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The Trend Analysis Indicator is an innovative tool designed for traders and investors who seek to navigate the complexities of the financial markets with greater precision and insight. This powerful indicator is engineered to adeptly identify whether a market is trending or not, offering users a vital edge in their trading strategy. Key Features: Accurate Trend Detection : The core functionality of the Trend Analysis Indicator lies in its ability to accurately detect market trends. It analyzes p
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推介 Market Structure Break Out for MT4 – 您的专业 MSB 和不间断区域指标 该指标正在持续更新。 我们努力提供基于市场结构的高精度进场和出场点。当前版本为1.6,以下是最新的更新内容,欢迎加入我们: 买卖目标: 清晰了解买入和卖出仓位的最佳止盈水平。 最新MSB方向: 通过显示最近的市场结构突破方向,保持最新动态,做出更好的决策。 增强视觉模式: 使用新的美观模式自定义您的图表,包括浅色、深色或个性化主题。 实时回测开关: 通过屏幕上的新按钮轻松打开或关闭实时回测功能。 加入 考拉交易解决方案频道 在 mql5 社区了解所有考拉产品的最新消息,加入链接如下: https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/koalatradingsolution
Market Structure Break Out:纯粹分析市场波动的方式
此指标旨在绘制市场结构和运动波动,以找出最佳的 MSB 或市场结构突破,当市场有运动并打破最近的结构时,可以确定此突破的因素有多大,如果它超过特定因素,就意味着可以确认突破,因此您可以在此工具中
基本供求指标是 一款功能强大的工具,旨在加强您的市场分析,帮助您在任何图表上识别关键机会区域。这款免费的 Metatrader 指标拥有直观易用的界面,能让您清楚地了解供需区域,从而做出更明智、更准确的交易决策/ 免费 MT5 版本 该指标的仪表盘扫描器: ( Basic Supply Demand Dashboard )
该指标可自动扫描图表中的供需区,无需进行繁琐的手动分析 图形显示距离最近的供应区和需求区的剩余距离 供应区以一种独特的颜色突出显示,而需求区则以另一种颜色显示,便于快速准确地进行解读 该指标会自动计算最近的供应区或需求区与图表上当前价格之间的距离(以点为单位),为您提供清晰、可量化的参考。以点数为单位的距离会清晰地显示在图表上,让您可以快速识别与当前价格有较大或较小距离的区域 在接近或突破供需区时发出警报 适用于任何时间框架 可选择深色或浅色主题,自定义图表显示效果
建议使用 M1 和 M5 时间框架。观看下面的视频,了解其工作原理。
该仪表盘可根据您对所选符号的交易策略,以剥头皮和长期模式在图表上发现并显示供需区。此外,仪表盘的扫描模式可帮助您一目了然地检查所有需要的符号,不错过任何合适的仓位/ MT5 版本
免费指标: Basic Supply Demand
功能 允许您查看多个货币对的交易机会,为您提供所有货币对的清晰简明视图,并根据其与供需区的接近程度进行排序 可定制设置,从颜色到检测参数,满足您的特定需求
主要输入 Indicator mode : 选择指标模式或具有新功能的面板模式 Symbols : 从 "28 种主要货币对 "或 "选定符号 "中进行选择 Selected Symbols : 您希望监控的符号,用逗号分隔("EURUSD,GBPUSD,XAUUSD")。如果您的经纪商对货币对有后缀或前缀,您必须在以下两个参数中添加(货币对前缀或货币对后缀) Trading Style : 选择剥头皮或长期模式 Allowed Deviation : 该参数允许修改需求或供应区域的精确度(数值越小,精确度越高) Zone thickness : 通过该参数可以修改需求和供应
------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a unique breakout strategy that is used for determination of the next short term trend/move. The full system is available on MQL5 under the name "Forecast System". Here is the link --> https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/104166?source=Site Backtest is not possible, because calculations are done based on the data of all timeframes/periods. Therefore I propose you use the technol
拖放脚本可根据买卖趋势为平均方向指数 (ADX) 指标着色背景
平均方向指数 (ADX) 指标是用于衡量趋势强度的技术指标。 此拖放脚本可根据买卖趋势为 ADX 指标着色背景。背景颜色由脚本参数确定。 可修改的参数: Period: ADX 指标的时间周期。 Level: 要满足以过滤趋势是否为看涨或看跌的最低级别(默认为 0)。 Apply To: (Close price, Open price, High price, Low price, Median price, Typical price, Weighted price)。 Color Positive Trend : 看涨趋势的背景颜色。 Color Negative Trend : 看跌趋势的背景颜色。 Color Neutral Trend : 中性趋势的背景颜色。 Save variables : 保存当前值以供以后重复使用。 Clean graph : 清除图表中的颜色 (Clean colors)。 结论: 这是一个有用的工具,可以帮助市场分析师使用 ADX 指标。它使识别看涨、看跌和中性趋势变得容易。
40% 圣诞优惠!价格将于1月1日涨至$250!
