - displaus indicator Highest and Lowest period. HL_period2 - displaus indicator Highest 2 and Lowest 2 period. How to understand the status: If the trend color arrow is green, trend is up. I f the trend color arrow is red, trend is down. //////
RoboArter 5
Vlastimil Straka
Expert for portfolio of basic set long term strategies.    You can choose for your AOS trading two ways – first way is purchased for EA with grid, martingale and other similar dangerous strategies.     This EAs work great and have very profitable results – days, weeks, maybe months, years?.. Until they didn’t blow up your account. The second way is to use EAs based on real trading strategies and logical patterns. On MQL Market are very few of these strategies. The risk of trading with these EAs
Vlastimil Straka
Expert for portfolio of basic set long term strategies.    You can choose for your AOS trading two ways – first way is pucrhased for EA with grid, martingale and other similar dangerous strategies.   This EAs work great and have very profitables results – days, weeks, maybe months, years?.. Until they didnt blow up your account. The second way is to use EAs based on real trading strategies and logical patterns. On MQL Market are very few of these strategies. The risk of trading with these EAs i
Vlastimil Straka
Expert for portfolio of basic set long term strategies.    You can choose for your AOS trading two ways – first way is purchased for EA with grid, martingale and other similar dangerous strategies.   This EAs work great and have very profitable results – days, weeks, maybe months, years?.. Until they didn’t blow up your account. The second way is to use EAs based on real trading strategies and logical patterns. On MQL Market are very few of these strategies. The risk of trading with these EAs
Forex Auto Trading EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Forex Automatic 100%. - Min depost: 5,000$ for each Pair - Timeframe: D1 - Setting: Default Setting - Good Trading Pair: Best pair is AUDCAD, or Forex Pair have Daily Price range from 0.8 ~ 1.1, and have H1 H4 sideway chart. - First, before attach EA to chart, you need add   http://calendar.fxstreet.com/   in the list of allowed url in the tab 'Expert Advisors'   (Tool —> Option —> Expert Advisors —> Allow WebReque
Power Ranger
Debashish Sahu
Power Ranger EA works on RANGING MARKET ONLY. You also need an ZERO SPREAD ACCOUNT (Max spread allowed is 2). Tested on CADCHF with spread of 2 with default settings. Fixed Stop loss In a trending market this EA will make loss. If you want another Ea which is good for trending market then check out this promotional EA- Trend Follower As a trader you can manually close all the trades if you think that enough profit is accumulated.   The development of the EA will go on in future and you may s
Supertrend Non Repaint
The SuperTrend Non Repaint Indicator is particularly stable and has a few advantages. 1.Magnified Market Price added for instant check of current market price 2.It uses a moving (statistical) median of the arithmetic mean (High + Low)/2 of the bars instead of a moving average. The (statistical) median is known to be more robust than any average. 3.It calculates both the Median and the ATR (average true range) 1 bar ago, whereas the original SuperTrend indicator takes the ATR and moving aver
Extremum Save MT4
Ruslan Papou
5 (2)
4 copies $30 USD 5 copies $99 USD 6 copies $199 USD 7 copies $299 USD 8 copies $399 USD 9 copies $499 USD Final price $999 USD Version for MT5:    Extremum Save Community UP Group Join Extremum Save   - is a fully automated scalping trading algorithm with the highest possible SL/PT ratio. Extremum Save   does not need optimization. The strategy showed great results when tested on historical data with the best possible simulation quality for more than 10 years.   Rea
To download the MT5 version of Donchian Trend Ribbon please click here . You may also check this link . This is a conversion from TradingView: "Donchian Trend Ribbon" By "LonesomeTheBlue". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
RISK CALCULATOR - TRADING PANEL - CHART OVERLAY with:   PARTIAL TAKE PROFIT  ("virtual TP")   % RISK LOT SIZE  TRAILING STOP LOSS  Fast and simple control of your trades Easy lot size calculation with easy SL/TP setting. Your trading will be much more comfortable with this tool!   Works like any EA, add it to selected chart and trade ! Features: start trade with   calculated lot   based on   % of account balance * that you want to risk/ or based on   how much money you want to risk 
Trade Panel Utility
Kevin Beltran Keena
5 (1)
Simple but convenient trade panel that will allow you to place market orders and manage your positions. Can be used to; Place a stop loss and take profit order.  Move your stop loss to break even. Move your trailing stop. Reduce your position after price has moved X pips/points in your favor. Delete and close all your open positions. Can be used on any financial asset and time frame. It works on all brokers.
