适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标 - 16
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Binary Sixty Scalping – MT4平台二元期权指标 Binary Sixty Scalping是专为MT4平台二元期权交易设计的指标。该指标适用于任何时间周期,但为了更高的准确性,建议使用M5或更高的时间周期。该指标兼容所有货币对,可以适应各种市场。 主要特点: 默认到期时间为1根K线 ,可在设置中调整; 基于趋势交易 :该指标分析趋势方向,找到最佳入场点并给出信号; K线收盘前的准确信号 :图表上会显示箭头–蓝色表示买入,红色表示卖出; 信号统计 :显示信号成功率统计,有助于评估指标的效果; 无重绘 :确保信号的可靠性和稳定性。 安装指南: 为了使该指标正常运行,请将“MQL5”文件夹复制到终端的根目录。下载文件: Yandex Disk 。详细安装说明请参见 视频指南 。 该指标是寻找二元期权可靠信号的交易者的宝贵工具,基于趋势跟踪策略和精确的入场信号。
Binary crater 是 MetaTrader 4 的一个强大且多功能的指标,专为二元期权交易而设计。它在任何时间范围和任何货币对上都能有效工作,使其成为交易者极其灵活的工具。
1 根蜡烛到期:该指标非常适合短期交易,因为其信号可用于单根蜡烛到期。
注意,为了使指标正常工作,您需要将“MQL5”文件夹放置在您的终端文件夹中,您可以从以下链接下载它: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/DPyo0ntaevi_2A
T-REX_EA 是为MT4设计的强大智能交易机器人,结合先进的交易策略以提供稳定的利润。该智能交易系统运用人工智能技术、突破策略、K线形态、成交量分布和供需区来分析市场趋势,优化交易的进场和出场。 主要特点: 多策略结合 : EA结合了人工智能分析、突破策略和K线形态识别,提供了强大的交易优势。 成交量分布和供需区 : 通过整合成交量数据和关键供需区域,T-REX_EA 能精确识别高概率的交易机会。 Turbo模式 : 这是一个专为波动市场设计的独特功能,能够增加交易频率和潜在利润。 货币对兼容性 : EA可以在所有货币对上进行交易,但在主要货币对上(如EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY)的表现尤为出色,利润更高。 灵活的交易设置 : 你可以从**$500 的最低余额开始交易,这使得小账户的交易者也能参与。EA提供 止盈 和 止损**设置,还可以选择固定手数或手数倍增模式。 最佳时间周期 : 建议的交易时间周期为 H1 (1小时) ,此周期在准确度和交易频率之间提供了最佳平衡。 每月稳定盈利 : T-REX_EA 专为追求稳定增长的交易者设计,有潜力每月带来利润。
Ready to level up your trading game and secure that FTMO-funded account? Crack The Code (CTC) Bot is built to deliver one thing: results. No gimmicks, no fluff—just pure trading efficiency to help you conquer the 100K FTMO challenge, just like I did. MQL5 Version >>> https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/123816 Feel free to reach out with any questions or for further information: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/newcapital
With 6 years of backtesting data and live experience trading a $100
EuroSurge MT4 Basic - 免费版 体验EuroSurge EA的核心功能,使用我们免费的基础版。专为对EURUSD货币对自动交易感兴趣的交易者设计(5分钟时间框架),该版本提供了完整版EuroSurge EA中高级策略的预览。 主要特点: 专注于EURUSD: 专为EURUSD货币对在5分钟时间框架内优化。 简化的策略: 采用我们趋势跟随策略的简化版本。 基础风险管理: 允许选择固定手数或按百分比风险管理。 适合Prop Firm: 设计了保守的设置,符合基础的Prop交易规则。 经过验证的回测表现: 展示了稳定增长的潜力,并设有可控的风险参数。 为什么选择EuroSurge Lite? EuroSurge Lite强调交易的质量而非数量,适合那些希望测试自动化策略而无需时刻监控的交易者。 设置说明: 将EuroSurge Lite EA连接到EURUSD 5分钟的图表。 选择固定手数或按百分比的风险管理。 让EA管理交易,同时观察它的表现。 与完整版的区别? 仅限于EURUSD(完整版支持GBPUSD、XAUUSD等)。 基础策略选项(完整版包含多种高级策略)。 简
The Ultimate Tool for Fibonacci & Moving Average-Based Signals Live Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/@bergtraders/streams Version 4.0 Sample Video: https://youtu.be/y1cR3a3rfkA New Telegram Channel for updates: https://t.me/berg_traders Are you looking to gain an edge in your trading by mastering price action at critical Fibonacci levels and moving average lines? The BERG Fibo Trend Trader is designed to give you clear signals when price action interacts with these key levels, helping you
