Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 166


Someone has updated it to version b670? I use MetaQuotes server but not updated. Instead the b660 was updated fast ...


give the people what they want... or get voted out

all we need now is two other fairly useless similar party's

oh yeah we have those already and don't really want those either

where are the Chinese, surely they will hack MT4, not give two hoots and design something far better for half the price

Someone has updated it to version b670? I use MetaQuotes server but not updated. Instead the b660 was updated fast ...

I am connected to metatrader demo server

No upddates

I am connected to metatrader demo server No upddates

Ghost update, never seen before xD


The announcement page looks exactly the same as the page for build 660 was

The announcement page looks exactly the same as the page for build 660 was

They are the same

Only 3 lines of text added - same list of errors corrected as in build 660 as in build 670. Except for the 3 different lines, all the rest is exactly the same

New Beta Version of MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 660: Virtual Hosting, Web Requests, Working with Signals from MQL Applications and DOM - MQL4 forum

MetaTrader 4 Platform Update Build 670: Virtual Hosting, Web Requests and Working with Signals from MQL Applications - MQL4 forum


Man, exactly the same page

So what else is new :):)

Ghost update, never seen before xD

Looks like that. Still connected to metatrader demo server - no updates to build 670


Build 670 will be available only on 4th of July (they added that to the beginning of the post)

Build 670 will be available only on 4th of July (they added that to the beginning of the post)

They are doing at again : holidays and a weekend and after it people are simply going to be hit with new smart bugs. And that shows one thing clearly : they are fully aware what kind of crap they are pushing to traders (otherwise they would not care of the date of the release - they would even be proud)