推出GoldenGate Entries:前沿交易解决方案!
发现与GoldenGate Entries(GGE)一同进行交易的革命性方法,这是一款设计用于提升您交易体验的先进指标。GGE提供了一套全面的功能,以赋予用户在交易决策中的精准和信心。
交易对:任意(外汇 - 商品 - 股票 - 股票 - 加密货币)
隆重推出 Last Hope EA ,它是我个人排名前 30 的 EA 之一,它是一款创新的 MQL4 EA 交易系统,正在改变您的交易方式!由我精心开发,拥有超过 5 年的交易经验。 重要的! 推荐货币对:EURCHF、EURUSD、USDCHF、GBPCAD 和 EURCAD 促销价仅需 50 美元! 价格很快就会涨到 100 美元,然后每购买10次就涨 50 美元! 该 EA 无需描述,您可以自行测试 EA 并查看结果。 添加到您的投资组合中的好选择,具有良好的安全被动收入和长期投资! 建议: 货币对:欧元兑瑞郎 时间范围:H1 最低存款:100 美元 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差较低。 重要提示: 使用低点差账户以获得最佳结果非常重要! 规格: 贸易欧元瑞郎 请勿使用网格、对冲或多个未平仓交易 最多只有 1 笔未平仓交易 每个操作都受到 SL 的保护 内置自动抽签功能 安装非常简单,无需更改设置,默认设置非常适合大多数经纪商。 使用 VPS 让 EA 24/7 工作(强烈推荐)
%K Period: %K 周期。 %D Period: %D 周期。 Slowing: 减速周期。 Price Field : Low/High, Close/Close。 MA Method: Simple, Exponential, Smoothed, Linear weighted。 Color Positive Trend: 上升趋势的背景颜色。 Color Negative Trend :下降趋势的背景颜色。 Color Neutral Trend : 中性趋势的背景颜色。 Save variables: 保存当前值以供以后重复使用。 Clean graph : 清除图表的颜色 (Clean colors)。
要使用脚本,只需将指标拖放到图表上。根据您将指标拖放到图表上的哪个位置,您将获得结果。从为指标着色到为整个图表着色。 (请参阅屏幕截图)
水平指标基于前一天的数据。 数学公式决定进场和出场水平。
交易建议。 在欧洲交易时段开始时,当波动出现时进行 Levels 交易。 在波动不足的情况下,使用一半的止盈位出场。 如果价格在一半止盈位反转,则在反转时也在一半止盈位寻找目标。 如果价格从进场水平反弹,那么在反方向上价格可以达到第二个止盈。
不应总是在突破时进场。建议等待回测(突破水平并从反方向测试)。 如果市场上有几个最低成交量水平,则回测效果很好。请参阅 UPD1 剖面水平指标。
输入参数 。
Start Hour - 一天从几点开始。 00 - 默认 。
Visual Button - 按钮显示(启用/禁用) 。 Corner - 按钮锚定角度 。 X indent - 以像素为单位的水平填充 。 Y indent - 以像素为单位的垂直填充 。
Label Visual - 显示级别标签 。 Label Font Size - 字体大小 。 Label Shift Bars - 在酒吧的铭文的缩进 。 Label Tooltip - 在关卡上方的光标下显示文
指标从另一种编程语言转换为 MQL。RTI 是以震荡方式识别图表趋势的强大工具。
概述 由 Zeiierman 开发的相对趋势指数 (RTI) 是一种创新的技术分析工具,旨在衡量市场趋势的强度和方向。与某些传统指标不同,相对趋势指数具有独特的适应能力,能对市场波动做出反应,同时还能将微小的短期市场波动的影响降至最低。
使用该相对强弱指标代替 RSI 的好处 相对强弱指数 (RSI) 和相对趋势指数 (RTI) 都是强大的技术指标,各有千秋。 不过,RTI 与相对强弱指数有一些关键的不同之处,尤其是在识别趋势和超买/超卖(OB/OS)区域方面,RTI 可以说更加复杂和精确。