Китайский (Chinese): Binary Scalper 6 – 强大的二元期权MT4指标
Binary Scalper 6 是一个专为 MetaTrader 4 (MT4) 设计的高级趋势分析和二元期权交易工具。此指标适用于任何货币对和时间框架,为所有水平的交易者提供清晰的交易信号和统计数据。 主要特点: 趋势检测 :精准识别趋势市场,为交易者提供明确的交易方向。 支持任意货币对 :适用于任何货币对,让您轻松选择最熟悉的市场。 兼容所有时间框架 :从 1 分钟到月线图灵活使用。 1 根蜡烛到期信号 :快速明确的交易机会。 内置统计数据 :显示当前资产的关键性能数据。 缓冲箭头 :清晰的可视化信号,助您精准下单。 如何使用:
下载 MQL5 文件夹并将其放置于您的 MetaTrader 4 目录中。下载链接: 点 击 此处 。
Binary DUNKS - binary options indicator Attention, for the indicator to work correctly, you need to put the "MQL5" folder in your terminal folder, you can download it from the link below: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/DPyo0ntaevi_2A
-Displays the direction of the next candle on the chart in the form of buffer arrows
-Expiration 1 candle
-The indicator works great on any timeframe and currency pair, it also shows itself well on stocks and metals
-The signal appears before the closing of the p
Attention, for the indicator to work correctly, you need to put the "MQL5" folder in your terminal folder, you can download it from the link below: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/DPyo0ntaevi_2A
Binary Scalper 7 is a powerful tool designed to identify and predict the next candle, allowing traders to make informed decisions when trading binary options. This indicator works on any time frame and with any expiration, making it a versatile and reliable tool for traders of all levels.
How it works:
CandleWick Sniper EA 是一种专门设计用于根据蜡烛线形状和长度自动进行交易的工具。通过分析烛线,EA 可以识别潜在的反转机会,并在满足某些条件时自动进入交易。交易者可以自定义最小烛线长度,并选择他们希望 EA 运行的时间范围,无论是 M5、M15、H1 还是其他首选时间段。 CandleWick Sniper EA 提供灵活的交易选项。它支持市场执行和挂单止损,允许用户在烛台移动设定的点数后,以烛台的开盘价精确进入交易。对于风险管理,EA 包括可配置的批量大小和风险百分比,让交易者可以控制自己的风险敞口。交易者还可以以点为单位定义止盈和止损水平,以及重新进入逻辑。如果交易触及止损,EA 可以以相同的价格水平重新进入挂单,帮助抓住错失的机会。 EA 的利润保护和追踪止损功能进一步增强了其适应性。一旦交易的利润达到指定的点数,利润保护就会启动,自动调整止损以确保收益。同样,追踪止损功能将跟随市场价格,确保交易者在头寸变得更有利时锁定利润。 CandleWick Sniper 还包含一个强大的订单管理系统,使交易者能够限制每根蜡烛下达的买入或卖出订单数量。此功能可实现精确的
MetaTrader 5的Dynamic Cycle Indicator——您在周期交易中的优势! Dynamic Cycle Indicator 是准确识别市场周期并优化您在 MetaTrader 5 上交易策略的终极工具。基于先进的周期分析算法,该指标为您提供了前所未有的优势,可以检测市场拐点并预测未来价格走势。 Dynamic Cycle Indicator 的独特之处是什么? 完美的周期识别 :通过对市场波动的准确分析,该指标自动检测周期,并在图表上用清晰的符号突出转折点。这些点对于确定最佳进出场时机至关重要。 即时可见的信号 :图表上的红色和蓝色箭头清楚地显示了峰值和低谷信号。这些视觉信号使您能够更自信地预测方向变化,从而提高时机判断的准确性。 简单易懂 :图表的下半部分配有周期振荡器,显示当前周期阶段,线条流畅易于理解。彩色曲线与波动带相结合,提供了清晰的市场走势视图,减少噪音,帮助决策。 适合不同时间框架和资产 :该指标在外汇、股票、大宗商品等任何金融工具上都能完美运行,并能轻松适应不同的时间框架。无论是短期还是长期操作, Dynamic Cycle Indicator
豹式剥 头皮 EA v1.4
专为在 M5 图表上的黄金交易设计。 概述:
豹式剥 头皮 EA 经过 5 个月的精心开 发,拥有令人印象深刻的 96.88% 胜率。虽然它主要为 M5 时间框架下的黄金( XAUUSD ) 资产设计,但在 ETHUSD 上也表 现良好。然而,由于加密货币市场的波动性和我们在该领域经验有限,建议在黄金上使用以获得稳定的表现。如果您打算在其他资产上使用,请务必进行彻底的回测,以调整参数以获得最佳结果。默认参数专为黄金量身定制,可能会显著影响其他工具的表现。 请注意,若要获得截图中显示的结果,您需要在测试前输入正确的参数,具体参数已在提供的图片和评论区中展示。如果您需要参数的 .set 文件,它已在我们的消息附件和评论区中提供。 主要功能: 用 户友好界面 : EA 具有 买卖按钮,可直接从图表进行手动交易。额外按钮包括关闭盈利头寸、关闭所有头寸和关闭亏损头寸。实时交易统计显示每日、每周、每月和每年不同时间段内的交易数量和利润。此外,还显示当前市场波动性、交易时间以及点差信息(点数、点位和美元)。 动态风险管理 : EA 根据 账户权益和用户定义