Mhd Amran Bin Lop
DepthTrendView is an indicator that is used to see the direction of the market very clearly compared to the indicators that are commonly used by many people. What is interesting about this indicator is that you can see the direction of the trend and also know that the market is at the end or that the market wants to start a new trend. How to Use: 1- To see the earliest BUY direction you need to see previous candle below Aqua Line before green arrow appear. 2- To see the earliest SELL dire
CODENoah Orbital MT4
Mr Warayuth Songsungthong
Let Ours Smart EA(Expert Advisor) CODENoah Orbital take care of your portfolio Challenge your passive income dream together with “CODENoah Orbital ” let it take care of your trade 24/7 You no longer need to watch your portfolio all day waiting to the trading moment the EA will do it for you. Let CODENoah Orbital be an ANSWER to every life-style you desire Designed for Technical and Algorithmic Trading The HIGHLY intelligent EA: CODENoah Orbital , that will only trade when there a chance of profi
Breakthru Bot
Matthew Jacob Glinsmann
This robot will change the way you invest forever. Why? I'm going to show you how you can begin to make money while you sleep, work, eat, anytime... anywhere! In short: if you want to make the in Investing easier, you'll love this robot. Let's get started. Please leave 5 stars, thank you. :) https://youtube.com/shorts/G5Dk1hnaTh4?feature=share 9-TimeFrame-signal moving average strategy.  TRADES AUTOMATICALLY!  https://www.fiverr.com/share/lA95DR Breakthru Forex's Fiver service is now ope
Nguyen Huu Vinh
This bot using my experience in EURUSD and AUDUSD with period M15/M30. After testing in 2 years with my real money, I got x3 account. FEATURE Timeframe - M15/M30 (recommendation) The symbol: EURUSD, AUDUSD. Leverage - 1:100 or less. Spread is not important. The commission is irrelevant. Recommend deposit from  100 00 USD The passage of history is complete. Optimization is not needed. Account type - while hedging RISK  - The risk calculation function based on trend of market, normally with pe
Fluffy Sheep
Ahmed Sabry Mohammed Youssef Elgendi
this is an EA which trades based on the trend detected by robot. EA seeking for good opportunities for Entry-Management and Exit trades. Can be used for all forex pairs but it's better to use it on Gold symbol and H1 TimeFrame.  The robot has strong mathematical logic to detect good  opportunities and as long as market is trendy it's making money for you. but if there were a situation to reversal the EA automatically starts to manage toward close trades as low as loss possible. Since the contr
AW Bollinger Bands EA
AW Trading Software Limited
5 (3)
基于标准 Bollinger Bands 指标信号的全自动交易机器人。 EA 具有自动手数计算和智能跟踪系统的内置功能。当市场向相反方向移动时,将应用挂单的平均系统。 优点: 全自动系统 可定制的指标参数 内置自动手数计算 直观的设置 乘数设置 内置尾随系统 MT5 version   ->   HERE 战略: 指标的主要思想是检测与平均线的急剧偏离,在返回的时刻,指标将给出返回平均值的信号 该指标显示为三行。中线是移动平均线。上下线是偏移一定数量(例如,2)的中间线,偏差的大小由波动率调节。波段的宽度根据波动性进行调整,在最稳定的时期宽度会减小。布林带创造了一个走廊,其中 95% 应该是   价格,只有 5% 超出 推荐周期为13-24,最常见的是20 推荐偏差为 2 到 5,比较流行的值为 2 或 3 市场准入: EA 根据价格返回平均值进行交易。即蜡烛离开通道后,顾问将在价格回归均值的方向进行交易 当价格从下方突破下线并反弹时,是买入信号。当价格突破上线并反弹时,这是一个卖出信号。 从一个位置退出:     顾问打开订单后: 1 - 如果头寸向盈利方向发展,则激活追踪止损。该

