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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标 - 92

icon EA交易自动执行市场交易,而指标可使您更准确地分析报价并预测价格行为。 通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
R Var 移动平均线指标是为顽固的趋势追随者设计的趋势跟踪指标。 它是股票交易者和商品交易者中非常流行的外汇交易指标,它的流行源于它能够向用户提供真正的赚钱信号。 该指标由放置在黄褐色线上的绿色和红色点组成。 绿点指向看涨信号,而红点表示看跌信号。 基本交易信号 买入信号:当指标的黄褐色线上的点变为绿色时,做多。 卖出信号:当指标的黄褐色线上的点变为红色时做空。 退出买入交易:如果在看涨趋势持续期间,指标的西耶娜线上出现红点,则关闭所有买入订单。 退出卖出交易:如果在看跌趋势持续期间,R Var 移动平均线指标的西耶纳线上显示绿点,则关闭所有卖出订单。 尖端 在使用 R Var 移动平均线指标时,利用适度的止损来防止错误信号。 将其用于各种交易方式,包括剥头皮交易和日间交易。 特征 平台:MetaTrader 4 货币对:任何 自定义选项:变量(periodAMA、nfast、nslow、G、dK、UseSound、SoundFile)、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、1 个月 类型:趋势
UR Gamma
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR伽瑪 (由機器學習系統中的類似計算提供支持) UR Gamma 是一種尖端的金融分析工具,它對經典的 WaveTrend 指標進行了全新改進。 通過結合先進的數字信號處理技術,UR Gamma 解決了傳統 WaveTrend 算法的一些局限性,並提供了一種更準確、穩健和動態的方法來識別和衡量價格行為的趨勢。 使用 UR Gamma 的優勢: 簡約設置 所有數據都在後台計算 - 用戶只有 1 個輸出 - 清晰整潔。 表明疲憊的背景水平 適應各種資產。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR Gamma? 目標是讓概率分佈在 -1 和 1 之間振盪,中間點為 0。 為實現這一目標,使用機器學習中稱為激活函數的技術來轉換數據。 一個這樣的函數是雙曲正切函數,它經常用於神經網絡,因為它保持 -1 和 1 之間的值。通過對輸入數據進行一階導數並使用二次均值對其進行歸一化,tanh 函數有效地重新分配輸入 信號進入 -1 到 1 的所需範圍。 UR Gamma 是交易者和投資者的強大工具,為他們提供對市場趨勢
R Ease Of Movement Metatrader 4 外汇指标是一个蓝色的 EMZ 交易振荡器。 它是一种振荡器类型的外汇指标,可生成看涨和看跌的交易区域。 高于零水平的值被认为是看涨的,而低于零水平的值被认为是看跌的。 R Ease Of Movement 震荡指标本身不会产生好的结果,它需要结合趋势跟踪技术指标进行交易。 好的外汇趋势指标包括:SMA、EMA、PSAR、布林带、包络线…… 基本交易信号 来自 R Ease Of Movement MT4 外汇指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买入信号:当指标从下方穿过并收于 0.00 线上方且总体趋势必须向上时,开启买入交易。 卖出信号:当指标从下方穿过并收于 0.00 线下方且总体趋势必须向下时,开启卖出交易。 交易退出:当出现相反信号时关闭未平仓的买入/卖出外汇头寸,或使用您自己的交易退出方法。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 自定义选项:可变(EMZ 周期、最小值、最大值)颜色、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、
Yury Emeliyanov
A simple Expert Advisor based on the "Top Bottom Price" indicator and Martingale (which can be disabled by changing the "Martingale Multiplier" parameter to the value = 1). The Expert Advisor has been optimized for the EUR/JPY M15 currency pair. There is also an indicator limiting the opening time of transactions "Entry Time". Below are the statistics of testing the Expert Advisor for the EUR/JPY M15 pair over the past 3 years. Default testing parameter Initial balance = 10,000$ Net profit = 19
R Wavy Dash 指标将价格数据转换为出色的趋势跟踪信号指标,适用于交易进入和退出。 它在主图表中显示为彩色信号线,可用作独立的交易工具。 R Wavy Dash 指标非常可靠、轻便,不会减慢您的交易平台。 关键点 趋势信号指标 新手友好 非重绘 非常值得添加到您的指标集合中 该指标可以与任何现有的交易策略或系统一起作为可能的趋势反转确认工具。 基本交易信号 来自 R Wavy Dash 指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买 当绿色信号线开始在图表上绘制时,会发出新的买入信号。 将止损设置在支撑下方。 为预定的利润目标退出买入交易或等待卖出信号。 卖 当红色信号线开始在图表上绘制时,发出新的卖出信号。 将止损置于阻力之上。 为预定的利润目标退出卖出交易或等待买入信号。 随意探索指标的不同参数和设置以创建您自己的个性化指标设置。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 时间范围:任何 指标类型:趋势信号
R Delta RSI 指标根据快速 RSI(周期 14)和慢速 RSI(周期 50)的交叉以及信号水平绘制买卖彩色直方图。 红色直方图表示趋势看涨(买入信号)。 绿色直方图表示趋势看跌(卖出信号)。 灰色直方图表示趋势持平或区间波动(无信号)。 该外汇指标可以单独交易,也可以与其他趋势跟踪指标一起交易。 剥头皮交易者、日内交易者和波段交易者可以从这个出色的 RSI 交叉信号指标中受益。 快速 RSI、慢速 RSI 和信号水平的默认 R Delta RSI 指标设置可以从指标的输入选项卡更改。 随意尝试其设置以满足您的需求。 基本交易信号 来自 R Delta RSI 外汇指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买入信号:当指标绘制红色直方图时启动买入交易头寸。 卖出信号:当指标绘制绿色直方图时启动卖出交易头寸。 持平信号:当条形图呈灰色时,保持当前买入/卖出位置。 交易退出:当出现相反信号时关闭未平仓的买入/卖出外汇头寸,或使用您自己的交易退出方法。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 自定义选项:可变(快速 RSI 周期、慢速 RSI 周期、信号水平)颜
UR Bands
Krzysztof Jan Debski
你的樂隊 (使用機器學習系統中使用的公式) UR Bands 是通過包含市場波動的公式得出的指標,原則上與機器學習系統中使用的指標相似。 這種市場狀況的數學表示提供了對價格趨勢和動態的精確分析,同時考慮了金融市場的固有波動性。 通過將波動率作為一個變量,該指標提供了更準確和可靠的市場狀況表示,使交易者和投資者能夠做出明智的決定並有效地管理風險。 此外,使用基於波動率的公式使該指標對市場變化具有高度反應性,為潛在交易或投資提供早期信號。 使用 UR 手環的優勢: 視覺上令人愉悅且易於理解的圖錶帶 適應各種資產和時間框架 樂隊總是顯示趨勢的頂部和底部 趨勢或反轉交易系統的重要補充和獨立指標 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR 樂隊? 提高準確性:將市場波動納入指標公式可以更精確地分析市場狀況。 更好的風險評估:通過考慮波動性,該指標可以幫助交易者和投資者更準確地評估市場風險。 早期信號:使用基於波動率的公式使該指標對市場變化具有高度反應性,為潛在交易或投資提供早期信號。 數據驅動的決策:該指標提供了更
