Articles on machine learning in trading


Creating AI-based trading robots: native integration with Python, matrices and vectors, math and statistics libraries and much more.

Find out how to use machine learning in trading. Neurons, perceptrons, convolutional and recurrent networks, predictive models — start with the basics and work your way up to developing your own AI. You will learn how to train and apply neural networks for algorithmic trading in financial markets.

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MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 11): Number Walls

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 11): Number Walls

Number Walls are a variant of Linear Shift Back Registers that prescreen sequences for predictability by checking for convergence. We look at how these ideas could be of use in MQL5.
Neural networks made easy (Part 64): ConserWeightive Behavioral Cloning (CWBC) method

Neural networks made easy (Part 64): ConserWeightive Behavioral Cloning (CWBC) method

As a result of tests performed in previous articles, we came to the conclusion that the optimality of the trained strategy largely depends on the training set used. In this article, we will get acquainted with a fairly simple yet effective method for selecting trajectories to train models.
Neural networks made easy (Part 65): Distance Weighted Supervised Learning (DWSL)

Neural networks made easy (Part 65): Distance Weighted Supervised Learning (DWSL)

In this article, we will get acquainted with an interesting algorithm that is built at the intersection of supervised and reinforcement learning methods.
Population optimization algorithms: Changing shape, shifting probability distributions and testing on Smart Cephalopod (SC)

Population optimization algorithms: Changing shape, shifting probability distributions and testing on Smart Cephalopod (SC)

The article examines the impact of changing the shape of probability distributions on the performance of optimization algorithms. We will conduct experiments using the Smart Cephalopod (SC) test algorithm to evaluate the efficiency of various probability distributions in the context of optimization problems.
Neural networks made easy (Part 72): Trajectory prediction in noisy environments

Neural networks made easy (Part 72): Trajectory prediction in noisy environments

The quality of future state predictions plays an important role in the Goal-Conditioned Predictive Coding method, which we discussed in the previous article. In this article I want to introduce you to an algorithm that can significantly improve the prediction quality in stochastic environments, such as financial markets.
Neural networks made easy (Part 62): Using Decision Transformer in hierarchical models

Neural networks made easy (Part 62): Using Decision Transformer in hierarchical models

In recent articles, we have seen several options for using the Decision Transformer method. The method allows analyzing not only the current state, but also the trajectory of previous states and actions performed in them. In this article, we will focus on using this method in hierarchical models.
Neural networks made easy (Part 74): Trajectory prediction with adaptation

Neural networks made easy (Part 74): Trajectory prediction with adaptation

This article introduces a fairly effective method of multi-agent trajectory forecasting, which is able to adapt to various environmental conditions.
Population optimization algorithms: Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. Part I

Population optimization algorithms: Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. Part I

The Simulated Annealing algorithm is a metaheuristic inspired by the metal annealing process. In the article, we will conduct a thorough analysis of the algorithm and debunk a number of common beliefs and myths surrounding this widely known optimization method. The second part of the article will consider the custom Simulated Isotropic Annealing (SIA) algorithm.
Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 24): Forex Time series Forecasting Using Regular AI Models

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 24): Forex Time series Forecasting Using Regular AI Models

In the forex markets It is very challenging to predict the future trend without having an idea of the past, Very few machine learning models are capable of making the future predictions by considering past values. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can use classical(Non-time series) Artificial Intelligence models to beat the market
Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 16): A Refreshing Look at Decision Trees

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 16): A Refreshing Look at Decision Trees

Dive into the intricate world of decision trees in the latest installment of our Data Science and Machine Learning series. Tailored for traders seeking strategic insights, this article serves as a comprehensive recap, shedding light on the powerful role decision trees play in the analysis of market trends. Explore the roots and branches of these algorithmic trees, unlocking their potential to enhance your trading decisions. Join us for a refreshing perspective on decision trees and discover how they can be your allies in navigating the complexities of financial markets.
Using PatchTST Machine Learning Algorithm for Predicting Next 24 Hours of Price Action

Using PatchTST Machine Learning Algorithm for Predicting Next 24 Hours of Price Action

In this article, we apply a relatively complex neural network algorithm released in 2023 called PatchTST for predicting the price action for the next 24 hours. We will use the official repository, make slight modifications, train a model for EURUSD, and apply it to making future predictions both in Python and MQL5.
Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 6): Monomorphic Pull-Backs and Epimorphic Push-Outs

Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 6): Monomorphic Pull-Backs and Epimorphic Push-Outs

Category Theory is a diverse and expanding branch of Mathematics which is only recently getting some coverage in the MQL5 community. These series of articles look to explore and examine some of its concepts & axioms with the overall goal of establishing an open library that provides insight while also hopefully furthering the use of this remarkable field in Traders' strategy development.
The case for using a Composite Data Set this Q4 in weighing SPDR XLY's next performance

The case for using a Composite Data Set this Q4 in weighing SPDR XLY's next performance

