Make your first million - page 120

Get your hundredth margin stake )))
Daniil Stolnikov:
I did the 7-day calculations again. Well, I've got it wrong - 3% is the current amount. Now I'm going to calculate how much I'm going to get in 22 days.

I did it. 86%. It's not gonna be enough.)

4% a day - 127% - that's a bit much.

3.5% - 113.5 - that's good enough.
I have to kill the bear first )))) and then divide the bear's skin)))
Aleksey Vakhrushev:
A bear should be killed first )))), and then the skin should be split)))
It's better to kill it right away - it'll be rotten before you know it.
Day 5. The step is unbuckled little by little

And more fry:

Well, that's good:

Daniil Stolnikov:
I did the 7-day calculations again. Well, I've got it wrong - 3% is the current amount. Now I'm going to calculate how much I'm going to get in 22 days.

I did it. 86%. It's not gonna be enough.)

4% a day - 127% - that's a bit much.

3.5% - 113.5 - that's fine.
You may leave on weekends: on Saturday you withdraw your deposit, work as a money changer near the bank for 2 days, on Monday you go back to Forex.
Get your hundredth margin stake )))
Shh... shh, he really thinks he's going to get rich...
Shh... Shh, he really thinks he's going to get rich...
Well, his appetite has lessened)) then sobering up, then depression, then another binge and so on in a circle)
Aleksey Vakhrushev:
Well, the appetite has already diminished))) then a sobering up, then a depression, then a new spurt and so on in a circle )
don't wait for it!!!