Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 51


Brussels sprouts.....


Günter Grass Before His Death: "We Are Heading Toward a World War"

"Dieselben Fehler wie früher": Grass mahnte: "Steuern auf großen Krieg zu" -

Günter Grass Before His Death: "We Are Heading Toward a World War" "Dieselben Fehler wie früher": Grass mahnte: "Steuern auf großen Krieg zu" -

when someone speaks German it's already sounds like a war have started ...

it's really quiet on Forex-TSD today.........................................................

when someone speaks German it's already sounds like a war have started ... it's really quiet on Forex-TSD today.........................................................

Not so much (I can see the number of visitors in each moment, and it is actually higher than usual) - just that people are not talking too much. Heavy feeling in everybody. Maybe my outburst the other day was unexpected for some .

Not so much (I can see the number of visitors in each moment, and it is actually higher than usual) - just that people are not talking too much. Heavy feeling in everybody. Maybe my outburst the other day was unexpected for some .

what outburst?...I missed the good part?!

what outburst?...I missed the good part?!

The usual moderation / administration things that some think do not apply to "chosen ones"

The usual moderation / administration things that some think do not apply to "chosen ones"

I understand

Günter Grass Before His Death: "We Are Heading Toward a World War" "Dieselben Fehler wie früher": Grass mahnte: "Steuern auf großen Krieg zu" -

And then he died ...

At least he is not going to see the war