Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 60


So what else is new

:) So what else is new

The news would be if they told the truth (like in "it is not a news when dog bites a man, but when a man bites a dog")

The news would be if they told the truth (like in "it is not a news when dog bites a man, but when a man bites a dog")

Nagh ... this is the "news" : In Stunning U-Turn, NBC Retracts Story That Obama Lied About bin Laden

That is what they call "the freedom of the press"


Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me...

Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me...

NBC was simply reminded that they have the same boss as Obama. And after the boss used NBC to send out a warning message to a runaway disciple (after all, not all can be Bushes or Clintons ), the message should be wiped out (could hurt the choice of future disciple)


one gaze at today's Yahoo! front page and innocent onlooker will notice where wind blows...and who is doing the blow.


Seymour Hersh Slams Establishment Media: "I Am Not Backing Off Anything I Said" :

"...if anyone didn’t think the president was going to f##k [the Pakistani military] they are out of their mind. He was always going to f##k them.... The White House has been very clever about this. They have gone after me personally. They don’t like me boo hoo hoo.... Don’t turn this into some sort of profound anti-American statement."

Seymour Hersh Slams Establishment Media: "I Am Not Backing Off Anything I Said" :

he might carry self mutilating thoughts...

he might carry self mutilating thoughts...

One more suicide?

One more suicide?

by a nail gun