Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 50


Martial-law? Where do they plan martial law? I have a felling that it is somewhere else where they plan it

The "lords of the world" will not like that

That news was denied (Russia denies German report it is ready to sign gas deal with Greece | Reuters )


do you mean someone is lying? ...not on that level!

do you mean someone is lying? ...not on that level!

Why no ...

When did you see media on a war path not telling the truth Wasn't this part enough :

According to Spiegel, citing a senior figure in the ruling Syriza party, Greece is poised to sign a gas deal with Russia as early as Tuesday which could bring up to €5 billion into the depleted Greek coffers.

Griechenland und Russland: Syriza hofft auf Pipeline-Milliarden - SPIEGEL ONLINE


That is the way they do it these days - tell whatever, and then, when all heard it, make a small print (if ever) ... usual policy of disinformation - they are getting ready for something else


"they are getting ready for something else"....this is for sure...

Breaking News ‏@Breaking911 1m1 minute ago

President Obama Abruptly Left The White House Moments Ago on Unscheduled trip, Destination Unknown, per @ByronTau


any growing issue now seems the euro will continue to be depressed against the dollar. right?