The R Show Ticks indicator for Metatrader 4 shows the up/down ticks in real-time on the main trading window. Key Takeaways A white arrow is an uptick . A red arrow is a downtick . The indicator works for any currency pair and time frame of your preference. Indicator Specifications Trading Platform: Developed for Metatrader 4 (MT4) Currency pairs: Works for any pair Time frames: Works for any time frame Input Parameters: Input symbol, style, color. Indicator type: Data How to edit the indicator
Alchemic MT4
Mrs Marta S Garrod
Alchemic 的算法不使用鞅、网格或任何其他有风险的资金管理系统,它基于烛台分析。 Alchemic 分析多个时间框架并确定进入/退出市场的主要价格方向。 EA 的每笔交易都附有止损和获利订单。止损和获利的大小由市场波动决定。 EA 可以交易指定的交易量,也可以根据可用资金量、止损大小和为交易选择的风险预设为每笔交易动态选择交易量。 MT4版本: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/92874 金术的输入: 职位评论:在此输入您对订单的评论... 幻数:订单的幻数... 手数法:手数管理法... 手动手数:对所有订单使用静态手数... 自动手数:根据余额百分比自动计算手数... Server time offset from gmt:从 gmt 时间偏移的小时数(默认值:3)... 符号前缀:符号的前缀(例如输入“c”表示“cAUDCAD”)... Symbols suffix:符号的后缀(例如输入“.c”表示AUDCAD.c)... 允许的最大点差:点差高于此数字的交易品种将不会启动交易... Order direction filter
Nasdaq pips catcher
Tomasz Marcin Moleda
"Nasdaq Pips Catcher" is a fully automated trading strategy that utilizes a proprietary short-term trend indicator. Upon receiving a signal, a trade is opened along with a "stop loss" and "take profit" (default 50/100 pips). The EA also uses "Break Even" orders. It is designed for trading on the Nasdaq 100 index and is a "Day Trading" strategy. It works best on an M30 chart. No optimization is required and one can find their own settings and use on other instruments. All trades are protected by
DayTradingArrow v1
Nedyalka Zhelyazkova
5 (3)
"IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A UNIQUE TRADING INDICATOR TO TRADING…AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE…YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!" To create the PERFECT strategy, the Perfect one for you, you need to experiment with all ways and forms of trading. You have to find the strategy that gives the best results. In forex trading, like any business, there are some rules that must be followed, which are disturbing for now, many adhere to the rule that if a system has losses, it is not profitable. The best indicator and
FRB Candle Time Mt4
Fernando Baratieri
FRB Candle Time  Indicator showing the time left for the next candle You can edit font color and size. Very important indicator for Traders. To move time, just click on it and move the mouse to where you want to leave it. After positioning the time where you want it, click again or press "ESC" and the time will stay where you left it. Settings font color Font size Background color
The Puzzle
Jared Matthew Bryant
1 (1)
Puzzle 是一款全自动的多货币智能交易系统,同时处理 3 个交易品种:EURGBP、EURJPY 和 EURCHF。 与定制指标一起实施的人工智能可识别交易机会并下订单。 人类交易者通常无法像软件那样及时抓住正确的交易机会,因此我的目的是开发可以为您做到这一点的专家顾问。 它遵循几种不同的策略,但在下订单之前,The Puzzle 会确定哪一个是正确的。 在我学会说话之前,我自己已经做了好几年的交易员,并且是一名热情的编码员。 Forex Fighter 和 The Puzzle 的开发有机地出现了,我很高兴能与您分享它们。 Puzzle 不使用 mar,但如果您看到多个符号走向相同的方向,那是因为 AI 发现了非常强大的交易机会。 特征: 多币种 符号:EURGBP、EURJPY 和 EURCHF 人工智能 没有冒险的策略 一个图表设置。 在 EURGBP H1 图表上运行 EA 现场信号 https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1827217 MT5: 如果您更喜欢 The Puzzle 的 MT4 版本,可以访问  https://www.mql5
The Mars EA
David Perk
5 (3)
Advanced Strategy Overview: The Mars EA employs multiple independent grid sequences of orders, strategically trading against common retail trading logics at specific liquidity levels. By monitoring significant level breaches, the EA identifies inducements that typically attract retail traders, as outlined in many trading strategies. It then strategically trades against these retail positions, targeting areas where liquidity from their stop losses is concentrated. Key Features: Grid Trading with
Trading strategy: Scalping. The EA   "Project Golden Luna"   is based on trading on zigzag signals using standard indicators, and market entries are made on the breakdown of local extremum levels. As soon as the bot receives a signal, it immediately starts placing several pending orders. And most importantly, this trading expert uses SL protective orders in open trades, which save the trader's deposit from significant losses. However, this robot in most cases does not wait for the price to reach