**IRDeS(距离和峰值检测指标)**是一种从零水平测量力量和距离的指标,几乎完美地确定市场入场时机。 它由一个蓝色的连续线组成,用于测量距离和从零水平的波动,以及一个直方图,红色在零水平以上,绿色在零水平以下,用于测量特定蜡烛中交易的强度和力量,生成一个强大的推动,即“峰值”,在图表的特定点。 IRDeS对于技术分析是一种宝贵、创新和多功能的工具,适用于现代时代,因为它将两个指标合并成一个,能够在进入市场后测量运动的动力质量。 尽管IRDeS具有明显的优点,但与任何指标一样,分析师必须谨慎行事,只关注图表的特定区域,避免其他区域。 特别是,交易员可能会诱使使用该指标来寻找超买或超卖的条件,但这并不总是有效的。IRDeS可以取任何值,这使得准确识别“过量阈值”成为不可能的任务。遵循我们的指导,经过足够的时间和经验,几乎任何人都能够分析图表数据并有效地使用IRDeS。 需要留意的内容: 峰值 (零水平以上的连续线); 深度 (零水平以下的连续线); 明显高的红色或绿色直方图条; 零水平的交叉; 分歧。 峰值: 峰值由IRDeS的蓝色线表示,当其形状为尖峰时在零水平以上。峰值以正值表示,
The OP Trading Robot , a cutting-edge development by OpenEA, is a fully automated 4th generation InrexEA DB system designed to excel in the dynamic forex market. Leveraging advanced algorithms, this robot is adept at learning from market trends, particularly focusing on the EURUSD and GBPUSD pairs. Drawing inspiration from the best features of the retired Ea YOLO Diamond Hands, it offers enhanced trade quality protection. Remarkably versatile, the OverPower Trading Robot is compatible with any
"外汇市场观察"(Forex Market Watch)是我为外汇市场设计的一款复杂而多才多艺的专家顾问。
Fox 是一個基於使用 RSI 指標的價格回歸平均值的回撤網格交易系統,
布林通道,不同時間範圍的雙隨機!!! 依總利潤進行平倉,並部分平倉和對沖部位。
訊號 https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/1525221?source=Site +Profile+Seller
如果經紀商使用後綴(例如 NZDCAD.с),您應該在設定中輸入後綴
固定手數 0.01 風險批次 風險 20 手數動態 10000 固定初始存款錯誤 最大手數=10 最大手數 允許對沖 - True 可交易貨幣對 AUDNZD,AUDCAD,NZDCAD 布林通道第 20 期 RSI 週期 - RSI 週期 30 最大 RSI 值 - 25 時間框架 OPO_TimeFrame 15
Martingale Arrow 是一种箭头型 mt4 指标,专为 Martingale 二元期权交易而设计,该箭头打印在柱开盘/柱内并发出警报。 如何使用:箭头出现时开始交易,如果交易获胜,则等待下一个信号并交易同一手数。如果交易在下一个信号时损失双倍手数并继续这样做直到信号获胜,则重置并使用第一个交易手数进行交易。 建议的时间范围:任意 最低存款:200 个单位。 此指示器实时不:重漆/背漆
-------------------------------------------------- -------------
参数 :
EA 交易「IntelligentTradeEA」是一款自動交易軟體,它使用兩種流行的技術指標來做出買賣決策:相對強弱指數 (RSI) 和移動平均線。
RSI 是一個動量指標,衡量股票相對於其歷史的相對強度。 當 RSI 升至 70 以上時,該股被視為超買,回調的時機可能已經成熟。 當 RSI 跌破 30 水平時,該股被視為超賣,並有可能上漲。
移動平均線是計算特定時間內股票價格平均值的趨勢指標。 移動平均線可用於識別趨勢並提供價格支撐和阻力。
隨機指數是一種技術動量指標,用於衡量股票與其歷史記錄相比的相對強度。 它由 George Lane 在 20 世紀 50 年代末開發,是交易者最常用的技術指標之一,可識別趨勢反轉。
EA 交易使用這兩個指標來識別入場點並使用另一個指標(隨機指標)智慧地結束交易。
EA 交易「IntelligentTradeEA」提供了一系列功能,使其成為多功能且強大的自動交易工具:
它使用兩種流行的技術指標來做出交易決策:RSI 和移動平均線,以及另一個用於平倉交易的指標。
Indicator Waiting Volatility - an indicator for determining volatility zones and flat conditions.
