Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 56

you are talking Fun-Da-Mentals?

Mentals... and big Ben :)

Mentals... and big Ben :)

there is more and more anecdotal...and not so much anecdotal evidence that something is going on...I can sense my business people are acting describe it more or less correctly...the "Rich" so greedy over the last year...that you can literally see saliva flowing out of their mouth...but there is NO FOOD!...all of a sudden...I tried to describe it as close as I can now...

there is more and more anecdotal...and not so much anecdotal evidence that something is going on...I can sense my business people are acting describe it more or less correctly...the "Rich" so greedy over the last year...that you can literally see saliva flowing out of their mouth...but there is NO FOOD!...all of a sudden...I tried to describe it as close as I can now...

That always goes in cycles

That is the human nature

true that...but...I find it hardly believable...come on...Soros?!...that guy is an idiot...

Billionaire Hypocrisy: George Soros May Owe $7 Billion In Taxes

George Soros likes to say the rich should pay more taxes. A substantial part of his wealth, though, comes from delaying them. While building a record as one of the world’s greatest investors, the 84-year-old billionaire used a loophole that allowed him to defer taxes on fees paid by clients and reinvest them in his fund, where they continued to grow tax-free. At the end of 2013, Soros—through Soros Fund Management—had amassed $13.3 billion through the use of deferrals, according to Irish regulatory filings by Soros…


his wealth comes from insider information...I believe exclusively

his wealth comes from insider information...I believe exclusively

The same as Buffet (remember that Buffets company was selling news to HFTs before they were released - now he claims that he does not do that any more, and of course, I believe him ) but both are live and happy and buying politicians before breakfast when they think that they are going to benefit from that that day (or the next couple of centuries)

Nobody (but nobody) ever mentioned a word "Jail" when those two are concerned

The same as Buffet (remember that Buffets company was selling news to HFTs before they were released - now he claims that he does not do that any more, and of course, I believe him ) but both are live and happy and buying politicians before breakfast when they think that they are going to benefit from that that day (or the next couple of centuries) Nobody (but nobody) ever mentioned a word "Jail" when those two are concerned

I remember the "noise" some number of years ago...when they gave 7! years to a guy from pharmaceutical company...who was actually doing something good (creating new medical treatments)...poor soul made like 200K on some insider news he wasn't suppose to trade...(Soros and Buffet ARE THE NEWS...they create them...but...there is others behind them...who get their cut...making it possible and safe for "Sorose's and Buffets" to operate the way they are)


He got 6 times at the top of the list - without bribing anybody of course :

David Rockefeller’s Sixth Heart Transplant Successful at Age 99 World News Daily Report

The dream of transplanting sick head to healthy body still not on agenda

He got 6 times at the top of the list - without bribing anybody of course :

David Rockefeller’s Sixth Heart Transplant Successful at Age 99 World News Daily Report

The dream of transplanting sick head to healthy body still not on agenda

He is searching for a heart of GOLD! (those "folks" scared of meeting their Creator )...he needs a brain transplant as well

The last heart came from Ukraine???

I like his style...- Hanuatu Island complex...sounds wonderful!...Island of Dr. Moreau.....