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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标

icon EA交易自动执行市场交易,而指标可使您更准确地分析报价并预测价格行为。 通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Quantum Dark Gold
Nguyen Hang Hai Ha
Quantum strategy is a combination of quantum superposition and trading signal model. EA Quantum Dark Gold determines Buy and Sell positions simultaneously for each signal and simultaneously places 2 orders Buy Stop and Sell Stop. Then the momentum determines which order position is executed and cancels the remaining pending order. This interesting idea forms the Quantum Strategy EA with a unique entry method. Open positions are then managed by Trailing, Stop Loss and position balancing strategi
Ivan Stefanov
该指标从每个点分析成交量,并计算该成交量的市场疲劳水平。 它由三条线组成: 牛市成交量疲劳线 熊市成交量疲劳线 表示市场趋势的线。该线根据市场是熊市还是牛市变化颜色。 您可以从任何选择的起点分析市场。一旦达到成交量疲劳线,确定一个新的起点来开始下一次分析。 您可以分析任何内容——趋势和修正。一个好的方法是每次当它达到趋势线或形成顶部或底部时移动指标。 趋势线与某一成交量疲劳线之间的距离越大,说明该方向的成交量越大。 趋势线可以作为开单的位置,而疲劳线则用于收集利润。 该系统非常独特,但又极其直观。 市场上没有类似的产品。 使用没有限制。可以在所有市场和所有时间框架中应用。 重要提示:在MetaTrader4测试器中检查时,双击紫色线条,然后左右移动它以分析市场。 如有任何问题,请随时联系我。
Cyclic Impulse
Vitalyi Belyh
构建图表并识别周期性价格变动的技术指标。 可以在任何图表上工作。 几种类型的通知。 图表本身还有额外的箭头。 无需重新绘制历史记录,只需关闭蜡烛即可。 建议使用 M5 及以上的 TF。 易于使用和配置参数。 当使用 2 个具有不同参数的指标时,您可以单独使用它们,而无需其他指标。 有 2 个输入参数 周期性和信号持续时间 这两个参数处理图表结构的处理。 Cyclicity 调节反转周期的变化频率,平滑周期。 Signal duration 为最小数字,检测价格变动中的脉冲,最大长期趋势变动。    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quantum Entry PRO
Aleksandr Makarov
Live Signal Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper   or System Trend Pro absolutely free.(unlimited) After purchase, contact me to learn more about how to get the bonus indicator that pairs perfectly with Quantum Entry for improved merging! Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on break
1-2-3 模式是市场中最基本、最重要的形态。几乎每一次重大的市场走势都是从这种形态开始的。1-2-3 模式用于发现趋势反转,并可以检测下一个大趋势。该模式还表明趋势即将结束,新趋势正在形成。该模式由三个价格点组成:底部、峰值或谷值,以及 38.2% 至 71.8% 之间的斐波那契回撤。当价格突破最后一个峰值或谷值时,该模式被视为有效,此时指标绘制箭头,EA 将进行交易。 推荐货币对:所有主要货币对,如 eurusd;audusd;gbpusd;nzdusd,以及 m15 时间范围内的次要货币对,如 audcad;nzdcad;eurnzd 和 eurcad。 开始小时 – EA 的开始小时 开始分钟 – EA 的开始分钟 结束小时 – EA 的结束小时 结束分钟 – EA 的结束分钟 手数 – 开始交易的初始手数 使用可变手数 – 真/假 – 使用资金管理真/假 每 0.01 手的可用保证金 – 每 0.01 手的可用保证金 乘数 – 乘数因子,如 1.5 最大手数 – 允许的最大手数 获利 – 以点数获利 止损点数(0:不使用) – 以点数止损,如果为 0,则禁用它 百分比网格止
Hedge Unhedge MT4
Connor Michael Woodson
Hedge Unhedge 在同一图表上同时开设买入和卖出头寸,并尝试以盈利的方式平仓对冲的两侧。 重要!购买后请联系我获取说明和奖励! Hedge Unhedge 实时信号即将推出!当前价格将上涨。限时价格 50 USD 智能止盈系统,EA 在价格反转前预测退出时间 对冲头寸可以导致较低的相对回撤 对冲交易可以有效降低风险并提高盈利潜力 推荐 图表:EURUSD、GBPUSD 或 AUDUSD 时间框架:H1 输入 手数计算方法 - 选择自动手数或固定手数 固定手数 -  固定手数大小 自动手数 - 每此账户货币金额的 0.01 手 最大点差 - 设置开仓允许的最大点差 自动 GMT 检测 - 自动计算您的经纪商 GMT 偏移 Magic Number - 每个订单的魔术号 备注 - 订单备注
Smoothed Sinus wave Tv indicator is a extra ordinary oscillator.to find divergency. For mt4 and Tradingview pine script purchased people, after installed on terminal ,contact me on mql5  to get BONUS  TradingView pinescript. it works all pairs and all timeframes. suitable for experienced and beginner traders.. indicator works on toward of the prices... while sinus wave go up side that means prices will up. and while sinus wave go down that means prices is going down. it gives divegency when tre
Ivan Stefanov
5 (1)
Fortex: 货币强度指标 Fortex 是一款强大的工具,用于衡量主要货币的强度:USD、EUR、JPY、GBP、AUD、CAD、CHF 和 NZD。 只需将指标添加到图表中,它会自动显示任何时间框架下最强和最弱的货币。 该指标包括一个可自定义的选项,可以设置用于计算的蜡烛数量。默认情况下,它使用100根蜡烛,但您可以轻松调整此设置以适应您的交易策略。 Fortex: 货币强度指标 Fortex 是一款强大的工具,用于衡量主要货币的强度:USD、EUR、JPY、GBP、AUD、CAD、CHF 和 NZD。 只需将指标添加到图表中,它会自动显示任何时间框架下最强和最弱的货币。 该指标包括一个可自定义的选项,可以设置用于计算的蜡烛数量。默认情况下,它使用100根蜡烛,但您可以轻松调整此设置以适应您的交易策略。
Nash Professional – 高级外汇自动交易系统 高端AOS ,优化适用于 28种主要及交叉货币对 : EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, USD/CAD, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY, EUR/CHF, EUR/AUD, EUR/NZD, EUR/CAD, GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF, GBP/AUD, GBP/NZD, GBP/CAD, AUD/JPY, AUD/CHF, AUD/NZD, AUD/CAD, NZD/JPY, NZD/CHF, NZD/CAD, CAD/JPY, CAD/CHF。 提供详细用户手册 ,解释所有变量、功能和推荐账户设置。 如需 正确测试 Nash Professional ,请添加 全部28种货币对 ,并使用 最低资本 $2,000 的账户 。 用户手册 : 点击查看 灵活的交易方式 Nash Professional 允许基于 个性化偏好和市场条件 进行 多种交易策略 : 动态交易系列管理 – 智能化开启多个头寸级别
