适用于MetaTrader 4的新EA交易和指标 - 59
通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
Introducing the MT4 Immortal Day Trader – Your Optimal Trading Solution Our Expert Advisor stands apart by adhering to a disciplined approach. This EA is NOT a grid, martingale strategies and unrealistic/Unreliable gains.
Experience a new level of trading precision and reliability with our Expert Advisor meticulously designed for MetaTrader 4. Key Features: Singular Daily Trade: Crafted to execute at most one trade per symbol each day, our Expert Advisor ensures a judicious trading frequency
Phase10 embodies an advanced grid system that has successfully operated on real accounts. Unlike the typical practice of retrofitting systems to historical data, Phase10 was purposefully designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. This sets it apart from basic trial-and-error approaches that merely rely on grid strategies. Instead, Phase10 strategically harnesses genuine market mechanics to achieve a consistent monthly profit range of 4-8%, accompanied by low drawdown.
Supported cur
GOLD /USD (XAU/USD) Travel 22 EA is a Result of 5 Years of (Experience, Testing and Developing). Also This EA Based on Special Coding Algorithm of Take Profit and Treating Trades. Combine of a Custom Indicators is used to Take Trades at Strong Points Only. Trading is With Trend and Only Safe Positions.
Currency pair : GOLD/USD (XAU/USD) H1 OR M1 Timeframe
If you want a few but guaranteed deals use H1 Timeframe.
If you want more deals during the day use M1 Timeframe.
If you see u
No Indicators
No News
Try it on Demo Account 1 or 2 months (Don't rely on backtesting)
Try it on Demo Account 1 or 2 months (Don't rely on backtesting)
Backtest results are different from real trading
It is based on a special mathematical algorithm.
This EA Takes buy and sell deals at any direction
This EA Take profits whenever the market moves
Please do not use the backtest to evaluate the expert
Test it on Demo Account . At least one month please
Currency Pair :
介绍 Quantum GoldEmperor EA 是一款突破性的 MQL5 专家顾问,它正在改变您交易著名的 XAUUSD(黄金)货币对的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的经验丰富的交易者团队开发。
重要的! 购买后请给我发私信以接收安装手册和设置说明。 ***购买量子金皇EA,即可免费获得量子贸易EA!*** 详情请私聊
实时信号: 点击这里
MT5版本: 点击这里 量子 EA 通道: 点击这里
在先进算法的支持下,我们的 EA 交易能够利用每一个稍纵即逝的机会,确保最佳的进场和出场。 实时适应性: 黄金市场的动态性质需要快速调整。我们的顾问无缝适应不断变化的市场条件,让您保持领先地位。 风险管理掌握: 通过我们复杂的风险管理协议将风险降至最低。您的交易资金通过战略止损和止盈机制得到保障:
量子金皇 EA 采用独特的策略,将单个交易连续拆分为四个较小的交易。这意味着 EA 每次执行交易时,都会自动将其分为四个较小的头寸。 量子金皇 EA 因其处理亏损交易的卓越方法而在其他专家顾问中脱颖而出。与传统
---- Brand New Strategy. Three Month Rent is $30. ONE YEAR RENT ONLY $50. FREE EURUSD VERSION AVAILABLE UNDER << Forecast System Gift >>. NO NEED FOR BACKTEST! Link to the FREE version --> https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/110085?source=Site --- This is a simple strategy based on BREAKOUT and FIBONACCI levels. After a breakout, either, the market: - continues the move directly to the 161, 261 and 423 levels, or - retraces to the 50% level (also called a correction) and thereafter continues
