Make your first million - page 207

George Merts:

The excitement, it seems, was born in you before you did.

If you approach trading as a job, then there are no special "tricks"... Just go ahead and test techniques, put those that work and remove those that don't... And no stop-outs... True, and no sky-high profits.

As Alexander said - it's a long story to explain.) About red oysters and so on... It's too late now and there's no desire)). Yes, and there is little point. Who is in the subject - will understand ;)
Daniil Stolnikov:
About the bluebonnets and so on...

Well, that's my point exactly.

You should not approach trading as a "big sport" - the insane workload of a deposit, training day and night, "spurts", "second breath" and other delights... You lose time, energy and health. And if you do stand on the podium, it will not last long.

I propose to approach trading "as a fitness". Exercise in moderation and slowly, but very importantly - regularly. You will not become a global star, but you will improve your health and physical form, and it will make you more attractive...

Yeah, well, people don't want that sort of thing... They want world records. Yeah, yeah... Go for it.

George Merts:

Well, that's my point exactly.

You should not approach trading as a "big sport" - the insane workload of a deposit, training day and night, "spurts", "second breath" and other delights... You lose time, energy and health. And if you do stand on the podium, it will not last long.

I propose to approach trading "as a fitness". Exercise in moderation and slowly, but very importantly - regularly. You will not become a global star, but you will improve your health and physical form, and it will make you more attractive...

Yeah, well, people don't want that sort of thing... They want world records. Yeah, yeah... Go for it.

my point is that even 10% a day isn't that much of a load - the devil is not as bad as you make him out to be)) It's quite a cardio workout Fitness...

Well, even if not 10, but as now - 1-3%, it is not difficult to calculate that a million is not so far
George Merts:

Yeah, well, people don't need that kind of trivia... They want world records... Yeah, yeah... Go ahead...

To each his own,

I'd be happy to see someone who can do 20% a year consistently, but you can't find them...

Daniil Stolnikov:

Well, even if not 10, but as now - 1-3%, it is easy to calculate that the million is not so far

Look, you tell me if Soros and pro hedge funds are happy with 20% a year,

then how can we expect 1-3 a day?

well i understand that soros' leverage can't be 100 and even 10 is unlikely ,

but still...

Alexander Laur:
He went from $200 to $600,000 in a couple of months. I don't remember the exact numbers, but it was impressive. He used synthetic trading. It was 2011, if I'm not mistaken.

what kind of broker was it?

And did it pay out 600,000?

Alexander Laur:
He went from $200 to $600,000 in a couple of months. I don't remember the exact figures, but the result was impressive. He used synthetic trading. It was 2011, if I am not mistaken.
As far as I remember, he took advantage of the imperfect execution of DC orders. And he probably got his profit, but the shop was shut down and now we can only set such records by accident.
Alexander Laur:

We haven't gone anywhere. The market itself is pushing for intraday trading:

Look at how much oscillatory movement the market makes during the day. It is these fluctuations that make you think about big lots and short targets. :)

But the market is not as simple as it may seem, so it offers such tricks:

That is, after opening a position, there is almost a no-holds-barred move against my position and eventually a stop out.

Yes, the 10% a day strategy does involve a "kamikaze" effect, I agree. But in 18 days I increased my deposit from $4.04 to $76.0, i.e. 19 times!

With your strategy it would take years to get such a result. And with even a $5000 deposit, your strategy won't let you live on your forex earnings.

We just use different approaches to trading.

Exactly! If you had $5000 in deposits - you would never use such a TS.

Moreover, you're saying that "the market does". But in fact - the market doesn't present anything, it's just your entry points - selected on the history without applying clear rules. And this is the way to the downside, precisely on such movements, and therefore - no one has ever made regular profits that way.

In order to make regular earnings - you need to use clear criteria for entry and exit points. And try to formalise your specified points ! I'm sure there are many other cases where these criteria will produce losses. And, therefore, they should not be used.

For me, exiting a position is much more important than entering, even if it is a loss, but how to find the right exit of at least 75% I don't know)
Vladimir Zubov:
As for me exiting a position is much more important than entering, even if I take a loss, but how do I find the right exit at least for 75%?)


Is volatility the same at different points in time?

And if so, why should the volume, stop and take be the same in different trades?

And if so, why do I need 75% profit? If losses are 30-50 dollars and profits 100-200 dollars, then 50/50 is good enough.