Over time, the price on the chart is in different trends, goes down, goes up, or stays the same. The indicator helps the trader determine which trend the price is in.
In its work, it uses several tools for technical analysis; first, the direction of the trend is determined, then, in this direction, the indicator monitors changes in volatility.
If the price fluctuates within the noise, it is in tr
HFTPlus EA is a very short scalper Robot for MT4 that analyzes the market using some of the most powerful indicators. It’s an (HFT) high-frequency trading robot that has successfully passed challenges quickly and has a high success rate. Live Monitoring: https://www.mql5.com/fr/signals/2155855 This EA is traded during the NY Session and uses the market volatility to take a few pips out of the Market. Having no commissions on indices and a small amount of slippage is a plus for this HFTPlus E
This is the best Support and Resistance Indicator on the market, and it shows both confirmed Support and Resistance as well as Retests. Support & Resistance: Support marks where buying demand halts price declines, acting as a safety net. Resistance caps price surges, driven by selling pressure. Traders leverage these levels to predict reversals, plan entries, exits, and manage risks, making them trading's fundamental guideposts. You can also find Premium and Discount Levels, Strong High/Low, Wea
1 max spread need less than 50 pips,or you will not got profit 2 almost not need to optimization 3 most time it will open orders ,no position, it usually take 1 to 2 months to get profit. 4 change trade_lots according your money. usually 100 usd for 0.1 lots. 5 i test on eurusd ,it almost no loss. 6 best trade on that change quickly tell me about your trade if you have any question
CM = "DMF_AI_EA_ROBOT"; Strategy = 1 ElapsedSECONDS = 7 MaxDailyProfit = 3500 MaxDailyLoss = - 1500 MaxMonthlyProfit= 10000 LS= 1.3 CSL= 1.3 ESL= 1.3 PF= 50 STP= 50 CPF= 50 TND= 50 Lot= 15 BLS= 15 CLS= 15 TradingBetween = 16 : 30 - 23 : 30 Risk_Triger=+ 010 Mg = 2001 MAX Range Allowed = 100000 Bars For Range = 1 ️️ backtesting parameters provided Above; for ftmo broker only, account size 100K, Pair USTECHCASH100 Timeframe= H1 or H4. for other brokers and pairs contact s
Holidays special pricing 80%off! High Frequency Trader for Gold ! Meaning this EA can trade many times in a second to take advantage of news and fast movements while waiting patiently in slow markets for tiny moves to take advantage of . MT5 version can be found here
Only the best will do and you have found a hidden gem. Introducing the future of XAUUSD trading: EA Gold HFT The AI-powered expert advisor that learns and adapts to the market EA Gold HFT is a revolutionary new trading tool tha
A simple but very effective and highly customizable Expert Advisor based on "Silver Bullet" strategy, invented by the famous ICT trader. The strategy is based on entering a trade on the first FVG (Fair Value Gap, or Imbalance), formed in a certain time period with increased volatility, also called a KillZone. Due to high volatility during KillZone, this FVG has a high probability of working out, which allows you to make high-quality and profitable trades with a high Risk to Reward ratio. MT5 ver
This indicator presents an alternative approach to identify Market Structure. The logic used is derived from learning material created by DaveTeaches (on X)
When quantifying Market Structure, it is common to use fractal highs and lows to identify "significant" swing pivots. When price closes through these pivots, we may identify a Market Structure Shift (MSS) for reversals or a Break of Structure (BOS) for continuations. The main difference with this "protected" logic is in how we determine
IndicatorsValueFullView can show Stochastic、CCI and RSI indicators value on just one Chart with fashionable and welcome GUI, IndicatorsValueFullView support 29 major pairs and about 33 exotics pairs. Traders can switch Stochastic、CCI and RSI indicators int left tree, and control indicator update or not by update checkbox, also, traders can switch show indicator value or show buy sell by yourself. The over bought and over sell value will be shown by highlights color Traders can roll up or
With Easy News, you can trade breakouts from a range at specific times.