EA名称:MultiTrade+ButtonEA 功能:此EA仅在MetaTrader4平台上工作,其特点是:
Versuss 是一个特殊的工具。该指标可以为您的分析创建新的工具。您可以在平台上比较任意两个工具。 示例 1
如果您正在交易 USDJPY,您的分析还可以包括 SP500 和 NIKKEI225。
借助 Versuss,您可以比较一个指数相对于另一个指数的走势,然后将其与 USDJPY 货币对进行比较。 如果外汇市场跟随指数的走势,您可以清楚地预测接下来会发生什么,并提前做出决策。 您可以使用相应的指数比较其他外汇货币对,采用相同的方法。 示例 2
如果您的投资组合包含类似的工具,您可以将它们相互比较。这样,您可以看到哪个处于上升趋势,哪个处于下降趋势。 阿迪达斯 / 耐克
谷歌 / 微软
黄金 / 白银 示例 3
这是一个相当具有异国情调的例子,更适合那些从事社会学和社群经济学的人。 您可以比较看似无法比较的事物,但它们可能会给您带来不同类型的有用见解。 “面包和马戏”这个短语源自拉丁语 “panem et circenses”,字面意思是“面包和游戏”或“面包和马戏”
Trend StarteR — это индикатор на основе нескольких RSI, который подает сигналы восходящего и нисходящего тренда в виде стрелок. Индикатор был создан для прогнозирования возможного тренда и помощи трейдерам в торговле по этим трендам. Этот индикатор не перерисовывает обратную краску руды, сигнал этого индикатора не задерживает. ================= Рекомендации: брокер с низким спредом, любой таймфрейм, но лучше придерживаться M5 и выше, чтобы побить спред. ================================= Парамет
Simple Telegram Trade Alert
概述:Simple Telegram Trade Alert 是为 MetaTrader 4 (MT4) 用户设计的简单但高效的专家顾问 (EA),旨在帮助用户通过 Telegram 实时接收交易活动通知。 通过简单几步,EA 在开仓或平仓时发送通知,提供关键信息,如入场价格、止盈 (TP)、止损 (SL)、账户货币的盈亏、余额变动百分比和总余额。 非常适合那些不想持续监控 MT5 平台但希望随时了解交易的交易者。
功能 : 开仓和平仓时即时发送 Telegram 通知。 提供以下信息: 订单类型(买入/卖出) 交易符号 开盘价格 止盈和止损 订单号(开仓和平仓时) 账户货币的盈亏 余额变动百分比 当前余额 设置方法 : 创建 Telegram 机器人: 打开 Telegram 并搜索 "BotFather"。 使用 /newbot 命令创建新机器人并按照步骤操作,您将获得一个稍后需要的机器人令牌。 记下该机器人令牌。 获取您的 Chat ID : 打开与新机器人的聊天并发送消息。 访问 https ://api .
外汇剥头皮指标 – 您在金融市场中赚钱的精确工具
量身定制的精确度 图表上显示的每一个箭头都基于缜密的计算,提供最佳的进出机会。这些不是随机信号,而是基于实时市场分析的精确指示。
精准识别反转点 该指标能够高精度地识别价格潜在的反转点,使其成为您交易的必备工具。依靠可靠数据生成的信号,即使在市场最动荡的时期,您也能最大化利润。
简洁易读的界面 正如您在截图中所见,外汇剥头皮指标在图表上清晰地显示箭头,使得信号的读取和解释更加容易。无论您是捕捉微小波动还是等待更明确的信号,该指标都能保证您获得精确且即时的见解。
发现 Forex Unlimited 工具 – 您的 MT4 或 MT5 终极仓位管理工具 准备好将您的交易提升到新水平了吗?使用我们的 Forex Unlimited 工具,您再也不必手动计算风险或怀疑您的资本分配。我们开发了一个高级、用户友好的仓位管理工具,有 两个版本 :一个适用于 MetaTrader 4 ,另一个适用于 MetaTrader 5 。请确保在购买时选择与您的交易平台匹配的正确版本,无论是 MT4 还是 MT5,以充分利用该工具的所有功能。 Forex Unlimited 工具的强大功能: 完全控制订单
您可以选择三种订单类型: 限价单 、 止损单 或 市价执行 。 限价单 :在当前市场价格下方下单。 止损单 :在预定价格激活订单。 市价执行 :按当前市场价格立即执行。
您控制每笔交易的风险! 您可以选择 账户余额的百分比 ,固定的 每笔交易金额 (例如 $500),或使用 手数 完全控制您的仓位。
点差计算和快捷按钮 使用我们的工具预先计算点差,确保精确的交易。 速度至关重要,因此我们添加
该工具旨在显示交易平台上所有可用货币对的详细掉期汇率。 它允许交易者在一个单独的、视觉增强的窗口中快速查看多头和空头掉期价值。 该工具提供用户定义的手数输入,确保根据当前掉期利率和交易量进行精确计算。 此外,它还提供了考虑标准利率和周末调整利率的情况下应用掉期费用的时间。 注意:交换信息每天都会根据您的交易平台而变化。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 该工具旨在显示交易平台上所有可用货币对的详细掉期汇率。 它允许交易者在一个单独的、视觉增强的窗口中快速查看多头和空头掉期价值。 该工具提供用户定义的手数输入,确保根据当前掉期利率和交易量进行精确计算。 此外,它还提供了考虑标准利率和周末调整利率的情况下应用掉期费用的时间。 注意:交换信息每天都会根据您的交易平台而变化。
趋势振荡器 - 是一种高级自定义指标,高效的交易工具!
