Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 84


Read This Before The Mainstream Media Uses A Drowned Refugee Boy To Start Another War :

A baby boy turned to flotsam. Washed up on the shore, face down in the mud. Warmongers in government and the media are perversely but predictably trying to conscript Aylan’s corpse into their march to escalation. They are contending that Aylan died because the West has not intervened against Syria’s dictator Bashar al-Assad, and that it must do so now to spare other children the same fate. Um, no, Aylan’s family were Kurdish refugees from Kobani who had to flee that city when it was besieged, not by Assad, but by Assad’s enemy: ISIS.

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Read This Before The Mainstream Media Uses A Drowned Refugee Boy To Start Another War : read more

when there is a will (to start a war)...there is a way (to start a war)


I don't understand all that fear of invasion in Europe...Not long ago a refugee from Syria impregnated American girl...who later gave birth to Steve Jobs...Imagine 20 million male refugees from Syria impregnating 20 million Western girls...some forcefully, some not...and in 9 short months around 10 million Steve Jobse's will crowl out of mother's wombs!!!

I don't understand all that fear of invasion in Europe...Not long ago a refugee from Syria impregnated American girl...who later gave birth to Steve Jobs...Imagine 20 million male refugees from Syria impregnating 20 million Western girls...some forcefully, some not...and in 9 short months around 10 million Steve Jobse's will crowl out of mother's wombs!!!

There will be jobs as much as you can dream of

There will be jobs as much as you can dream of

jobs processing welfare payments

jobs processing welfare payments

They told it all so long ago :


Czech Politician Has "Solution" For Refugee Crisis - Concentration Camps

Following Hungarian cameramen kicking 10-year-old girl refugees, and Czech police hauling immigrants of trains and writing numbers on their arms, it appears the horrors of the past are quickly forgotten when it comes to 'solutions' for the present. As The Jerusalem Post reports, the leader of the Czech 'nationalist' National Democracy Party, has called for refugees to be placed in Terezin - a former Nazi concentration camp - "Why build tent camps for the aliens? We have the beautiful fortress town of Terezin where the aliens could concentrate before they are taken home by trains." Police are investigating whether his comments constitute a criminal act and Czech Jewish leaders have refused to comment on the incident.

Czech Politician Has "Solution" For Refugee Crisis - Concentration Camps | Zero Hedge