限时免费中 策略主要使用MACD技术指标,始终追随大趋势方向,在M1出现启动信号时开仓交易 适合交易的图表为黄金XAUUSD,在其他趋势表现明显商品中同样适用1 1.0版本内置了4个算法,主要推荐第一个MACD,其他三个辅助 使用前请先回测最近3-6个月历史行情,以便找到最适配的算法设置 参数说明 时间周期: M1 多空开关: 打开启用 算法选择:1-4 账户资金1000,推荐只启用一个 账户资金大于10000,可以选择多个同时启用 固定手数:默认0.01 高级仓位控制 启用资金计算手数:打开生效 每1000开单量:0.01-0.05 启用连续亏损后手数调整:打开生效 连续亏损次数:2-5次 上浮手数:0.01 风控设置 最大订单数量:1 用来控制最大持仓的订单数量 止损点数:5000 黄金5美金 止盈点数:10000-15000-20000 黄金10-20美金 盈亏比推荐设置为1比2-4 如果你的经纪商报价是小数点后2位,需要减少一位数设置 启用ATR控制真实波动值来控制:启用生效 止损ATR值的倍数:3000-6000 止盈ATR值的倍数:上述点数的2 3 4倍 订单设置
MENA TREND INDICATOR & SCANNER 多周期趋势分析与交易执行工具 MENA TREND INDICATOR & SCANNER 是一款完整的交易解决方案,旨在通过 可视化、数据驱动的方式 , 简化市场分析、识别趋势并优化交易执行 。它集成了 实时趋势检测、多周期市场扫描以及交易表现跟踪 ,适用于 手动交易和自动交易 。 主要功能 1. 多周期市场趋势扫描 同时跟踪所有时间周期(M1 至 MN1)的市场趋势 。 将不同周期的趋势信号整合至单一面板 ,减少分析时间,提高效率。 快速识别趋势变化和市场状况,提供即时市场信号 。 2. 直观的趋势可视化 采用 颜色标记趋势方向 ,清晰区分 上涨(多头)、下跌(空头)及震荡市场 。 趋势变化直接在图表上可视化显示 ,便于交易决策。 确保市场分析简洁明了,减少视觉干扰 。 3. 智能交易表现追踪 集成 交易统计面板 ,展示: 交易胜率、交易历史、当前利润 。 不同交易风格(激进或保守)下的收益数据 。 实时监测交易结果,帮助优化交易策略 。 4. 自动交易信号与提醒 当市场条件满足预设策略时,自动向MT4/MT5交易终端和
Grail Scalper
Roman Lomaev
Grail Scalper EA – 自动剥头皮交易专家顾问 Grail Scalper EA 是金融市场自动交易的强大工具。 采用先进的算法和策略设计,此EA适合新手和经验丰富的交易者。 它结合了精准信号、风险管理和自适应参数,以实现最大效率。 参数设置: 参数 描述 dist1/dist2 信号计算周期(默认值:14/21)。 Lots 固定手数(例如,0.01)。 StopLossPercent 以ADR百分比计算的止损(例如,40%)。 TakeProfitPercent 以ADR百分比计算的止盈(例如,90%)。 TrailingStop 追踪止损的点数(例如,40)。 UseAutoLot 启用自动手数(true/false)。 RiskPercent 自动手数的风险百分比(例如,10%)。 Slippage 允许的滑点(例如,3)。 MaxSpread 最大允许点差(例如,20)。 Grail Scalper EA 的优势: 高精准信号: 算法分析市场数据,仅生成强劲入场信号。 风险最小化: 自动计算手数,并防止高点差,确保安全交易。 易于使用: 直观的
这是一个技术复杂但操作简单的产品,它结合了投资组合方法和机器学习。由于这一优势,该顾问具有几乎无限的扩展和质量改进前景,并将获得最长期和有保证的支持。主要目标是为用户提供小额但安全的收入。 如有任何问题:请访问我们的 Telegram 社区 ( https://t.me/AlgoWealthXcom )。 1) 最低存款:微型账户为500美元,普通账户为50000美元,杠杆不低于1/30 2) 安装:在任何图表上(选择任何图表并挂起,仅一个) 该顾问按行业运作,交易具有相似特性的工具组合。其核心理念基于执行机器学习的服务器。机器学习完成后,设置被嵌入到通用模板中,该模板专门针对所选行业进行交易。在本例中, 常见货币对  。 与该部门合作的经纪人示例 -   RoboForex ️ 我会定期重新训练顾问并发布新的、更新的版本,以适应当前的市场情况。 ️ 并非每个经纪商都提供各个行业的工具(除了常规货币),因此强烈建议在购买前在策略测试器中测试顾问,确保您拥有该行业的工具,并且顾问能够进行盈利和有效的交易。 ️ 如果您知道自己拥有该行业的工具,请记得正确设置
适用于 MT4 的外汇指标“8 个符号的 MFI”,无需重绘。 - 资金流量指数 (MFI) 是一种技术震荡指标,它使用价格和交易量数据来识别超卖和超买区域。 - 当 MFI 高于 80 时,从超买中获取卖出入场,当 MFI 低于 20 时,从超卖中获取买入入场,这非常有用。 - MFI 对于背离检测非常有用,并且非常适合与价格行动相结合。 - “8 个符号的 MFI” 让您有机会在 1 张图表上控制多达 8 个不同符号的 MFI 值。 - MFI 震荡指标提供有关看涨和看跌价格动量的信息。 ................................................................................................................. // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“Inside Bar & PinBar Patterns”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“Inside Bar & PinBar Patterns”对于价格行为交易非常强大 - 无需重绘,无延迟。 - 指标检测图表上的 Inside Bar 和 PinBar 模式: - 看涨模式 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 看跌模式 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - Inside Bar 本身具有高 R/R 比率(回报/风险)。 - 具有 PC、移动和电子邮件警报。 - 指标“Inside Bar & PinBar Patterns”非常适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标 HTF 力振荡器适用于 MT4。 - HTF 力是多时间框架交易的强大指标。HTF 表示 - 更高时间框架。 - 力指数是将价格和成交量数据合并为单个值的顶级指标之一。 - 更高时间框架的值可以显示趋势方向(下降趋势 - 低于 0;上升趋势 - 高于 0)。 - 快速力指标 - 蓝线,慢速力指标 - 红线。 - 买入信号 - 快速线向上穿过慢线,并且两者都高于 0(见图)。 - 卖出信号 - 快速线向下穿过慢线,并且两者都低于 0(见图)。 - 指标具有内置移动和 PC 警报。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“RSI 和 2 个移动平均线”适用于 MT4,无需重绘。 - 此指标非常适合动量交易系统。 - “RSI 和 2 个 MA”指标允许您查看 RSI 本身的快速和慢速移动平均线。 - 指标让您有机会尽早看到趋势变化。 - “RSI 和 2 个 MA”可用于从超买/超卖区域捕捉趋势方向的动量。 - 通过参数设置此指标非常容易。 - 指标可在任何​​时间范围内使用。 ................................................................................................................. // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
DeMarker Speed mr
Crypto_Forex 指标“DeMarker Speed”适用于 MT4,无需重绘。 - 该指标的计算基于物理方程。DeMarker Speed 是 DeMarker 本身的一阶导数。 - DeMarker 振荡器曲线表示指标计算期间当前价格相对于先前高点和低点的位置。 - DeMarker Speed 指标适合快速剥头皮入场(如您在图片上所见)。 - DeMarker Speed 显示 DeMarker 本身改变方向的速度 - 它非常敏感。 - 如果 DeMarker Speed 指标的值 < 0:速度为负;如果 DeMarker Speed 指标的值 > 0:速度为正。 - 指标具有内置移动和 PC 警报。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“支撑阻力位”适用于 MT4。 - 指标“支撑阻力位”是交易非常有用的辅助指标。 - “支撑”和“阻力”是价格在图表上的重要区域。 - 支撑位是价格定期停止下跌并反弹的位置。 - 阻力位是价格通常停止上涨并回落的位置。 - 指标“支撑阻力位”显示最近的水平: 阻力位 - 红线。支撑位 - 蓝线。 - 可以在设置中调整用于计算的条数、线型和颜色。 - 指标“支撑阻力位”非常适合通过价格行为模式规划您的获利目标、价格反转和重新测试。 ................................................................................................................. // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Auto Fibo Pro m
