Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 146

He is not president yet. He is going to break all records Obama made
He is not president yet. He is going to break all records Obama made
...sometimes I wonder if turn to fascism is necessary...half of population in the states are treasonous retards...
...sometimes I wonder if turn to fascism is necessary...half of population in the states are treasonous retards...
More than half ...

everything goes according to plan...

"He was found with a gun in his right hand, in an apparent suicide attempt" 


everything goes according to plan...

"He was found with a gun in his right hand, in an apparent suicide attempt" 

He was probably cleaning his ears :)
He was probably cleaning his ears :)
Radical cleaning :)
I got a feeling...
Not yet :)

Financial spread-betting and CFD giant CMC Markets is thinking over moving away from the UK after the FCA’s decision to cap leverage to 1:50 and to introduce other restrictive measures to forex and CFD trading. The broker is mulling to relocate chunks of its business to Germany, where it has already established itself as a leading CFDs provider.

On one hand, the relocation idea appears to be quite logical, since CMC Markets is already the largest retail CFD provider in the country. On another hand, however, the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht – BaFin) has also announced its intentions to “limit the marketing, distribution and sale of financial contracts for difference (CFDs) with an additional payments obligation” to retail clients.


Erdogan Says He Has "Confirmed Evidence" The US Supports ISIS

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said he has evidence that U.S.-led coalition forces give support to terrorist groups including the Islamic State and Kurdish militant groups YPG and PYD, he said on Tuesday. "We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos."