Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 27


as if... ...(there is contingency plans for any arising need for new laws)

I know that THIS! is not related to trading...but...but...Where do I start?! Filmmaker, Author Sues Big Media Over Sandy Hook � Memory Hole
Lawsuit Seeks $1 Trillion For Fraud and Terrorism in Sensationalized Coverage of “Staged FEMA Exercise”

That would be something. But seeing the cause :

“After exhaustive research, the good news is that overwhelming evidence reveals that no children or teachers died at Sandy Hook two years ago. For relief, I have filed lawsuits against the media in US District Court in New Haven for Fraud and Terrorism. Here is an example of our abundant evidence, Exhibit D: The Connecticut State Police dash cams record no evacuation of children from school at critical moments: — Smoking Gun evidence no children died at Sandy Hook.”

it would be good that finally someone stops the flood of false statements (lies) in the media


I get the feeling, that whoever wrote it is absolutely correct: Magic Growth Numbers From US Government / Sputnik International


Supreme Court Rules Police Can Violate The 4th Amendment (If They Are Ignorant Of The Law) :

The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and requires any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause.


I have a "feeling" today that talk of tomorrow will be situation on nucelar plant in Ukraine...


2 side notes: "March 3 was six days before the S&P 500 hit an intraday low of 666.""

Only "ninja"...can understand an "insider trader"... Wall Street Bear Discussion Board: View Thread