“Auto FIBO Pro” Crypto_Forex 指标 - 是交易中的绝佳辅助工具! - 指标自动计算并放置在图表斐波那契水平和局部趋势线(红色)上。 - 斐波那契水平指示价格可能反转的关键区域。 - 最重要的水平是 23.6%、38.2%、50% 和 61.8%。 - 您可以将其用于反转剥头皮或区域网格交易。 - 还有很多机会可以使用 Auto FIBO Pro 指标来改进您当前的系统。 - 它具有信息价差掉期显示 - 它显示所连接的外汇对的当前价差和掉期。 - 显示屏还显示账户余额、净值和保证金。 - 可以将信息价差掉期显示定位在图表的任何角落: 0 - 左上角,1 - 右上角,2 - 左下角,3 - 右下角。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标 HTF 移动平均线适用于 MT4。 - 使用专业的 HTF MA 指标升级您的交易方法,适用于 MT4。HTF 表示 - 更高的时间框架。 - 此指标非常适合具有价格行动条目的趋势交易者。 - HTF MA 指标允许您将更高时间框架的移动平均线附加到当前图表。 - 指标显示更高时间框架的趋势 --> 这始终是一种有利可图的方法。 - HTF MA 指标提供了以低风险获得巨额利润的机会。 如何使用: - 将 MA 从 D1 附加到 H4 或 H1 图表。 - 将 MA 从 H4 附加到 H1、M30 或 M15 图表。 - 等等(见图片)。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
Crypto_Forex 指标“具有动态超卖/超买区域的 MFI”适用于 MT4,无需重绘。 - Money_Flow_Index (MFI) 是一种技术振荡器,它使用价格和交易量数据来识别超卖和超买区域。 - 从动态超买区域进行卖出交易,从动态超卖区域进行买入交易,效果非常好。 - MFI 对于背离检测非常有用,并且与价格行动结合也很好。 - 动态超买区域 - 高于黄线。 - 动态超卖区域 - 低于绿线。 - MFI 振荡器提供有关看涨和看跌价格动量的信息。 - 带有 PC 和移动警报。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
商业展示:UprZone Artificial Conscious EA EA名称 :UprZone Artificial Conscious 版本 :8.1 开发者 :UprZone 适用市场 :外汇、黄金(XAUUSD)、GBPUSD 核心策略 :多维度量化交易系统,融合LSTM神经网络、量子计算、遗传算法、VWAP增强、市场微观结构分析等先进技术。 EA核心特点 人工智能驱动 : LSTM神经网络 :实时预测市场波动,动态调整交易策略,适应市场变化。 量子计算模型 :通过量子神经网络(QNN)进行市场状态分类(趋势、震荡、反转),确保策略的灵活性和适应性。 遗传算法优化 :动态优化MACD、RSI、订单流权重,确保策略在不同市场环境下的最佳表现。 多层次风控系统 : 流动性监控 :实时计算市场流动性分数,动态调整仓位大小,避免低流动性市场中的滑点和异常波动。 动态止损与止盈 :基于ATR和波动率的动态止损机制,确保在极端市场条件下保护资金。 对冲策略 :智能对冲系统,有效降低市场突发波动带来的风险,确保资金安全。 多时间框架策略 : 自适应时间框架切换 :根据市场流动性自动切换
Dong Chao Mo
促销活动:100美金起售,每售出5份增加100美元,最终价格999美元,不要错过! MT5: https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/132923?source=Site TrendGuard EA 结合了先进的市场分析技术和自适应的交易逻辑,使其在不同市场环境下都能保持较高的稳定性。它能够自动分析市场趋势,通过精准的入场点和对冲策略来规避风险 主要特点: 1.对冲策略: TrendGuard 通过对冲策略同时持有多个相反方向的交易订单,降低单一方向波动带来的风险。这种策略确保了即便市场出现大幅反向波动,也能通过对冲订单来减轻损失或保护已有利润。 2.高胜率、低回撤: 采用基于趋势的交易逻辑和精密的风控模型,TrendGuard 在历史回测中表现出了较高的胜率,尤其在波动性较大的市场环境下,它能够有效避免大幅回撤,保持相对稳定的收益。 3.自动化交易: 作为 MT4 平台的 EA,TrendGuard 完全自动化运行,无需人工干预。其内置的算法能够根据市场变化实时调整交易策略,确保用户无需时刻盯盘,也能捕捉市场的最佳交易机会。 4.自适应调整:
Delta Indicator
Nikolai Starkovskii
“Delta 指标 "是交易者识别两种不同资产超买和超卖水平的有用工具。它通过两条线直观显示市场状况:黄色线代表符号 1,紫色线代表符号 2。 **主要功能 1. **超买和超卖:** 1.     - 黄线(符号 1)和紫线(符号 2)代表超买和超卖水平。当这些线到达 100 水平时,表示超买,而 -100 水平则表示超卖。 2. **通知:**     - 当水平线越过 100 或-100 水平线时,一个带有 “水平线 100%”信息的 “推”(PUSH)通知将被激活,这表明有可能建仓。当该线越过 100 线时,该信号可能表示宜卖出。 3. **市场进入优化:***     - 该指标使用的计算公式旨在为交易者提供最佳入市数据。这样可以为交易操作找到最有利的时机。 4. **灵活性:**     - 该指标可应用于不同的时间段和资产类型,因此是在不同市场进行交易的通用工具。 “三角洲指标 "是一个小巧但功能强大的工具,可显著改善交易策略,帮助用户根据数学知识做出更明智的决策。 通过DeepL.com(免费版)翻译
SARXpert The Ultimate Double SAR Trading Bot
Mazhar Ul Hassan Noorul Hassan Noor Ul Hassan
SARXpert is a cutting-edge forex trading bot powered by a Double Parabolic SAR strategy , designed to capture market trends and reversals with precision . Whether you're trading in a strong trend or looking for reversal signals, SARXpert ensures optimized entry and exit points for maximum profitability. Key Features: Double SAR Strategy – Uses two Parabolic SAR indicators for enhanced trend detection Trend & Reversal Detection – Smartly adapts to both trending and ranging markets Multi-Cu
Easy Trade Panel Expert for MT4 The Easy Trade Panel is a specialized tool developed and designed to streamline risk and capital management within MetaTrader 4 . This expert advisor offers an intuitive and professional interface, allowing traders to handle their trades with both basic and advanced functionalities. With this tool, traders can fine-tune stop-loss and take-profit levels, secure their earnings, and simultaneously minimize potential risks. Easy Trade Panel Expert Specifications Table
Propulsion Block Indicator MT4 The Propulsion Block Indicator for MetaTrader 4 is a sophisticated analytical tool designed to detect price shifts and liquidity concentration zones. This indicator pinpoints crucial order block regions that intersect with Supply and Demand areas, offering valuable insights into market movements. Propulsion Blocks materialize after an order block is established and become active when the price retraces to that level. Bullish order blocks are represented in green ,
Gipo Trex U4
Maryna Shulzhenko
If you're tired of trying to keep up with the unpredictable market, then it's time to let the   Gipo Trex   bot work its magic. This bot is designed to catch big price swings up or down, allowing you to perform at your best when the market moves in your favor. Gipo Trex is a unique tool that helps traders make the most of a volatile market. With two different bot modes, you can find the perfect setup for your individual needs and trading style. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trad