使用先进的新计算方法 - 参数“计算价格”有 20 个选项 有史以来最平滑的振荡器 绿色表示上升趋势,红色表示下降趋势 超卖值:低于 5;超买值:超过 95 使用此指标,有很多机会升级标准策略 它具有 PC 和移动警报 ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 外汇指标“随机速度”——出色的预测工具!
该指标的计算基于物理方程。随机速度是随机指标本身的一阶导数 当随机指标处于超卖/超买区域且速度正在形成反弹钩时,随机速度非常适合剥头皮入场(见图片) 建议将随机速度指标用于动量交易策略: 如果随机速度高于 0 - 这是正速度:价格动量上升 如果随机速度低于 0 - 这是负速度:价格动量下降 随机速度指标显示随机指标本身改变方向的速度 - 它非常敏感 指标内置移动和 PC 警报 ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 外汇指标“钩形模式”
指标“钩形模式”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; 指标检测图表上的看涨和看跌钩形模式: 看涨钩形 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片) 看跌钩形 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片) 包括 PC、移动和电子邮件警报 指标“钩形模式”适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用 ................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
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Attention, for the indicator to work correctly, you need to put the "MQL5" folder in your terminal folder, you can download it from the link below: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/DPyo0ntaevi_2A
One of the best arrow indicators for Binary Options, which can also be used in the Forex market. Any time frame from M1 to MN, any currency pair, can also be used on stocks - the indicator is universal. Expiration from 1 to 5 candles. Displays traffic statistics on a graph. The indicator gives signals along t
The Brilliant Reversal Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard is a powerful tool for monitoring multiple currency pairs and timeframes using the Brilliant Reversal indicator. It organizes signals in a grid format, displaying buy/sell signals with their strength: S : Strong M : Medium W : Weak You can find the MT5 version here Brilliant Reversals MultiCurrency Scanner MT5 For detailed documentation click here Brilliant Reversal Integration: Configurable parameters include Small Bar Count, Medi
The Bullish and Bearish Engulfing Pattern Screener for MetaTrader 4 is a powerful tool designed for traders looking to identify key reversal patterns in the financial markets. This indicator scans price charts for bullish and bearish engulfing patterns, which signal potential trend reversals. Key Features: Real-time Scanning : Continuously analyzes price data to provide instant alerts when engulfing patterns are detected. Customizable Settings : Allows users to adjust parameters to fit their tra
Introducing a fully automated trading EA for the Gold (XAUUSD) market. Expert Advisor Typhoon Gold is programmed with advanced and intelligent algorithms. The EA strategy analyzes extreme volatility and then short reversals according to climax patterns. Combined with a high probability and low risk scalping method. Trading orders have Stop Loss available to control risk and protect the account. Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing values can be customized in the settings panel. EA's settings interf
Hello! Lovec MT4 robot.
Designed exclusively for working on the trend on the weekly chart D1. I bring to your attention an Advisor of my own design. The settings are universal for all currency pairs. Most instruments are suitable, especially trending currency pairs with JPY, CHF, GBP. As well as futures and indices. The inputs are performed exclusively at the opening of the candle, which gives an ideal performance the same as in the tester and without slippage. Exit the transaction by a combi
ADX Shark Scalper – The Ultimate Hybrid Indicator for Precision Scalping Dive into the markets with the ADX Shark Scalper , a powerful and versatile tool designed for traders who seek precision in every trade. This cutting-edge indicator seamlessly combines multiple advanced technical signals into one streamlined system, allowing you to spot good buy and sell opportunities with ease. At its core, the ADX Shark Scalper leverages the power of trend and momentum detection through the integration of
Here is a powerful trading tool that will allow you to trade manually or automatically in any market, but is especially useful in markets with high volatility and liquidity.
