Make your first million - page 157

Alexander Laur:
Don't you believe in the Fed?
Do they exist?
Alexander Laur:
The euras hit the daily low. :)
It has been done hundred times already, during two weeks, but it still did not reach my levels, what a pity, I have been waiting since Monday, I do not know whether to go one more round or to wait till the end
George Merts:

In my opinion, that's cool...

Well... Good luck...

I got mine out. It's all luck from here on out...

Thank you.

Daniil Stolnikov:

Thank you, Alexey, for the kind words!!! Few people can do it today.

I got the hint. I promise not to "dance on the bones". (If you're not rude).

Alexandr Murzin:
Flip back through the chart and see if -100 is often triggered before +10 is triggered. By the way, I took -100 with a reserve. Usually it doesn't go beyond -80 and is rarely +10, more often at least +16.

Exactly 1:10 give or take a bit of luck. The bottom line is a drain on the spread.

Look: in incomplete three months I have achieved a lot - my monthly withdrawal now equals the initial deposit, and what about you?
And you have enough time only to understand how it plummeted (one transaction per day just you will understand after 3 months). Don't you feel sorry for the time, eh?

No, I'll think about the PSB at my leisure, but I beg to differ.


Exactly 1:10 give or take a bit of luck. The upshot is that it's a drain on the spread.

Look: I have achieved a lot in less than three months - my monthly withdrawal now equals the initial deposit, and what about you?
And you have enough time only to understand how it plunges (one transaction a day just to understand after 3 months). Don't you feel sorry for the time, eh?

No, I will think about PSB at my leisure, but I ask you to reconsider.

You are lucky that you managed to withdraw yours before the pyramid closed.
Alexander Laur:

Day four: +14.07%

Total: +76.71%.




Okay, someone was expecting skins!

I will give you a skin, be jealous and lick your fingers.

I just made one, to go with the action.

is this a demo or realAlexey Busygin
Is this a demo or realAlexey Busygin
This is real
Alexandr Murzin:
You're lucky you managed to withdraw yours before the pyramid closed.

I've made a big dent in the event's profitability with this conclusion, by the way. However, I think that I did the right thing - neither the toad of the viper, nor the greed of the freeman...

But it would be nice to know more about pyramids, not to make silly remarks without knowing the way.


I've made a big dent in the event's profitability with this conclusion, by the way. However, I think that I did the right thing - neither the toad of the viper, nor the greed of the freeman...

But it would be nice to know more about pyramids, so as not to make silly statements without knowing the way.

I would talk to you about pyramids, about marketing your system, but..:

1. 1. You have chosen a wrong forum, comrade!
2. It's a thankless task - we've been through it, we've asked it...

You're looking in the wrong place, by God!!! MMGP and others like it - help yourself! Or other places filled with the gray masses... You've got a head on your shoulders. You should know that you won't get anything here - the contingent is a little different... People here know how to think and count... or at least try to... They think with their heads. In the world of easy money, MLM and other heresies, most people, enticed by people like you, can not even calculate the basic marketing and understand how unrealizable their dream of big money!

So if you have anything on Forex, you are welcome - you are always welcome!!! If not, sorry.