General - page 1402

Hi, this is the market clock gadget showing trading hours of major Stock Exchanges in UTC on one dial. Each concentric segment on a dial shows trading session time of one of the stock markets (grey sectors for current non working/orange sectors for current open stock exchanges). Market...
Concentration is the best way to prevent possible losses in trading currency. If we can't stay focus to our trade I think we should need to exit for a while to protect our trading account and to make a clear decision in analyzing a chart.
  Forex is for every profession.  (87   1 2 3 4 5 ... 8 9)
Everyone is welcome to trade in Forex market, there is no limit working here. You can make Forex as your full time job or even a part time only. Market is open in 24 hours.
There's still no deal in Cyprus. As it stands, the government does not have the votes to pass the bank levy that would be required in order to reopen the banks without a financial collapse. Negotiations remain underway to reschedule the tax (make it more progressive; have it fall more on those with...
Make the time format everywhere not YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM:SS, but YYYY.MM.DD where xxx is milliseconds. I think you know how much happens in one second and in case of bad debugger info from terminal helps a lot. Will you please in the next build ? ;)
Hello, Has anyone else encountered trying to setup signals for an account that mql5 is saying is already in use?? It is my trading account and I know it is not being used for signals. How can this be. Any help would be appreciated. I am looking in your general direction admin.... :)
They will truly teach you how to be successful atwhat you’re trying to accomplish.These guyshave been at it for a long, long time. Tradingforex.comisthere, they have the tools,they will share their tools with you and they will truly teach you how to besuccessful.
The UBS analyst team has cut its EUR/USD forecast for the one-month and tree-month windows and after expecting 1.37 in 1-month and 1.30 in 3-month, the bank is expecting now the pair going to 1.3000 in 1-M and 1.28 in 3-M windows. However, UBS expects the "euro to trade back to 1.20 against the...
[Deleted] If I the scrollbar(CScrollH) with the mouse move, move the chart. How do I disable the chart scroll?
Germany’s role in imposing the euro bloc’s first levy on bank deposits, in Cyprus, shows Chancellor Angela Merkel’s dilemma in explaining to voters facing September elections why they should pick up the tab for another bailout. “I have to go to my constituency and explain to my people in my...
Citi chief economist Willem Buiter has been one of the skeptics towards official policy over the course of the Eurozone crisis. Ever since ECB President Mario Draghi put markets to bed for an extended rest in July with his "whatever it takes to save the euro" speech, Buiter has been pointing out the...
  Scalping  (9)
Hi to all..I'm new to scalping..I'm getting confused on this forum also because there is a lot of material inside..I ask for advice on the best scalping strategies to start trading. Thanks in advance.
USDJPY : USDJPY may have pulled back and tested the 94.45 level on a gap today but continues to hold on to its broader upside medium term. As long as the 94.45 level holds as support, there is risk of an eventual return to the 96.70 level on ending its pullback. A cut through here will call for a
OPEN TRADES (Opened 14:30 AM) 3/18/2013 EUR/USD Buy at 1.2925 Stop at 1.2875 Target at 1.2985 3/18/2013 GBP/USD Buy at 1.5120 Stop at 1.5070 Target at 1.5180
A crucial vote in Cyprus' parliament on a bailout that has sparked huge public anger has been delayed until Tuesday. President Nicos Anastasiades has been meeting MPs in Nicosia and has indicated he wants the terms amended. The 10bn-euro ($13bn; £8.6bn) bailout agreed with the EU and IMF had...
As predicted in our weekly analysis the Asian stocks markets did indeed come tumbling down at the start of the trading week over the shocking Cyprus Bailout levy as discussed yesterday. The Asian stocks declined more than any other trading session in the last 8 months after the International...
The parliamentary vote in Cyprus has now been pushed off until Tuesday amid interesting offers to come out of Russia. The Russian Finance Minister commented that his nation will offer an alternative to the existing Eurozone deal that has caused controversy and disbelief across the world. Read full...
Markets are tanking all around the world thanks to the goings on in a country with a GDP that's less than Shreveport, Louisiana's. The news on Saturday that to bail out Cypriot banks, depositors would get slapped with an instant one-off haircut/tax/stability levy has stunned the world (even...
Planning is useless without following it. It is important to follow your trading plan to be able to control the risk involved in trading currency
In Forex market, it is important to know the return of your investment even you are a scalper to be able not to be discourage to the result of your trade
OPEN TRADES (Opened 8:40 AM) 3/18/2013 EUR/USD Buy at 1.2945 Stop at 1.2895 Target at 1.3005 3/18/2013 GBP/USD Buy at 1.5120 Stop at 1.5070 Target at 1.5180
The HiLine Drag & Drop MTF Colors script may be useful to traders for quickly setting horizontal lines of support and resistance on a chart, the lines are different colors depending on which timeframe they are loaded on for easy reference. To use this script simply select the script in the navigator...
I am searching for good brokers that provide analytical reviews of the markets . I am used to Master Forex , and their analysis are accurate . It is quite good to have a broker that allows you to follow reliable advices . Other brokers just tell you to follow the previous trading session trend
Anybody here have this or using this in FX ?
  Thanks to the first two subscribers!  (82   1 2 3 4 5 ... 8 9)
To the first and second paying subscriber - thanks for subscribing! A bit unexpected, but makes you take more responsibility for what's going on, apart from just learning the intricacies of Signals! Enjoy your cooperation! Ready to communicate with both interested and interested parties in this
The Eurozone finance ministers have decided and agreed as part of the bailout measures for Cyprus a haircut of 10% on all depositors funds (6.7% for deposits under 100k). This essentially means that savers will lose 10% of their savings that are deposited in any Cypriot banks. HOW DOES THIS AFFECT...
According to Bloomberg current exchange rate before Asian session open for EURUSD is 1.2947 and is changing from minute to minute EUR to USD Exchange Rate - Bloomberg
The euro weakened against the dollar and the Swiss franc after euro-area finance ministers agreed to an unprecedented tax on Cypriot bank deposits as part of a rescue plan for the country. Europe’s 17-nation shared currency slid 1.1 percent to $1.2932 at 6:26 p.m. London time. It declined 0.8...
Hi guys, I've just finished part one of an article about the basics of algorithmic trading - aimed at the programmer who is interested in learning the subject, but totally new to finance / forex. Hope you enjoy it! Cheers,...