This system has two EAs (Expert Advisors): one for Buy and one for Sell, which work independently. The operation is based on the hedging strategy and the increase in lots based on the Fibonacci sequence, which will allow you to always add the two previous lots: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13...
You decide how you want to trade: you
Discover the Expert Advisor that never loses and multiplies your profits at lightning speed! Imagine a trading tool that wins at every tick, leaving no room for loss. That’s exactly what our Expert Advisor offers: a cutting-edge algorithm designed to provide you with consistent and rapid profits! Thanks to its market intelligence, it constantly opens positions, capturing every opportunity to maximize your gains. The more you use it, the faster you’ll see your profits skyrocket. Why choose our E
Hello community, on this occasion I come to introduce you to Big Samurai EurUsd it is a bot made for Prop Firms funding accounts or for common accounts as well, at this point you can start with the smallest prop firm account of 5,000 usd with that balance it goes perfectly it has a 2 EMA strategy one of 10 periods and another of 200 since it operates with crosses it is simple and effective, with its respective distance in pips and its close money Recommended Broker World Forex without further ad
Subscribe to the MA7 Trading channel to receive notifications about new programs, updates and other information. Ask questions in the profile on the MQL5 .
Description of work The MA7 Agave C2 expert advisor is based on the MA7 Agave indicator. When a signal appears, the expert advisor opens a position, sets a stoploss and takeprofit, and after opening the position, accompanies it until it is closed. After receiving a loss, the expert advisor increases the volume. Detailed information about t
Vondereich MTF Strength Indicator Description: Overview: The Vondereich MTF Strength Indicator is a powerful yet user-friendly multi-timeframe analysis tool designed to simplify market insights for traders of all experience levels. By evaluating currency pairs across various timeframes using a combination of technical indicators such as the Stochastic Oscillator, Relative Strength Index (RSI), Exponential Moving Average (EMA), and Average True Range (ATR), this indicator delivers clear buy, sell
The Queen Gold Scalper Advisor is a high-quality trading algorithm developed specifically for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. It is aimed at working with major currency pairs such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and others that are characterized by high liquidity and stability. In this description, we will consider in detail the functionality of the advisor, its algorithms, strategies, advantages and disadvantages, as well as recommendations for its use.
Trading advisors, or Expert Advisors (EA
Statistical Trend Indicator is an advanced custom indicator designed to analyze market movements and provide traders with calculated probabilities of upward or downward trends. By analyzing historical price data over a specified lookback period, this indicator computes the likelihood of the market continuing in either direction, offering traders a statistical edge in decision-making.
Key Features: Probability Display: It calculates and displays the percentage probabilities of an upward or dow
Features of this EA
Only one position is held per trade.
No more Grid or martingale, so it can be operated from a low capital.
Currency pair: AUDNZD
Time: 5 min or 1min Lot:100USD/0.1
Please use an exchange with low spreads.
*There may be days when you do not trade at all throughout the day, as we carefully select our entries.
*When the market has a window, entry conditions are more likely to be met, but we recommend that you prohibit entry at that time in your settings as you wil
The indicator is a histogram for scalping the lower timeframes
When the hill behind appears go short and when it disappears go long
The indicator has only sound alerts
The colors can be adjusted as preferred
Suitable for lower timeframes - 1 - 5 minutes
Test in demo before purchase
Enjoy -----------------------------------------------------------------------
The ORDER CONTROL PANEL on the chart of any instrument. This panel will allow you to open, close and analyze the profit and loss of all orders in aggregate.
In the demo version, you can see in reality how the panel works. Opening and closing of transactions is not available.
Input parameters:
1. Language. So far, only two languages are available: English and Russian.
I will be glad to receive feedback and ratings on my products! Sincerely, NoVak Production.
The ORDER CONTROL PANEL on the chart of any instrument. This panel will allow you to open, close and analyze the profit and loss of all orders in aggregate.
In the demo version, you can see in reality how the panel works. Opening and closing of transactions is not available.
Input parameters:
1. Magic number.
Since the panel has the function of opening orders, therefore you will be able to open a "magic" order.
The default value is "0". 2. Language. So far, only two languages are ava
Strawberry EA is a fully automated trading robot that contains several trading systems based on various indicators. Each trading system has it own entry with fixed stop loss and take profit. This expert advisor can be used for all pairs and timeframes, but it is specifically designed for USDCAD H1 .
