Would you accept having a little profit? - page 4

profit is profit whether large one or little one.

100% agree... As long as trading is not your only source of making money.


We need to understand that if we have a good trading system that gives us 20 - 25 pips per day with low risk then we can generate good income from trading. So it is better to start accepting little profit.


Yes I had started to accept low profits from forex market. Previously I was used to hold some profit for too long and market reverses on me.


I accept a little profit as long as my account is safe. Besides... what makes sense is a situation in which you aim to gain more than what you’re risking. It makes sense to risk $1 in trying to gain $2, but it doesn’t make sense to risk $2 in order to gain $1.

I accept a little profit as long as my account is safe. Besides... what makes sense is a situation in which you aim to gain more than what you’re risking. It makes sense to risk $1 in trying to gain $2, but it doesn’t make sense to risk $2 in order to gain $1.

Agree, This is why we need better risk and reward ratio


I can easily accept having low profit. I find that if I aim for less and trade on some pairs then collectively I can make a reasonable amount of pips that can be sufficient for my monthly target.


Who wants small profits? Donald Trump's "Think Big" philosophy is most probably more appropriate!

if only a little profit, i would never invest on forex market. I spent a lot of time learning and chose a good broker. my aim is to have a solid investement in the forex world.

Great profits appeal to the mind, but they don't usually lead to lasting survival.

Nowadays, high leverage allows you to make larger transactions with smaller capitals. High leverage is a curse to those who’re ignorant of sound position sizing and risk control, while it’s a blessing to those who’re aware of that.



I have started accepting low profits. It was there all the time in front of me but I never realize. If I trade once a day and aim for 20 - 30 pips I can very easily make 15 - 20 % on my account size each month.


some time we have a little profit. it is ok. because we will have a bad time. signal of you will wrong more than one time. you can lose your money. if we have a little profit it is ok. we will have ability for new profit