Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 55


Mladen...that's a lie...yes there is no opportunity over here...but...I remember my family living in much worst financial condition...while always maintaining clean living quarters for ourselves and never stealing or trying to take something for nothing by force or by another words...maintaining our "human" image...I am sick and tired of "officials" coming in with their fucking "explanations" of why...there is no "why"...there is only degradation...

Mladen...that's a lie...yes there is no opportunity over here...but...I remember my family living in much worst financial condition...while always maintaining clean living quarters for ourselves and never stealing or trying to take something for nothing by force or by another words...maintaining our "human" image...I am sick and tired of "officials" coming in with their fucking "explanations" of why...there is no "why"...there is only degradation...

Isn't that the "master plan" : when things like these happen always some nice talking sob emerges and becomes a politician (and his children, and their children, and their children). That was described a long time ago : Big Brother was/is the one that was always speaking the nicest - and that is why he was/is adored

Isn't that the "master plan" : when things like these happen always some nice talking sob emerges and becomes a politician (and his children, and their children, and their children). That was described a long time ago : Big Brother was/is the one that was always speaking the nicest - and that is why he was/is adored

blame game always works...:)

blame game always works...:)
“The best way to avoid becoming a scapegoat is to find one.”

. :):)


black sheep, scapegoat and a white crow walk into a bar....


What difference does it make right now?!!!!!!????

Pava: belong...ouch!

just a reflection.................

just a reflection.................


As long as there is FED - you never know

Remember who was Yellens teacher?


As long as there is FED - you never know

Remember who was Yellens teacher?

you are talking Fun-Da-Mentals?