Gann 方块指标是一种强大的市场分析工具,基于 W.D. Gann 在其“市场预测数学公式”一文中介绍的数学概念。该指标融合了与平方数(如 144、90 和 52)有关的 Gann 技术,以及平方 9。此外,它还融入了 关于如何将平方 9 与通道和星形图案结合使用的方法。 用户手册和使用方式: 在使用该指标之前,我们建议您阅读用户手册,并与我们联系以获得任何澄清。您可以在我们的网站上找到完整的用户手册。 该指标提供了 MT5 的完整版本供购买,也提供了 MT4 的免费版本供测试。提供了两个版本的链接供您方便使用。 主要特点和功能: Gann 方块指标为您的交易环境提供了全套工具,使您能够基于几何图案和 Gann 的概念做出明智的决策。以下是主要特点: 平方 9 分析: 该指标可以绘制与平方 9 有关的各种元素,包括水平线、星形图案、网格、Gann 扇形等。这在您的图表上提供了 Gann 的几何概念的视觉表示。 Gann 方块: 该指标绘制了 Gann 方块 52、90 和 144,使您能够可视化和分析它们与价格走势的关系。 自由 Gann 星形图案: 该指标使您能够直接在图表上绘制
ICT伦敦是一种颠覆性的交易策略,基于(ICT Judas),利用亚洲交易时段的独特动态,识别随后的伦敦交易时段中的利润机会。该策略依托先进的人工智能技术和高水平的计算能力,擅长探测亚洲交易时段市场走势,并利用潜在的市场逆转。 工作原理: 亚洲交易时段洞察:ICT伦敦首先分析亚洲交易时段的市场行为。通过审查历史数据和市场情绪,它获得有关该时段市场趋势的宝贵洞察。 逆市交易:随着亚洲交易时段的结束和其影响力的减弱,ICT伦敦的优势显现。它认识到市场在亚洲交易时段结束后更可能改变方向,因此将策略定位为逆市交易。 最佳入场点:借助先进的人工智能技术,ICT伦敦精确地确定最佳的交易入场点,确保您在最合适的时机进入市场。这种战略性方法极大地增加了您成功的机会。 高水平计算:ICT伦敦依赖高水平的计算和分析,利用复杂的算法进行数据驱动的决策。这种精密的方法使策略能够适应不断变化的市场条件,并为您提供最佳的交易情景。 无与伦比的有效性:专注于逆转亚洲交易时段的影响,ICT伦敦已被证明是最有效的交易策略之一。其利用潜在逆转的能力使其与传统方法区别开来。 自动简易:尽管具有先进功能,ICT伦敦非常用户友
基于包络线和带有箭头的 tma,波段狙击指标是一种多用途指标,因为它显示动态支撑和阻力,还提供买入和卖出箭头等入场信号。
默认设置基于 1 小时时间范围,购买后请联系以获取完整指南。
2.蜡烛收盘价回到 2 个带内,带有 2 个向上箭头(金色箭头和橙色箭头)
卖出 : 1.蜡烛收于两条带之上
2.蜡烛收盘价回到 2 个带内,带有 2 个向下箭头(金色箭头和橙色箭头)
TP 1 : 中带线
TP 2 :相反波段
SL 箭头下方的几个点
建议的时间范围是:15M 及以上 =====================================================
大家好 “Trader Assistant Mini”是一款方便的工具,可通过流畅的 R:R 面板计算每笔交易的风险。 风险回报率加上交易面板: 每个交易者都可以方便地根据利润大小计算损失大小,并管理每个交易者的风险,以便他可以判断这是否是一笔好交易。此外,它还以点数和百分比显示损失和利润以及损失和利润。 如何安装演示版+演示文件: Trader Assistant Mini MT4 Demo 您可以看到 “交易助手专业版” 。 专业风险管理面板 MT5
希望能享受其中。 终于: 我强烈鼓励您分享您的想法和反馈。 提供您认为交易者可能需要的任何信息至关重要。 作者: 我是一名 MQL 语言程序员,三年来我一直在做各种项目。 我是一名电气工程师,我喜欢解决难题。
Binary Lines is a technical analysis indicator for currencies, commodities, cryptocurrencies, stocks, indices and any financial instruments. Can be used for binary options or Forex scalping. Shows entry and exit points at fixed intervals and provides traders the necessary information about the results of possible transactions. Entry points are formed at the very beginning of the candle, in the direction of the MA line, duration
trades in bars can be adjusted manually and adjusted to any financi
使用 Exo Scalper 进入外汇交易的新阶段
隆重推出 Exo Scalper,这是一种专为主要货币对精心打造的技术先进的外汇交易解决方案。 这种创新的交易算法将可定制的价格通道策略与 MACD 指标的分析功能相结合,促进数据驱动的交易执行精度。
创新策略融合: Exo Scalper 将可定制的价格通道策略与 MACD 指标的分析功能无缝结合起来。 这种集成使算法能够以数据驱动的精度和信心执行交易。
解锁获胜交易: Exo Scalper 具有绕过初始入场信号的独特功能,可提高交易成功的可能性并优化盈利能力。
个别利润: Exo Scalper 超越了传统的交易模式,旨在确保持续获胜。 如果初始交易表现不佳,算法会启动并发交易以达到预设的利润目标。
适度的收益,累积影响: Exo Scalper 采用谨慎的剥头皮方式,目标是每笔交易 1 美元的适度利润。 该策略的重点是积累较小的、可管理的收益,随着时间的推移逐渐带来可观的利润。
风险管理灵活性: Exo Scalper 采用独特的风险管理方法,提供标准的止损和止盈选项,但不会在预设中使用它们。 这允许
“Time Sessions MT4”是外汇交易者的另一个便捷工具,显示全球主要的四个交易时段。
时间场次: 该工具中的时间会根据您的当地时间自动设置。 它有一个移动时间标志,每秒向左移动并向您显示实时时间。 该面板包含漂亮的图形,引人注目。
我是一名 MQL 语言程序员,三年来我一直在做各种项目。
赛佩尔外汇。 微量润滑集团 .....................................