We consider XLY, SPDR’s consumer discretionary spending ETF and see if with tools in MetaTrader’s IDE we can sift through an array of data sets in selecting what could work with a forecasting model with a forward outlook of not more than a year.
Neural networks made easy (Part 41): Hierarchical models

Neural networks made easy (Part 41): Hierarchical models

The article describes hierarchical training models that offer an effective approach to solving complex machine learning problems. Hierarchical models consist of several levels, each of which is responsible for different aspects of the task.
Neural networks made easy (Part 78): Decoder-free Object Detector with Transformer (DFFT)

Neural networks made easy (Part 78): Decoder-free Object Detector with Transformer (DFFT)

In this article, I propose to look at the issue of building a trading strategy from a different angle. We will not predict future price movements, but will try to build a trading system based on the analysis of historical data.
Developing an MQL5 Reinforcement Learning agent with RestAPI integration (Part 1): How to use RestAPIs in MQL5

Developing an MQL5 Reinforcement Learning agent with RestAPI integration (Part 1): How to use RestAPIs in MQL5

In this article we will talk about the importance of APIs (Application Programming Interface) for interaction between different applications and software systems. We will see the role of APIs in simplifying interactions between applications, allowing them to efficiently share data and functionality.
Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 21): Natural Transformations with LDA

Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 21): Natural Transformations with LDA

This article, the 21st in our series, continues with a look at Natural Transformations and how they can be implemented using linear discriminant analysis. We present applications of this in a signal class format, like in the previous article.
Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 19): Naturality Square Induction

Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 19): Naturality Square Induction

We continue our look at natural transformations by considering naturality square induction. Slight restraints on multicurrency implementation for experts assembled with the MQL5 wizard mean we are showcasing our data classification abilities with a script. Principle applications considered are price change classification and thus its forecasting.
Neural networks made easy (Part 61): Optimism issue in offline reinforcement learning

Neural networks made easy (Part 61): Optimism issue in offline reinforcement learning

During the offline learning, we optimize the Agent's policy based on the training sample data. The resulting strategy gives the Agent confidence in its actions. However, such optimism is not always justified and can cause increased risks during the model operation. Today we will look at one of the methods to reduce these risks.
Population optimization algorithms: Simulated Isotropic Annealing (SIA) algorithm. Part II

Population optimization algorithms: Simulated Isotropic Annealing (SIA) algorithm. Part II

The first part was devoted to the well-known and popular algorithm - simulated annealing. We have thoroughly considered its pros and cons. The second part of the article is devoted to the radical transformation of the algorithm, which turns it into a new optimization algorithm - Simulated Isotropic Annealing (SIA).
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 07): Dendrograms

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 07): Dendrograms

Data classification for purposes of analysis and forecasting is a very diverse arena within machine learning and it features a large number of approaches and methods. This piece looks at one such approach, namely Agglomerative Hierarchical Classification.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 22): Conditional GANs

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 22): Conditional GANs

Generative Adversarial Networks are a pairing of Neural Networks that train off of each other for more accurate results. We adopt the conditional type of these networks as we look to possible application in forecasting Financial time series within an Expert Signal Class.
Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 17): Functors and Monoids

Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 17): Functors and Monoids

This article, the final in our series to tackle functors as a subject, revisits monoids as a category. Monoids which we have already introduced in these series are used here to aid in position sizing, together with multi-layer perceptrons.
The base class of population algorithms as the backbone of efficient optimization

The base class of population algorithms as the backbone of efficient optimization

The article represents a unique research attempt to combine a variety of population algorithms into a single class to simplify the application of optimization methods. This approach not only opens up opportunities for the development of new algorithms, including hybrid variants, but also creates a universal basic test stand. This stand becomes a key tool for choosing the optimal algorithm depending on a specific task.
Neural networks are easy (Part 59): Dichotomy of Control (DoC)

Neural networks are easy (Part 59): Dichotomy of Control (DoC)

In the previous article, we got acquainted with the Decision Transformer. But the complex stochastic environment of the foreign exchange market did not allow us to fully implement the potential of the presented method. In this article, I will introduce an algorithm that is aimed at improving the performance of algorithms in stochastic environments.
The Group Method of Data Handling: Implementing the Combinatorial Algorithm in MQL5

The Group Method of Data Handling: Implementing the Combinatorial Algorithm in MQL5

In this article we continue our exploration of the Group Method of Data Handling family of algorithms, with the implementation of the Combinatorial Algorithm along with its refined incarnation, the Combinatorial Selective Algorithm in MQL5.
Population optimization algorithms: Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm

Population optimization algorithms: Intelligent Water Drops (IWD) algorithm

The article considers an interesting algorithm derived from inanimate nature - intelligent water drops (IWD) simulating the process of river bed formation. The ideas of this algorithm made it possible to significantly improve the previous leader of the rating - SDS. As usual, the new leader (modified SDSm) can be found in the attachment.
Neural networks made easy (Part 76): Exploring diverse interaction patterns with Multi-future Transformer