Navigators FX K4
Tatiana Savkevych
Navigator FX: Your reliable guide to the Forex market Navigator FX is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. The price for the first user will be low, and it will increase in the future. Advantages of Navigator FX: Reliability and Stability: Navigator FX is designed to the highest standards of reliability and stability. Intelligent Risk Management: Built-in we
Fortune Navigator F4
Tatiana Savkevych
ForexFortune-Navigator: Your reliable guide to the Forex market ForexFortune-Navigator is an advanced trading bot designed for Forex traders. This innovative tool has a wide range of features and capabilities that allow traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. The price for the first users is reduced; in the future the price will be increased. Advantages of ForexFortune-Navigator: Reliability and Stability : ForexFortune-Navigator is designed to meet high standards of relia
Series Control Sc4
Tatiana Savkevych
I present to you the parameters and settings of the Series Control bot, which is an ultra-modern bot for working in the Forex market. This bot uses the latest money management and market analysis technologies to identify trends and make trading decisions. It also has a flexible control and protection system for each position. Currency pairs for trading: EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF, NZDUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, EURGBP, AUDJPY, EURAUD, EURCHF, AUDNZD, NZDJPY, GBPAUD, GBPCAD, EURNZ
Case4 Automated
Tatiana Savkevych
Case Automated :   Your reliable guide in the Forex World Case Automated is an advanced trade bot for the Forex market, specially designed for traders, striving for effective and automated trade. This innovative tool offers a wide range of functions and capabilities, allowing traders to effectively manage their deals and strategies. A special offer for the first users: the price is reduced, but in the future it will be increased. Work tools: EURUSD, AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDSGD, AUDUS
SuperTrend Starter - Yes Trading The   SuperTrend Starter - Yes Trading   indicator is a powerful, user-friendly tool designed to simplify market trend detection and provide clear trading signals. By combining the Commodity Channel Index (CCI) with a Moving Average (MA) filter, this indicator helps traders make informed decisions with precision and confidence.   Key Features & Benefits   Trend Detection: Easily identifies uptrends (price above the SuperTrend) and downtrends (price below t
Group5 Neuro MT4
Evgeniy Machok
接下来 9 份的特别价格为 399 美元。 Group5 机器人是神经网络自动交易系统的代表。 创建交易算法的过时技术,即作者手动搜索并固定外汇市场中的价格行为模式,正在逐渐成为过去,现在这个过程正变得越来越自动化。交易机器人本身会发现价格行为中的模式,评估其稳定性和进一步使用的可能性。 Group5 EA 交易基于 ANOPR(模式识别联想网络)自适应架构,基于五项技术指标:Bollinger Bands、WPR、RSI、Stohastic Oscillator 和 Ichimoku Kinko Hyo,每项指标都有各自的应用“深度”。这种架构使我们能够创建一个成熟的神经网络,充分利用计算机资源。 神经网络 每天自动进行重新学习 ,无需用户参与。这使得它即使在快速变化的市场环境中也能保持相关性。 不使用任何风险策略。机器人一次只能开立一个仓位,并且受到 StopLoss 和 DD 参数的保护。 Telegram: https://t.me/realforexrobots 监控真实账户交易 MetaTrader 5 版本 经纪人和交易账户 经纪人 - 任何经纪人。但是,当然,差
Cyberosaur U4
Maryna Shulzhenko
The     Cyberosaurus  bot is an innovative next-generation bot that serves as a powerful tool for trading in the classic Forex market and with cryptocurrencies (for corresponding brokers). It operates with the majority of pairs, so it is advisable to test it before using it on a specific pair. It is specifically designed to work with these markets, without the ability to trade other assets such as stocks or indices. The main control parameters of the bot are presented in a convenient and conci
Breaker Block and Order Block Indicator for MT4 The Breaker Block + Order Block Indicator (BB+OB) is a specialized tool crafted for ICT traders. This indicator employs a proprietary algorithm to pinpoint regions where Breaker Blocks and Order Blocks coincide. These key areas are represented on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform as bullish zones in green and bearish zones in brown. By utilizing this indicator, traders can recognize critical price zones, enhancing their trading strategies and decisio