Think Fund Ai Robot
Nirundorn Promphao
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Think Fund Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD), any currency pairs and any broker. Try now! The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certain unique conditions. The Ai Robot is based on a robust, profitable strategy and   NO MARTINGALE. No more indicator. You can select
Harmonic Patterns Scanner MT4
Mihails Babuskins
5 (1)
Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. Harmonic Trading The secret is the Fibonacci. It has been proven in the markets that price always reacts to Fibonacci levels. Fibonacci levels are one of the most important indicators of price changes. Sometimes the sequence of reactions to these levels in the chart make geometric shapes, which are called harmonic patterns. The price creates harmonic patterns with its fluctuation and reaction to Fibonacci levels. Harmonic patterns c
I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Fullerton Fund Ai Robot is a safe system for Forex and Crypto currencies trading. Developed exclusively for the XAUUSD pair(GOLD), any currency pairs and any broker. Try now! The Ai Robot is designed to operate in the XAUUSD (GOLD) and any currencies market, entering only when there are high probabilities of success and certain unique conditions. The Ai Robot is based on a robust, profitable strategy and   NO MARTINGALE. No more indicator. You can se
EA Mine Farm MT4
Maryna Kauzova
Mine Farm is one of the most classic and time-tested scalping strategies based on the breakdown of strong price levels. Mine Farm is the author's modification of the system for determining entry and exit points into the market... Mine Farm - is the combination of great potential with reliability and safety. Why Mine Farm?! - each order has a short dynamic Stop Loss - the advisor does not use any risky methods (averaging, martingale, grid, locking, etc.) - the advisor tries to get the most
All Moving Averages
Guillermo Pineda
The ALL MOVING AVERAGES Metatrader 4 Custom Indicator provides a comprehensive suite of moving averages for technical analysis offering over 31 of the most popular moving averages . All of these averages can be customized to fit various trading strategies , with users able to choose from a variety of input parameters including period and price calculation types. The indicator also provides a smooth charting experience , with users having the ability to toggle between chart styles, turn the i
Level Green EA
Niklas Templin
High Impact Level EA DE40, US30,  FTMO Recomment Broker. EA can Trade with every Broker that have Volume 0.01 by Indizes. Dont let the Robot Work alone. Important  must  be Change in Settings for DE40 or US30 inp1_VolumeSize: 0.1 inp1_VolumePercent: 0.00001 inp1_GridStartOffset: 1000.0 inp1_GridStartRoundNumbers:  1000.0 inp1_GridSize:  1000.0 inp2_VolumeSize: 0.1 inp2_VolumePercent: 0.00001 inp2_GridStartOffset:  1000.0 inp2_GridStartRoundNumbers:  1000.0 inp2_GridSize:  1000.0 inp1_GridSizeTP:
Bashir Abdi Jama
Introducing Mudug EA, a powerful expert advisor for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, developed using the MQL5 programming language. It is designed to automate your trading strategies and improve your trading performance. Mudug EA comes with a user-friendly interface that allows you to easily customize various aspects of the trading strategy, such as entry amount, stop loss, and take profit levels, as well as the parameters for various technical indicators. The EA employs four indicators, Commodity C
FRB Time MT4
Fernando Baratieri
FRB Time - FRB Trader Indicator that shows the server's time of operation. You can edit the font color and size of the timetable. Settings font color Font size Background color To move the Timetable, just click on it and move the mouse to where you want to leave it. After placing the Time where you want it, click again or press "ESC" and the time will stay where you left it.