Neural networks made easy (Part 76): Exploring diverse interaction patterns with Multi-future Transformer

This article continues the topic of predicting the upcoming price movement. I invite you to get acquainted with the Multi-future Transformer architecture. Its main idea is to decompose the multimodal distribution of the future into several unimodal distributions, which allows you to effectively simulate various models of interaction between agents on the scene.
Population optimization algorithms: Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA). Part II

Population optimization algorithms: Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA). Part II

In this article, we will look at the binary genetic algorithm (BGA), which models the natural processes that occur in the genetic material of living things in nature.
Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 12): Orders

Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 12): Orders

This article which is part of a series that follows Category Theory implementation of Graphs in MQL5, delves in Orders. We examine how concepts of Order-Theory can support monoid sets in informing trade decisions by considering two major ordering types.
Developing an MQL5 RL agent with RestAPI integration (Part 3): Creating automatic moves and test scripts in MQL5

Developing an MQL5 RL agent with RestAPI integration (Part 3): Creating automatic moves and test scripts in MQL5

This article discusses the implementation of automatic moves in the tic-tac-toe game in Python, integrated with MQL5 functions and unit tests. The goal is to improve the interactivity of the game and ensure the reliability of the system through testing in MQL5. The presentation covers game logic development, integration, and hands-on testing, and concludes with the creation of a dynamic game environment and a robust integrated system.
Integrate Your Own LLM into EA (Part 4): Training Your Own LLM with GPU

Integrate Your Own LLM into EA (Part 4): Training Your Own LLM with GPU

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence today, language models (LLMs) are an important part of artificial intelligence, so we should think about how to integrate powerful LLMs into our algorithmic trading. For most people, it is difficult to fine-tune these powerful models according to their needs, deploy them locally, and then apply them to algorithmic trading. This series of articles will take a step-by-step approach to achieve this goal.
Propensity score in causal inference

Propensity score in causal inference

The article examines the topic of matching in causal inference. Matching is used to compare similar observations in a data set. This is necessary to correctly determine causal effects and get rid of bias. The author explains how this helps in building trading systems based on machine learning, which become more stable on new data they were not trained on. The propensity score plays a central role and is widely used in causal inference.
Introduction to MQL5 (Part 5): A Beginner's Guide to Array Functions in MQL5

Introduction to MQL5 (Part 5): A Beginner's Guide to Array Functions in MQL5

Explore the world of MQL5 arrays in Part 5, designed for absolute beginners. Simplifying complex coding concepts, this article focuses on clarity and inclusivity. Join our community of learners, where questions are embraced, and knowledge is shared!
Data label for time series mining (Part 6):Apply and Test in EA Using ONNX

Data label for time series mining (Part 6):Apply and Test in EA Using ONNX

This series of articles introduces several time series labeling methods, which can create data that meets most artificial intelligence models, and targeted data labeling according to needs can make the trained artificial intelligence model more in line with the expected design, improve the accuracy of our model, and even help the model make a qualitative leap!
Overcoming ONNX Integration Challenges

Overcoming ONNX Integration Challenges

ONNX is a great tool for integrating complex AI code between different platforms, it is a great tool that comes with some challenges that one must address to get the most out of it, In this article we discuss the common issues you might face and how to mitigate them.
Population optimization algorithms: Spiral Dynamics Optimization (SDO) algorithm

Population optimization algorithms: Spiral Dynamics Optimization (SDO) algorithm

The article presents an optimization algorithm based on the patterns of constructing spiral trajectories in nature, such as mollusk shells - the spiral dynamics optimization (SDO) algorithm. I have thoroughly revised and modified the algorithm proposed by the authors. The article will consider the necessity of these changes.
Integrate Your Own LLM into EA (Part 3): Training Your Own LLM with CPU

Integrate Your Own LLM into EA (Part 3): Training Your Own LLM with CPU

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence today, language models (LLMs) are an important part of artificial intelligence, so we should think about how to integrate powerful LLMs into our algorithmic trading. For most people, it is difficult to fine-tune these powerful models according to their needs, deploy them locally, and then apply them to algorithmic trading. This series of articles will take a step-by-step approach to achieve this goal.
Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 25): Forex Timeseries Forecasting Using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 25): Forex Timeseries Forecasting Using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) excel at leveraging past information to predict future events. Their remarkable predictive capabilities have been applied across various domains with great success. In this article, we will deploy RNN models to predict trends in the forex market, demonstrating their potential to enhance forecasting accuracy in forex trading.
MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (14): Multi Objective Timeseries Forecasting with STF

MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (14): Multi Objective Timeseries Forecasting with STF

Spatial Temporal Fusion which is using both ‘space’ and time metrics in modelling data is primarily useful in remote-sensing, and a host of other visual based activities in gaining a better understanding of our surroundings. Thanks to a published paper, we take a novel approach in using it by examining its potential to traders.