This is particularly lucrative for news and economic announcements because high risk/reward ratios are often present in these situations. This tool is suitable for all currencies and timeframes. It includes profit pyramiding. This means that when the first order is in profit by xx points (adjustable), another order is opened (depending on the set quantity).
How does it work? At a specific time, the tool creates 2 stop or
The "Trend Edges" indicator determines whether the trend is rising or falling. It is suitable for any time frame (tested on DAX).
The indicator should be treated like Bollinger Bands, meaning that if it breaks out upwards, you can buy with a stop loss below the lower edge.
Find a trending pair, index or CFD. Additionally :
-Sound alert on trend change.
-Alert Notification
-Alert Notification on your mobile phone Check my other indicator "Trend Edges histogram"
This indicator is an addition to "Trend Edges."
The "Trend Edges histogram" indicator determines whether the trend is rising or falling. It is suitable for any time frame (tested on DAX).
Find a trending pair, index or CFD. Additionally :
-Sound alert on trend change.
-Alert Notification
-Alert Notification on your mobile phone Check my other indicators.
This indicator is not only for trading but also for learning, thanks to it, you can learn to identify trend, support and resistance.
You've probably heard about the Dow trend theory, where higher highs and higher lows indicate an uptrend, and lower highs and lower lows indicate a downtrend. This indicator determines this trend based on the Dow Theory. You just need to enter a number representing the number of candles between extremes. The optimal solution is the number 3 (H1 TF), unless you
An indicator for visualizing time ranges of key trading sessions: Asian, European, and American. The indicator features functionality for setting the start and end times of each trading session, as well as an adjustable timezone of the trading server. The main advantages of the indicator include the ability to operate with minimal CPU load and memory usage. Moreover, it offers the option to specify the number of displayed historical days, providing the user with flexible market dynamics analysis
This new time-based strategy enable you to schedule precise buy/sell orders at any predefined time , allowing you to execute trades based on timing rather than technical analysis. The system automatically can determines the order type (buy or sell) based on technical confirmations provided by RSI and moving averages. You have the freedom to adjust and customize all parameters related to Buy and Sell criteria, as well as enable or disable technical filters . Link to MT5 version : https://ww
Introducing the advanced trading tools of 2023. MTF PPAAF Model S. This is sub window version of my best trading tool : MTF Precise Price Action Arrow Filtered. Click here to learn more about MTF PPAAF . This trading tool is equipped with various powerful features : MTF = Multi Time Frame = Time Frame can be changed. On/off button. Non Repaint Arrows. Customizable parameter, color etc. Can show all time frame (ATF) crossover arrows of fast stochastic main line & fast stochastic signal line (
Take Your Trading to the Next Level with Our Expert Advisor! Are you looking for a tool that can help you make the most of your trading? Look no further! Our Expert Advisor is designed to find long moves with large Reward-to-Risk (R:R) ratios using different time frame RSI values. What sets our Expert Advisor apart is its trend detection feature. It ensures that you’re always trading in the right direction, reducing the risk of losses and increasing the potential for profits. And the best
The expert works to open global markets From this option, the beginning of the work of the London market is controlled BarHour1 When working on EXNESS platform The start of the London market is at 07:00 And control the operation of the second time from BarHour2 New York market at 13:30 When the market works digitally, the expert works to determine the trend With a trade opened and an opposite pending trade pending The expert is placed on more than one currency pair and also placed on gold With
This expert is suitable for trading on any currency pair, and preferably a timeframe less than 30 minutes. The expert himself uses universal indicator strategies. Many settings can be configured, there is a working panel. There is a panel on the chart for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph on the panel. The volume is calculated for profit. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. Trades according to the indicator strategy. You
This indicator provides the ability to recognize the SMC pattern, essentially a condensed version of the Wyckoff model. Once the pattern is confirmed by RTO, it represents a significant investment opportunity. There are numerous indicators related to SMC beyond the market, but this is the first indicator to leverage patterns to identify specific actions of BigBoy to navigate the market. Upgrade 2024-03-08: Add TP by RR feature. The SMC (Smart Money Concept) pattern is a market analysis m
Hello all The expert works in the direction and method of hydag When the number of open deals reaches 8 here, it works in the manner of the Hedge expert in this link And when all the deals are closed on a profit, he returns to his work, such as the work of the Renko expert in this link A large capital because of his work in the Hedge manner needs complications when the deals reach eight very important Auto_lots = False LOT1 = 0.01 Work on five minutes Parameters:
Lot1: Manual Lot Size Auto_Lo
This Expert provides a panel to manage all positions you have on different pairs or any instruments.