该指标旨在与艾略特波浪理论相结合,提供了两种不同的工作方式: 自动工作: 在此模式下,指标会自动检测图表上的所有五个动机波浪,并为您提供预测和潜在的逆转区域。它还可以提供警报和推送消息。这种自动功能简化了识别和分析艾略特波浪模式的过程。 手动工作: 此选项适用于喜欢手动方法的交易员,用于手动绘制九个不同等级的波浪。每个等级都可以在它们出现后通过调整图表上的绘制线条来单独定义。此功能简化了手动绘制波浪的过程,使其更加高效。需要注意的是,所有绘图数据将保存在平台的数据文件夹中,以备将来参考。 参数: Name: 指标名称。 Use_System_Visuals: 启用或禁用指标主题,以匹配交易平台的整体外观。 Explain_Comment: 允许启用或禁用波浪编号的解释性注释,有助于理解已识别的波浪。 Show_Last_Candle_Counter: 启用或禁用蜡烛计时器,提供有关当前蜡烛收盘的剩余时间的信息。 Candle_Counter_Color: 蜡烛计时器文本的颜色。 Basic_Wave_Color: 用于表示波浪的主要颜色。 Bullish_Wave_Color: 当检测
该指标的目的在于在您的交易图表上可视化表示唐奇安通道。唐奇安通道是一种直观的技术工具,用于描述特定时期内的最高高点和最低低点之间的范围。此指标增强了价格运动的视觉分析,为潜在的突破和趋势延续点提供了洞察力。唐奇安通道可以应用于当前时间框架和更高的时间框架,如果您选择启用该选项的话。 指标的主要特点: Use_System_Visuals:此参数允许您在使用系统视觉样式和自定义指标外观之间进行切换。当激活时,指标的视觉元素将与您的交易平台整体主题相匹配。 Signal_from_HT_Timeframe:启用此选项允许您从更高的时间框架接收信号。换句话说,您可以考虑在更长的时间框架上观察唐奇安通道的行为,以影响您在当前时间框架上的交易决策。 HT_Timeframe:当激活Signal_from_HT_Timeframe时,此参数允许您选择更高的时间框架,从中您希望接收信号。比较唐奇安通道在不同时间框架上的行为可以为交易决策提供有价值的背景。 Period:此参数定义计算唐奇安通道的时期。它确定用于建立通道上限和下限的条形或蜡烛数量。 Down_Side和Up_Side:这些参数允许您为
金克拉价格计算器指标介绍 您是否有兴趣随时了解黄金在您的本地货币中的价格?不用再寻找了,金克拉价格计算器指标为您提供了实时计算每克黄金价格的创新工具,以您喜欢的本地货币来计算。借助此指标,您可以利用金融洞察力做出明智的决策。 主要特点: 本地化的黄金价格: 金克拉价格计算器指标为您提供金属每克价格,特别是黄金每克价格,以您熟悉的本地货币进行定制。这意味着您可以方便地在与您相关的货币中跟踪黄金的价值。 用户友好的设置: 我们的指标旨在为您的方便而设计。您可以从指标设置中直接调整设置,或者直接在主要图表上进行调整,实现无缝和个性化的体验。 参数解释: Use_System_Theme (使用系统主题): 有了选择您喜欢的颜色方案的选项,您可以轻松将指标的视觉外观与您的交易环境相结合。 Ounce_Value (盎司价值): 此参数指的是您本地货币中一盎司黄金的国家价值。它是后续计算的基本组成部分。 Reference_Carat (参考克拉): 参考克拉表示基于其进行的计算。这使您可以将计算与您感兴趣的特定类型的黄金对齐。 Calculated_Carat (计算克拉): 此参数基于参考克
介绍我们强大的外汇指标,旨在增强您的交易策略并为您提供对市场趋势的准确洞察。这款先进的工具采用了复杂的定制算法,精确分析蜡烛测量数据,通过调整以获得最佳精度。结果是一组精确绘制在您的图表上的箭头,指示战略进场点。 这款指标的精髓在于它能够利用蜡烛图案的力量,并将其与精心校准的调整相结合。通过这样做,它为市场的动态提供了独特的视角,为您的交易决策提供了优势。 这款指标的一个突出特点是其在H1时间框架上的出色表现。专门在此时间框架上交易的交易者会发现它提供了多个准确的入场机会。然而,我们相信协同效应的力量。虽然此指标是一个强大的独立工具,但当它与更广泛的交易策略结合使用时,其表现会更上一层楼。通过将其与您现有的方法相结合,您可以释放其全部潜力,并加强您的交易结果。 让我们更详细地看看让您控制交易体验的参数: 使用系统主题: 您的交易环境在您的关注度方面起到作用。选择与您共鸣的图表主题,为您创造一个舒适且视觉吸引力的工作环境。 使用通知: 即使您没有积极监视图表,也能保持信息更新。启用此功能,可以将通知直接发送到您的设备,及时向您传达市场的重要发展。 使用警报: 在交易中,时机至关重要。通过
"该指标基于Bystra模式理论检测入场点,并提供放置限价单的入场值,带有目标和止损水平。这使您能够计算您的风险百分比。 注意事项: 该指标具有允许在专家顾问(EAs)中使用的缓冲区。 在使用此产品时,务必进行良好的资金管理。 当您更改时间框架时, 指标将保存在上次会话中使用的模板。 如果您需要一本书来学习这种方法,请在购买后与我们联系并分享您的评论。 参数: 使用系统视觉效果 - 启用/禁用此产品的视觉主题。 相对速度 - 启用/禁用仅在最后一波的快速运动中检测模式。 显示最后一根蜡烛计时器 - 启用/禁用蜡烛计时器。 蜡烛计时器颜色 - 蜡烛计时器文本的颜色。 多头模式颜色 - 多头模式的颜色。 空头模式颜色 - 空头模式的颜色。 发送警报 - 启用/禁用警报。 发送通知 - 启用/禁用移动平台的推送通知。 发送电子邮件 - 启用/禁用电子邮件警报。 显示目标 - 启用/禁用在图表上显示目标。 历史条数 - 最大历史条数。" 如果您有更多问题或需要进一步帮助,请随时问我!