Main Features: No Martingale. No Grid No Averaging. Setting Parameters: Expert Name - EA name and trades comment. Magic Number - EA identification number to identify trades, and must
Elevate Your Trading with Albert Einstein’s Calculated Universe for MT4! Step into the world of genius with Albert Einstein’s Calculated Universe, the revolutionary Expert Advisor (EA) meticulously crafted for MetaTrader 4 (MT4). This EA transforms the complexities of trading into a precisely engineered system of profits and advanced risk management. Ideal for traders who demand unmatched precision, adaptability, and high performance, this EA is your ultimate partner in the forex market. Join th
The Candlestick Pattern Scanner Dashboard MT4 is a powerful tool for monitoring candlestick patterns across multiple currency pairs and timeframes. It organizes detected patterns in a grid format, displaying the pattern's short form and how many candles ago it appeared (e.g., BUEN(3) for a Bullish Engulfing pattern detected three candles ago). You can find the MT5 version here CandleStick Patterns Multicurrency Scanner MT5 For detailed documentation click here Candlestick Pattern Det
Welcome to the RSI Divergence Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard , an advanced tool designed to help traders efficiently detect RSI divergence patterns across multiple currency pairs. This scanner enables quick identification of potential reversal opportunities, giving you an edge in your trading strategy. Key Features: Effortless Multicurrency Scanning
Monitor multiple currency pairs in real-time and receive instant alerts when significant RSI divergence patterns are detected. This allows you to
Leonardo Breakout SMC – Advanced Trading Indicator
Overview The Leonardo Breakout SMC is a masterpiece of precision and innovation, crafted for those who seek to understand and harness the unseen forces within the market. Just as Da Vinci observed the natural world with meticulous detail, this MetaTrader 4 (MT4) indicator reveals the hidden structures of price movement, enabling traders to capture the essence of smart money concepts (SMC) and execute flawless breakout strategies. Every elem
Launch promo: Only 6 sales left to buy at the current price. Next price: $ 1100 Free get 70000 Files -> contact me after purchase Live signal - 1: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2248478 Live signal - 2: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/ Prop Signal: https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/
Hello, I am Murodillo Eshquvvatov , An EA (Expert Advisor) completely different from all other EAs on the market. You might like trading METALS or Index. But I like to move in most major active pair, fle
Nadaraya Watson Envelop Scanner for MetaTrader 4 Overview
The Nadaraya Watson Envelop Scanner for MT4 is a powerful multi-symbol and multi-timeframe tool that extends the functionality of the Nadaraya Watson Envelop indicator. By scanning across multiple symbols and timeframes, this scanner allows traders to detect key signals and trend reversals efficiently within the MT4 environment. Key Features Multi-Symbol & Multi-Timeframe Scanning : Automatically scans various symbols and timeframes to
Welcome to the Keltner Channel Multicurrency Scanner , an advanced tool designed to enhance your trading by detecting Keltner Channel breakouts and real-time insights. This MT4 indicator is built to scan multiple currency pairs simultaneously, helping you capitalize on market trends more effectively. Key Features: Effortless Multicurrency Scanning
Monitor multiple currency pairs in real-time and receive instant alerts when key Keltner Channel breakout signals are detected. This allows you to r
Welcome to the Heiken Ashi Multicurrency Scanner , an advanced tool designed to help traders efficiently monitor market trends using the Heiken Ashi indicator. This MT4 scanner allows you to scan multiple currency pairs simultaneously, enabling quick identification of market trends and reversal opportunities. Key Features: Effortless Multicurrency Scanning
Track numerous currency pairs in real-time and receive instant alerts when significant Heiken Ashi signals are detected. Stay ahead of mark
Machine Learning Adaptive SuperTrend - Take Your Trading to the Next Level!
Introducing the Machine Learning Adaptive SuperTrend , an advanced trading indicator designed to adapt to market volatility dynamically using machine learning techniques. This indicator employs k-means clustering to categorize market volatility into high, medium, and low levels, enhancing the traditional SuperTrend strategy. Perfect for traders who want an edge in identifying trend shifts and market condit
This MetaTrader4 tool monitors 21 minor currency pairs over a user-defined timeframe, displaying key PIVOT values along with SUPPORT Zones 1, 2, and 3, and RESISTANCE Zones 1, 2, and 3 for each selected pair. Users can choose to have this information optionally displayed on the chart ; however, logging of the data to the log file is always active and occurs periodically based on the selected timeframe. For example, when set to an hourly timeframe, data will be logged every hour; on a minute-base
Please share a comment or rate for improvement Main Function : The start function is called on each new tick. It performs the main logic of the indicator: It initializes arrays to store daily high and low prices. It resizes and initializes these arrays based on the number of days specified by the DAYS input parameter. It copies the daily high and low prices into these arrays. It finds the highest high and the lowest low over the specified number of days. It displays these values as com
The Tickerly TV Connector allows seamless integration between TradingView strategies and your MT4 terminal.
With this tool, you can automate trade execution by linking TradingView’s powerful scripting environment to your MetaTrader Terminal. Features include fast trade execution via Tickerly’s engine and easy setup using webhooks.