not only you can close your positions just by clicking the amount of profit or loss shown on the related cell, but also you can customize whatever you see on the panel from font size to lines and background colors.
Remember , auto trading on MT4 panel must be active, but in our Expert we have provided a key on the panel to activate or deactivate the panel to avoid closing by accident.
Expert Advisor designed for trading Engulfing Candle Patterns within a manually input price range the D point of harmonic patterns , gartley , bat cypher butterfly ect. This is the full version , word test in the title is an error How Does It Work
Step 1 Identify a price range around the end point D of your harmonic pattern. Input two prices into the EA settings Inp9 Upper Level- type the highest price where an engulfing candle pattern can occur. Inp9 Lower Level - type the lowest price wh
Reverence Gold EA is a portfolio of advanced gold strategies that are made up of systems that have proven to be stable and profitable. The EA uses improved versions of the classic breakout, trend reversal, swing trading, and price action setup. All of these systems create a smooth yield curve, and make it easy to get through periods of economic and political turbulence. This system is specially designed for those who are serious about investments and want to increase their capital.
//// Lucifer HFT Prob ////
One Shoot Trade For ( FTMO and Prob and any challenge ) We used ChatGPT to find the best market entry strategy, supplementing its approach with a filter based on Lucifer technical analysis. There are quite a few trades in the forex market made by programs, but there are also people who prefer to trade with their own hands, Lucifer Strategy Create by ChatGPT . Strategy No Martingale , No Grid , No Dangerous Strategy All Trade Have Stop Loss 10
Low risk high frequency scalper specifically formulated to take advantage of the volatility in the dow Jones Index during the American trading session on the 15min. time frame. This revolutionary trading method works best for us30 on the 15 min time frame. The low dd on this scalper makes it suitable for prop firm challenges. Inputs will vary depending on your broker, (Certain brokers work with the value with 2 decimals, eg. 34000,00 and others with no decimals, eg. 3400. RECOMMENDED SETTINGS US
Attention!!!!! The advisor is configured and does not require optimization.
Gold Super EA uses an advanced intelligent breakout system for scalping and analyzing market conditions. This unique feature allows Gold Super EA to maximize your profits and minimize drawdowns. All open trade orders are assigned individual Stop-Loss levels and are managed by TrailingStop. information: 1.Pair: XAUUSD/GOLD 2.The advisor must constantly work on the VPS 3.Working timeframe:H1, H4 4.Minimum balance: $300
QuantumAlert Stoch Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the p
FusionAlert StochRSI Master is an indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, it is a combination of RSI & Stochastic indicator which provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions combined for both indicators, results in more precise and accurate signals to be used as a wonderful tool, in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Jo
This indicator is a histogram showing the trend based on 3 different moving averages. When all averages are set in ascending order, the indicator is green, and when in descending order, it is red. If the averages do not show a trend, the color is yellow. Additionally, each average can have different settings, such as Mode MA and Price MA. You can also set an alert and receive notifications on your phone.