Fibo Star指标旨在在交易图表上以星形图案绘制斐波那契扇形。 这些斐波那契扇形是用于分析价格走势的有力工具,可以提供有关潜在支撑和阻力水平的见解。此指标配备了一个用户友好的控制面板,旨在简化绘制和配置扇形的过程,从而节省时间和精力。 使用说明: 此指标仅适用于手动使用。为了有效地使用它,请按照以下步骤操作: 辨认出您希望基于其绘制斐波那契扇形的高点和低点。 将紫色线放在这些高点和低点上。 一旦价格与这些线条交互,观察指标如何作为动态支撑和阻力水平运作。 参数: Use_System_Theme: 此参数允许您选择首选主题,以使指标的外观与您交易平台的整体样式相匹配。 Levels_Color: 选择您要为斐波那契扇形的水平使用的颜色。 Levels_Style: 定义斐波那契扇形水平的样式,根据您的喜好调整外观。 Levels_Width: 调整斐波那契扇形水平的宽度,以增强在图表上的可见性。 Levels_Ray: 启用或禁用从斐波那契扇形水平延伸的射线的显示。 Lvl0 - Lvl8: 为每个水平指定比例值。这些值在确定斐波那契扇形的角度和位置时起着关键作用。 Star_Co
“Currency Strength Indicator” 是一个功能强大的工具,旨在为交易员提供有关外汇市场中各种货币相对强度的信息。通过根据其相应的时间框架计算和绘制每种货币的力度,该指标为交易员提供了识别潜在交易机会的机会,尤其是在观察到显著的背离或交叉时。 指标的关键特点: 1. 货币强度计算: 该指标根据其指定的时间框架计算每种货币的强度。此计算涉及在指定的时间段内对一种货币相对于其他货币篮子的表现进行评估。这有助于交易员了解货币的相对强弱。 2. 收缩和背离: 当两种货币的力度之间出现收缩或背离运动时,这可能表明潜在的交易机会。例如,如果一种货币显著增强,而另一种货币在减弱,这可能表明潜在的入场点。 3. 穿越零水平: 该指标还识别了货币强度穿越零水平的情况。上穿零水平可能表明强势趋势,而下穿零水平可能意味着弱势趋势。这些交叉可以作为交易决策的额外确认。 4. 可自定义的显示: 交易员可以选择在其图表上显示哪些货币强度。该指标允许启用或禁用特定货币的强度显示,如 USD、EUR、GBP、AUD、NZD、JPY、CHF 和 CAD。 5. 强度时间框架: “Strength
DYJ SuperMATrend是一个高度准确的MA交易系统。 这个指标在平均线线上标记出Bull线段颜色(绿色)和Bear线段颜色(红色). 入口时间和价格是的在绿色和红色线交界点处的蜡烛时间和价格。下一入口为上一订单的出场点 =======================================================================================================
inpPeriod = 50 inpAtrPeriod = 5 InpLineWidth = 3 clr_buy = clrSpringGreen clr_sell = clrRed InpMup = 40
此外,您可以定义 MA 周期和 RSI 上限和下限,它会显示哪个时间范围内的交易品种将穿越调整后的移动平均线,以及哪个时间范围内的交易品种将穿越移动平均线的上限或下限。 相对强弱指数。 Gāi zhìnéng jiāoyì xìtǒng bù jìnxíng rènhé jiāoyì, dàn tā huì sǎomiáo nín de shìchǎng guānchá zhōng de zhěnggè jiāoyì pǐnzhǒng, bìng zài bùtóng de shíjiān fànwéi nèi zhúyī sǎomiáo měi gè gǔpiào, zuìhòu tā huì xiàng nín xiǎnshì nǎge jiāoyì pǐnzhǒng zài nǎge shíjiān fànwéi nèi jùyǒu qiángdà de tūnmò làzhú.
Cǐwài, ní
Price Action Trader EA - 是基于价格行为研究的完美自动交易系统!