Turbo Next N4
Maryna Shulzhenko
Turbo Next   is an advanced and powerful Forex trading bot designed for modern traders. This tool uses complex algorithms to automate and optimize trading strategies, providing unique opportunities on various currency pairs. Features: Multiple currency pair support:   Turbo Next   works with a wide range of currency pairs, allowing you to diversify your portfolio and minimize risks. Pattern and price level analysis: The bot analyzes market patterns and price lag levels to determine optimal ent
Forex Workstation U4
Maryna Shulzhenko
Forex Workstation   is a powerful and efficient Forex trading bot designed to use patterns, price hold levels, volatility analysis and market scaling. This bot offers unique capabilities for automated trading and optimization of strategies on various currency pairs. Let's look at the main functions and settings of Forex Workstation: Main functions: • Multicurrency: Forex Workstation supports a wide range of currency pairs, which allows you to diversify your portfolio and distribute risks. • Usin
Simos U4
Maryna Shulzhenko
Description of   Simo : an innovative robot with a unique trading system Simo is a revolutionary trading robot that changes the rules of the game with its unique trading system. Using sentiment analysis and machine learning, Simo takes trading to a new level. This robot can work on any time frame, with any currency pair, and on the server of any broker. Simo uses its own algorithm to make trading decisions. Various approaches to analyzing input data allow the robot to make more informed decis
Genotype G4
Tatiana Savkevych
Genotype : Your reliable guide in the world of Forex Genotype is an advanced Forex trading bot specifically designed for traders seeking efficient and automated trading. This innovative tool offers a wide range of features and capabilities to enable traders to effectively manage their trades and strategies. Special offer for early adopters: price reduced, but will be increased in the future. Tools for work: EURUSD, AUDCAD, AUDCHF, AUDJPY, AUDNZD, AUDSGD, AUDUSD, CADCHF, CADJPY, GBPSEK, GBPSGD
Night Watcer
Ibrahim Kisioglu
Night Watcher – Smart Night Trading EA Night Watcher is an advanced automated trading system designed to capitalize on low-volatility market conditions during nighttime sessions. It leverages to identify high-probability trade setups while maintaining strict risk control through Stop Loss, Take Profit, and Trailing Stop mechanisms. Key Features: Night Session Trading: Optimized for quiet market periods, reducing exposure to high volatility. Trend & Volatility-Based Entries: Uses Bollinger Bands,
Market structure indicator bos choch MT4 The BOS-CHOCH Market Structure Indicator is an ICT-style tool developed for MetaTrader 4 (MT4). It is designed to assist traders who follow ICT methodologies in recognizing shifts in the market’s dominant and secondary trends. By pinpointing structural breakouts and market character changes, traders can refine their technical analysis for more precise decision-making.   Market Structure Indicator (BOS-CHOCH) Overview Below are the general details and tech
New Day Opening Gap and New Week Opening Gap NWOG NDOG MT4 The Daily and Weekly Opening Gaps (NDOG & NWOG) Indicator is designed for both novice and experienced traders on the MetaTrader 4 platform. It detects price gaps that occur at the start of a new trading day or week and visually represents them on the chart. When the market reopens after a daily or weekly close, there is often a price difference from the previous session’s closing value, leading to an opening gap. The indicator highlights
Igor Karchevsky
The script is designed to retrieve parameters for the specified number of candles from the current one (the current candle - the working candle, i.e., the one that hasn't closed yet - is not taken into account). The obtained parameters are exported to a text file in an understandable format. These data can then be fed to any AI for analysis. To perform the analysis, you need to make a request and insert the data. The request might look like this: "ANALYZE JAPANESE CANDLES, PROBABILITIES, AND TAR
