Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

MT4 will evolve and will soon merge with MT5.

There will be a single compiler supports both platforms.

More information on the forum

Upcoming MetaTrader 4 and MQL4 Upgrades - Big Changes Are Underway - MQL4 forum

Что будет нового в MetaTrader 4 и MQL4 - большие изменения на подходе - MQL4 форум


Thanks for the heads up. Maybe just one observation

One of the posts is telling this :

Через пару недель начнем публиковать бета-версии, доступные всем.

Мы хотим провести долгое публичное бета-тестирование, чтобы отловить максимум багов.

The most important is the first sentence :

In a few weeks we are going to start to distribute beta versions, available to all

The date of the post is 24.07.2012 and it was posted by Renat (one of the official moderators of metatrader). Which means that we are looking into beta testing first and only then it will be used. Judging from the experience with metatader 5 beta testing period, we are not looking into a swift change (and that is told in the second sentence :

We want to conduct an extensive (long) public beta testing, in order to resolve (debug) maximal number of bugs

I am curious what does that exactly mean. Having one platform seems awful lot like they decided to make metatrader 5 downward compatible. If that is so - good. But if it is an attempt to force us to use metatrader 5 - not so good.


Sounds like Windows 8.1 "If you can't beat them, join them"

Is this their recognition that MT5 would never be successful?

Get Ready, the mandatory update changes introduced in Revision 500+ tell me that we will not have an option when the "Powers to Be" decided to force it upon us.

Sounds like Windows 8.1 "If you can't beat them, join them"

Is this their recognition that MT5 would never be successful?

Get Ready, the mandatory update changes introduced in Revision 500+ tell me that we will not have an option when the "Powers to Be" decided to force it upon us.

Yep, if it just updates there are chances that we all stop working with metatrader 4 for the same reason. Let us wait and see the first beta at least


According to what is prepared, decompilation of the ex4 will not be possible any more (they are talking that it will be a native code and that "New EX4/EX5 files are provided with a serious and completely revised protection.")

Also, what is said is that : "The existing MQL4 code can be used without any changes, but we recommend mandatory to provide it with new descriptions icon, description and so on."

Well ... wait and see


"recommend mandatory" is an absolute contradiction.

recommend is to suggest compliance

mandatory is to require compliance

I experienced the VB6 to VB.Net migration and found it was far from simple, most code required some manual conversion before it would successfully run. I cannot help but assume that this will also be the case that "recommend mandatory" implies that manual conversions will be necessary. But only time will tell. It would be extremely beneficial to receive good conversion documentation, in English, not Russian, and a projected timeline for the implementation of the common language so necessary preparation could be planned prospectively instead of retrospectively.

I am curious what does that exactly mean. Having one platform seems awful lot like they decided to make metatrader 5 downward compatible. If that is so - good. But if it is an attempt to force us to use metatrader 5 - not so good.

I agree with you, should we be forced to MT5 I think a lot of traders will either ask their brokers for an alternative or move to brokers who offer alternatives. Forcing traders to use MT5 (they way it currently is) will be the end for MT in m opinion.


Among other things they are promising a debugger for metatrader 4 too. It all reminds on a big talk before they started with metatrader 5 and we still do not have things told so many years ago


There is a lot of guessing game going on right now. By now we are already used to it

Lets wait and see what is going to happen. Good wishes are good wishes and reality sometimes is something completely else. I do remember what was the talk when metatrader 5 was about to be started and till today I do not see things they were talking about then. I would be glad if what they are talking about now comes true, but only time will show what are we going to be served this time


Some news/information that are comming in with time :

1. According to some info it will not be possible to decompile executable any more

2. MT4 and MT5 will be kept as separate trading platforms

3. There will be no more championship(s)