这是“一劳永逸”的 EA 顾问,它正在为您完成所有交易工作! 7 设置文件可用!
交易理念基于著名的强大价格行为模式 - PinBar !
价格行为交易 EA 是一项非常好的投资 - 它将为您工作多年,所有 Set_files 都具有正的数学预期!
使用“注释”部分中的设置文件来使用/测试 EA
价格行为交易者 EA 功能: - EA 可以同时运行 7 对 - 相应的 Set_files 在“评论”部分等待您 - 系统不会像许多黄牛那样浪费钱来获取高额佣金 - 没有严格的点差要求 - EA 可以在任何账户上使用 - 系统未使用任何危险的网格方法。 - EA默认内置复利资金管理。 - 每笔交易都有经纪商看不到的止损和止盈。 - 止损和止盈是动态的 - 它们默认可以适应市场波动。 - 补偿模式可在 EA 设置中使用 - 内置趋势、震荡指标和日过滤器 -交易对:AUDUSD、AUDNZD、NZDJPY、GBPJPY、CADJPY、GBPAUD、EURCAD -时间范围:D1 -
A technical indicator that calculates its readings on trading volumes. In the form of a histogram, it shows the accumulation of the strength of the movement of the trading instrument. It has independent calculation systems for bullish and bearish directions. Works on any trading instruments and time frames. Can complement any trading system.
The indicator does not redraw its values, the signals appear on the current candle.
It is easy to use and does not load the chart, does not require additi
随机横盘检测器 - 是交易中高效的辅助工具! 我建议您使用这个出色的 MT4 指标来升级您的交易方法。
指标在图表上显示价格平坦区域。 它具有“平坦”参数 - 负责平坦的检测灵敏度。 随机平坦检测器可用于价格行为入场确认、背离或超卖/超买信号 您可以将其用于趋势跟踪系统来检测横盘并避免在那里进行交易。 您可以使用它进行逆转倒卖 - 交易来自平盘的逆转 有很多机会使用随机平坦检测器代替标准随机检测器 ............................................................................................................. // 这里提供更多优秀的 EA 交易和指标: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在该 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。
MT4 的外汇指标“趋势修正直方图”
趋势校正直方图有 2 种颜色:红色表示看跌趋势,蓝色表示看涨趋势 连续 7 个相同颜色的直方图柱意味着新趋势的开始 趋势修正直方图指标的设计主要目的是 - 最小化损失并最大化利润 它有参数 - “Period”,负责指标的灵敏度 内置移动和 PC 警报 趋势修正直方图可以用作简单但有利可图的交易系统,请参见下文: 如何使用指标: 1)检查至少7个连续的相同颜色的直方图柱,这意味着新趋势的开始。 比如下图中就有7个以上的蓝色柱子。 2)等待一(一)个相反颜色的列,在我们的例子中为红色,紧随其后再次变为蓝色。 这意味着这是趋势修正。 3) 当蓝柱出现时,在前一根红柱之后,打开多头交易。 这意味着订单在修正后向主要趋势方向开仓。 4)安排止损(见图)和止盈。 TP 应该至少比 SL 大 3 倍。 在这种情况下,即使您只赢了 30%,您也会盈利。 5) 卖出(空头)交易反之亦然(见图)
// 这里提供更多优秀的 EA 交易和指标: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 它是仅在该 MQL5 网站
Description Helps you detect the structure of the market, using different types of Smart Money concepts. This should help you to upgrade your trading strategy in every way. MT5 Version Here Smart Money Features: Color candle to signal the type of structure Shows CHOCH and BOS Equal Lows and Highs Order Blocks Internal and Swings Weak and strongs high and lows Fair Value Gaps High and Lows in daily weekly and monthly timeframes Premium and discount Zones KEY LINKS: How to Install – Frequent
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
I hope the above is useful to you. MT Sideway Filter : It is an indicator that is built to find many sideways, when a sideway is formed, the graph will jump out into a trend. After that, you can continue to strategy your trading. It's an opportunity to make good profits. indicator for trade by yourself
TRADE: Forex TIME FRAME: All Time Frame SYMBOL PAIR: All Symbol
Rapid Trend is a technical analysis indicator that determines the direction and strength of a trend, and also signals a trend change. Allows you to determine the current trend. With the help of its algorithm, you can quickly understand what kind of trend is currently developing in the market. Rapid Trend can be used along with oscillators as filters. Setting up the Rapid Trend forex indicator allows you to receive more accurate signals for opening positions. Uses only one parameter for settings.
ELT Reversal MT4 (Elite_Indicator) is an indicator for the MetaTrader 4 terminal. . This indicator is based on the Counter-Trend strategy, but also uses Volatility. It is based on showing possible liquidity in the financial market, thus helping traders in their trading. ELT Reversal MT4 (Elite_Indicator) is a visual tool, intuitive, and easy to understand and use.