This is a Semi Automated OTE EA based on the free teachings of ICT. One of the biggest challenges in trading is related to executing and managing trades. After analyzing charts, draw an OTE Fibonacci and turn on the EA. It will automatically execute orders based on the Fibonacci level of your placement and protect any open positions when in profit. Please review the documentation that accompanies this product.  Auto Lot Calculation Based on Risk Percent  Auto SL and TP  Auto BE Risk Per
FXO PRICE ACTION LEVEL NOTIFICATIONS Notes: 1. .ex4 must be loaded in EA folder (not indicator folder). 2. Activate MT4 application notifications by Tools/options/enable push notification. 3. Drag Overlapped Horizontal lines to desired levels at start. This is an Indicator file, it will not take trades by itself. For any query Support: admin@forexmarket.one Copyright: www.forexmarket.one
Ana Maria Pesaferrer Costa
This EA can work on MT4 but not on MT5 and its main asset is GDAXI. It only trades on the long side, so it takes advantage of bull markets. In our MT4 backtest it has a very low relative drawdown with less than 12% of drawdown. It also has a very high return percentage over 11 years of backtesting with a 1460% return (this does not mean that it will be exactly the same in the future). It is recommended to use a start-up capital of around 12k euros.    To perform the backtest of this EA, the M5 p
Shao Qun Lu
SPT是一个明确的趋势指标. 金十网站推出的交易大师版,SPT指标是最大的卖点. 它基于ATR指标进行编写,以明确的趋势线标明了趋势 正在 进行的方向和趋势转换位置. 不同手法的交易者对此指标的理解可能会形成两种不用的用途. 1.基于趋势的交易者会在趋势线转换时开始或者结束一段趋势交易, 2.基于震荡区间进行抄底摸顶的交易者会根据此指标标识的最后支撑或者阻力位进行区间交易.该指标的支撑阻力会随着趋势的进行而不断提升或者下降,使得以更小更合理的止损设定追随趋势的进行. 指标参数如下: Multiplier :ATR的倍数 Period  :ATR周期,此周期越小则指标越敏感,无效性也越高,但止损也越小 要安装MT4 Supertrend Line指示器,请遵循以下说明: 1.下载指标存档文件。 2.打开MetaTrader 4数据文件夹(通过文件->打开数据文件夹)。 3.打开MQL4文件夹。 4.将存档中的所有文件夹直接复制到MQL4文件夹。 5.重启MetaTrader 4或右键单击平台的导航子窗口并选择刷新,刷新指标列表。 为使本指标在各位朋友手中发挥更好的效力,请购买的后的
Martengl Panel
Hossein Ahmadi Beni
is highly helpful in both performing and assisting a successful trade. This program allows you to work in a real account and take advantage of its most important feature, the Back-Test feature.  is made up of two panels that work together to provide you with the best and fastest performance possible. The command panel is on the left, and the confirmation panel is on the right. The command panel is divided into four main categories: Buy/Sell, Lot, Distance, and Set Close. You make all the decisi
SuperTrend EA is an expert advisor or trading robot based on the Supertrend Buy-Sell Magic Indicator. It is capable of detecting and following both minor and major trends. SuperTrend EA MT4 is obtained from artificial intelligence algorithms developed by MXRobots company. This EA, in addition to the SuperTrend indicator, includes other instruments that contribute to the activities of this intelligent trading robot, which you can experience Algo Trend EA (supertrend algo trading). SuperTrend EA
Hidden Support And Resistance
Lesedi Oliver Seilane
5 (1)
updated hidden market support and resistance. this indicator is made for new current market that has new support and resistance that some traders struggle to see. The indicator works on all timeframes from the 1-minute timeframe to the monthly One Trading tip to use When price is at resistance and the indicator appears wait for a bearish candle to close then enter a sell trade. Same applies for a buy trade when price reaches support level, and the indicator appears wait for the bullish candle
Dsc Vwap Channel Mt4
Diogo Sawitzki Cansi
4 (1)
Corretora recomendada para usar esse indicador: https://tinyurl.com/5ftaha7c Indicador usado para sabermos os pontos de suporte de resistência no gráfico. Funciona em todos ativos e timeframes. Acerte exatamente os pontos de entradas e saídas das suas operações.   SEE OUR RESULTS ON INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/diogo.cansi/   TELEGRAM GROUP =  https://t.me/robosdsc More information by email dscinvestimentos@gmail.com or by Whatsapp 55-991372299
High Pass Filter Candlesticks
Safwan Rushdi Khalil Arekat
This indicator applies the  biquad high pass filter to the price-chart data, and displays the filter output for the OHLC as candlesticks. The candlesticks corresponds to the actual calculations of the filter value  during the formation of each price bar (not from all historical highs lows or closes). The shape of the bars therefore corresponds directly to the shape of each price bar. High pass filters are an underappreciated type of oscillator that are seldom used in technical analysis in the st
True Hero Oscillator
Muhammed Emin Ugur
The   True Hero Oscillator   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. This product uses 3 main indicators and many algorithms. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not c
MACD EA is a professional and advanced trading robot made from the Best Momentum MT4 Indicator  called MACD . This powerful MACD expert advisor trades based on four separate MACD signals. You do not need to purchase multiple MACD EAs to use all of these signals. All of these trading methods are included in an expert MACD that you can obtain by purchasing. MACD EA signals MACD EA identifies well the divergences that occur in the price and indicates the trend's weakness and trades based on them.
