Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 175


It is a so called "change for the sake of change"

They are desperate to make any change in order to justify the mess they caused


Just a repeated reminder that some others already posted : from August the 1st older builds of metatrader 4 are not going to be supported any more. What does exactly "not going to be supported any more" mean id yet to be discovered, but frm past experiences we are probably going to get a message "you are using old build" and we shall be forced to update. But we shall see

Anyway, get ready for that (just in case)


Nice little dispute on a Russian part - the guys did not like the "broker is guilty for all" answer from metaquotes people It is starting


a quote from renat that answered this question :

Ренат здравствуйте, означает ли остановка поддержки старых билдов, что они перестанут соединяться с сервером? Я обязательно обновлюсь, но до 8.08 не хотел бы прерывать работу советника.

the answer is

Да, перестанут в зависимости от завершения процесса обновления торговых серверов. В любом случае настоятельно рекомендую завершить все обновления терминалов до 1 сентября (как раз большинство брокеров завершат обновления), чтобы не столкнуться с неожиданностями.

In short : your old builds will stop connecting to servers (the famous "old build") and that we all should transfer all to new builds the latest to September the 1st when the majority f brokers will update (official date of discontinuation of a support for old builds is still August the 1st)


Maybe that will be the best : the whole farce is going to be ended finaly


No comments... I'm very angry now ( grrrrrrrr grgr gr rgrgrgrgrg rgr )

screenshot27.jpg  165 kb

Yes...what did you change? Lol!

Scary actually...


maybe they were angry because he did not ask for a permission to change the code? :):)


4 pages of bug report and finally deinit problem is fixed with strict tag. And i ask. Why do I use stric tag?

4 pages of bug report and finally deinit problem is fixed with strict tag. And i ask. Why do I use stric tag?

Because they have no idea what is causing the bug(s)

They reverted the way how it works again : external parameters with comments added are working the same way as in the first betas. Why the hell did they remove that in the middle then? Or they simply do not know that it is happening and that they have older build code working again (which is 99% sure - they did show more than once that they have no idea what features are working and what are not)