To enable the alert and push notification, you need to activate them first in the MT4 setti
QuantumAlert CCI Navigator is a free indicator available for MT4/MT5 platforms, its work is to provide "alerts" when the market is inside "overbought and oversold" regions in the form of "buy or sell" signals. This indicator comes with many customization options mentioned in the parameter section below, user can customise these parameters as needful. Join our MQL5 group , where we share important news and updates. You are also welcome to join our private channel as well, contact me for the pri
The indicator still has a few bugs but is ready for testing.
This is my first indicator that determines entry and exit points. The entry point is based on breaking the peaks determined by a channel indicating highs and lows (invisible channels). TP1 is a probable target at which most positions can be closed. The channel determining the opening and closing of positions is based on different assumptions. The red stop loss line is determined based on lows and highs.
The stop loss can be adjusted
The risk-to-reward ratio is used for assessing the potential profit (reward) against the potential loss (risk) of a trade. Stock traders and investors use the R/R ratio to fix the price at which they'll exit the trade, irrespective of whether it generates profit or loss. A stop-loss order is generally used to exit the position in case it starts moving in an opposite direction to what a trader anticipated.
The relationship between the risk and reward helps determine whether the potent
Just a panel for drawing levels. Minimal but very useful thing. This is a reimagining of Color Levels Pro. ---- 4 types of customized levels. support for rectangle and line levels. The indicator parameters are very simple and are divided into blocks. For any update idea please contact me here. ---- don't suffer don't suffer ---- Enjoy your work!!!!!!!! ----
The Cossover MA Histogram indicator is a simple tool showing the trend based on crossover of moving averages. Simply specify two mobving averages and addicional parameters like MA method and Applied price. When fast MA is above slow MA the histogram is green, indicating an uptrend. When MA fast is below MA slow the histogram is red, indicating an downtrend.
WONNFX iSTATS - information indicator showing profit/loss on your MT4 account (pips, lots, currency, percentage) current profit profit for today profits for the current week profits for the current month profit for the current quarter profit for the current year
A convenient format for displaying statistics of your trading account in real time. (the indicator can be installed on any MT4 terminal chart)
Are you searching for a tool that can uncover hidden market imbalances and guide your trading decisions? Look no further than the Fair Value Gap Indicator. This powerful tool acts as a magnet, pulling the price back to its starting point before making a move. By identifying these gaps on charts, you can take advantage of bearish bias trades and predict potential future price movements with greater accuracy. Created by a three-candle sequence, the Fair Value Gap Indicator is suitable for both bul
BF Climber - простой, но эффективный советник, который основан на пробитии определённых коридоров, использует и адаптируется под усреднённые показания цены за определённый промежуток времени. Настройки по умолчанию для EURUSD H4. Для других инструментов и временных периодов необходима оптимизация. Параметры: Buy - Включить покупки; Sell - Включить продажи; Lots - Размер начального лота; Risk - Динамический лот % (0 - отключен); Buy TakeProfit - Период для расчёта Тейк-профита покупок; Buy
A trend based expert
This expert predicts the future by using trend patterns and trend indicators and short-term and long-term calculations.
Trends change quickly in lower time frames, so this expert is suitable for M30 and above.
In this expert, we tried to use currency pairs that are aligned with our strategy. Best currency pair: Euro Dollar
In this expert, dozens of different indicators and dozens of different strategies (the main ones are trend-based strategies) are used.
Enzo Fx Prop Firm EA is very smart scalper , EA enters the market after Fundamentals and technical analysis., it’s 100% automatic,ENZO FX EA is capable to scalp every different situation , Maximum Ms for VPS: 5, do not forget to get this Ms your broker's server address must be in the same place with your VPS address
Features: - No grid. No martingale- A small Stoploss - Low Drawdown - multi currency , EURUSD , USDJPY ,GBPUSD , AUDUSD - Minimum deposit 100 USD. Default setting EA is c
The portfolio was developed for the currency pair EURUSD time frame H1 . The portfolio consists of 6 strategies - each with different logic merged into one . It is designed for intraday/swing trading - no scalping, martingale, grid, etc. The EA pass through rigorous testing of robustness and is tested on over 15 years of data with 99% modeling quality! Intended for EURUSD H1. Each strategy has its own logic - a different approach, different rules. EA is designed for UTC+2 timezone with New York
This EA will set your TPs and SLs for you fully automatic with the desired currency value, or you can use zero to remove TP or SL . With this EA you will have the option to apply the TP/SL value to all orders or filter them by symbol/pair or magic number . This is very simple and straightforward to use, if you have any doubt please comment bellow. Suggestions and requests are welcome, so please make them come!