Rejection Block Indicator and Void MT4 The Rejection Block Indicator is a highly efficient tool for spotting potential market turning points in MetaTrader 4. This indicator automatically identifies zones which price experiences rejection. The mechanism of this indicator relies on candlestick wicks; a long wick near the top price and a short wick near the bottom price signal potential reversal points. Once detected, the Rejection Blocks are automatically marked on the chart. Bullish rejection ar
Unicorn Indicator MT4 The Unicorn Indicator is an advanced and versatile tool designed for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) . This indicator detects and marks price gaps along with Breaker Blocks on the chart. A Breaker Block is a former order block that initially fails but later turns into a strong support level once the price revisits it. When a Breaker Block coincides with a Fair Value Gap (FVG) , the result is known as the Unicorn Zone . The indicator visually represents bullish Unicorn zones with a green
Swing Failure Pattern (SFP) with Fake Break Indicator MT4 The Swing Failure Pattern (SFP) occurs when the price briefly surpasses a previous high or low but fails to sustain the breakout, triggering liquidity zones and stop-loss orders. Essentially, the price movement beyond the designated level is deceptive ( False Breakout Zone ) and quickly reverses in the opposite direction. In this indicator, high price levels are displayed in green , while low price levels appear in red . Indicator Specifi
Breaker Block and Void Indicator MT4 The Breaker Block + Void Indicator is a valuable tool in MetaTrader 4, designed to pinpoint crucial price levels. A breaker block refers to a specific type of Order Block that initially gets breached by price action, later turning into a significant pullback zone. This indicator visually represents bullish breaker blocks in green and bearish breaker blocks in red , while those that have already been consumed are marked in gray for clarity.   Indicator Specifi
Failed Breakouts SFP and OB BB Indicator MT4 Introduction The Advanced Failed Breakout Indicator (SFP) is an essential tool in technical analysis, offering a comprehensive display of key market structures such as Break of Structure (BOS), Change of Character (CHoCH), and False Breakouts (SFP) directly on the chart. This indicator allows traders to detect deceptive breakouts and avoid potential market traps while maintaining a strategic approach to risk management. Indicator Specifications Table
Only 4 copies at a price of 299$ USD. Next price is 399$ USD. RT PRO Simbiosis -   Live signal |  Recovery Manual   |   RT PRO Simbiosis is a fully automated trading algorithm with high performance at any distance regardless of market behavior. It is an indicator trading strategy, which is based on the axioms of overbought and oversold markets. The core of the strategy is based on the classic indicators RSI and ATR with the addition of the author's method of tracking market sentiment.        Th
CISD-CSD & BPR   Combined   Indicator MT4   The CISD-CSD & BPR combined   Indicator for MetaTrader 4 is a powerful technical tool designed around the ICT (Inner Circle Trader) methodology. This indicator integrates the principles of CSD, CISD, and BPR to highlight key trading zones and generate entry signals at optimal moments. The CISD model consists of four key phases: consolidation, impulse, swing movement, and divergence . Essentially, price often enters phases where it moves within a confi
Turtle Soup Indicator ICT for MT4 The Turtle Soup Indicator for MetaTrader 4 is a well-known trading pattern within the ICT (Inner Circle Trader) methodology. It specializes in identifying false price breakouts , helping traders recognize situations where the price movement is deceptive. When market conditions align, the indicator provides an entry signal in the opposite direction of the breakout, making it highly effective for reversal trading strategies . This tool features a straightforward v
ProTrading Arrow v19
Nedyalka Zhelyazkova
