Concentration is the main part of this business. - page 3

Concentration is one of the ways to prevent losses, but money management is the BEST WAY to succeed.

Yes of course concentration helps us to save our money from big losses so we have to concentrate well and we will be able to increase the money management skill.


concentration in the trade is very important because it affects the profits and losses earned by the time trade ingredients that should not be underestimated because it concerns the trade of understanding to become a successful trader in the future


Concentration is highly required in trading. You should not let the trade for granted. Good traders keep watching the market and wait the position required to their strategy. If they loose concentration their decision making become disturb.


Let me try to argue with you guys.

Concentration is the sh*t!

It doesn't matter how concentrated you are, it doesn't matter how smart you are, it doesn't matter what college you finished (if any), all what matters is your PERSISTENCE, your GOAL to f*ck up this Forex market and endless willto get rich no matter what (wife has left you? f*ck it! landlord is giving you a stinky eye? f*ck him!) - you are willing to go all the way down, to risk it all, just to become the best out here - and only then you will have determination, probably concentration (you don't have any other option) to take what is yours.

So yeah, endless will to become the best. That's all what it takes. Anywhere.


i think Concentration is very necessary to trade in forex successfully. When we trade in Forex then we should only concentrate only on Forex trading and do not involve in other activities.



It´s all about focus and learn the characteristics of certain underlyings to be potentially successful. - I am working on that.

For my understanding more than 10 would be impossible to handle. Even for Einstein, because you shouldn´t only be aware of the characteristics of the past, but be in for a surprise from whatever side it shall come. - Commodity markets for instance.

A trader has to find his way dealing with the market. And everyone is different. Because of that the play will go on and on and on... ( I don´t want to assume that after no smoking allowed at public places, the next will be "No Trading Allowed" like in India for example). But, who knows everything can happen.

In the meantime be happy, have fun and live your life without tensions as far as posibble.

Search for YOUR kind of HolyGrail Trading. A real trader will never stop to be open for new approaches, but he would never leave his system for un unknown untested other.

If you do not concentrate on you being a trader with confidence, you will have problems.

Nevertheless the most important focus remains Moneymanagement.


Yes it is necessary to work with forex that a trader remain concentrated. Without concentration they can not analyse market well to open positions then they had to decide enter and exit on right time with safe end too. It all is due to concentration and keen interest.

Yes it is necessary to work with forex that a trader remain concentrated. Without concentration they can not analyse market well to open positions then they had to decide enter and exit on right time with safe end too. It all is due to concentration and keen interest.

Concentrated is very important in forex, we will not be able to get maximal result if we are not concentrated. And i think all of business also need concentrated.

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I ride my bicycle and that way do not think of trading at all. If someone thinks of just one thing all the time, he is sure going to be wrong


What you are describing is called - work-life balance.