Do You Get THAT Feeling?


Hello...I will use This Thread from time to time whenever I get that Special Feeling right before Something BIG will Happen...Looking @ Charts now, it is obvious that The Big Moment is just hours ( if not less time ) away if my guts are not being dishonest with me...Enjoy:)

You are welcome to post in here when something peculiar catches your eye...and you think something is going to have an inside information about future Market Moves as our politicians do:)


They are squeezing the EURUSD so much that it will burst violently.

The pressure is building on both sides - I do not think that anybody knows exactly what are the possible results of this position. It is like a bubble but more dangerous let's see...I don't think we have to wait long


Nikkei -500...telling us something?...I don't speak Japaneese...


...move on EURUSD was not violent enough...O'h crap...I was expecting more usual...

...move on EURUSD was not violent enough...O'h crap...I was expecting more usual...

EURUSD wen right back to the daily support line now. I think that only in the coming weeks we are going to see the "happy end" (for whoever wins the war)


I think this will be interesting date/time for EURUSD, 1.31/12:00-16:00 PM EST time's kind of quiet for this time of the year...there will be an act #2...just a feeling I get...


i got my special feeling almost daily at the moment, and i call it the nuts trades.


so trade against your will be in a better place...:)

i got my special feeling almost daily at the moment, and i call it the nuts trades.
I think this will be interesting date/time for EURUSD, 1.31/12:00-16:00 PM EST time

OK, here is new date that will be interesting to watch.,

EURUSD, Feb, 5/00:00-04:00 AM EST time