Recommended time frame for Scalping Trade : M1 M5 M15 Recommended time frame for Swing Trade : M30 upward Better precision:
for xau/usd marthingale expert adviser. This EA can also be used by people with low funds. because this EA doesn't take positions when there is a surge or when there is a trend.(it is our logic) and when your position take unrealized profit,it begins "trailing stop" and inclease profit. you can use othersymbols( if you want,please try back test with TDS data) thank you
Celestia - Your Stellar Companion in Automated Trading
Real Account Celestia EA medium risk https://www.mql5.com/de/signals/2051245
Description: Introducing Celestia, your cutting-edge automated trading companion designed to illuminate your journey in the dynamic world of financial markets. Powered by advanced algorithms and state-of-the-art technology, Celestia stands as a beacon of precision and efficiency in the realm of algorithmic trading. Key Features: Galactic Algorithms: Celesti
This Expert Advisor uses a high frequency algorithm working 100% on prop challenges of NOVA FUNDING, NEXT STEP FUNDED e MSOLUTION FF. Promotional price 97.00 USD for a few days only! Reccomended pairs
US30 Timeframe
M1 Backtesting instructions
Premise: live performances are higher than those obtained by backtesting due to the high frequency algorithm.
To perform a backtest as reliable as possible it is necessary to be connected to a demo account on the "MetaQuotes-Demo" server,
DESCRIPTION: Introducing "RobAI": the asset you've been waiting for to conquer the EUR/USD market. Thanks to a skilled combination of the Ichimoku indicator and an array of EMAs, RobAI captures trading opportunities with finesse, offering exceptional profit potential. The facts speak for themselves: over 5 years of experience with a maximum drawdown of 59%, ensuring prudent risk management. Additionally, a 92% win rate on trades confirms RobAI's precision in its decision-making. Confidently capi
Channel Vertex is a price action pattern formed by price Chanel and a triangle pattern . Price channels basically indicates possible support and resistance zones around a price movement and retracement or breakout at these levels can indicate possible trend continuation or reversal .
Majority of the times price fluctuations forms triangle patterns defined by 3 vertexes , these triangle patterns most times defines a trend continuation. A triangle pattern is a trend continuation pattern tha
Drop Trend is a trend indicator for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. This indicator allows you to find the most probable trend reversal points. You will not find this indicator anywhere else. A simple but effective system for determining the forex trend. From the screenshots you can see for yourself the accuracy of this tool. Works on all currency pairs, stocks, raw materials, cryptocurrencies.
Are you tired of the constant ups and downs? Do not become a victim of unstable market movements,
Discover our sophisticated Expert Advisor (EA) designed for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) market: IT Bollinger Bands. This free EA exploits a trading strategy based on Bollinger Bands, offering a powerful approach to optimizing your operations in the financial market. Key Features : Bollinger Bands Strategy: Our EA uses Bollinger Bands, a popular approach in technical analysis. Based on the period (20), the standard deviation (2), and the shift of the bands, our EA identifies trading opport
Manually backtesting your strategy or trading system on MT4 Strategy Tester like you do on TradingView, but with free offline history data provided by MT4 or your broker, which means more resposive and much more lower timeframe data available. Because MT4 Strategy Tester doesn't detect mouse events, we will use the MT4 Horizontal Line tool and Arrows tool to modify the TP/SL/Entry and etc. on the screen.
70% TradingView backtesting user experience, due to the Strategy Tester's li
Multi Pending Orders The expert advisor "PendingOrders" is an automated trading program. This advisor manages multiple pending orders, setting entry levels, stop loss (loss limit), and take profit (profit limit) for each order. You can set various separation levels between each order. MagicNumber: It is a unique number used to identify orders related to this expert advisor. DistancePips: It is the distance in pips from the current price at which the pending orders will be placed. DistanceSeparat
Smart entries calculated by 4 great strategies The EA can be run on even a $2000
This indicator displays candle prices on the chart based on moving average data. That is, the opening price is the opening price of the moving average, the closing price is the closing price of the moving average, and so on. This approach allows you to visualize the average price changes, eliminate the "noise" and get a picture more suitable for evaluation and decision making. The indicator does not redraw on fully formed bars. At the same time, the indicator can change its data on the zero bar
Perhaps you have previously read in technical analysis books about such a concept as "market slope", or "trend slope". Metatrader has such a tool as "trend line by angle". But when working on auto-scaled charts, this tool becomes completely abstract, and as a consequence, useless. The idea of this new parameter, included in the AllAverages_Speed indicator, is to give such a concept as "trend slope" specific numerical values, as well as the further use of the new parameter in work.