AccountGuard will protect your account from unexpected losses by constantly monitoring the equity and follow the rules as your input in the parameters. When the rules are reached, it will close all the trades, you can choose the close mode yourself, and you can set the close percent and close profit by yourself, It can show current profit in percent, and show buy and sell profit separately, it can show profitable trades profit and loss trades profit separately. Additionally, AccountGuard p
Just an excellent arrow indicator with 96 percent accuracy. It uses trend moving averages to detect trend direction change and alert with corresponding arrow. It does not repaint and the alert is optional on the basis of current bar or previous bar. Please this indicator is not responsible for every of your trading position and it must be used in conjunction with other indicators to make trading.
Are you tired of missing crucial market movements? Do you wish for a tool that not only identifies swing points but also provides insights into price action movements?
Look no further – our Market Structure Analysis indicator is here to revolutionize the way you analyze markets on MQL5! MT5 Version : WH Market Structure Analysis MT5 Key Features:
Swing Point Detection: Our indicator excels at identifying significant swing points in the market, helping you understand key turning points with p
Recommendations: Main Supported Currency Pair is GBPUSD Supported Timeframe: H4 Minimum deposit : $500 Account type: No Hedging Performs best at low spreads and as high as 30 Every trade is protected with 300 pips Stop Loss Tested on different brokers accounts with up to 1:30 leverage Specifications: Domination is tested and optimized for GBPUSD in H4 Timeframe to perform the best Profiting trades are protected with trailing Stop Loss Three levels of risks can be chosen and while with higher ris
Alert Zone: Your MetaTrader Trading Companion Say goodbye to missed trading opportunities with our friendly MetaTrader notification tool! It's the quickest and easiest way to set price levels or Support/Resistance alerts. Enjoy direct notifications and the flexibility to extend or customize your alerts according to your preferences. What is Alert Zone and How Does It Work? Alert Zone is your go-to solution for defining zones (rectangles) on your chart. When the price reaches the designated zone
VolumeFxAnalyzer can trade on all Forex pairs and indices. It is a trend following type system that analyzes the various volumes and enters into volumetric confirmations and trend strength. The system also works very well on indices such as SP500. -No martingala/anti-martingala System - Position sizing and money manager in percentage % of Equity - Take profit with multiplier -Session Trading Personalizable -Breakeven when position reaches some distance -Partial Close, For take some profit dur
清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符号的好工具 清理图表符
تمكين الصفقات الخاصة بك مع مؤشر الأمل الجيد تحقيق التكامل لنقاط دخول قوية إذا كنت تبحث عن طريقة لتحسين تداولك في الفوركس، فإن مؤشر الأمل الجيد موجود هنا لإرشادك. يتميز هذا المؤشر بقدرته على الدمج الفعال لمختلف المؤشرات المعروفة، مما يؤدي إلى نقاط دخول قوية وتحليل شامل للسوق. ما الذي يميز الأمل الجيد؟ <أ ط=0>1. تكامل المؤشر: تتفوق شركة Hope Good في استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من المؤشرات المعروفة ودمجها بشكل فعال، مما يوفر لك تحليلًا شاملاً للسوق. <أ ط=0>2. نقاط الدخول القوية: يعمل المؤشر على توليد نق
Trend Swift is the trend finding indicator that can estimate the trend volume for you. It help you seeking for the possible trend reversal so you can enter the trade with confident. Because it's indicator you can trade with your decision and really safe to use with any Prop Firms without worry about the rule that doesn't allowed to use EA to trade. This indicator isn't the the normal indicator that just blindly follow EMA, it's the trading system that surely find major trend with EMA but measur
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