Make your first million - page 75


the alligator wants more and has his mouth wide open most likely...

give me a link to MayfhBook in your profile - and I'll cheer you on...

Alligator can't close his mouth, his jaw is jammed
I'm sick of these daisies going up and down. Let it be determined. So far, Gennady's jaw is cramped - and hard - stretched too much
Daniil Stolnikov:
So far, Gennady's jaw is cramped, and it's hard - it's stretched too much.

Give us a link, at least let us have a look at the situation!

And to make sure your jaw doesn't drop, formalise your S.T.! Just write it all down on paper. And then follow them, and your jaw won't be cramped.

Daniil Stolnikov:
I'm sick of these daisies going up and down. Let it be determined. So far, Gennady's jaw is set too tight.
He wants meat.
Daniil Stolnikov:
I'm sick of these daisies going up and down. Let it be determined. So far, Gennady's jaw is jammed - too tight.

It's all right, the course is uphill.

What day's the count?

George Merts:

Give us a link, at least let us have a look at the situation!

And to make sure your jaw doesn't drop, formalise your S.T.! Just write it all down on paper. And then follow them cleanly, and your jaw won't cramp at all.

It takes time... And I'm a bum on top of it And an idealist. I didn't want to close all my trades with equity level of 280, but I didn't want to spoil the "number of profitable trades" line . As luck would have it, the Federal Reserve Board Puppets and other individuals have started their strange games - God damn it! And that's how it is - you're dragging and dragging till the last moment, but it's still dragging and dragging... and there's no end to it... It's like you've been through a lot - as much as +500... but it's still dragging on and on... The most interesting thing - before the risks were bigger and the yoke stretched right up to the moment of plummeting - 200 points. Now I lowered the risks and the strap increased by 500 points - where is the justice in life? I get the impression they're watching me closely - reading the thread and waiting until I'm exhausted so I can finally turn around
I wish I had an old one - I would start talking about levels )) Levels are levels - I can see them... The question is which level we go to and when... if we turn around... a pullback or a reversal...?
After yesterday's FOMC report, the dollar was getting stronger. I think that's it - a reversal. And yes - at the opening of the euro went down. Equity began to flatten - Genca slammed the fall to 120%, but no - they decided to continue... And now the jaws opened again )) Now they will play this game - here and there... It's possible the villains will crawl up to 1.138 )) Why not just pop yesterday and go there? But no - you have to mislead people
Alexey Busygin:

All right, the course is uphill.

What day, by what count?

Day 19 if I'm not mistaken.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Well, that takes time... And I'm a bum on top of it and an idealist. I didn't want to close all deals at equity level 280, but I didn't want to spoil the "number of profitable deals" line... And all of a sudden the Fed Puppets and other individuals start their strange games - God damn it!!! And that's how it is - you're dragging the strap to the last, but it's still dragging and dragging... and there's no end to it... It's like you've been through a lot - as much as +500... but it's still dragging on and on... The most interesting thing - before the risks were bigger and the yoke stretched right up to the moment of plummeting - 200 points. Now I lowered the risks and the strap increased by 500 points - where is the justice in life? I get the impression that they are watching me closely - they read this thread and wait until I am exhausted to finally turn around
Too bad the old one is not here - would now be talking about levels ))). Levels are levels - I can see them... The question is, what level and when we go to... if we turn around... a pullback or a reversal...?
Your analysis is weak, it's always someone's fault! You were too lazy to close, but you weren't too lazy to lock when you should have closed and waited.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Day 19 if I'm not mistaken.

A total of 78 more days.

Now you are in, you can close the bottom lots, it is unlikely the euro will come back that far down in 78 days.

Daniil Stolnikov:
Always like this...
Well, that's what I say - if everything is on paper and you follow your TS accurately - no "dolls" will be afraid of.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Too bad I don't have an old one - I'd start talking about levels now)) Levels are levels - I can see them... The question is which level and when we go... if we turn around... a pullback or a reversal...?

That's where the "seeing" part comes in - a big mistake. When I was making my level indicator, I became very aware of this. At first I thought that everything here was easy. I quickly wrote down the rules and checked them... Woah-woah-woah, levels started appearing in places where I would not have placed them, or vice versa, in places where there was no level at all.

Well, perhaps your "vision" is much cooler than mine, and you never make such mistakes... See for yourself...

Daniil Stolnikov:
Today the situation is like this - after yesterday's FOMC report the dollar got stronger. I think it's time for the reversal. And yes - at the opening of Europe went down. Equity began to flatten - Genca slammed the fall to 120%, but no - they decided to continue... And now the jaws opened again )) Now they will play this game - here and there... It's possible the villains will crawl up to 1.138 )) Why not just shoot there yesterday? But no - we have to mislead people.
Well... I can only repeat my old thought - there is no stable profit on timeframes below one hour. The profit is there, on watches, or better - on dailies. And no news, the FOMC or the Fed are not afraid...