Make your first million

A friend in the parallel thread has argued about the "fabulousness" of the 10% deposit growth per day on the rapidly declining euro in manual trading. Suppose I am to become a millionaire in 97 days with 100$. Well, the beginning is done:

In total we have a little less than 50% in three days.

If you want to join marathon - welcome! Publish screenshots of their success, share with "Thomas" ))
So, I'll be keeping an eye out, I wonder how a million is really earned in 97 days. Let's have weekly publications.
So, I'll be keeping an eye out, I wonder how a million is really made in 97 days. Let's have weekly publications.
97 days is not my calculation. I counted 580,000 in 93 TRADING days.
97 days is not my calculation. I calculated 580,000 for 93 TRADING days.
A simple calculation, comrade is right... the only thing left to do is ...
Files:  12 kb
Simple calculation, comrade is right... all that's left is...
Thanks for the file! Too lazy to do it myself
One friend in a parallel thread argued about the "fabulousness" of 10% deposit growth per day.

I also think these are fairy tales.

No millions are waiting for you. It's good if the plum doesn't wait for you either.

I am sure that everyone will forget about this branch very quickly, as well as thousands of similar branches.


I also think these are fairy tales.

No millions are waiting for you. It's good if the plum doesn't wait for you either.

I'm sure this branch will be forgotten about very quickly, as will thousands of other branches like it.

I don't really need anybody to point the finger at me, he's the dude who made a million on the Forex market! :-D

The main thing is to be forgotten near the end of the journey when it comes to withdrawal. Although... :-D Get on the cover of Forbes - why not)).

:-D And there is no point in arguing and proving the contrary. We will test the theory with real actions. Yes, a steady 10% a day is too pedantic. Today 10 tomorrow 50 the day after tomorrow 2. As they say do not save for tomorrow what you can earn today :-D The main thing is stable in + and the ultimate goal - a million for 97 trading days ))
I have a report where 3600000rub for 2 hours on the 300000rub depo (my report and not one)
I don't need anyone to point the finger at me - he's the dude who made a million on forex! :-D

The main thing is to be forgotten towards the end of the journey when it comes to withdrawal. Although... :-D Get on the cover of Forbes - why not)).

:-D And there is no point in arguing and proving the contrary. We will test the theory with real actions. Yes, a steady 10% a day is too pedantic. Today 10 tomorrow 50 the day after tomorrow 2. As they say do not save for tomorrow what you can earn today :-D The main thing is stable in + and the ultimate goal - a million for 97 trading days ))
1 million is awesome. go ahead and wait. 97 days is not that long for forex.
I have a report where 3600000rub for 2 hours on the Depo in 300000rub (my report and not one).
Well, good for you! :-D Come on. Maybe the crowd will rush to your signals.

I got a lot of reports too. Like 19,000% for a couple of days in a month.
Well - good for you!!! :-D Put it out there. See if the crowd rushes to your signals.

I got a lot of reports too. For example, 19,000% in a couple of days during the month.
Real? What do you mean a couple of days in a month? You have a couple of days in a month?