Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 124


Trump Accuses Obama Of Being The "Founder Of ISIS; Crooked Hillary Clinton Is The Co-Founder"

“ISIS is honoring President Obama,” Trump said during a rally in Fort Lauderdale, adding that “He is the founder of ISIS. He founded ISIS." He did not spare Hillary either: "I would say the co-founder would be ‘Crooked’ Hillary Clinton,” Trump added of his Democratic rival.
it was natural......gas
it was natural......gas
Hillery on the run ...
Hillery on the run ...
doesn't look so...looks like she is in charge
Pursuant to earlier reports on the plans of the European Commission (EC) to impose strict regulation on cryptocurrencies as part of its “Action Plan for strengthening the fight against terrorist financing”, it appears that the Commission is considering the introduction of a register of Bitcoin users.
The new EC proposals, according to media reports, includes a central database for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency users’ identities and wallet addresses, which would be accessible to government financial intelligence units. So far there appear to be two main options concerning the users: mandatory or voluntary registration.

Old news I guess,Hillary the puppet and Soros one of the puppet masters.


Old news I guess,Hillary the puppet and Soros one of the puppet masters.

I doubt Soros is a puppet muster...I think he is taking orders from someone also.

...everything is under CONTROL:

it's a train wreck: 

I doubt Soros is a puppet muster...I think he is taking orders from someone also.
good thinking , he's takin order from popper's hologram

What To Wear When Attempting To Take Over The World