This EA is perfect for traders who want to deploy custom TradingView strategies on MT4, keeping their terminals in sync with real-time market conditions. Requires
Kenalan Selamat datang di dunia perdagangan potensial dengan Robot Perdagangan Gold Cheetah ! Dirancang untuk mengoptimalkan keuntungan di pasar valas, robot perdagangan ini adalah alat yang sempurna bagi para pedagang yang ingin mengotomatiskan strategi mereka dengan akurat dan efisien. Apakah Anda seorang pedagang pemula atau profesional berpengalaman, Gold Cheetah siap membantu Anda mencapai kesuksesan di XAUUSD (Disarankan M5) dengan pendekatan yang cerdas dan terencana dengan baik Fitur Uta
The robot will use data structures to store information about news related to financial markets, such as news timing, the relevant currency, impact, and text. Trading Settings: It can operate in both real trading mode and strategy testing mode. Supports money management options, including using a fixed contract size or calculating contract size based on account balance. Settings such as stop-loss and take-profit can be customized. Market Analysis: Utilizes a range of technical analysis indicator
Scopri l'Indicatore Avanzato di Zone di Offerta e Domanda Sei pronto a portare il tuo trading al livello successivo? L'indicatore "Advanced Supply and Demand Zone" è lo strumento definitivo per identificare con precisione le zone chiave di supporto e resistenza sul mercato, permettendoti di prendere decisioni informate e tempestive. Come Funziona Questo indicatore innovativo analizza il mercato utilizzando frattali veloci e lenti per individuare i punti di inversione del prezzo. Si basa sui prin
EA Golden Leaf is programmed specifically for the Gold market (XAUUSD). EA trades completely automatically on the MT4 platform by analyzing price and tick patterns and momentum, combined with intelligent noise filtering algorithms to calculate trading signals. The EA strategy combines scalping with trailing methods to optimize performance and manage risk. All trades have Stop Loss, along with the option to turn on/off the Trailing feature. EA is simple to use and install, users only need to ins
Professional trading robot Albatross : Your reliable assistant in the Forex market Albatross is an innovative trading robot designed to analyze the market using a specialized algorithm. This expert uses advanced methods to assess the strength and amplitude of price movements, which allows it to accurately predict trend reversals and make optimal trading decisions.
Benefits of using Albatross Unique analysis algorithm: Albatross analyzes market data for a certain period of time, assessing th
This indicator is designed for convenient and quick creation of screenshots of charts in the trading terminal. It greatly simplifies the process of saving charts to a certain directory, providing a convenient interface with a button on the chart, which is activated by a single click.
The main functions of the indicator are:
Automatic creation of a chart screenshot when the button is pressed. Possibility to select a directory for saving screenshots. Customizable prefix to distinguish screens
This indicator simplifies the process of creating chart templates by allowing you to save your current chart settings to a template with just one click of a button. The indicator adds a button directly to the chart that automatically saves the template with a given name and prefix, making it easy to organize and use templates.
The main functions of the indicator are:
Creating a template of the current chart with a single click on the button. Possibility to specify a prefix for the template
