Make your first million - page 194

Daniil Stolnikov:
i'm not quite sure what you mean by "your account" and "management account"? my own is the one with 100 tanks. What's a "managing account"?
It seems to be "own", but with money from a sponsor who will then give the signal"- enough, I've had enough" ))))
Daniil Stolnikov:
i'm dumb today )) i know similar schemes. i'm not sure what you mean by the words "own account" and "manager account"? my own account, i assume that's the one with 100 tanks. What's a "managing account" then?

the manager is his own with 100 quid

and the clients' accounts are copied.

This may include another account of your own and more than one. and with different leverage.

pssh - don't like pictures from other monitors here... oops...

valeriy odintsov:

the manager is his own with 100 quid

and the clients' accounts are copied.

Including another account of your own and more than one. And with different leverage.

I don't understand the "you raise $100... and then you get a signal to stop." That's if it's overclocked... And most likely, that hundred doesn't really accelerate, but merges a la Danikov's exercises. Along with it, the other "other accounts, and more than one" merge. If they have another leverage - they do not merge, but simply subside. And as a result, everyone is in the shit, including you.

If you do manage to make a hundred, then when you decide this casino lottery is over now, you can, of course, disconnect the accounts and you can keep making the hundred that just happened to be worth a thousand dollars a week. But there's no point in that. To purposely dump your investors? And what good would it do, you would only lose your reputation, and after all it is likely to have soared during the accrual ... It makes more sense to say, "We took a risk, and that's enough, it's time to know the score.

All in all, in my opinion, it's a pointless idea.

George Merts:

I don't understand the words "you accelerate $100... and then you get the signal to stop." That's if it's accelerating... And most likely, that hundred doesn't fucking accelerate, but gets drained a la Danikov's exercises. Along with it, the other "other accounts, and more than one" merge. If they have another leverage - then they do not merge, but simply subside. And as a result, everyone is in the shit, including you.

If you do manage to make a hundred, then when you decide this casino lottery is over now, you can, of course, unlock the accounts and you can keep making the hundred that got made by luck into a thousand in a week. But there's no point in that. To purposely dump your investors? And what good would it do, you would only lose your reputation, and after all it is likely to have soared during the accrual ... It makes more sense to say, "We took a risk, and that's enough, it's time to know the score.

All in all, in my opinion, it's a completely pointless idea.

First, learn the basic terms and jargon of trading, then get into an argument.

then learn what a lammie is and understand how it works.

and then everything will become clear.

Also, master the basics and try to understand the general principles of forex operations at certain brokers and dealers.

The real question is how and why something is done there.

As for the brokers, if you understand the general picture, I assure you that there will be no questions like why they are being done that way.

As for the brokers, if you do not know what's going on in your brokerage business, you will not have to ask me anything.

valeriy odintsov:

First learn the basic terms and jargon of trading, then get into an argument.

If a scientist working in a laboratory cannot explain to the cleaner who cleans his lab what he does, he himself does not know what he does.

Anyone who really understands the subject can explain it on any level.

And people do not want to argue because it is useless. A knowledgeable person will tell you everything at once, if the subject is controversial, most people very quickly move on from questions of "what and how" to "which of us is a fool". And this last question is impossible to solve...

Well, if you don't explain it, fuck it, you're the boss...


It's a load of crap, but when's the lemon coming? ))))

(We'll celebrate together, like I'm your roof these days))))))))))


О! There's a fan of the theory of relativity here - making a million out of one cent.


I don't understand, I was banned for 24 hours for posting a picture from MyFxBook marked "for advertising". Now you can't post it?
George Merts:

And people do not want to argue because it is useless. A knowledgeable person will tell you everything at once; if the subject is controversial, then most people very quickly move on from questions of "what and how" to the question of "which of us is a fool" in an argument. And that last question is impossible to solve...

Yeah. It's in our mentality) So to say a national character trait. Because success comes to those who "blat" better or just have it.

The concept of nephew, brother, brother-in-law generates megalomania with a holy belief in one's own infallibility.


It's interesting to scare off the topic starters, isn't it?

(That's the mentality )))))))))))