Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 254


I am not having problems with build 890.


Mostly errors come from arrays (people do not handle it correctly). Problems that were with orders for some time are fixed in build 891 (but I did nt have problems with orders - strange)

Mostly errors come from arrays (people do not handle it correctly). Problems that were with orders for some time are fixed in build 891 (but I did nt have problems with orders - strange)

We shall see, but the things seem to be stabilizing

We shall see, but the things seem to be stabilizing

It is sort of calming down - the whole thing


It is sort of calming down - the whole thing Finally

That is finally some good news after all this time

That is finally some good news after all this time

I agree : things are finally starting to look usable


MT5 added template classes. That feature is very good. I hope MT4 have it soon too.

MT5 added template classes. That feature is very good. I hope MT4 have it soon too.

Is it a useful feature? I ask as I have poor skills in coding using templates, and I realized that the bug hunting with few templates deployed turned into a nightmare for me. So I am rather trying to avoid them.

What I am actually missing most are interfaces (in JAVA terminology) and exception/error handling.

Re: Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks

Is it a useful feature? I ask as I have poor skills in coding using templates, and I realized that the bug hunting with few templates deployed turned into a nightmare for me. So I am rather trying to avoid them.

What I am actually missing most are interfaces (in JAVA terminology) and exception/error handling.

Yes. Very useful. Best example are Array classes. Now you need create one class for every type. With template classes you only need one class. That permitt have less code to maintain. You have more flexibilty in other ways too. Really is a big step. But I agree for people using Java and other dynamic languages, templates is a nightmare

Templates are the way to make static language have similar dynamic language behaviour


Yes. Very useful. Best example are Array classes. Now you need create one class for every type. With template classes you only need one class. That permitt have less code to maintain. You have more flexibilty in other ways too. Really is a big step. But I agree for people using Java and other dynamic languages, templates is a nightmare

Templates are the way to make static language have similar dynamic language behaviour

Did you check the new build 900 and how the templates work with it?