專業篩選器趨勢 Pro Screener 趨勢交易指標旨在使用現代機器學習演算法來確定金融市場趨勢的方向。此指標可以為新交易者和經驗豐富的交易者提供清晰的開倉和平倉訊號,從而大大簡化交易。
主要特點: 1. 多幣種儀表板: 此指標提供了一個互動式儀表板,可同時顯示 10 多種貨幣對的趨勢。這使得交易者能夠快速評估市場的當前狀態,而無需在圖表之間切換。
2. 多時間框架分析: 「Pro Screener Trend」支援對所有主要時間範圍(從分鐘到每日)的分析,使交易者能夠看到短期和長期的趨勢。這對於在不同時間範圍之間使用收斂策略的人特別有用。
3.機器學習演算法: 該指標基於機器學習的最新進展,使其能夠分析歷史數據並檢測標準技術分析方法無法獲得的模式。這使得該指標更能適應市場變化。
4.輸入輸出訊號: 在圖表上,「Pro Screener Trend」直觀地顯示了進入點和退出點。這些訊號是基於對當前形勢和歷史趨勢的分析。交易者可以利用這些訊號來優化策略並降低風險。
5.使用方便: 該指標的介面直觀,即使是新手交易者也可以輕鬆使用。所有數據均以人類可讀的格式呈現
/// Royal Ger30 VIP ///
Symbol GER30,GER Cash , DE40, DE30
This Expert Working On High Time Farm H1 , H4 the Expert can Analyze The Daily and weekly Trend of the Market and Open Trade on H1 or H4 Trade have Not SL but have Recovery Lot size Minim Deposit 1k Fix Lot 0.01 For EightCap Broker because you can Trade with 0.01 on Stocks This Expert Have FTMO Setting + Fikter news and FTMO Setfile Max
Gāi zhǐbiāo tígōng mǎi rù hé mài chū jiàntóu yǐjí jīyú EMA de yídòng píngjūn xiàn hé tiáo xíng yánsè
yídòng píngjūn xiàn shàngfāng jǐn xiǎnshì mǎi rù jiàntóu, yídòng píngjūn xiàn xiàfāng jǐn xiǎnshì mài chū jiàntóu
jiàntóu jīyú fǎn zhuǎn suànfǎ, yīncǐ shìtú zhǎodào huítiáo diǎn
kěyǐ gēnjù xūyào jīhuó jǐngbào
shìhé rènhé shíjiān fànwéi huò xuǎnzé de gōngjù
gòumǎi qián qǐng xiān jìnxíng yǎnshì cèshì
FVG 区域指标是一种强大的工具 ,旨在识别市场中的公允价值缺口 (FVG),突出公允价值和市场价格之间的价格不平衡。这种对缺口的精确识别使交易者能够发现潜在的市场进入点和退出点,从而大大增强他们做出明智交易决策的能力。
FVG 区域指标具有直观且用户友好的界面,可自动扫描图表中的公允价值缺口,并在价格图表上实时标记这些区域。这使交易者能够快速轻松地识别可能预示即将到来的价格调整或趋势延续的潜在价格不平衡。
主要功能包括: 实时缺口检测 :自动识别并标记出现的 FVG。 以点为单位显示缺口大小 :该指标以点为单位显示每个已识别缺口的大小,帮助交易者了解缺口的重要性。 与当前价格的点差 :即时计算并显示当前价格与已识别的公允价值缺口之间的点差。 清晰的可视化: 视觉上不同的 FVG 区域采用颜色编码以便快速参考,帮助交易者专注于关键市场领域。
无论您是经验丰富的交易者还是技术分析新手,FVG 区域指标都能提供对市场价格不平衡的重要见解,帮助您准确而自信地完善交易策略。
参数 缺口参数 缺口填补检测百分比 - 设置将缺口视为已填补的百分比 以点为单位显示缺口 - 启用或禁
RSI TheTrendWave 是一个带有智能马丁格尔策略的双重 RSI,用于 MQL4 的专家顾问(EA)。它结合了基于 RSI 的趋势识别和风险管理策略,通过修改的马丁格尔系统减少回撤。以下是其工作原理: 双重 RSI 信号: 当短期 RSI 上穿长期 RSI 且两者都低于某个超卖阈值(例如 30)时,触发买入信号。 当短期 RSI 下穿长期 RSI 且两者都高于某个超买阈值(例如 70)时,触发卖出信号。 EA 在所有货币对上使用相同的双重 RSI 逻辑,基于每个货币对的超买和超卖条件识别买入和卖出机会。由于 EURUSD、GBPUSD 和 USDCAD 的流动性和波动性差异,EA 能有效地检测趋势和反转。 智能马丁格尔策略: 初始仓位 : 根据 RSI 信号开仓,初始手数较小。 马丁格尔倍增 : 如果交易方向与 EA 相反并达到某个亏损阈值,下一笔交易的手数将以受控方式增加(例如,倍数小于 2),而不是像传统的马丁格尔系统那样激进地加倍。 动态调整 : 倍增系数根据当前市场波动性和可用权益进行调整,以避免过度杠杆,帮助限制风险敞口。 盈利目标和退出 : EA 在达到预定的盈利
Ephraim Umpan 指标对于想要进行手动交易的外汇交易者来说是一个很棒的指标。有了这个指标,每个交易者都将在交易中获得优势,并获得巨大而稳定的结果。该指标不仅证明了我们如何从市场中学习。此外,这个指标是一个很好的工具。让我们利用这个工具在外汇市场上创造丰厚的收入。 Ephraim Umpan 指标对于想要进行手动交易的外汇交易者来说是一个很棒的指标。有了这个指标,每个交易者都将在交易中获得优势,并获得巨大而稳定的结果。该指标不仅证明了我们如何从市场中学习。此外,这个指标是一个很好的工具。让我们利用这个工具在外汇市场上创造丰厚的收入。
指标对于想要进行手动交易的外汇交易者来说是 指标对于想要进行手动交易的外汇交易者来说是
An easy-to-use indicator for various trading systems. Gives early signals in the price direction.
There is a main smoothed trend and a line of change of short-term directions. When using, you can choose the calculation method and smoothing of the main trend, the rest of the parameters are already configured.
Easy to use, you just need to attach it to the chart and follow simple recommendations for trading.
Signal for purchases: blue squares of the main trend + blue signal line is directed
Form Designer : Advanced Trading Bot for Forex and Cryptocurrency Markets
Form Designer represents the latest advancement in automated trading technology designed to perform optimally in both the Forex and Cryptocurrency markets (with supported brokers). This highly effective tool has unique capabilities, making it an indispensable assistant for traders.
Key features and benefits: Multi-currency: Form Designer supports a wide range of currency pairs, providing flexibility and versatility in
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