Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 53


It seems that it is worse and worse not better as time passes. And really by now beta testers are not testing it any more - nothing changes to better

It seems that it is worse and worse not better as time passes. And really by now beta testers are not testing it any more - nothing changes to better

We have a simple choice : either we wait or we do something else. having metatrader 4 (the build 509) working is saving the whole thing for now. If it comes to a moment when they cancel olde metatrader 4 then we all shall have to decide. Frankly : the longer it takes them to make this "new" metatrader 4, the better for metatrader users


I have a feeling that this "new' metatrader 4 was invented on a diner with a couple of drinks too much. So far nothing serious came out of the whole beta teasting


We should simply continue trading using metatrader 4. If they suceed to make a better one good. But expecting that they will make a better one so far has proven to be in vain (starting from metatrader 5)

We should simply continue trading using metatrader 4. If they suceed to make a better one good. But expecting that they will make a better one so far has proven to be in vain (starting from metatrader 5)

I agree

When (or if) they release a new metatrader 4, then we should start detailed testing. For now, detail testing is useless since the same errors are present from the beginning and I haven't noticed that any of those errors was corrected at any time


They are announcing new build for tomorrow

They are announcing new build for tomorrow

Yep, I saw it (renat is announcing it). Well, we shall see tomorrow


this might be all true and good but the point remains:

- should one still invest time and code something new for MT4 509 at the moment

- or just sit back - let time pass without doing anything

it is really annoying

I agree When (or if) they release a new metatrader 4, then we should start detailed testing. For now, detail testing is useless since the same errors are present from the beginning and I haven't noticed that any of those errors was corrected at any time
this might be all true and good but the point remains:

- should one still invest time and code something new for MT4 509 at the moment

- or just sit back - let time pass without doing anything

it is really annoying


That is a question that nobody can answer right now, and I mus agree that it is extremely anoying

Imagine a situation like this : you make something using build 509 and then comes a "new" metatrader 4 and you have to recode the thing again (plus you have to test all sorts of things to make sure that it works properly). At a moment I have a feeling that all is stopped simply because coders know that they are probably going to have to rewrite all

As of testing this beta : if a trading platform can not do a task as simple as passing parameters correctly, that platform is not worth testing yet. I already told a couple of times that "if things as simple as parameters passing are having errors, then what is happening with more complicated stuff?" I simply do not want to write anything longer than a couple of lines for this beta since it is impossible to know if the error is coming from some new coding rules or simply from yet another bug and I am not willing to spend time inventing patches for bugs. That is the job of platform developers to make the platform bug free

Yep, I saw it (renat is announcing it). Well, we shall see tomorrow

Seems that someone hopes that all the bugs will just disapear