Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 28

I have a "feeling" today that talk of tomorrow will be situation on nucelar plant in Ukraine...

Is Ukraine Hiding A Huge Radiation Leak At The Largest Nuclear Power Plant In Europe?


I believe it's out of hiding since somewhere that there is a confirmed radiation leak...


wars and the rumors of wars... Google Translate


How low can you go?!

Onlinemagazin @OnlineMagazin · 37 min.

#Moscow riot police true heroes: Arrest seniors. Shame. #Russia #Manezhka


Protests Erupt Across The Country In The Wake Of Ferguson Grand Jury Decision: See The Photos - MTV


Obama Sanctions North Korea For Sony Hack Which Was Perpetrated By Disgruntled Former Employee

US foreign policy just jumped the shark: a few days after both the FBI and the US State department were humiliated when it was revealed that it wasn't North Korea but a disgruntled, laid off Sony employeethat was responsible for the "hack", and when the best possible course of action would have been to simply let this latest embarrassing incident fade from memory, moments ago Obama - currently not working out next to a rainbowor flashing his support of "Shaka"- just signed his first executive order of 2015, imposing even moresanctions against North Korea.

From Bloomberg:

President Obama signs order imposing additional sanctions on North Korea in response to country’s “efforts to undermine U.S. cyber-security and intimidate U.S. businesses and artists exercising their right of freedom of speech,” according to Treasury Dept statement.

Sanctions target 3 entities, 10 individuals

Including North Korea’s intelligence agency, arms dealer, North Korea’s representatives in Namibia, Sudan, Iran, Syria, China

“Even as the FBI continues its investigation into the cyber-attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment, these steps underscore that we will employ a broad set of tools to defend U.S. businesses and citizens, and to respond to attempts to undermine our values or threaten the national security of the United States,” Treasury Sec. Lew says in statement

That this action is so stupid no amount of commentary would possibly do it justice is quite clear, which is why we patiently await North Korean TV to escalate its comedic feud with the "monkey in a tropical jungle."
Bottom line: the hacker was a disgruntled employee, and the leaked email situation was promptly used by studio execs to dupe the idiot public into believing it was their sworn patriotic duty to watch a failed comedic flop, generating revenues of over $20 million for what would have been a total dud. Which is why expect none of this to get any media coverage.

In the meantime, Obama almost launched another war over yet another video. So generally par for the course, bad pun intended.


...talking to paid shills on various forums...I feel like sending them all back to school...the IQ and level of education is way below average...considering that their masters are retards...I guess to be stupid is a new o'k...

...talking to paid shills on various forums...I feel like sending them all back to school...the IQ and level of education is way below average...considering that their masters are retards...I guess to be stupid is a new o'k...

Just the name of the game changed ...

Just the name of the game changed ...

That is a pattern already

Nothing have changed in the last 50 years