Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 143


That is the reason why they made new metatrader 4 : metatrader 5 is a no sale!

I spent more than a year writing over 8000 lines of code just to have Metatrader screw with their MT4 causing the code to stop working . I tested each function and each line 10s of times before using it , now I can't do anything because I know the problem is from MT4 , i'll wait till they fix their problem.

I have switched to Multicharts and I am in the (painful) processes of moving everything to .Net. It is not going as smoothly as would like as there is a learning curve. Minime, I would have a look at and LMax in London for FX. You can have multiple connections to multiple brokers which is very useful.

You can code in C# or VB directly but there are also ways to use python via ironpython or even Mathlab for certain things. I think once you get your head around the initial complexity, you won't look back.


I have switched to Multicharts and I am in the (painful) processes of moving everything to .Net. It is not going as smoothly as would like as there is a learning curve. Minime, I would have a look at and LMax in London for FX. You can have multiple connections to multiple brokers which is very useful.

You can code in C# or VB directly but there are also ways to use python via ironpython or even Mathlab for certain things. I think once you get your head around the initial complexity, you won't look back.


At least you have an editor now rather than a notepad with a build-in compiler.

At least you have an editor now rather than a notepad with a build-in compiler.

Not really Ovo...the Multicharts editor for .net is just that. It is not completely problem free. In fact I have to go in and delete something from the windows registry almost everyday just to start it. The best thing really is proper tech support. I am not really bothered too much by the editor problem. There is always Visual Studio.



Not really Ovo...the Multicharts editor for .net is just that. It is not completely problem free. In fact I have to go in and delete something from the windows registry almost everyday just to start it. The best thing really is proper tech support. I am not really bothered too much by the editor problem. There is always Visual Studio.



Compared to the moronic autocomplete of this metaeditor anything is better

Compared to the moronic autocomplete of this metaeditor anything is better


That is the only autocpmplete in the world that make difference between small and capital leters - fantastic invention - you have to know everything before it helps you

:):):) That is the only autocpmplete in the world that make difference between small and capital leters - fantastic invention - you have to know everything before it helps you

Actually this case-sensitive autocomplete makes me only few trouble... I have much more troubles with their ill implementation of class methods autocomplete. Though a good news is that it is not case-sensitive, it is far behind my expectations:

- It works only on the first level, i.e. object.g opens autocompletion popup with all methods starting with g, while parentObject.getOtherObject().g has absolutely no autocompletion. This multi-level object retrieval appears very often in my code.

- It does not respect method scope, i.e. it shows every method in the popup, private, protected or public, not respecting if you are coding within the scope or outside of it.

- It is quite confused with static methods, they appear within different popup than they should.

- A single typo within the code means no autocomplete.

The result is, that I have open the Doxygen documentation all time, to list and copy/paste methods into the Metaeditor.

Not quite a way how I expect the OOP editor should be used.

Does MT5 and MT4 run different platform, or MT5 is just upgraded version of MT4?

They claim that those are different things

Now they are supposedly making them same

Does MT5 and MT4 run different platform, or MT5 is just upgraded version of MT4?

Completely different way of orders handling - nothing in common

Completely different way of orders handling - nothing in common

If Metaquotes install the MT5 order handling into MT4 that will be the final nail in the MetaQuotes coffin, even MetaQuotes wouldn't be that stupid would they?