Reverse Hedging EA
Joaquin Nicolas Metayer
This EA is literally a reverse of Recovery Zone Assistance, as its name says ... It is an assistant, an expert advisor that monitors all the orders for the asset in which it has been placed, no matter if that order was by some other expert advisor or by the trader placed on the Manually, he will start his work after each order that is negative. Find  Recovery Zone Assistance on  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68909 This Expert Advisor is based on this sistem on video "Recovery Zone" on
Commodity Channel Index Corrected
Safwan Rushdi Khalil Arekat
5 (1)
This indicator resolves an unrecognised defect in the Commodity Channel Index Oscillator (CCI). The CCI is based on a high pass filter calculated by subtracting the p-period simple moving average of a price signal (usually typical value) from the price signal itself. Then, the result is divided by the absolute mean deviation of the same period. The frequency response of a signal minus its simple moving average is shown in the first screen shot (in Blue). (see my free indicator : Q n D Frequency
AC Pivot Panel – Your Ultimate Pivot Trading Tool The   AC Pivot Panel   is a powerful yet user-friendly pivot point indicator designed to help traders identify key support and resistance levels with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, this indicator simplifies pivot trading and enhances your decision-making process. Key Features : Interactive Selection Panel : Easily adjust pivot settings directly on the chart with a compact and intuitive panel. Multiple Pivot Methods : C
High Pass Filter Trading Signal
Safwan Rushdi Khalil Arekat
Latest Changes in 1.6 :  Added Signal Modes input. Mode 1 : HPF positive go long blue, HPF negative go short red. Mode 2 : slow envelope only, HPF above upper envelope go long blue, HPF below lower envelope go short red. Mode 3 : HPF above both upper envelopes - go long blue, HPF below both lower envelopes go short red. Mode 4 : Go long blue if HPF crosses above upper slow, but fast upper should be below slow upper at the time, exit when HPF crosses below upper fast, reverse logic for short red
Dsc Candle Agression Mt4
Diogo Sawitzki Cansi
5 (1)
Corretora recomendada para usar esse indicador: https://tinyurl.com/5ftaha7c Indicador que pinta o candle de amarelo em pontos de muita agressão no mercado. Sempre que o mercado for se movimentar o candle irá ficar amarelo. Valido para todos ativos e todos timeframes.   SEE OUR RESULTS ON INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/diogo.cansi/   TELEGRAM GROUP =  https://t.me/robosdsc More information by email dscinvestimentos@gmail.com or by Whatsapp 55-991372299
Signal : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1866237 This EA was not known to anybody, If you are curious about this EA just download the free demo version to test before you purchased this product. To see is to believe that whats everyone says. The signal provides you best and accurate understanding that its making good results even on a small account. Timeframe : M5 Currency Pairs : All Pairs Major/Minor Note : Use this setfile the same as the signal above------- https://drive.google.com/file/d/
Maldini Yoga Pratama
Agoybot is a logic trading robot that breaks high low candles in the selected timeframe (suggest M1). with a choice feature between averaging or hedging. You are free to explore your own presets choosing between martiangle , hedging recovery  or oneshoot agoybot can be backtested once a week making it easier for traders to explore the desired preset We will explain some of the preset features in agoybot below: Only  5  download  of the EA left  at $44! Next price -->   $55 Symbol GOLD, GBPUSD, E
Deviation Arrow
Thomas Bradley Butler
Deviation has a buy and sell input.  Figure out the number to trade by.  It is according to MACD.  Study the values of the past for inputs to trade by. Use in uptrend or downtrend and follow the bigger trend for entry points or reversals.  Use other filters or strategies to employ with the indicator for success.  - is buy  and + is sell. Trade on time frames according to your wish
Higher High and Lows
Biswarup Banerjee
This indicator is very useful to identify the most important patterns of price action strategy. It uses the fractal indicator to identify the highs and lows. It can identify the following four patterns to identify continuation and reversal of a trend Patterns shown in the chart Higher Highs Lower Highs Lower Lows Higher Lows These patterns are visible in the chart . and the most interesting part of this indicator is all of these patterns are stored in different buffer values. Developers can util
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz
An "Intraday" indicator makes no sense anymore above H1 !! VOHLC is calculated using the following formula: VOHLC= ( Price * Volume ) / Volume Where Price= ( Open + High + Low + Close ) / 4 Volume= Tick Volume   This indicator helps us to understand the current direction of the trend in the selected period. Typically, the indicator is calculated for one day, so there is no reason to use it on timeframes larger than the H1 timeframe.
EA InfinityByBB grid - averaging - hedge  backtest 17 years (2005-2023) in MT4 using FBS - Timeframe M5 basic indicator with Bollinger Band filter infinty true setting filter infinty = medium  ---> this properties for filter from SIGNAL Bollinger Band , when EA Open Order averaging by signal = on  ---> grid open order with distance and signal averaging by signal = off ---> grid open order, only with distance Risk Warning: Before you Rent InfinityByBB, please baktest again  Forex is High Ris
RSI DIVERENCE INDICATOR RSI divergence is very powerful pattern which is often used to detect a strong trend reversal. it also indicates the weakening of strong signal. So some traders  want to use it as the exit criteria. This indicator works in all timeframe and send notification, alert or email to the user. It also show the Higher Highs and Lower Low Pattern with its corresponding RSI divergency. This indicator can be used in Expert Advisors as it has accessible buffers List of Inputs ______
For MT5 version please click  here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView source: "Squeeze Momentum Indicator" By "LazyBear". - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - Buffers and inputs are available for use in EAs and optimization purposes. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading...