GU Spot is a One Shot One Kill EA. A Scalping EA for GBPUSD . No Martingale, No Averaging, No Grid or other high-risk strategies. Working with up to the best 100 trading signals algorithm from various Trading Systems. The combination of Price Action, High Low, Trend, Range Levels, Pullback / Retracement and Reversal. This is Fully Automatic Trading Robot . High Accuracy Entry Signals and protected by a proper Money Management. A tight Stop Loss with SL:TP ratio 1:3 by default, Trailing an
introduction: Hello, I present to you the advanced and final version of the "Binary Hedger FV" Expert Advisor. I won't delve into extensive details about the EA's concept, as I've covered all the information in the initial version or what can be referred to as the EA's trial version, accessible through the following link: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/93688?source=Site +Market+My+Products+Page In this presented version, you have a comprehensive and complete release that incorporates all
A simple yet effective robot built on a single MACD indicator . This demonstrates that even simple robots using a standard indicator can be effective traders. The robot analyzes the MACD indicator and conducts trading fully automatically. All trading processes are automated. You just specify the Lot size, set the robot on EURUSD M5, and the robot starts trading. Settings do not need to be changed for the EURUSD M5 currency pair. For other currency pairs, settings can be found through parameter o
Risk management primarily involves minimizing the potential losses without affecting the upside potential gain. The RandoFx Order Manager application is designed to help the trader achieve the minimum risk while trading. The trading panel has several buttons that allow the user to select and send orders to the broker. inputs: for the trader to be able to send orders there are various inputs that are required. The first input is the Risk%, which is the percentage of the equity of the account th
The Wamek Support and Resistant (WSR) Indicator is a remarkable tool that stands out in the world of technical analysis. It sets itself apart by cleverly combining price action and leading indicators to delineate support and resistance levels with a high degree of accuracy. Its unique feature is its adaptability; users can fine-tune the indicator by adjusting input parameters, enabling them to create customized support and resistance levels that suit their trading strategies. Notably, one of WSR
Openings of trades is one of the important thing in the market. The easiness of opening the order give the trader an easier way of trading especially in the high volatile market. The multiple trader opener can be used to make work easier in the forex market. The tool allows you to chose the percentage risk per trade, stop loss and the take profits in pips. The the rest is calculated automatically and the order is send to the broker server. it also allows the user to choose different kind of tps.
This is a very nice EA which is running on Trend basis on EMA settings, very good returns, with SL and TP, if trade goes in loss the next trade according to loss can adjust this EA, I am uploading the back test of that EA as well, you can see that as well. You will never find that trending base EA in that price from anywhere, I am using this EA since almost 01 year and on my profiles you can see some live accounts as well.
The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a popular technical analysis tool used by traders and analysts to identify trends and potential buy or sell signals in a financial instrument, such as a stock, currency pair, or commodity. It's essentially a combination of two moving averages, often referred to as the "fast" and "slow" moving averages. Here's how the MACD is calculated: Fast Moving Average (12-period EMA): This is a 12-period Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of the asset's pric
The CatchTheWave Expert Advisor for Forex is a software designed to automate trading on the foreign exchange market in real time. This Expert Advisor uses many different strategies to determine the most accurate entry points into the market. Thus, he can apply the most advanced technical indicators and market analysis based on previously made transactions.
One of the key features of " CatchTheWave " is the use of a grid when trading. This means that the Expert Advisor creates orders at variou
StableGold is a fully automated expert advisor. The mechanism of this system uses the principle of scalping and breakout trading strategy.
This EAs has passed 5 years back test of Every tick data (2019-2024).
Key Features
Timeframe: M15
Currency pairs: XAUUSD, GOLD
Initial deposit: $ 500 up
It is recommended to use a low spread ECN Broker, 1:500 leverage
It should be an account with low spread and zero stop level
MagicNumber - magic number to set the ID for each EA
This EA Scalping is a trading strategy where traders aim to make small profits from frequent, short-term price fluctuations in the market. It involves opening and closing positions within a very short time frame, sometimes even within seconds or minutes. Traders who employ scalping strategies often make numerous trades throughout a trading session, aiming to capture small price movements. Expert Advisors (EAs) are automated trading systems that can execute trades on behalf of traders based on pr
**TradeMonitorPro Expert Advisor**
The TradeMonitorPro Expert Advisor is a powerful tool designed to help you effectively monitor and manage your trading activities in the forex market. This EA offers a range of useful features that allow you to keep track of your open trades, floating daily gains and losses (floating drawdown), as well as margin levels and the volume of open lots. For a correct counting of the Trading Volume, enable the complete history
Deposit from $100.
The expert trades during a small market volatility, at the end of the American session, tracking price levels, and then opens positions
and monitors them until they close with a profit or a small loss. You can limit the number of open positions.
Does not use martingale strategies, averaging positions, waiting out a loss, etc.
All positions are opened with fixed StopLoss, the profit closes on the market itself.
