Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 71


This is a thing to think of : NSA Leak: "Washington Is Negotiating With Every Nation That Borders China... So As To 'Confront' Beijing"

Not of "friends" are spying on "friends". They have always spied on each other because they are "friends"

This is a thing to think of : NSA Leak: "Washington Is Negotiating With Every Nation That Borders China... So As To 'Confront' Beijing" Not of "friends" are spying on "friends". They have always spied on each other because they are "friends"

I remember time, when China's main export was - straw baskets...then during end of Reagan administration there was an orchestrated effort to "do business in China" we see how it all worked out...we created a monster...

I remember time, when China's main export was - straw baskets...then during end of Reagan administration there was an orchestrated effort to "do business in China" we see how it all worked out...we created a monster...

That is a nation that existed long, long time before usa was created (mainly from Briton criminals). What did usa bosses expect : that countries like China, Russia, ... Greece will bow and say "Yes boss, you are the boss of the world"?

rubbish...fairy tales from Sorcha Faal... China Warns Russia That “State Of War” Now Exists With United States

"The land of free and the home of the brave" : History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890 , The US is now involved in 134 wars or none, depending on your definition of 'war' | GlobalPost

Rubbish indeed ...

PS: "The following is a partiallist of U.S. military interventions from 1890 to 2014."

"The land of free and the home of the brave" : History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890 , The US is now involved in 134 wars or none, depending on your definition of 'war' | GlobalPost

Rubbish indeed ...

PS: "The following is a partiallist of U.S. military interventions from 1890 to 2014."

they've been all over the World and still don't know geography...

they've been all over the World and still don't know geography...

Yep. They never will

Yep. They never will the way...World maps are so much different today than they were say 30 years ago...the locations of islands and continents are different...


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