UR Vortex
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR Vortex The Probabilistic UR Vortex Formula: An Accurate System for Predictive Market Analysis using Volatility and Standard Deviation Calculations. The   UR Vortex   indicator is a technical analysis tool that uses volatility and standard deviation calculations to predict potential tops and bottoms in a market. It measures the strength of a trend by calculating the distance between the current price and a moving average, and then standardizing this distance by dividing it by the average true
Monkey Scalper
Thi Tra Mi Duong
EA Monkey Scalper is a trading robot uses Scalping Strategy to find opportunities in the market and execute trades with a high probability of winning. Monkey Scalper uses advanced algorithms to look for trade entries when price volatility is high and retracements are present, combined with good trading positions. This results in quick and profitable trades, taking the guesswork out of manual trading. Settings:  + Spread Limit: 30 ~ 50 points  + Money Management (MM): True or False  + Auto Lot S
Introducing the Revolutionary   Trade Closing Assistant ! Are you tired of manually closing hundreds trades? Are you a   scalper ,   day trader ,   swing trader   and  you want to maximize your profits and minimize your losses by closing multiple positions at thesame time under different conditions? Are you a   Prop Firm Trader  who wishes to avoid hitting maximum daily drawdown? Search no further. This kit is the ultimate solution for all you. GUIDE TO USE THE KIT 1. Shows the total profit/lo
Quantum Universe
Andi Chandra Wijaya
This EA based on Supply and Demand combine with custom indicator.  The EA can identifying the right moments to place orders based on current supply & demand situation The System constantly monitors market volatility and adapts TP in real time, has built-in flat protection This EA doesn't use History Reader Data Recommendation Pairs :EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURGBP, GBPCAD TimeFrame : M1 - M5 Balance : Recommended $1000 for 4 pairs (you can use $500 for 2 pairs) Risk Warning: Before you use this EA ple
Quantum Trend QLfx
Andi Chandra Wijaya
This EA using Trend Analyzer to trade follow the trend, not againts it No Martingale, No Grid, No Averaging All orders use fix SL and TP, with RRR 1:2 Recommendation Pairs   :EURUSD TimeFrame   : H1 Balance   : Recommended $500 with 0.01 lot Risk Warning: Before you use this EA please be aware of the risks involved. Past performance is no guarantee of future profitability (EA could also make losses).  Always run it on demo account at first After Download please contact me for more instructi
The Saz_Timer indicator belongs to the Saz_Forex suite of professional indicators designed by Traders, for Traders. This indicator will show minutes and seconds of real time on the chart window. The indicator uses the OnTimer() event so it can update even while no ticks received on the chart. The text is shown toward the bottom right of the chart, encircled red in the screenshot. Inputs: Text Colour, allows selection of the colour for the text.
FXO BROKER SPREAD INFORMATION Floating spreads are harmful for your trading strategy, even with Raw spread account. it makes a lot difference. Floating spread goes too high when it's news time or daily or weekend rollovers. this can affect trades's Expert Advisors, Pending orders and Stop losses. Therefore this tool is created to find right information about spread while rollovers. How to use :  download/paste the program file to Expert Advisor folder,  Open a chart of any instrument, Lo
This trading tool automatically applies stop loss, take profit, and breakeven levels to trades that are opened manually or with a specific magic number or comment. The stop loss is set in pips, and the take profit and breakeven levels are calculated as a multiple of the stop loss. This helps traders to manage their risk and protect their profits. Additionally, the tool also watches for the breakeven point, allowing traders to move their stop loss to break even once a certain level of profit has
Kanaka Expert MT4
Jagdish Vasave -
The Kanaka Expert is   a fully automatic scalping trading expert advisor with  Multiple Money Management techniques  It is specially designed for trading only for   Gold (XAUUSD) at 5 Minute chart.   This   Expert Advisor achieves a large number of profitable trades. Absolutely all trades are protected by stop loss. It is a safe long-term Expert Advisor, aimed at professional users and serious investors. Constant profit for every month. Designed specifically for trading  Gold (XAUUSD)on   5M tim
Shun Qing Qian
The EA does not use Dangerous Methods: No mesh Without averaging No martingale No doubling Minimum deposit for trading 100$ Use accounts with a minimum spread The best timeframe to trade is H1,H4 Best trading pairs: XAUUSD,GBPUSD, EURUSD,USDCAD,NZDUSD,AUDUSD  Suggest Move_ Set Sl to: true , Other settings: default Activity price: 299, final price: 1500 Time options.  EA trades 24/7 by default. User may futher define which days of week and hours of day are tradable (" Nontradable hours, space-sep
Scalper Warrior
Sevgi Bahtiyar Lyutfi
We are happy to show you our scalping EA - "Scalper Warrior". Based on the specific behavior of pair in combination with price action, RSI and generic algorithms we were able to extract one of the best scalping strategies possible for forex market. We don't use Martingale or Grid strategies when trading. We count on our decision algorithm for opening, tracking and closing the trades. We help him to this with tight stop-losses which leads to a very low drawdown of the EA and stable account growth
Previous Period High Low . This indicator shows the previous Day, Week, Month and Years High and Low. It's great for price action strategies. : Provides clear and visible breaks in structure. : Easy to see breakout levels. : Easy to see gaps between previous high, low levels after breakouts have occurred.  The indicator works on every time frame. Multiple periods can be selected and be seen on the same chart. Every line can be customized to Your liking. Color, style and thickness.  Enjoy!