The indicator defines the buy and sell arrows with high performance and consistent results. Automatic analysis of market opportunities ; Help traders   earn more from their investments; Never repaints, recalculates or backpaints signals; This is FREE   demo   version of the indicator and works only on  "EUR USD  M15" .   The demo version does not work on SUFFIX OR PREFIX brokers ! ProTrading Arrow -   All details about the indicator here : Works in all symbols and TF + free EA and Multi Currenc
Hello, Traders! As you know,   price gaps   play a crucial role in the financial markets. There are many indicators available, but what makes the   Smart FVG Indicator  MT4  unique is its   flexibility   and ability to   adapt to market liquidity . It also integrates the   Average True Range (ATR)   to enhance accuracy. Additionally, it allows you to   draw or delete price gap area lines dynamically . One of its standout features is the ability to   customize candle colors , creating a visua
This Expert Advisor (EA) operates based on the Stochastic Oscillator and Fractal indicators, designed specifically to capture market trends efficiently. Additionally, the EA integrates Moving Average (MA) and MACD filters to help eliminate low-quality trades. This robot functions as a fully automatic trading system but also offers manual trading alerts if preferred.  It also sets a global variable named "TradeSignal" that is set to 1 when a long trade is triggered and -1 when a sell trade is tr
Adaptive Trend Metrix Adaptive Trend Metrix is an fxtool for assessing the current state of the market that adapts to changes in volatility, helping to determine the direction and strength of the trend by taking into account price dynamics. One aspect of this strategy is its ability to change and use different parameters based on price behavior. For example, it takes into account the current market volatility to adjust sensitivity to price fluctuations and identify entry and exit points. Adaptiv
By :Rapid Growth  Ea. 1.0    Positive Grid System With New Logic and The Best R/R Ratio. You Can Only lose on The First trade (The percentage That You Choose), On The Rest of The Top-ups you will BrakeEven. In This Demonstration With 10/1,  R/R RATIO. As Long That You Win 1 Time Out Of The 10. You Are a Winner.. You Can Always Choose Different Ratios.                                                                                                                                                  
Fully automatic portfolio of advisors for XAUUSD (Gold) / MT4 platform. Timeframe H1 This is a smaller version of my full advisor: EA Golden Dance H1 MT4 The advisor contains two strategies developed for Gold. I added strategies that have proven themselves in my real trading in recent years to this advisor. The advisor is a ready-made portfolio that contains two profitable strategies for trading specifically for Gold. Each strategy has a stop loss. Minimum Deposit = $200. Recommended Deposit
Telos Dashboard MT4
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
Introducing Telos Dashboard Indicator – Your Ultimate Trading Companion Optimized For Forex! Note: This is a dashboard and won't work on the strategy tester, demoing it there is a waste. Instead get the main indicator or, use the demo of DynamicCOG to see how it works with arrows, though Telos is more refined and filtered than the DynamicCOG indicator.  Never Miss a Trading Opportunity Again! Welcome to the future of trading with the Telos Dashboard Indicator ! Inspired by the highly accurate
The fully automated trading advisor, CovEchoTrend Robot, focuses on reliability and flexibility. By employing statistical analysis methods to study the relationships between the base indicator and market patterns, the system enables a deeper understanding of market processes. Intelligent pattern analysis: The application of statistical data processing helps identify key trend reversal points more accurately, signaling significant market shifts. Informed decision-making is based on the intersecti
ENTF Indicator
Teofil Creanga
ENTF Indicator I present to you my new indicator, the ENTF Indicator, which can be used on all currency pairs and time frames. If on smaller time frames, the signals are more frequent, on larger ones, they become rarer, but more accurate. My opinion and recommendation is to use this indicator on the M30 interval. But everyone will decide as they see fit, depending on their own trading style. The signals are displayed in the form of arrows, up and down (see images). When downloading the DE
