Traders Forum - page 28

A true loser to his loseress
Never showed up with a carnation in his buttonhole,
♪ Losers for their loser girl ♪
♪ Don't buy Bonk's two-volume books ♪

♪ In the morning, a loser doesn't want ♪
to push her husband to walk to work in the morning,
♪ A loser doesn't bring home half his paycheck ♪
With a look of guilt and a look of despondency;

♪ Losers like to sit by the screen ♪
¶ losers like to lie on the couch ¶
¶ there's no management over losers ¶
♪ A loser won't fight for a seat ♪

¶ a true loser is free and poor ¶
¶ a true loser is happy as children ¶
¶ a true loser doesn't wear a jacket ¶
Here's to losers and to the idea!
SK. писал (а) >>

It can, of course.

But on the precondition that the interlocutors are not trying to slap each other around, but want to reach an understanding on some issue.

But there aren't many of them. Almost all participants defend their egos, easily passing from slaps to outright insults.

I don't think there's any point in continuing. At any rate, I won't participate in this anymore.

Why are you withdrawing? Are you indifferent to the development of the forum? It seems to me that just your participation may encourage many to think about the form of communication here.

Do you think that the motive behind my discussion of market mechanisms was to assert my ego? I argue that it was to understand these processes that I brought up this topic and asked participants to argue their opinions, so that the discussion would not turn into a trivial useless exchange of remarks, which it actually did. The perpetrators of this I have scolded here. I don't like that they have violated my freedom to go to the heart of things. If someone does not want to go to the heart of things, I do not mind, I do not force. However, he should know that in such a case, it is a good idea to step back and not prevent others from doing so. Do you agree with me, SK?

IlyaF писал (а) >>

I too found the reaction of many participants to your nickname strange, Anna. I think your beautiful avatar made too much of an impression on them too :)

I think people tend to see what they want to see. I also think people tend to relegate in their judgement what they will never achieve. I'm not the only one who thinks so, psychology and even some sections of psychiatry think so )) And I also think that if grown men didn't start (and they did) sneering at the girl like kindergarten boys, the world and this forum as a unit of that world would be a better place =)

Infiniti-g37 писал (а) >>

...that's what psychology and even some sections of psychiatry think ))...

Maybe you're also familiar with Alfred Adler's psychology?

YuraZ писал (а) >>

No doubt about it...


many who write tradingsoftware don't trade themselves...

to be a good programmer - trading is not a prerequisite,

and that doesn't stop you from makingmoney - quite successfully


I'm talking about scale. It is a rare programmer who is able to buy a car for more than a million, but a successful trader (although there are far fewer of them) is quite common. So it was logical to assume that since there are traders here, at least some of them are well off. And the community's reaction to the new member's nickname was very similar to the fact that just no... Not wealthy traders live here at all. Yuri, I am not interested in an argument, just pointing out that indeed many have behaved unkindly. They have had to write such useless and stupid comments. Sometimes it's amazing how strange and ridiculous things can be.

Integer писал (а) >>

Maybe you are also familiar with Alfred Adler's psychology.

The question sounds like "can you also write with spelling?". Don't you think you look exactly like Anna says: a kindergarten boy who tries to pull a girl's pigtails every time? :)

IlyaF писал (а) >>

The question looks like "can you spell, too? Don't you think you look exactly like Anna says: a kindergarten boy who tries to pull a girl's pigtails every time? :)

If that's what it looks like to you, that's what it looks like to you.

Integer писал (а) >>

If it seems that way to you, it seems that way to you.

I asked you, "Don't you think so?

IlyaF писал (а) >>

Why are you withdrawing? Are you indifferent to the development of the forum? It seems to me that it is precisely your participation that may encourage many to reflect on the form of communication here.

Do you think that the motive behind my discussion of market mechanisms was to assert my ego? I claim that I created the topic in order to understand these processes and ask participants to justify their opinions, so that the discussion does not become a banal and useless exchange of retorts, which it has actually become. The perpetrators of this I have scolded here. I don't like that they have violated my freedom to go to the heart of things. If someone does not want to go to the heart of things, I do not mind, I do not force. However, he should know that in such a case, it's a good idea to step back and not prevent others from doing so. Do you agree with me, SK?

I suspend because I have had negative experiences with this kind of communication. In my entire history of communication on the Internet (about 15 years) there was only one case where a person listened to the arguments and developed the conversation in order to clarify something for himself and take it on board.

And then. You have to admit that everyone is entitled to their mistakes. You cannot keep offering ready-made solutions and demanding that others ... "should". Everyone has the right to make their own choices, little if those choices don't please us. But we have no right to demand that others live by our charter. Everyone has to go their own way.

As for our motives, for most of us, our motives remain a secret behind the seven seals.

Integer писал (а) >>

Maybe you are also familiar with Alfred Adler's psychology.

>>Yeah. >>And? Do you have anything to say to me about that?