Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 75


Trump is going to run as will insure Hillary winning it all

Trump is going to run as will insure Hillary winning it all

Was there ever any doubt that Buffet & Co puppet is going to win?

Was there ever any doubt that Buffet & Co puppet is going to win?

From moment one (December 4, 2014) : Warren Buffett's latest investment: Hillary Clinton - Fortune

What is told there is just a tip of an iceberg

From moment one (December 4, 2014) : Warren Buffett's latest investment: Hillary Clinton - Fortune What is told there is just a tip of an iceberg

It goes even before that date (when Buffet started preaching that Hillary Clinton is the best candidate for US president). From that day on, it started

Schools and police are using V-STAG to assess a students threat level:

"The Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines (V-STAG) is a school-based manualized process designed to help school administrators, mental health staff, and law enforcement officers assess and respond to threat incidents involving students in kindergarten through 12th grade and prevent student violence."

The war on terror is out of control! Watch out that kindergartenkid could be a threat!

Intervention Summary - Virginia Student Threat Assessment Guidelines


it's been done in USSR...some kids with syphilitic grandparents were not suited for going to they stayed home and were giving beatings to normal kids after school ...later in life those children (with syphilitic grands) got into jail system and it's not a bad thing to evaluate kids at kindergarten level...

it's been done in USSR...some kids with syphilitic grandparents were not suited for going to they stayed home and were giving beatings to normal kids after school ...later in life those children (with syphilitic grands) got into jail system and it's not a bad thing to evaluate kids at kindergarten level...

Imagine this : a 3 years old kid tells to another kid "I will nuke you" or "I am the master of the universe...", or anything that any normal kid does tell in some stage of its life. And its life is over

Of course, provided that the kids parents are not Clintons, or Bushes, or Kennedies, or Buffets, or Gates ... well you get the picture. The later will get an award for telling that same thing because it shows its "leadership initiative"

Imagine this : a 3 years old kid tells to another kid "I will nuke you" or "I am the master of the universe...", or anything that any normal kid does tell in some stage of its life. And its life is over Of course, provided that the kids parents are not Clintons, or Bushes, or Kennedies, or Buffets, or Gates ... well you get the picture. The later will get a recommendation for telling that same thing

I understand your point...common sense evaluation is good...but the *******s in power might use it for their evil purposes...


Poland will never join a 'burning' eurozone, says central bank governor

Poland will not join the euro while the bloc remains in danger of “burning”, its central bank governor said.

Marek Belka, who has also served as the country’s prime minister, said the turmoil in Greece had weakened confidence in the single currency.

“You shouldn’t rush when there is still smoke coming from a house that was burning. It is simply not safe to do so. As long as the eurozone has problems with some of its own members, don’t expect us to be enthusiastic about joining,” he said.

In a stark warning, Mr Belka also said the world was running out of ammunition to fight the next financial crisis.