It is possible to use a dynamic lot to increase the volu
Mouse Keyboard Trade Manager (MK Trade Manager)
This is a simple and efficient Trade manager which allows to open/place, close and manage stop/limit orders (besides normal market orders) at mouse location with just one keyboard shortcut. With the regular MT4 system, it requires 2-3 clicks to place orders and it can make you lose the momentum due to fast markets moves. I think that sometimes it's mandatory to be able to place limit or stops order quickly with just a simple click or a simple
ATM GBP/USD Robot V1: Elevate Your Trading Excellence Experience a revolutionary Forex trading tool with the ATM GBP/USD Robot V1. Designed to deliver outstanding performance across prop firm accounts and live trading setups, this automated solution is tailored for success. Key Features: Wide Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with top prop firm accounts, including , MFF , True forex funds, FTMO, and more. Also suitable for live accounts starting from $200. GBP/USD Specialization: Thrive with
璇玑龙EA是我的另一个全自动EA,专门从事黄金。EA 在 2019-2023 年期间的 H1 时间范围内表现良好。 璇玑龙EA基于几个交易指标:RSI(相对强弱指标),随机振荡器和我自己的自定义指标,以使其更有效。 作为确定合适入场点的初始信号,EA 使用 2 个级别的标准交叉:超买和超卖区域、随机指标和 my 指标来确定价格在特定水平变动的可能性。 指标的组合工作允许 EA 交易清除错误信号。准确的交易开仓和易用性使 璇玑龙 EA成为赚钱的绝佳工具。
售价将受销量已经实盘盈利率调整:每卖出一份售价增加100刀,实盘盈利率每增加100%售价增加100刀 请不要错过现在的价格!!!
工作对: XAUUSD 工作时间范围:H1 最低建议存款: $1000 推荐经纪商:ECN
可靠的回测和实时性能 使用动态止盈功能 用户友好,安装和使用 EA 无需特殊技能 与任何经纪人兼容
最大订单数量 - 最大可能的交易数量 固定手数 - 第一笔交易的固定手数 自动手数 - 自动手数估算(占您存款的百分比) RsiPeriods - EA 用来分析
Feeling weary with your small screen? and you need to close your trade list tab to have a larger perspective of chart? Require better management of your trade list? such as win rate, risk/reward ratio? Its a simple tools, but usefull. consolidate your trade list, active positions, opened positions and pending orders onto a distinct chart embellished with refined visuals. It contains with a lots of usefull information.
Feautures: List your trades and positions
The three white soldiers and the three black crows candlestick patterns are reversal patterns that predict a change in the direction of a trend. The pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks that open within the previous candle's real body and a close that exceeds the previous candle's. It's important to note that both formations are only valid when they appear after a strong uptrend or a downtrend, while their efficiency decreases in choppy markets.
Inputs AlertOn - e
This is a simple MT4 Alert to Telegram Signal. Once a trade is placed it will send the Alert to Telegram.
it will require you to make a bot in botfather. you will need to allow this website on your terminal " https://api.telegram.org/ " reminder your group or channel will need to be set to public. if you want to take a screenshot make sure you fill in the section where it says template and place your mt4 template name in that field no need for the .tpl extension.
The liquidity swings indicator highlights swing areas with existent trading activity. The number of times price revisited a swing area is highlighted by a zone delimiting the swing areas. Additionally, the accumulated volume within swing areas is highlighted by labels on the chart. An option to filter out swing areas with volume/counts not reaching a user-set threshold is also included.
This indicator by its very nature is not real-time and is meant for descriptive analysis alongside other c
This indicator converted from 5 min Buy and Sell Range Filter - guikroth version on TradingView Popularity of the Range Filter
The Range Filter is a very popular and effective indicator in its own right, with adjustments to the few simple settings it is possible to use the Range Filter for helping filter price movement, whether helping to determine trend direction or ranges, to timing breakout or even reversal entries. Its practical versatility makes it ideal for integrating it's signals into
This is a Free Trial work on EURUSD. Discover the incredible potential of "Higher Timeframe Bars," your go-to MetaTrader 4 indicator for enriched trading insights. Revolutionize your trading strategy with a deeper understanding of the markets, all while staying on your current chart.
Key Features: - Seamlessly compatible with MetaTrader 4. - Choose from an array of higher timeframes, including M3, M5, M10, H1, H4, D1, and more. - Customize bar colors and enable optional borders for enhanced v
I was looking for a lean symbol changer. I could not find any. Normally other products hide lot's of screen space. So I developed a very lean symbol changer Just click on the 2 currencies you want to combine. The order does not matter. If you miss some pairs, you can add up to 5 custom symbols. Please make sure, your broker support your custom symbols. Drag an drop the panel with the green button.
In future I plan to include suffix and prefix als well.
Smart entries calculated by 5 great strategies The EA can be run on even a $200
This is an EA using the moving average as an indicator.
The parameters are as follows:
Lots=0.1 (number of hands at opening)
MaximumRisk=0.02 (maximum risk coefficient)
DecreaseFactor=3 (Risk Factor)
MovingPeriod=12 (calculated time period)
MovingShift=6 (time period offset)
Trading strategy: When the closing price is higher than the average price and the opening price is lower than the average price, make a purchase order.
When the closing price is less than the average price a
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