Traders Forum


What do you think of the 'code protection' thread? A discussion about market mechanisms started there, but as soon as I tried to figure it out, all the participants in the discussion disappeared.

Let's track them down and bring them back to the thread so we can get to the truth together.

What is going on anyway? Every topic is filled with superficial opinions. Only requests to help with programming are more or less clear when they get a response at all. Why any unknown participant of the forum may suddenly start referring to you out of the blue? Why do many forum members think newcomers to the forum are new to everything? So on and so forth.

Who in the community would like to change something about it and what suggestions do you have? I don't want to make a "coup", but I would like to have a comfortable thematic environment. If you have any concerns about how the forum works too, post about it! Maybe I'm not the only one who sees rubbish. Maybe the forum will be better moderated. Maybe discussions will become more consistent and respectful.

Respectfully, forum member.

IlyaF писал (а) >>

Why would any unfamiliar forum member suddenly start referring to them as "you"?

It makes them feel more comfortable. Why does it bother you? Do you think you deserve to be addressed as "YOU"? How is using "you" different from using "you"? Does it offend or insult you? So you assume this desire in your interlocutor from the very beginning? Look at children. They say 'You' to everyone. They are not offended by it because they are aware that children are not offended by YOUR name. It just makes him feel more comfortable. He doesn't know there's another word for you.


IlyaF, I'm far from a young man myself, but I don't have anything against using the word "you" - regardless of personality and its experience, age, authority, etc. But if you want me to address you as "you" - you are welcome.

There have already been many statements on the subject of protection, search the forum by using the search form. The resource owner's point of view is well known ("ex4 does not make sense to decompile, while protection is reliable") and does not change.

The only method I see is "save yourself": either don't distribute your products at all, or handle the protection yourself. Personally, this isn't a problem for me at all: if I'm going to distribute my products, only to reliable and trusted people, from whom I don't expect any catch in the form of a potentially decompiled file posted on or my website.

KimIV писал (а) >>

They are more comfortable communicating that way. Why does it bother you? Do you think you deserve to be addressed as YOU? What is the difference between "you" and "you"? Does it humiliate you or insult you? So you assume this desire in your interlocutor from the very beginning? Look at children. They say 'you' to everyone. They are not offended by it because they are aware that children are not offended by it. It just makes him feel more comfortable. He does not know that there is another word 'YOU'.

Not so harsh! It's a delicate, cautious approach, like starting with an unobtrusive invitation to "do you want to talk about it?"

IlyaF писал (а) >>

What do you think of the 'code protection' thread? A discussion on market mechanisms started there, but as soon as I tried to figure it out, all the participants disappeared.

Let's track them down and bring them back to the thread so we can get to the truth together!

What is going on anyway? Every topic is filled with superficial opinions. Only a request to help with programming is more or less clear when it gets a response at all. Why any unfamiliar forum participant can suddenly start referring to "you" out of the blue? Why do many forum members think newcomers to the forum are new to everything? So on and so forth.

Who in the community would like to change something about it and what suggestions do you have? I don't want to make a "coup", but I would like to have a comfortable thematic environment. If you have any concerns about how the forum works too, post about it! Maybe I'm not the only one who sees rubbish. Maybe the forum will be better moderated. Maybe discussions will become more consistent and respectful.

Respectfully, forum member.

:)) Yeah, here's the thing -- :)) I wanted to tell you all the answers to all the questions :)) I must have written about 50 lines... Pressed add comment and only five words were added... So here's the deal... :)) But I won't think and type a second time... :)) And it's not the first time... so you won't know the secrets of forex... for a properly tuned engine will destroy them...

IlyaF писал (а) >>
I can only add - Timbo is good and right, and there is nothing to clarify everything is clear enough... :))

Here's the thing. Internet forums are a community of people who know nothing about each other. I emphasise - nothing. No one can guess who is hiding under a given nickname - a cheater or an honest one, a fraud or a truthful one, a professional or an amateur, an experienced or an amateur. Who? It is impossible to determine. Of course, each forum has a "backbone" of people who have long communicated on this forum, of course communicate outside the forum (Skype, asia) and already know more about each other and know approximately what each represents and have established themselves on this forum. They form that part of the community that enjoys communicating on the forum, trust each other and listen to each other's opinions. But most of their communication, I think, takes place outside the forum (asya, skype). But most forums (that I've been to) are nothing but cursing and useless attempts to prove something to each other, because everyone thinks he is smarter than the other. Why does this happen? The answer was above - no one knows anything about each other. Who is the newcomer? The answer is - HZ.

P.S. And if in real life you can answer for your bullshit, so in life everyone thinks first and then says, but on the Internet no one is responsible for anything, so they write whatever they want. And how can you tell whether someone is writing "the case" or not? As they say, "paper wipes out everything".

LeoV писал (а) >>

>> you can answer for that.

That's what my boy's talking about.

LeoV писал (а) >>

As they say, "paper will endure anything".

>> Magnetic media :-)

YuraZ писал (а) >>

magnetic media :-)

And magnetic media even more so. It can also be erased........:-)

IlyaF писал (а) >>

. Why would any unfamiliar forum member suddenly start referring to me as "you"? Respectfully, forum member.

It is often difficult to address a person who in his first (after registration) message makes several mistakes in one word such as "indekatar" .

and usually reply in the same way...