Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 103


That is known for a long time - nothing will be done. as usual


GOP Debate Post-Mortem: "Chaos" Trump, "Full Vagina" Fiorina, & "Thug-Life" Cruz

Despite the best efforts to "Le Pen" Trump out of the debate, he still managed to garner the highest votes among poll audiences with regard who 'won' the debate, focusing on killing ISIS family members, border walls, shutting down the internet, and fixing America's roads and bridges. Ben Carson's moment of silence was his first truthful statement in months. The comes the Cruz-Rubio-Paul-Kasich death-match of who can explain Sunni-Shia turmoil in the most confusing way (with 'coughing' Cruz calling himself the most determined "thug" and Rubio lashing out at Cruz's plans to carpet-bomb Syria). Jeb took a swing at Trump as the "chaos president"and missed.In sum, aside from an Iowa conservative radio host who endorsed Cruz proclaiming Fiorina went "full vagina,"the GOP debate appeared more a dick-measuring competition as contestant after contestant lined up to seem more hawkish.

And the winner is...


GOP Debate Post-Mortem: "Chaos" Trump, "Full Vagina" Fiorina, & "Thug-Life" Cruz

Despite the best efforts to "Le Pen" Trump out of the debate, he still managed to garner the highest votes among poll audiences with regard who 'won' the debate, focusing on killing ISIS family members, border walls, shutting down the internet, and fixing America's roads and bridges. Ben Carson's moment of silence was his first truthful statement in months. The comes the Cruz-Rubio-Paul-Kasich death-match of who can explain Sunni-Shia turmoil in the most confusing way (with 'coughing' Cruz calling himself the most determined "thug" and Rubio lashing out at Cruz's plans to carpet-bomb Syria). Jeb took a swing at Trump as the "chaos president"and missed.In sum, aside from an Iowa conservative radio host who endorsed Cruz proclaiming Fiorina went "full vagina,"the GOP debate appeared more a dick-measuring competition as contestant after contestant lined up to seem more hawkish.

And the winner is...

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Huh, this is the first time I've heard about this.

Huh, this is the first time I've heard about this.

A lot of things is not told to us.We are but slaves


Huge Fukushima Cover-Up Exposed, Government Scientists In Meltdown

Fukushima radiation just off the North American coast is higher now than it has ever been,and government scientists and mainstream press are scrambling to cover-up and downplay the ever-increasing deadly threat that looms for millions of Americans.