Cross Hedge EA
Manpreet Singh
3.67 (3)
Cross Hedge EA Cross Hedge EA is a hedging EA which helps you recover the losing trade in a very tricky way based on "Zone Recovery Algorithm". It Hedge with an increased lot size based on multiplier factor in the market direction and if market reverse its direction again then it open a incremental lot in the current market direction. Doing this way it ends with a profit no matter in what direction the market will move. Live Signal -  https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2264260 Use Cent account with
Apex Trader MT4
Profalgo Limited
5 (5)
推出促銷: 僅售 5 份,售價 199 美元 最終價格:999$ 新:立即購買並免費獲得 1 個 EA! (2 個貿易賬戶) 實時結果:   https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/1836525 high risk account 介紹我們外匯交易機器人系列的最新成員 -     Apex Trader 。 Apex Trader 利用多年創建專家顧問的經驗開發而成,是外匯市場的強大交易工具。   作為一名開發者,我投入了大量的時間和資源來研究和創造這個機器人。 我一直在使用各種不同的策略,包括均值回歸和趨勢跟踪,以確保 Apex Trader 能夠適應任何市場條件。 結果是機器人能夠應對最具挑戰性的市場條件。 Apex Trader 專門從事 AUDCAD、AUDNZD 和 NZDCAD 貨幣對交易,利用具有可變止盈水平的智能網格系統。 該機器人還具有安全措施,可防止賬戶爆倉,這通常是網格系統的風險,使其成為各級交易者的合適選擇。   智能網格系統允許 Apex Trader 開多個頭寸,增加從趨勢中獲利的機會。 它還使用智能管理止盈水平,以適應市場條
该指标使用多个指标来生成高赢信号交易 R Signals 指标是一个完整的外汇交易系统,可在图表上打印准确的买卖箭头。 该指标在主 MT4 图表窗口中显示为绿色和红色箭头。 使用单个指标生成的信号在交易时可能会有风险。 这是因为仅使用一个指标进行交易会给出更多错误信号。 因此,许多外汇交易者使用三个或更多指标来过滤掉良好的交易设置。 交易信号 绿色箭头是买入信号。 红色箭头是卖出信号。 R 信号指标可用于交易进入和退出,或用作其他策略和系统的趋势确认信号指标。 该指标同样适用于所有货币对(主要货币对、次要货币对和外来货币对),如果使用得当,它会显示出可喜的结果。 指标规格和输入 货币对:适用于任何货币对 时间范围:适用于任何时间范围 交易风格:适用于剥头皮交易、日内交易和波段交易 输入参数:变量(输入选项卡)、颜色设置和样式 指标类型:信号 指标是否重绘? 不。 测试人员: https://youtu.be/g72EmGHXaMU 现场测试: https://youtu.be/KAt6cNRwIeM
AW OsMa based EA
AW Trading Software Limited
5 (1)
全自动交易机器人。它适用于标准 OsMA 指标的信号。内置自动手数计算功能,开单量倍增。用于 EA 计算的可自定义指标参数。辅以可调螺距的尾随系统。 好处: 适用于任何工具和任何时间范围, 内置可调节步距的拖尾系统, 可定制的指标信号, 可以使用autolot计算功能, 订单量动画。 笔记! EA 不显示指标。 战略: OsMA 指标计算为 MACD 振荡器值与其信号线之间的差值。这条线是移动平均线。获得的结果以相对于零线上升或下降的柱形形式显示在图表上。 MACD 和 SIGNAL 之间的距离越大,柱线越长,反之亦然。因此,柱的大小是当前趋势强度的指标。 市场准入: 买入 - 蜡烛收盘后在市场上开立订单。     当 OsMA 直方图向上穿过零水平时,出现买入信号。 卖出 – 在直方图的第一根柱出现在零以下后,市场开立订单。当 直方图从上到下突破线时,卖出信号出现。 从一个位置退出: 顾问开单后: 1 - 如果头寸朝着有利可图的方向发展,则追踪止损被激活。该头寸将使用智能尾随系统关闭 2 - 如果头寸进入亏损方向,则使用挂单应用平均函数 输入变量: 很多设置 Size_of_the_
Viktor Shpakovskiy
用於手動交易的 EA,能夠在一批中添加新訂單並取平均值。 您可以通過更改手數、訂單之間的步長以及限制未平倉頭寸數量和總手數來管理風險。 有移動止損、虛擬止損和虛擬止盈,可以在圖表上自由移動。 借助內置的交易模擬器,您可以檢查 EA 在策略測試器中的工作方式。 好處 初始手數由交易員或其他顧問開立; EA 將新訂單添加到平均 1 手的未平倉頭寸; 增加的手數是固定的,不取決於未平倉頭寸的大小; 風險管理(按手數、訂單數量和訂單之間的步驟); 以存款貨幣獲利; 虛擬止損和虛擬止盈; 按點追踪止損; 開始追踪止損的小利潤; 圖表上的“熱鍵”用於快速打開和關閉訂單; 適用於報價為小數點後 4 位和 5 位的賬戶; 5位數賬戶,參數自動加10; 用於處理加密貨幣、指數、期貨、差價合約的特殊參數乘數。 參數 Block 1. GENERAL SETTINGS Magic number (-1 for all) Lot for manual opening Fixed profit Profit in the deposit currency Virtual Take Profit Virtual
可以使用准确的 CCI 指标。 仪表板趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 CCI。 双 CCI,即快速 CCI 和慢速 CCI 为什么需要第二个 CCI? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 CCI 曲线 9TF 慢速 CCI 曲线 9TF实时CCI角度 9TF实时CCI值 9TF 实时 CCI 方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示 CCI 曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的 CCI 曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐藏图例 能够增加/减少栏的数量 能够选择配色方案级别 能够选择多达 10 种仪表板趋势栏配色方案 能够改变 CCI 曲线的颜色 该指标经历了一系列的试验。 编程代码是用心编写的。 使用最好的 DTSL 9TF 双 CCI 交易指标进行自信的输入。 立即获取并像专业人士一样进行交易。 谢谢你。