API Digital Multi Indicator Scalper – Clear Digital Display API Digital Multi Indicator Scalper , a tool that integrates RSI, MFI, CCI, Bulls and Bears  into a digital display for  market analysis . This indicator is designed for scalpers and short-term traders who demand  clear data . Key Features: Digital Display – Monitor RSI, MFI, CCI, Bulls and Bears values in an easy-to-read digital format. Color Changes – Visual cues help identify possible  trend changes  at a glance. Adjustable
Golden Phoenix EA
Justinus Andjarwirawan
Golden Phoenix EA – Adaptive Reversal Recovery System for XAUUSD Overview: Golden Phoenix EA is a powerful gold (XAUUSD) trading Expert Advisor designed with an adaptive switching method to maximize profitability. Unlike traditional grid or martingale strategies, this EA reverses the direction of the recovery trade when a position closes in loss. By strategically adjusting lot sizes and reversing trades, Golden Phoenix EA capitalizes on market corrections to secure profits efficiently. The EA
GridPro Trader
Dimitrios Manousos
GridPro Trader EA – The Ultimate Grid Trading Solution Revolutionize Your Forex Trading with AI-Powered Precision! GridPro Trader EA is a cutting-edge grid trading algorithm designed for traders who seek consistent profits with minimal intervention . Whether you're a scalper, swing trader, or long-term investor , this EA adapts dynamically to market conditions and automates your trading with precision. Why Choose GridPro Trader EA? Advanced Grid Strategy – Utilizes intelligent grid s
WaveTrend Oscilator
Ibrahim Kisioglu
Wavetrend Oscillator – Indicator Description The Wavetrend Oscillator is a momentum-based technical indicator that helps traders identify overbought and oversold conditions , trend strength, and potential trade entry/exit points . It is particularly effective for scalping and swing trading , as it incorporates multi-timeframe (MTF) analysis by integrating higher timeframe trend confirmation. Key Features ️ WT1 & WT2 Crossover System – Identifies momentum shifts and potential trade signals.
Forex Trend Commander v69
Nedyalka Zhelyazkova
The indicator defines the buy and sell arrows with high performance and consistent results. Suitable for trend trading or following the trend. Automatic analysis of market opportunities ; Never repaints, recalculates or backpaints signals; This is FREE demo version of the indicator and works only on "EURUSD M30". The demo version does not work on SUFFIX OR PREFIX brokers !  Forex   Trend Commander full version:  All details about the indicator here :   Works in all symbols + Multi Currency Scann
Toms Dollar Cost Averaging
Thomas Alexander Kevin Anderson
This Expert Advisor implements an RSI Mean Reversion strategy with a moving average filter for trade entries. The EA uses higher timeframe RSI conditions to detect potential buy or sell opportunities, confirmed by a lower timeframe moving average. The strategy includes risk management features like limiting the maximum number of open trades, controlling risk based on ADR, and closing trades when a predefined account profit percentage is reached. It also includes visualization tools such as a bre
Templerfx Nightmare is an EA that uses artificial intelligence technology to analyze data of many indicators. EA will have the best option to enter orders. The biggest difference of Templerfx Nightmare  is that the EA can control the Risk:Reward ratio much better than other EAs.That is possible because of a set of indicators to control entry points and manage open orders.  This EA is specifically designed to maximize trading opportunities on   (Rise 300 Index ) pair on the M15 timeframe on a sp
Fast Manager (Mt4 Manager)   is a trading tool that enhances buy and sell orders, including pending ones, by adding Stop Loss and Take Profit features. It also offers a break-even option and a trailing stop for easy setup. With its user-friendly interface, Fast Manager simplifies your trading activities. Keep it simple! Key Features: Clear buy and sell buttons   Include "Breakeven" and "Close ALL" buttons   Specify a lot size parameter   Automatic Stop Loss Automatic Take Profit Automatic Brea

