Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 248

if you are considering using web version of mt - don't It is not beta. It is zeta

That is far, far away from being usable for trading


Release notes are published here : Release NotesDon't expect too much : newest release notes are from June the 12th

Release notes are published here : Release NotesDon't expect too much : newest release notes are from June the 12th

All the intermediate releases are left out there. That is as you read the first 10 pages of War and Peace and tell that you know everything that is written in the next couple of thousand pages

All the intermediate releases are left out there. That is as you read the first 10 pages of War and Peace and tell that you know everything that is written in the next couple of thousand pages

The told that they are not going to post release notes for what they call betas. So, according to them, we are all working almost all the time with betas.

Anyway, omitting the change logs for intermediate versions is a big, big mess.

Imagine this : all your code, uncompiled, on some "web server". Beauty

Maybe that web version would be goo : it would solve 32bit and 64bit version

But without indicators and EAs it s useless

Maybe that web version would be goo : it would solve 32bit and 64bit version But without indicators and EAs it s useless

Don't expect too much

For profits (in pips) it can do something like this : 10+10+10=-1.23

Not exactly a mathematician

Maybe that web version would be goo : it would solve 32bit and 64bit version But without indicators and EAs it s useless

It would be nice yo have well working web version - if they were able to make something OK. But judging from last couple of years, it is not the case


Anybody using web version of metatrader?


Latest build - build 880

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Latest build - build 880 Testing it now

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