达尔文报告工具EA 异常的介绍性价格!    35美元 描述。 达尔文报告工具EA是达尔文系列中的新产品。 达尔文的产品因其质量和性能而在MQL5上广为人知并享有盛誉。 这一次,我向你推荐的不是专家顾问,而是一个旨在实现任务自动化的工具。 基本上,要对你的表现做出报告 解释: 事实上,由于这个工具,你将能够发送一个账户、一个策略、甚至几个可选择的EA的任何性能报告。 你可以通过电子邮件、Telegram等网络和短信、手机上的推送信息来发送你的报告。 福利待遇: 每天、每周或每月都能收到来自每个EA的报告,以研究其表现。 对你的交易账户进行准确的统计..... --通过电子邮件发送 -- 在Telegram频道上发送 -- 通过Mt4/5平台的推送通知发送 -- 每日利润(在 "X "时间发送)。 -- 每周的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 每月的利润(在X天X小时发送)。 -- 开设账户以来的总利润 -- 每一天,每一个月的利润......可以是%,可以是货币,也可以是两者。 -- 当天已结束的订单摘要 -- 本周订单汇总 -- 本月订单汇总 -- 能够以货币
提供准确的 RSI 指标。 仪表板趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 RSI。 双 RSI,即快速 RSI 和慢速 RSI 为什么需要第二个 RSI? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 RSI 曲线 9TF 慢速 RSI 曲线 9TF实时RSI角度 9TF实时RSI值 9TF 实时 RSI 方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示 RSI 曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的 RSI 曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐藏图例 能够增加/减少栏的数量 能够选择配色方案级别 能够选择多达 10 种仪表板趋势栏配色方案 能够改变 RSI 曲线的颜色 该指标经历了一系列的试验。 编程代码是用心编写的。 使用最好的 DTSL 9TF 双 RSI 交易指标自信地入场。 立即获取并像专业人士一样进行交易。 谢谢你。
提供准确的 MACD 指标。 仪表盘趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 MACD。 双 MACD,即快速 (MACD 1) 和慢速 (MACD 2) 为什么需要第二个 MACD? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 MACD 1 曲线 9TF 慢 MACD 2 曲线 9TF实时MACD角度 9TF实时MACD值 9TF 实时 MACD 方向提供准确的 MACD 指标。 仪表盘趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 MACD。 双 MACD,即快速 (MACD 1) 和慢速 (MACD 2) 为什么需要第二个 MACD? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 MACD 1 曲线 9TF 慢 MACD 2 曲线 9TF实时MACD角度 9TF实时MACD值 9TF实时MACD方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示 MACD 曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的 MACD 曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐
提供准确的随机指标。 仪表板趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双随机。 双随机,即快速随机和慢速随机 为什么需要第二个随机指标? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速随机曲线 9TF 慢速随机曲线 9TF实时随机角度 9TF实时随机值 9TF 实时随机方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示随机曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的随机曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐藏图例 能够增加/减少栏的数量 能够选择配色方案级别 能够选择多达 10 种仪表板趋势栏配色方案 能够改变随机曲线的颜色 该指标经历了一系列的试验。 编程代码是用心编写的。 使用最好的 DTSL 9TF 双随机交易指标进行自信的入场。 立即获取并像专业人士一样进行交易。 谢谢你。
EA Long Term
Sergey Batudayev
交易顾问     Long Term 是一种使用固定止损进行交易且不使用网格/平均的外汇智能交易系统。 顾问的策略基于使用多种技术指标识别资产的超买和超卖区域。   Expert Advisor 确定进入市场 的 确切区域,并根据当前趋势和市场状态控制交易。 EA 具有结转至无损功能,因此如果信号发生变化,部分交易可能会在指定止损之前平仓,从而减少损失。 在讨论区设置文件和回测报告。 专家顾问的好处 不使用网格/平均/鞅 全自动交易 为每笔交易设置止损 适用于传递 FTMO、道具公司帐户和其他任务。 Expert Advisor 有多个入口点,这有助于确定进入市场的最准确区域。在持仓时,顾问可以部分平仓或无损退出。 MetaTrader5 的长期     https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/92877 风险管理 固定手数     – 仅以固定手数交易,设置为 0 以禁用。 Auto_Lot - 入金 $100,Auto_lot = 1,手数 0.01,AL - 2,手数 0.02。此外,手数将根据自由资金增加,即已经存入 5,000 美元,并且

MetaTrader 市场 - 在您的交易程序端可以直接使用为交易者提供的自动交易和技术指标。

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